Recently, Dr. Greer and Dr. Ted Loder made a radio/internet interview discussing what is going on with Orion Group.
Look that link up for yourselves folks, you won't find me linking to it (lol you'll see why in a minute).
In this "interview" (self-done really), he stated some disturbing things that i will point out here.
> He said we in the Open Source movement, specifically people who "work by themselves in their garages". will "NEVER GET ANYWHERE".
Lol this is hilarious. Many people who come here have done great and important work. I would say "TWENTY TIMES" what Orion has done... Except that their output is ZERO and you cannot multiply by zero! ORION HAS NEVER SHOWN ANYTHING AT ALL.
And what is his alternative..? To trust him, and only him, to get something out to the Public. Using what method? How? He has PROVED he cannot be trusted (as seen below), and "faith" is for religions and matters of Spirit, not science and politics. And not for something as important as this.
> He called for inventors to BRING ORION THEIR INVENTIONS. This appears to be what is called "The Spider Web" tactic... and is often used as a means of suppression, sort of a "safety valve" for the NSA to get a hold of devices that are not suppressed other ways (such as Patent Applications, shelving, or via manipulating funding/investment capital).
First off, if Orion really does have all these marvelous techs... WHY do they need ours?? Second, considering we have seen NOTHING OF ANY VALUE AT ALL in over 3 years of their fund raising... Then what will happen to YOUR invention once they get a hold of it? It would fall into the black hole that every other tech they claim to have has fallen. Since Greer has shown over and over that he DOES NOT EMBRACE OPEN SOURCE at all; even if he is not actually "psy-ops", he might gain control over it, or a significant percentage of it, if it is ever marketed (which i do not believe is likely!!).
> During the radio show, he and Dr. Loder said that of all the recent announcement that come from Government DOE Grants, that NOTHING AT ALL was valuable. THIS IS NOT TRUE. It is VERY CLEAR That the work of Dr. Daniel Nocera of M.I.T. is very important, especially as a means of giving the genre Peer-Reviewed PROOF for what we have been saying for years!
Is he really ignorant of this? I will let you all decide that. Imo, this announcement from M.I.T. in April 2010 is the most important one we have had in many years coming from mainstream science. ODD how he didn't mention it, and claimed NOTHING coming from Grants was "worthwhile".
> Dr. Greer said we in the Free Energy community "need leadership".. Clearly MEANING HIM. Lol. This is so absurd i cannot believe they think we would accept him as our "leader". For one thing, it is ridiculously EASY to control an entire movement from the top. We are best off with NO LEADERS. What do we even NEED one for? To collect the money lol? N-o t-h-a-n-k y-o-u. Second. WHAT HAS HE DONE TO PROVE HE DESERVES IT IN THE FIELD OF FREE ENERGY?? Has ANYONE ever seen ANYTHING of real value come from Orion Group?? Please come forward if you have.
There can be some argument for his work being valuable in the "Disclosure Project" (which was about UFO's and government secret projects). He took a lot of credit for it, but it was NOT his show alone. And, if you talk to folks who were actually involved in it (as i have), at the very last minute, he made a stupendous blunder that cost the large media support they had expected and had been promised... By injecting some really ridiculous-sounding stuff into the claims that HAD NO PROOF or reason for being there AT ALL, and that HE HAD NEVER DISCUSSED WITH THE OTHER FOLKS who were involved with the project. My source says that this blunder totally screwed their hope for greater publicity by scaring away many reporters because it sounded too absurd.
Injecting "absurdity" is a common tactic we see in psy-ops to turn off thinking people.
> He mentioned "his" inventors being suppressed again (although he left out the claims of them being held against their will in underground NWO bunkers that he made last December), and he also mentioned the Stanley Meyer stuff briefly. BUT he did NOT apologize for the "Errors" on the Orion site, in their fund raising activities that CLAIMED THEY ALREADY HAD the Stanley Meyer buggy and other stuff. They clearly did not have it... as we well know. But they collected MONEY using that as a lure.
> His claims, often repeated, that he has special insider knowledge from people "high up in the government" have NEVER been verified by anyone, or anything AT ALL.
Folks, i will give you a very important clue: If someone starts a story out by saying: "I was told this by a government person / scientist who is very high up, but if i told you his /her name, this person would be killed!"
Then you know, it is B-S , lol.
You know why? It's very simple...
Think about that
We hear that same tactic a lot with psy-ops dis-info. Obviously, it is an easy-out for not having to show anything real to back it. And these psy-ops people are essentially lazy, and do the same stuff over and over i have often noticed many times.
Greer's comments that tried to denigrate the Open Source community TOOK US ON... trying to make it sound like "his is the only way".
And so he will learn better.
I am pissed off, that Orion gets all kinds of money from good folks who want help end oil, and save this planet. When you take money, show NOTHING for it FOR YEARS, then try to make yourself a "leader", and THEN on top of it, denigrate those who ARE DOING IT FOR FREE, AND ACTUALLY SHOWING THINGS OF VALUE...
... Then it is clear that something is very wrong here.
I await the attacks from the Greer supporters, lol. But know that i would not have done this unless prepared, or that i have not spent a great deal of time and research analyzing this situation we are plagued with here of "psy-ops". i believe the BEST way to fight it, is to confront it directly.
These psy-ops jerks don't scare me at all, and are frankly laughable. They are losers: Their tactics are obvious and so worn out and over-used they SMELL. And imo, something smells pretty bad at Orion Group.
And i don't give a damn who doesn't like me saying it.
Look that link up for yourselves folks, you won't find me linking to it (lol you'll see why in a minute).
In this "interview" (self-done really), he stated some disturbing things that i will point out here.
> He said we in the Open Source movement, specifically people who "work by themselves in their garages". will "NEVER GET ANYWHERE".
Lol this is hilarious. Many people who come here have done great and important work. I would say "TWENTY TIMES" what Orion has done... Except that their output is ZERO and you cannot multiply by zero! ORION HAS NEVER SHOWN ANYTHING AT ALL.
And what is his alternative..? To trust him, and only him, to get something out to the Public. Using what method? How? He has PROVED he cannot be trusted (as seen below), and "faith" is for religions and matters of Spirit, not science and politics. And not for something as important as this.
> He called for inventors to BRING ORION THEIR INVENTIONS. This appears to be what is called "The Spider Web" tactic... and is often used as a means of suppression, sort of a "safety valve" for the NSA to get a hold of devices that are not suppressed other ways (such as Patent Applications, shelving, or via manipulating funding/investment capital).
First off, if Orion really does have all these marvelous techs... WHY do they need ours?? Second, considering we have seen NOTHING OF ANY VALUE AT ALL in over 3 years of their fund raising... Then what will happen to YOUR invention once they get a hold of it? It would fall into the black hole that every other tech they claim to have has fallen. Since Greer has shown over and over that he DOES NOT EMBRACE OPEN SOURCE at all; even if he is not actually "psy-ops", he might gain control over it, or a significant percentage of it, if it is ever marketed (which i do not believe is likely!!).
> During the radio show, he and Dr. Loder said that of all the recent announcement that come from Government DOE Grants, that NOTHING AT ALL was valuable. THIS IS NOT TRUE. It is VERY CLEAR That the work of Dr. Daniel Nocera of M.I.T. is very important, especially as a means of giving the genre Peer-Reviewed PROOF for what we have been saying for years!
Is he really ignorant of this? I will let you all decide that. Imo, this announcement from M.I.T. in April 2010 is the most important one we have had in many years coming from mainstream science. ODD how he didn't mention it, and claimed NOTHING coming from Grants was "worthwhile".
> Dr. Greer said we in the Free Energy community "need leadership".. Clearly MEANING HIM. Lol. This is so absurd i cannot believe they think we would accept him as our "leader". For one thing, it is ridiculously EASY to control an entire movement from the top. We are best off with NO LEADERS. What do we even NEED one for? To collect the money lol? N-o t-h-a-n-k y-o-u. Second. WHAT HAS HE DONE TO PROVE HE DESERVES IT IN THE FIELD OF FREE ENERGY?? Has ANYONE ever seen ANYTHING of real value come from Orion Group?? Please come forward if you have.
There can be some argument for his work being valuable in the "Disclosure Project" (which was about UFO's and government secret projects). He took a lot of credit for it, but it was NOT his show alone. And, if you talk to folks who were actually involved in it (as i have), at the very last minute, he made a stupendous blunder that cost the large media support they had expected and had been promised... By injecting some really ridiculous-sounding stuff into the claims that HAD NO PROOF or reason for being there AT ALL, and that HE HAD NEVER DISCUSSED WITH THE OTHER FOLKS who were involved with the project. My source says that this blunder totally screwed their hope for greater publicity by scaring away many reporters because it sounded too absurd.
Injecting "absurdity" is a common tactic we see in psy-ops to turn off thinking people.
> He mentioned "his" inventors being suppressed again (although he left out the claims of them being held against their will in underground NWO bunkers that he made last December), and he also mentioned the Stanley Meyer stuff briefly. BUT he did NOT apologize for the "Errors" on the Orion site, in their fund raising activities that CLAIMED THEY ALREADY HAD the Stanley Meyer buggy and other stuff. They clearly did not have it... as we well know. But they collected MONEY using that as a lure.
> His claims, often repeated, that he has special insider knowledge from people "high up in the government" have NEVER been verified by anyone, or anything AT ALL.
Folks, i will give you a very important clue: If someone starts a story out by saying: "I was told this by a government person / scientist who is very high up, but if i told you his /her name, this person would be killed!"
Then you know, it is B-S , lol.
You know why? It's very simple...
Think about that

We hear that same tactic a lot with psy-ops dis-info. Obviously, it is an easy-out for not having to show anything real to back it. And these psy-ops people are essentially lazy, and do the same stuff over and over i have often noticed many times.
Greer's comments that tried to denigrate the Open Source community TOOK US ON... trying to make it sound like "his is the only way".
And so he will learn better.
I am pissed off, that Orion gets all kinds of money from good folks who want help end oil, and save this planet. When you take money, show NOTHING for it FOR YEARS, then try to make yourself a "leader", and THEN on top of it, denigrate those who ARE DOING IT FOR FREE, AND ACTUALLY SHOWING THINGS OF VALUE...
... Then it is clear that something is very wrong here.
I await the attacks from the Greer supporters, lol. But know that i would not have done this unless prepared, or that i have not spent a great deal of time and research analyzing this situation we are plagued with here of "psy-ops". i believe the BEST way to fight it, is to confront it directly.
These psy-ops jerks don't scare me at all, and are frankly laughable. They are losers: Their tactics are obvious and so worn out and over-used they SMELL. And imo, something smells pretty bad at Orion Group.
And i don't give a damn who doesn't like me saying it.