I found something interesting today that gives the SR device credibility. I went back and played with the modulator circuit today and played with the supply voltage.
I used a US hex inverter chip NTE40106B. When I increased the supply voltage, the frequency changed and at 13 volts, the gate clocked at ~21 MHZ which is the NMR of Fe56.
That is well beyond the normal clock rate of that 4000 series chip from what I recall. The measurement is not in error and was measured using the frequency counter on a 100MHZ digital scope.
Since the voltage is going to fluctuate you would be hitting that NMR frequency as it is modulated at 50-60 HZ.
That being said the ttransistors are not going to switch that fast but who knows.
I'll go buy a mixer and build a real modulator and see what happens.
I used a US hex inverter chip NTE40106B. When I increased the supply voltage, the frequency changed and at 13 volts, the gate clocked at ~21 MHZ which is the NMR of Fe56.
That is well beyond the normal clock rate of that 4000 series chip from what I recall. The measurement is not in error and was measured using the frequency counter on a 100MHZ digital scope.
Since the voltage is going to fluctuate you would be hitting that NMR frequency as it is modulated at 50-60 HZ.
That being said the ttransistors are not going to switch that fast but who knows.
I'll go buy a mixer and build a real modulator and see what happens.