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Plasma propulsion / Lifter / EM Antigravity Mini AirCraft

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  • #61
    Originally posted by MrMagAmp View Post
    I could try it. A friend forgot in my home an inverter . It's 300 watt. I think it will be enought. The problem is the coil configuration.
    250 turns, but... what is the diameter of the coil?

    If you make an incorrect configuration, then it won't work and I will destroy my friend's inverter LOL

    This coil works with 60 watts.
    YouTube - Levitation of an Electromagnetic Induction Coil
    The coil configuration is the EASY part!

    250 turns (though again, this doesnt seem to be REALLY important....try more and less). 30AWG. (guy in the link i left manages with 22 AWG) . So apparently diametre doesnt matter. Magnet wire.

    THICK ALUMINIUM BASE UNDER THE WIRE, seems to be the most fundamental thing, in order for Lenz's law to take effect.

    Go for it, and good luck!!!

    Dont forget to make a video, otherwise no-one will believe you!!!

    And stick one on this thread.


    • #62
      Ok, the best thing is that. To make a video and experiment with real values. Otherwise, we would be only speculating.

      I will post the video, but I have to order the part in the ebay. Here where I live right now it's very difficult to get the parts.

      So, keep you posting. I will spend some weeks.


      • #63
        Originally posted by MrMagAmp View Post
        Ok, the best thing is that. To make a video and experiment with real values. Otherwise, we would be only speculating.

        I will post the video, but I have to order the part in the ebay. Here where I live right now it's very difficult to get the parts.

        So, keep you posting. I will spend some weeks.
        Is it the aluminium base that you'll be ordering? I must admit, i wouldnt know where to find that. Ebay has got everything - god bless the internet!

        The rest should be easy - its good youve got the inverter. Wiring this lump of magnet wire to the mains scares me!!! I live in a wooden house! Fortunately you wont have to.

        Hope you find all you need - keep us posted, and dont be afraid to ask anyone for advice or help. There are a lot of bona fide builders here with lots of experience who are always happy to offer safety tips, construction tips, and just plain old encouragement. I should know - i havent got a clue when it comes to electricity, but ive learnt a lot and its all thanks to help from guys on here and

        May the force be with you......

        One more thing....if 30 watts isnt enough to leviatate it, you should still be able to see thrust if you hang it like a pendulum next to the aluminium'll let you know if its working, but just not powerful enough. Then all you need is more wattage. (but please be very very careful)
        Last edited by seth; 07-18-2010, 08:06 PM.


        • #64
          Im thinking about replicating this also now

          So much heavier than a lifter...gotta be worth investigating.

          So, if i whack an isolation transformer into the mains, will that render this device safe''ish''?

          Experts, please advise!

          Im thinking - mini version.....use one of those aluminium bases you find in some kitchens. What does everyone think? Will the mini version overheat even quicker (my intuition says ''of course it will'')????


          • #65
            Thanks Seth,
            Maybe I will spend some weeks until I have the video. I have found in ebay the aluminum sheets, but the shipping price is around 45 USD. The thickness it's important, if I remember well. In the video is 1/2" thickness aluminum plate.

            I can post here the plans of the electrorradiant amplifier that I have thought, but I know that people need first to see and then they start to replicate. I can tell here a lot of theories, but the theories are just theories.

            I recommend to keep you posting, and forget waiting to me. When I have something I will put here. I don't promiss anything about time (I have said you that I can spend some weeks).


            • #66
              Originally posted by serfer5 View Post
              obviously not directly, you use an inverter circuit like the one here Simple High Voltage Generator: Low Voltage DC In, up to 30 kV Out , i put 24 volts dc into the inverter circuit and the output was about 5kv ac, this 5kv ac was put into the voltage multiplier to get about 45kv dc. works very nice.
              I see. thanks for the info. Mine do not produce fully AC, it produce DC dominant. I guess this is why I observe the effect of flapping coil or such.


              • #67

                two questions,

                first, will the tesla hairpin also work with dc, or only ac?

                second, will the lifter work with ac instead of dc?

                Light, I Am!

                You are Not a Body that has a Spirit, You are a Spirit that Has a Body! There is no Path to Peace, Peace is the Path!


                • #68
                  Originally posted by TanTric View Post
                  two questions,

                  first, will the tesla hairpin also work with dc, or only ac?

                  second, will the lifter work with ac instead of dc?

                  Hairpin will work with DC.
                  Lifter will not work with AC.


                  • #69

                    uau, thank you, please dont stop posting! your chi is very naice, xee!!

                    just playing arround (in resume, good energy)!

                    ideas are exploding out of my mind, new video tomorrow!!

                    Light, I Am!

                    You are Not a Body that has a Spirit, You are a Spirit that Has a Body! There is no Path to Peace, Peace is the Path!


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by xee2 View Post
                      Hairpin will work with DC.
                      Lifter will not work with AC.
                      Hairpin works with DC??? Wow - ill give it a go ASAP.

                      Lifter certainly doesnt work with AC (well...ive never seen one....but the father of electrogravitics T.T Brown apparently was working on some AC/DC configurations....ill try and find out more...)

                      But the Lenz law demonstration by Bushman works on AC. I watched a video where a guy was using the high frequency from his amp and a pretty small coil...I agree, this isnt as cool as the lifter as its not really a unidirectional force. It would only be interesting if the Earth itself could function as the aluminium plate.....Any ideas how to achieve this?

                      Wonder if the Bushman coil works if i stick one on the end of my tesla coil secondary???? Only one way to find out i spose!


                      • #71
                        Yes hairpin works with DC. When the voltage in the capacitors exceeds the spark gap voltage the circuit will be triggered. It does not matter if that is caused by DC or AC. However, it is harder to do with AC since then the current must be high enough to charge the capacitors to the spark gap voltage in less than 1/2 cycle.

                        Lenz law coil will work with AC or DC. The only advantage I can think of to high frequency would be that the metal base plate could be thinner. This is just an electromagnet repelled by it's reflection in the metal base plate.


                        • #72

                          anyone can tell me if it is possible to find 30kv capacitors in a old tv or monitor? sorry the silly question... i really have no idea!

                          EDIT: also where to find a 30Kv tripler?

                          Last edited by TanTric; 07-19-2010, 04:52 PM.
                          Light, I Am!

                          You are Not a Body that has a Spirit, You are a Spirit that Has a Body! There is no Path to Peace, Peace is the Path!


                          • #73
                            A must read for ANYONE interested in this thread.

                            T.T. Browns notebooks

                            Thomas Townsend Brown: Scientific Notebooks, Vol. 1

                            In particular, check out chapter 72. ''Generation of Dielectricity by the Use of Alternating Current.''

                            If you want to know how to make a lifter with AC!!!!

                            Also, a very interesting patent by the lifter originator which may well work with AC:

                            Electrokinetic apparatus - Patent 3187206

                            in which Brown says:

                            ''one advantageous manner of applying potential is that of employing fields which vary cyclically''

                            Hope you find this as interesting as I did!!!


                            • #74

                              if someone can help me with a doubt...

                              i have a couple of caps of 2000v with some different "farad" values, just to give 2 examples, one have 0.0051 J writen , and another one have 472 J, how do i convert that value to pF? i have tryed to search, but i dont find any reference, the J is Joules or what?

                              sory for the basic question, but i really dont know!

                              another one, its ok to charge this caps with DC? because they also dont show any reference to negative or positive, i think they are ac...

                              i found them on old color tv's and monitors!

                              Last edited by TanTric; 07-22-2010, 03:09 AM.
                              Light, I Am!

                              You are Not a Body that has a Spirit, You are a Spirit that Has a Body! There is no Path to Peace, Peace is the Path!


                              • #75

                                The 472 is read as 4700pF (the last number is the number of zeros to add)

                                The .0051 is most likely in µF and would equal 5100pF (Value Conversion)

                                The J is a tolerance rating of 5%

                                "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor

