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Im pissed....

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  • Im pissed....

    I just got off the phone with a local guy.........

    I wanted to discuss free energ with him. I told him that mass = energy...thats pretty ****ing simple right? Ok, I explained to my 5 year old newphew that mass = energy, he completely understood. This 50 year old guy did not understand that mass = energy......

    He built a rotor out of BAMBOO!!! BAM ****ING BOO!!! and he wondered why it didnt generate really pissed at mankind right now, for being so ****ing dumb. Please tell me more of you guys understand this SIMPLE concept, im heated. Im pissed at how dumb 99% of the world is....its pathetic. Im sad. Is there any hope? God, Bam-****ing-Boo??????? What he ****.???

  • #2
    Hi adamo - not quite sure of the problem - but if you're just venting - go for it. Always feels good. Maybe not that constructive. But hey. There's nothing so good as indulging in our rights to freedom of expression.



    • #3
      Originally posted by adamo21 View Post
      mass = energy
      Im still having a hard time understanding you adamo, despite discussing this with you before.

      I have a brick here, it has mass....but energy? You need to try and explain yourself a little bit more, mass and energy are very broad terms. Think about what you are really trying to say, and try and express it in its entirety. Perhaps use different words, flywheel (a mass) in motion = stored mechanical energy. Is this all you are trying to say?

      lol@ Witsend

      Last edited by ren; 07-09-2010, 04:56 AM.
      "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


      • #4
        Bamboo rotor , a BAM ****ing BOO rotor, what a joker... good old British Oak is what he should be using.

        I don't know, some people are just so silly!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Farrah Day View Post
          Bamboo rotor , a BAM ****ing BOO rotor, what a joker... good old British Oak is what he should be using.

          I don't know, some people are just so silly!
          LOL Farah. I LOVE the lack of restraint. And some adventurous reach into new invectives. Shows that anger can be creative. I'll try it myself next time. I'm with you there adamo - even if we're in a minority.


          • #6
            Hi folks, I think this is what adamo21 is frustrated about.
            Now, let us consider a device built by John Bedini, a very talented man in the USA. He built a battery-powered
            motor with a flywheel on the shaft of the motor. This, of course, does not sound like startling stuff, but the crunch
            is that this motor ran in his workshop for more than three years, keeping it's battery fully charged during that time -
            now that is startling. What makes this arrangement different from a standard set-up is that the battery powered motor is not connected
            directly to the battery but instead is fed with a rapid series of DC pulses. This has two effects. Firstly, that method
            of driving a motor is very efficient electrically speaking and secondly, when a flywheel is driven with a series of
            pulses, it picks up additional energy from the local environment.
            One other unusual feature is the way that the motor shaft spins a disc with permanent magnets mounted on it.
            These sweep past a matching set of coils attached to a stationary board, forming an ordinary electrical generator
            and the resulting electrical power which is generated is converted to DC current and fed back to the driving
            battery, charging it and maintaining its voltage.
            Standard theory says that a system like this has to be less than 100% efficient because the DC motor is less than
            100% efficient (true) and the battery is well below the 100% efficient mark (true). Therefore, the conclusion is that
            the system cannot possibly work (false). What is not understood by conventional science is that the pulsed
            flywheel draws in additional energy from the local environment, showing that conventional science theory is
            inadequate and out of date and needs to be upgraded.
            An American called Jim Watson built a much larger version of John's system, a version which was twenty feet (6
            meters) long. Jim's version not only powered itself, but generated 12 kilowatts of excess electrical power. That
            extra 12 kilowatts of power must be a considerable embarrassment for conventional science and so they will
            either ignore it, or deny that it ever existed, in spite of the fact that it was demonstrated at a public seminar.
            and here is a couple pics of Bedini's gravity generator and Jim Watson's
            And of course the there are many many others with inventions that exploit pulsed flywheel energy extraction.
            peace love light


            • #7
              Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
              Hi folks, I think this is what adamo21 is frustrated about.

              and here is a couple pics of Bedini's gravity generator and Jim Watson's
              And of course the there are many many others with inventions that exploit pulsed flywheel energy extraction.
              peace love light
              Well what I was really frustrated about is that I finally found someone who was local to me who I was hoping to work with. But when I explained how everything really worked and that his bamboo rotor and 80!! magnets were completely useless, and that the rotor's mass is in direct proportion to the energy output, the guy got mad at me and wanted nothing to do with me.

              I just dont understand people. I mean, its a simple decision, do you want to be a slave the rest of your life? Or live free? I guess some people are so used to being a slave its all they ever know. They are comfortable with it, and its sick.


              • #8
                Originally posted by adamo21 View Post
                Well what I was really frustrated about is that I finally found someone who was local to me who I was hoping to work with. But when I explained how everything really worked and that his bamboo rotor and 80!! magnets were completely useless, and that the rotor's mass is in direct proportion to the energy output, the guy got mad at me and wanted nothing to do with me.

                I just dont understand people. I mean, its a simple decision, do you want to be a slave the rest of your life? Or live free? I guess some people are so used to being a slave its all they ever know. They are comfortable with it, and its sick.
                People dont want to waste months of they time on something that they think will never work. If you want people to follow you in your work you have first to explain to them your principle with at least a proof of principle who cant be denied. Its nothing about being a slave or whatever , its on the logical plane they choose to not follow any of your work, look at OU .com you will see what i mean by time wasting , there ALOT of idea from people who know nothing about physics and electronic but with firm conviction they have found something, the joule thief thread should remind you something.

                Explain well and show undeniable proof of concept and im sure there will be someone who will join you.

                Best Regards,


                • #9
                  I dont think that the Weight of the Rotor
                  does much matter in this case for this simple Motors.
                  The main work is performed at the Coils, the lot Magnets will cause,
                  that the Rotor turns slower as with ie 4 Magnets.
                  The Rotor will anyway not generate more Voltage at the coils,
                  as you feed it with Volt. Volt= Speed, you see it, when you use more Voltage to power the Circuit,
                  so the -pure- generated Volt will be equal to the Power source,
                  because the Rotor will not turn faster, as the Voltage speeds up the Magnetic Field.
                  The additional Voltage comes from the Spikes, and the new, different Potential
                  between the End of the Coil and the Plus Source, simple said.

                  Btw, did ever someone placed a Capacitor instead a Batterie as Charge?
                  Mine do charge up till 130V and more at 12 V input, but in 3 Volt Steps,
                  depends at the Capacity from the Cap.
                  And this is, what is different to a regular Setup, where you charge with ie7,2V Input plus, that you decharge/charge the Minuspotential from a Batterie.
                  A flywheel is may importend, when you make a new Part for extra generating,
                  I did build now different Rotors, but it did not really matter, how heavy the Rotor was.
                  Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                  • #10
                    I assume you mean a flywheel rather than a rotor. A rotor is the part that turns in a motor, and in the case of a Bedini monopole, would work quite well made from bam ****ing boo.
                    A flywheel, on the other hand, should have a lot of mass. This mass stores energy by virtue of it's angular momentum. Flywheels are generally used to smooth out pulses of mechanical energy on a shaft, much like a capacitor does for electrical pulses in a power supply.
                    Maybe your friend planned on filling the inside of the bamboo with lead shot?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                      and here is a couple pics of Bedini's gravity generator and Jim Watson's

                      As far as I know, that is the only photo that shows the Watson machine in good detail. That flywheel is a mighty hefty one, and well designed too. Just a wild guess, but I suspect it would weigh in at around 500 pounds. Once it begins to move, it doesn't require much to keep it moving. And while it rotates, there's not much than can stop it. I wish that I had a flywheel like that to play with. It probably came from some machine built during the industrial revolution.

                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • #12
                        Hi folks, Hi Ted you said.
                        A flywheel, on the other hand, should have a lot of mass. This mass stores energy by virtue of it's angular momentum. Flywheels are generally used to smooth out pulses of mechanical energy on a shaft, much like a capacitor does for electrical pulses in a power supply.
                        Now do you agree with this quote from Patrick Kelly.
                        What is not understood by conventional science is that the pulsed
                        flywheel draws in additional energy from the local environment, showing that conventional science theory is inadequate and out of date and needs to be upgraded.
                        Now this quote by Patrick says clearly that a flywheel gates energy from gravity and is not merely a mechanical storage device of what we input. I think when a flywheel is pulsed it briefly acts as though it is unbalanced and this is the gating mechanism.
                        A quote from Peter L.
                        With the flywheel storing the torque, produced by the motor pulses and consumed by the "current production" of the energizer, the "window" for understanding HOW the machine can go OU is revealed. This machine cannot work without a proportional flywheel and a good, low friction bearing system.
                        Though maybe it is the unseen unbalancing of the rotor due to pulsing causing a gravity gradient that pushes it to OU. Just a few thoughts and by the way I'm pissed also, just not in a way that would ever be harmful to anyone, more fed up with the fake limitation of this world.
                        peace love light


                        • #13
                          Mass is energy? I thought it was some kind of religious gathering.... but what is this energy you speak of? Can you eat it?
                          "Theory guides. Experiment decides."

                          “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”
                          Nikola Tesla


                          • #14
                            @ Skywatcher, I'm quite familiar with the pulsed flywheel theory. I think it probably has some merit, but I have never tested it to make sure. I think for it to work though, one has to understand the theory and construct a mechanism accordingly. Just pulsing any old flywheel isn't necessarily going to return more energy than you put in. I think you may have to find the resonant frequency of the wheel in order for things to start happening, but again I don't know for certain.
                            Most flywheels work just the way they were designed to work.


                            • #15
                              If now someone looks for a flywheel, it is easy made with Cement or even fast Cement,
                              just may stick the shaft before inside,
                              but you even can made a simple one by cutting a Plastic bucket and fill it.
                              I made one before some weeks for a Watermill, works nice.
                              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.

