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Internet Kill switch

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  • #16
    The studies ordered by this bill would be used to evaluate and put into place measures to strengthen the 1934 Telecommunications Act as well as determine the "how to" in controlling domestic servers whenever "deemed" crucial. So while you are correct in saying that the headlines are written to grab our attention and that the details say something different, the end result is potentially the same.

    The internet is vast and the business conducted there is not as traceable as those looking for tax revenues would like. There is a movement by those in power to retain that power through a monopoly on information and how it gets dispersed. Just look at China/Google. The internet is basically one of the last "free" domains for the exchanging of information and ideas. Some wish to change that and any legislation giving them the means to do so, no matter how innocuous it may look on the surface, is a step on the road to totalitarianism.


    • #17

      Hi all

      To sugest that the internet could be shut down in ANY form is a load of B*** s***. I do not know how anybody thinks that they could do this. Just think about it, there would be a world revolution greater than the revolution of internet itself, come on be real.



      • #18
        Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
        Hi all

        To sugest that the internet could be shut down in ANY form is a load of B*** s***. I do not know how anybody thinks that they could do this. Just think about it, there would be a world revolution greater than the revolution of internet itself, come on be real.

        @Michael John Nunnerley

        Well stated in simple to understand terms. For those that do not understand what is taking place or could care less, no big deal, yet for the rest of us, when the Internet Goes Down its time to grab the musket and power because that means they are headed your way.

        IMHO they want this control just for that reason, to give them a window of time in which to march to you door and demand you weapons, money and children.


        • #19
          If you understand what the government fears, and what they want, you know what they will attempt to achieve next.

          They fear most your independance... if you can take care of yourself - you don't "need" them.
          Last edited by dragon; 05-11-2011, 10:34 AM.


          • #20
            What is needed is an alternate plan.

            They will keep on pushing for corporate control of the web anyway... It will come; they won't ever let up, just keep throwing more money at it, and eventually it will get snuck through the US Senate on some 1:00 AM vote during another news emergency. When it does, it will essentially close off most of what we have now without paying a great deal for access, at a time of great economic problems so most people will be "priced out of the market" for their free access.

            So they will use "money" as the method of greatly curtailing the movements that dissent against the status quo... Lol a typical elitist ploy

            For instance, they would make site owners and site "subscribers" both pay THEM, the corporations, for access. They can charge what ever they like.

            They use the excuses of "pron" (which they allow with ever-increasing profusion despite many laws that COULD be used to cut it down but are DELIBERATELY not being enforced), and stuff like "video downloading" to make it sound like people are "bandwidth hogs", and "pirates". But the sick thing about it is, is that the text-based forums will suffer too... that have very minimal bandwidth requirements and obviously no pron.. Those are just lame excuses for simply blatantly taking control.

            BTW, these corps that are now lobbying for this, did not build the internet, they only profit billions a year from it now lol... But apparently the concept of simply profiting from it somehow equates to "ownership"

            And they will eventually succeed, i think. Because this is what they all want, tightly controlled media in all forms that squashes dissent and allows only THEIR messages to reach the masses.

            So what we need, is a "Plan B", even if we have to go back to the old BBS and 9600 baud modem days... Or something like "telenet". I don't think that they could stop that very easily; as long as land line telephone communication systems still exist... And they would need a whole new set of Laws to go after it... and since their plans to take the Internet over use excuses that would not be valid for BBS; they would need new excuses too

            But the point would be, that a global method of communicating ideas and collaborating MUST exist for us, even if the internet is taken away from most of us through their charging schemes. We can get by with much smaller bandwidths if we have to.

            Anybody got any good ideas? Perhaps now is the time to experiment around with them.

            Lol, and to buy an old phone modem to keep around


            • #21

              Maybe a "ground" based communications ( a true "underground" internet )
              Last edited by dragon; 05-11-2011, 10:35 AM.


              • #22
                Have any enterprising Ham radio operators come up with a way to send data and network via shortwave? It would seem this would be an alternative. Although the airwaves are supposedly well regulated, I'd bet enforcement would be a bear...

                @MJN. You're right but, push come to shove, the force of government and its extension, the modern military, could cause a lot of problems. Who would have said 50 years ago that our government would/could suspend Habeas Corpus and torture whoever they deem to be an "enemy combatant" and/or authorize the assassination of U.S. citizens by Presidential order/decree?


                • #23
                  So how many people think the Internet is actually such an organized event that it could be shut down?
                  Even if they wrote the law, Is it possible?



                  • #24
                    Rebuilding America's Defenses

           In this neocon document made popular after 9/11, it states the desire of the DoD to place security or control on the internet in case of or to prevent a cyber-war. Of course they can make it look like they have some sort of legitimate reason for clamping down on the internet whenever they want. It is the same document describing a need for a "new Pearl Harbor" in order to expedite their agenda. (9/11) Old-school bbs systems are still in use all over the place and they could and probably should become more popular. It is way more discreet than having it on the internet. I'm sure everything from a cb radio, ham radio, walkie talkies, cell phones and every other wireless means of communication including part 15 low power am methods can be rigged up to a modem for two way computer communication. Bedini has shown a ground communication system on the internet for years but nobody has really built it to see that it actually does work including making all plant life around take on prehistoric monstrous sizes - lol I only know one person that did experiments with it and that is it but it is pretty straight forward.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by everwiser View Post
                      Have any enterprising Ham radio operators come up with a way to send data and network via shortwave? It would seem this would be an alternative. Although the airwaves are supposedly well regulated, I'd bet enforcement would be a bear...

                      @MJN. You're right but, push come to shove, the force of government and its extension, the modern military, could cause a lot of problems. Who would have said 50 years ago that our government would/could suspend Habeas Corpus and torture whoever they deem to be an "enemy combatant" and/or authorize the assassination of U.S. citizens by Presidential order/decree?
                      Its been mentioned already and is so very true. "You Need A Plan!". Governments are now so pervasive that a group can not be formed of like think individuals because it will be infiltrated and sold out. No "Freedom" meetings. It has to start with the individual and family. Food, water, protection. Food for a year, yes year and more if possible. A way to filter rain and or contaminated water. Protection, not just from a a corrupt government, but from those that will steal from you because they were to stupid or lazy to do what is needed for themselves.

                      Ham Radio has always been my idea, yet if the satellites are working they will track you very fast and them they have very efficient jamming equipment.

                      My feeling and that of many of my associates is as I have stated, prepare, plan your moves and how you will defend your life and liberty. How to cook with a minimal heat signature, how to handle waste disposal when sewage pumping systems are out,how to handle extreme heat and cold weather. What can be your transportation mode, you won't have gasoline. You will have to hid from the satellites when the roundup begins, do you know how, the shielding needed, the signature you generate?

                      It's not for internet banter and boasting, this is real and you need to understand this and start yourself. Get some seeds, build a water filter, obtain some material to reduce your signature.

                      Folks this is no game, this is real....


                      • #26
                        Freenet project

                        What we discuss here, has been in the mind of some people, some years ago. They decided to build a project. We have to know it's existence.

                        The Freenet Project - /index


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                 In this neocon document made popular after 9/11, it states the desire of the DoD to place security or control on the internet in case of or to prevent a cyber-war. Of course they can make it look like they have some sort of legitimate reason for clamping down on the internet whenever they want. It is the same document describing a need for a "new Pearl Harbor" in order to expedite their agenda. (9/11) Old-school bbs systems are still in use all over the place and they could and probably should become more popular. It is way more discreet than having it on the internet. I'm sure everything from a cb radio, ham radio, walkie talkies, cell phones and every other wireless means of communication including part 15 low power am methods can be rigged up to a modem for two way computer communication. Bedini has shown a ground communication system on the internet for years but nobody has really built it to see that it actually does work including making all plant life around take on prehistoric monstrous sizes - lol I only know one person that did experiments with it and that is it but it is pretty straight forward.
                          Aaron, do you have a link to bedinis ground comm system?
                          Recall Zoloft
                          Last edited by dragon; 05-11-2011, 10:35 AM.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                            Its been mentioned already and is so very true. "You Need A Plan!". Governments are now so pervasive that a group can not be formed of like think individuals because it will be infiltrated and sold out. No "Freedom" meetings. It has to start with the individual and family. Food, water, protection. Food for a year, yes year and more if possible. A way to filter rain and or contaminated water. Protection, not just from a a corrupt government, but from those that will steal from you because they were to stupid or lazy to do what is needed for themselves.

                            Ham Radio has always been my idea, yet if the satellites are working they will track you very fast and them they have very efficient jamming equipment.

                            My feeling and that of many of my associates is as I have stated, prepare, plan your moves and how you will defend your life and liberty. How to cook with a minimal heat signature, how to handle waste disposal when sewage pumping systems are out,how to handle extreme heat and cold weather. What can be your transportation mode, you won't have gasoline. You will have to hid from the satellites when the roundup begins, do you know how, the shielding needed, the signature you generate?

                            It's not for internet banter and boasting, this is real and you need to understand this and start yourself. Get some seeds, build a water filter, obtain some material to reduce your signature.

                            Folks this is no game, this is real....
                            Dr. stifler these are my sentiments exactly. IT only takes a little food panic for most to be completely lost. The round up will happen. Any that can think for themselves and spread "hate or racism" or whatever they title it to get free thinkers away from the sheep. Why would OUR government have a list of Veterans as potential threats to the government. Veterans we have fought for other peoples freedom. Like em or hate em the Tea PArty folks are decent human beings. they are a threat to their 50 year brainwashing campaign. there has not been one rally that has taken place that had a riot, a flaming dumpster, or trash thrown everywhere. Can the G20 summit say that? Freethinkers on this and other sites surely have been identified. This message has probably already been scanned and cataloged. For those that dont listen you may wish to start thinking twice. Its not going to hurt nothing. whats a little preparedness?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                     In this neocon document made popular after 9/11, it states the desire of the DoD to place security or control on the internet in case of or to prevent a cyber-war. Of course they can make it look like they have some sort of legitimate reason for clamping down on the internet whenever they want. It is the same document describing a need for a "new Pearl Harbor" in order to expedite their agenda. (9/11) Old-school bbs systems are still in use all over the place and they could and probably should become more popular. It is way more discreet than having it on the internet. I'm sure everything from a cb radio, ham radio, walkie talkies, cell phones and every other wireless means of communication including part 15 low power am methods can be rigged up to a modem for two way computer communication. Bedini has shown a ground communication system on the internet for years but nobody has really built it to see that it actually does work including making all plant life around take on prehistoric monstrous sizes - lol I only know one person that did experiments with it and that is it but it is pretty straight forward.
                              Where can we find these diagrams? Have a few young men out of school for the summer looking form something to do and learn?



                              • #30
                                Originally posted by redrichie View Post
                                Like em or hate em the Tea PArty folks are decent human beings. they are a threat to their 50 year brainwashing campaign.
                                LOL, LOL

                                And they'll VOTE republican for the same reason the Christian folks do. Because the republicans say what they want to hear be it lower taxes or a ban on abortion. Then they turn around invade countries for there natural resources. Strip citizen rights for national security. **** on the poor. Cut taxes and regulation on cooperations so they can pollute. Create false inflation so it crash. Allow media like Fox News to dominate the discussion. Alter history in text books. Spend trillions of unmarked dollars in the military industrial complex, and on, and on, and on....
                                But that what uneducated cultists do. They expect different results from doing the same thing over and over.

                                Ya thats brilliant another round of cookoo dumb asses running this country. Thats just what we need.
                                That will surly bring the doom and gloom in. If you think the current situation is bad or getting worse thats just what you need. Buffoon's on the loose.

                                I'll tell ya the truth I am kinda hoping you goof ball conspiracy nuts are telling the truth about the impending government kill off of its citizens. And I hope its the truth.
                                We need less people. Alot less. The ground needs fertilized and most of ya'll really need to get out of the business of having kids. Cause god can't help the generation of tea bag children that are coming.

                                Anybody seen "Idiocracy" the movie

                                Sign me up I am in for some extermination. I wanna help!!!!!

                                Before I leave I'll ask again...
                                So how many people think the Internet is actually such an organized event that it could be shut down?
                                Even if they wrote the law, Is it possible?
                                And while were at it... What percentage of IP carriers are located in the united states. How many service providers are world wide and what percentage of them are US?
                                How much of the US economy is based on the Internet?

                                See if you would get out of your little world and look up a few facts every now and then (And that is not the **** Alex Jones is selling) you might realize what a large delima it would be to even consider shutting down the Internet. It would be cheaper to repair it after it had been attacked.

                                I'll put flowers next to your corpse, I promise..

