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The Tesla Coil and Radiant Energy

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  • #16
    I am talking about energy flow and not about a working device I am not sure of your point. As for your energy receiving device have you tried using two copper plates and two aluminium plates to support your theory?

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    • #17
      Originally posted by Raui View Post
      I am talking about energy flow and not about a working device I am not sure of your point. As for your energy receiving device have you tried using two copper plates and two aluminium plates to support your theory?

      No at the moment but Im sure ,how written Donald Lee Smith in dipole transformer generator, that some plates (aluminum/copper) works togheter..


      • #18
        Interesting! Well good luck with your experiments I have two publications you should read if you're interested in receiving radiant energy from space (I assume that's what you're doing). Both are by Gustave LeBon who made two books about radioactivity which are based on Tesla's theory of radioactivity. Thomas Henry Moray made devices based off this theory which received radiant energy from cosmic sources.

        Evolution of Forces
        Evolution of Matter

        I believe we are getting off topic here though. Perhaps make another thread about your radiant energy receiver?

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        • #19
          I just noticed that zamoht's questions haven't been properly answered. The Tesla coil was patented after his discovery of radiant energy. The year that I believe he must have discovered radiant energy would be either late 1890 or early 1891. A Tesla coil is a converter, part is running off 'normal' electricity but is converted into radiant electricity. Hope this helps.

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          • #20
            Originally posted by Raui View Post
            Interesting! Well good luck with your experiments I have two publications you should read if you're interested in receiving radiant energy from space (I assume that's what you're doing). Both are by Gustave LeBon who made two books about radioactivity which are based on Tesla's theory of radioactivity. Thomas Henry Moray made devices based off this theory which received radiant energy from cosmic sources.

            Evolution of Forces
            Evolution of Matter

            I believe we are getting off topic here though. Perhaps make another thread about your radiant energy receiver?

            Don't have sense for me open other thread, don't have more time. I'm finished new reactor for produce gas but I'm interested a lot about that because I think that concept is connected with my work.
            I'm here for understand better what is in fact radiant energy or "electromagnetic radiation energy" as I call that.
            My theory is simple, why use coils when can be possible use simple plates like antenna/capacitor-battery for absorb that energy. I have study a lot Tesla, and I'm pretty sure that radiant energy wavelenght is very similarry to UWB (Ultra Wide Band) , in fact radiant energy "transmit" some wavelenghts at the same time and not only one, for that reason instead use tuned coils I want used different method like "antenna with double plates capacitor".
            I'm also sure that extra energy generated is connected with transmutation of elements. Tesla transmute first air (oxygen/nitrogen with total atomic number 15 ) and after aluminum (atomic number 13). As you know Gray use copper tubes for absorb these energy radiations. After Donald L. Smith use plates of aluminum/copper for create pure energy .. All of these indications are surely connected.. In fact in my diagram I have reassumed all of these , all in one system. I'm also pretty sure that solution used from Lawton EEC is valid, why create now complicated coils when you can use, for storage electrons, standard capacitors? Regards
            Last edited by tutanka; 06-25-2010, 01:00 PM.


            • #21
              this might help...

              Originally posted by tutanka View Post
              Don't have sense for me open other thread, don't have more time. I'm finished new reactor for produce gas but I'm interested a lot about that because I think that concept is connected with my work.
              I'm here for understand better what is in fact radiant energy or "electromagnetic radiation energy" as I call that.
              My theory is simple, why use coils when can be possible use simple plates like antenna/capacitor-battery for absorb that energy. I have study a lot Tesla, and I'm pretty sure that radiant energy wavelenght is very similarry to UWB (Ultra Wide Band) , in fact radiant energy "transmit" some wavelenghts at the same time and not only one, for that reason instead use tuned coils I want used different method like "antenna with double plates capacitor".
              I'm also sure that extra energy generated is connected with transmutation of elements. Tesla transmute first air (oxygen/nitrogen with total atomic number 15 ) and after aluminum (atomic number 13). As you know Gray use copper tubes for absorb these energy radiations. After Donald L. Smith use plates of aluminum/copper for create pure energy .. All of these indications are surely connected.. In fact in my diagram I have reassumed all of these , all in one system. I'm also pretty sure that solution used from Lawton EEC is valid, why create now complicated coils when you can use, for storage electrons, standard capacitors? Regards
              Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Charge Carry

              I think what we are seeing is that radiant energy is only a static charge. When looking at this link you might be able to see how a leyden jar works and how you can charge up aluminum as well after the source is charged. After all a capacitor is just a fancy leyden jar. And static Theories are all about attraction or repelling of static charges. Hmm sound familiar? Magnetics? Gravity? The dynamics of our solar system?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
                Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Charge Carry

                I think what we are seeing is that radiant energy is only a static charge. When looking at this link you might be able to see how a leyden jar works and how you can charge up aluminum as well after the source is charged. After all a capacitor is just a fancy leyden jar. And static Theories are all about attraction or repelling of static charges. Hmm sound familiar? Magnetics? Gravity? The dynamics of our solar system?
                In fact if your supposition is right is possible that Tesla and other inventors don't have understand that radiant energy in fact is ONLY an high static field??


                • #23
                  I would say.

                  Here is a excerpt from a Tesla speech to a room filled with scientists of the day.

                  "Here is a coil which is operated by currents vibrating with extreme rapidity, obtained by disruptively discharging a Leyden jar. It would not surprise a student were the lecturer to say that the secondary of this coil consists of a small length of comparatively stout wire; it would not surprise him were the lecturer to state that, in spite of this, the coil is capable of giving any potential which the best insulation of the turns is able to withstand; but although he may be prepared, and even be indifferent as to the anticipated result, yet the aspect of the discharge of the coil will surprise and interest him. Every one is familiar with the discharge of an ordinary coil; it need not be reproduced here. But, by way of contrast, here is a form of discharge of a coil, the primary current of which is vibrating several hundred thousand times per second. The discharge of an ordinary coil appears as a simple line or band of light. The discharge of this coil appears in the form of powerful brushes and luminous streams issuing from all points of the two straight wires attached to the terminals of the secondary (Fig. 1.)

                  Now compare this phenomenon which you have just witnessed with the discharge of a Holtz or Wimshurst machine—that other interesting appliance, so dear to the experimenter. What a difference there is between these phenomena! And yet, had I made the necessary arrangements—which could have been made easily, were it not that they would interfere with other experiments—I could have produced with this coil sparks which, had I the coil hidden from your view and only two knobs exposed, even the keenest observer among you would find it difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish from those of an influence or friction machine. This may be done in many ways—for instance, by operating the induction coil which charges the condenser from an alternating-current machine of very low frequency, and preferably adjusting the discharge circuit so that there are no oscillations set up in it. We then obtain in the secondary circuit, if the knobs are of the required size and properly set, a more or less rapid succession of sparks of great intensity and small quantity, which possess the same brilliancy, and are accompanied by the same sharp crackling sound, as those obtained from a friction or influence machine."

                  That came from this link: "Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency"


                  • #24

                    I'm really impressed! 100% truth !
                    Faraday law is also about rate of change.
                    Consider additional issue:
                    Earth is a big capacitor with ground being one plate and high atmosphere other and our troposphere being dielectric
                    Tesla first though that it is a "device" isolated in space but I think he later found it is rather continously charged and discharged by many ways (slow conduction types and fast lightnings) Anyway each lightning is a PROOF that it's dynamic device - so Earth capacitor is PLUGGED INTO CIRCUIT.

                    All our current efforts should go to understand "wheelwork of nature" circuit ! Our time is almost exhausted


                    • #25

                      This of the earth as a big leyden jar. The lines of force are actually a cross section of a specific angle in relation to the radiative point in our earth. Those cross sections are the shells and some of them show density changes with a fewer of the shells being a major difference in density of these shells. Remember that the lines coming out of the point source in our core are not traditional conductors, they are conductors of potential via a capacitance of surfaces in relation to area and geometry even of those surfaces.

                      What happens when a balloon gets blown up and not released just steadily blown up. *****pop*****

                      In fact in this example Tesla shown us what happens to matter when it is overfilled with this static potential. Pow the wire explodes and it doesn't just evaporate it blows up with the force of dynamite.

                      We have made the situation very complicated with pollution and such because now our planet will not be able to fluff the building charges in our core the way it used to (Radiatively). We have turned our planet and atmosphere into a powder keg waiting to discharge. It might be the very reason that the Pyramids were made, as a pressure relief valve that we could use to let the charges stream out into space. We can also tap a very clean source of power in the process as well.

                      Remember that a leyden jar is just a conductor around a dielectric with a fluid inside and a conductor in that fluid. Look at the pictures of our world structure and one can get the sense of this leyden jar. If we are looking for a dielectric think about where the oil we use comes from..... Through our folly we have been decreasing this dielectric layer meaning it will manifest more energy into the outer crust. This is all the seismic activity we have been seeing lately and the magnitude of that activity both tetonic and weather related as well has been increasing that means there is more going in then out.
                      Last edited by Jbignes5; 06-25-2010, 04:57 PM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by tutanka View Post
                        Don't have sense for me open other thread, don't have more time. I'm finished new reactor for produce gas but I'm interested a lot about that because I think that concept is connected with my work.
                        I'm here for understand better what is in fact radiant energy or "electromagnetic radiation energy" as I call that.
                        My theory is simple, why use coils when can be possible use simple plates like antenna/capacitor-battery for absorb that energy. I have study a lot Tesla, and I'm pretty sure that radiant energy wavelenght is very similarry to UWB (Ultra Wide Band) , in fact radiant energy "transmit" some wavelenghts at the same time and not only one, for that reason instead use tuned coils I want used different method like "antenna with double plates capacitor".
                        I'm also sure that extra energy generated is connected with transmutation of elements. Tesla transmute first air (oxygen/nitrogen with total atomic number 15 ) and after aluminum (atomic number 13). As you know Gray use copper tubes for absorb these energy radiations. After Donald L. Smith use plates of aluminum/copper for create pure energy .. All of these indications are surely connected.. In fact in my diagram I have reassumed all of these , all in one system. I'm also pretty sure that solution used from Lawton EEC is valid, why create now complicated coils when you can use, for storage electrons, standard capacitors? Regards
                        Dr. Le Bon says all matter is in a state of dissociation, returning to the ether, radium is a special case where it is dematerialization faster than other elements. He says that electricity can accelerate the dissociation and can also be the product of the dissociation.

                        "Since electricity in motion represents energy, it may be said that the transformation of a body into electricity realizes a change of matter into energy."

                        Don Smith, Lynes, Gray, all use electricity to convert matter to energy to get even more energy output. It is the engineering to make a practical device to power our cars and homes with this unlimited source of energy, that researchers have been trying invent.



                        • #27
                          I don't think radiant energy is just a static field; I think it is produced by forcing extremely high voltage to the center of a static field.

                          Consider this page from "electric discharges, waves, and impulses," by steinmetz, which Eric Dollard shows in "transverse and longitudinal electric waves."


                          When current flows through the center circle into the page, some of it spirals around and around. Visualize a DNA spiral. This is how the current flows. As the current spirals around and around in a circle, it traces a sin wave in space. This causes transverse electromagnetic induction. This is represented by the circles around the conductor in steinmetz's diagram.

                          However in the case of the magnifying transmitter, current is being pumped into the termination at very high voltage at an extremely high frequency. The current has nowhere to go, so a static bubble builds up in a sphere around the termination because the charge is trying to equalize and the best way to do this is to spread out into a sphere.

                          When an impulse causes the center of the bubble to be at a vastly different potential than the rest of the bubble, the bubble tries to equalize the charge as quickly as possible. Since the pressure is greatest at the center and least at the edges, the dielectric induction pushes from the center radially outwards in all directions simultaneously. This causes longitudinal dielectric induction. The dielectric lines of force are represented by the lines pointing straight outwards in all directions from the center circle in steinmetz's diagram.

                          Wardenclyffe tower was to be an earth pump which was to induce an artificial high frequency oscillation in the bubble of charge separation maintained by the earth. From the core of the earth to the earth's double layer which keeps the charge of the earth at a higher potential than the space outside of it, these oscillations would be felt. Receivers which were tuned to this frequency could then turn the longitudinal oscillations into traditional current.


                          I hope this helps people to visualize the phenomenon and tesla's intention with the magnifying transmitter and wardenclyffe. Writing this post helped me to clarify my own understanding.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
                            Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Charge Carry

                            I think what we are seeing is that radiant energy is only a static charge. When looking at this link you might be able to see how a leyden jar works and how you can charge up aluminum as well after the source is charged. After all a capacitor is just a fancy leyden jar. And static Theories are all about attraction or repelling of static charges. Hmm sound familiar? Magnetics? Gravity? The dynamics of our solar system?
                            Like Fzzy said radiant energy is not just a static field. If you're meaning static as in the term electrostatic field then you're only half right and if you mean it's unvarying you're completely wrong. Radiant energy is a varying electrostatic field. This is one of the main reasons I prefer to call it the dielectric field rather than electrostatic field. Here's a quote from On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena "As the term electrostatic might imply a steady electric condition, it should be remarked, that in these experiments the force is not constant, but varies at a rate which may be considered moderate, about one million times a second, or thereabouts. This enables me to produce many effects which are not producible with an unvarying force.".

                            It's akin to me grabbing a magnet and holding to stationary in the middle of an ordinary coil connected to a light bulb and expecting the lightbulb to light to any degree which we all know it won't or we all wouldn't be here trying to power the world I am sure you know this because your posts seem to be well informed but the post I quoted may mislead people. Radiant energy is nothing esoteric, it's just misunderstood and for this to be corrected people need to be thinking the right ways I mean no disrespect.

                            Last edited by Raui; 06-26-2010, 04:07 AM.
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                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Raui View Post
                              Like Fzzy said radiant energy is not just a static field. If you're meaning static as in the term electrostatic field then you're only half right and if you mean it's unvarying you're completely wrong. Radiant energy is a varying electrostatic field. This is one of the main reasons I prefer to call it the dielectric field rather than electrostatic field. Here's a quote from On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena "As the term electrostatic might imply a steady electric condition, it should be remarked, that in these experiments the force is not constant, but varies at a rate which may be considered moderate, about one million times a second, or thereabouts. This enables me to produce many effects which are not producible with an unvarying force.".

                              It's akin to me grabbing a magnet and holding to stationary in the middle of an ordinary coil connected to a light bulb and expecting the lightbulb to light to any degree which we all know it won't or we all wouldn't be here trying to power the world I am sure you know this because your posts seem to be well informed but the post I quoted may mislead people. Radiant energy is nothing esoteric, it's just misunderstood and for this to be corrected people need to be thinking the right ways I mean no disrespect.

                              OK Raui,
                              But pratically what is the correct method for use radiant energy? You agree wth me that radiant energy is similar UWB trasmission, in other words.. are generated more waves to different frequencies at the same time.. for that probably tesla use plates for absorb that energy.. Is appreciated an your reply.. Regards


                              • #30
                                Tesla patented his method Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy which I am sure your aware of as the method you used to charge your capacitor is very similar so basically at the moment are you already using radiant energy As you've noticed it's energy but it's not going to power a city, yet.

                                There is one more way which has to do with resonance and goes into Gustave LeBon's work. Tesla stated that a primary source of radiant energy is the sun and this seems quite logical when you consider what sort of flux changes would happen on the sun (think Coronal mass ejection (CME) and solar flares, so massive flux changes). These would leave the sun as longitudinal waves of dielectric induction, right? These waves have a set period or frequency and travel to Earth bombarding atoms leading to radioactivity. As they hit the surface of the planet there is obviously going to be some sort of reaction which would depend of the intensity and the frequency.

                                According to LeBon's theory, which is backed up by experimental data in the back of his books, there are what we will call resonant frequencies for this bombardment which result in the creation or sometimes dissociation of matter. If you have a material whos resonant frequency matches that of the suns waves then you'll have a device reacting to radiant energy resonantly thus powering a device. This is how I believe Moray's device worked. The only problem is you need to find materials whos reaction is appropriate. If you're interested I strongly recommend reading LeBon's work.

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