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  • #46

    yes, i have few of those RF thingy's as experimental setups.

    now, about them proofs you want,
    how will you ( or anybody ) be able to tell what is my power source ?
    i can hide a power transmitter wherever i want out of sight, or i can tune to the nearest cellular tower and claim -> " behold ! power !! from the sky !!!"

    i say this, build a simple setup of your own ( its simple ), start with the one with the battery, test it a little bit and see for your self what you can or can not do with it.
    i'll be more then happy to give any source of info i followed the last year and share any document and schematics i have and answer any question about this subject .

    or, you can say that this is bull and thus far im full of bull**** and all i write is blah blah blah ...


    • #47
      Well in that case i think this deserves a new thread. You could start one with info links and some schematics maybe even a few pictures of your setup?


      • #48
        "...i built a ducted turbine with multistage duct, similar to these"
        - Hi, Agent; sorry for bothering, I have wind turbine, but never seen this little gadget; what's it, what voltage it produce, where can i get one?
        Thank you.


        • #49

          ok, a new thread will be created soon.


          the first image is of FloDesign

          Google - FloDesign

          Youtube - New Wind Turbine FloDesign

          Directory:FloDesign Wind Turbine - PESWiki

          the second image is a TurboFan design, these are used in jet engines but i converted the design into part of a stationary wind turbine.

          DS-94-DIA HDT (High Dynamic Thrust)

          Google Images - TurboFan

          there is another design you can look at call Wind Tamer

          WindTamer - Home Wind Power & Energy | Home

          the power output depends on the generator type you connect to turbine and the size of both.


          • #50
            AgentA, Still too complicated man.
            How about Antenna/receiver/coil etc.. to diode to rechargeable AA
            battery cell to ground/earth. Now that is easy and and anyone can do this. Dont even need a soldering iron. No excuses folks. Do it.


            • #51
              Thks, Agent.
              "...the power output depends on the generator type you connect"
              - ya, this is a problem, I thought the generator already in there, I needa really light and easy spinning generator.
              thks, anyway


              • #52
                Just came across a "turbine that effectively harnesses the wind and transforms it into energy four times as much as it collects"

                Youtube video at: YouTube - Catching Wind Power

                The write up is at: | Jackson resident seeks votes for Pepsi Refresh Challenge

                The intresting bits are:

                His idea, a turbine that effectively harnesses the wind and transforms it into energy four times as much as it collects is one that not only has the potential to revolutionize the energy industry, but to create new jobs and generally make everyone's life easier.

                The turbine could be designed to power everything from a computer, to a car and even an entire house. It collects wind through a cone, spinning a circle of impeller blades that, in turn, spins a bicycle wheel. The bicycle wheel turns an alternator via an automotive timing belt, thus creating a greener, alternative source of energy that could replace energy supplied by large gas companies or even Pacific Gas and Electric Co.

                Unlike a windmill that creates power by the wind pushing directly against its blades, Green's innovation compresses air and creates more torque, requiring less wind than a standard windmill. His apparatus also is more practical than using solar power. "Wind pretty much is blowing all of the time," Green said.
                There is more at: Catching Wind Power - Renewable Energy

                Schematics at: Catching Windpower - Renewable Energy

                . . . .

                On a different note:

                A couple of days ago a similar idea popped into my head, although mine is for a virtual system it works on a similar basis.

                . . .
                Regular service Signature:
                Follow along on my Algae growing adventure, where I'm currently growing Spirulina and two mystery strains (one of which can also produce Biofuel). All is revealed in the Growing Algae thread...


                • #53
                  We have so many possible emergy solutions that it boggles the mind. The problem is that most people either don't have this information, or the expertise, or materials to build one. If most third world countries knew what were possible, they could provide power, water and food for their citizens. Even in modern countries, most people are not aware of the potential energy solutions available to them. Sure some know about solar, which is too expensive for most people to go totally solar. Some know of wind, but don't know how to exploit it to its greatest potential. Most know of hydro-electric, but would not know how to go about building a system to power their home. Quite a few people have bought gas generators as a backup system in case of emergencies, but don't know how to convert one if gas were not available.We have become too dependant on the grid for our power,which is deteriating every year.We also have become too dependant on others for our food, water, etc.If a catastrophe happens,like a tornado,hurricane, flood, we are too dependant on others for our survival.Good luck. Stealth

