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Steorn Cracked!!!

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  • #31
    Well all of you that have an overunity or free energy device by all means please share it with the rest of us.

    I work on these devices as a hobby and realize that many others before me that are much smarter have spent more time and money than I have and have very little to show for it. I have numerous SG and SSG and have one running right now to condition batteries. My power battery is charged with a 45 watt solar panel kit I paid $159.00 for. Its the only thing I have that I consider to be producing a net gain in energy.

    Matthew Jones and TanTric please tell me about your devices that show a net gain in energy I'd love to learn about them.

    Some new members come hear thinking they are going to learn how to make a device thats over unity or free energy but its highly unlikely. I like to watch, listen and learn, but the likely hood of one of us learning a technique to produce enough power to have free energy is very unlikely.

    Its just my opinion like it or not. Please prove me wrong.



    • #32
      @ Mark
      I do every time I post. Look at the Simple Motor. In the state it is in the movie it will not do much but the basic circiut coupled with some different configurations it can do alot of work at no cost in energy.
      But you gotta build one and look to see. You gotta look past an obvious replication and you start to see the potential.

      Most people replicate it and say "Thats Neat" I'll go on to the next one and they start something else. You have to look to find.



      • #33
        Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
        @ Mark
        I do every time I post. Look at the Simple Motor. In the state it is in the movie it will not do much but the basic circiut coupled with some different configurations it can do alot of work at no cost in energy.
        But you gotta build one and look to see. You gotta look past an obvious replication and you start to see the potential.

        Most people replicate it and say "Thats Neat" I'll go on to the next one and they start something else. You have to look to find.

        Thats not much different than an SG. I've built and tested quite a few. No free lunch there. What have you done with it?

        Rotate the batteries back and forth and eventually they both run down. Hook a generator to it and you get close to break even but no over unity. Or have you done it and haven't shown anyone? Lets see.....



        • #34

          Look at Bits 10 coiler, TS set up. Bits is very knowledgeable and I have the highest reguards for him. But he has spent at least $6,000.00 on his set up and is only putting out 60 watts . And I'm not convinced that he is actually not loosing more than that in his power batteries. You can buy a pretty nice solar setup for that investment that is going to put out 20 or more times the power.

          I don't want to pursuade anyone to stop experimenting. Dr Stiffler, Steorn and Geet have some viable technology that may indeed prove to be able to be used in consumer products. I believe Howard Johnson's magnet motor is real but where is it and how come its not being developed? I guess I'm just a realist, go figure.



          • #35
            Ok one thing about over-unity is that you need to be obsessive about it to find it! And keep Focused on it!!!

            Wish you could comment my last post...

            Lets concentrate and try avoiding parallel discussions please.

            Thanks =)


            • #36
              Originally posted by Mark View Post

              I believe Howard Johnson's magnet motor is real but where is it and how come its not being developed? I guess I'm just a realist, go figure.

              For sure not from the Industry developed, and for a private Person?
              It may are costs from about 10 000 Dollars only for the Magnets,
              and not sure, if the Plans for the Arrangement do match or are complete.
              It would be a lot of Effort without Warranty that it works.

              That you can ever buy it you only can hope from it,
              the last Story i ve heared was about the Rotoverter.
              The Doc is anywhere at Panacea, he did get it selfrunning,
              and after go to an Investor or more Company with it, suddenly
              his Bank account was locked and he lost his Work.
              And some other Storys about other Devices.
              I ve heared about an other Magnet Motor,
              what did run for a Guy in his Basement,
              but he dissapeared, guess it was his unstable Way of Life.

              And else, if you dont wanna bother with tinker around,
              may Solar Panels are a easy, fast and clean solution,
              to allways have a Pack of Batteries well charged.
              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


              • #37

                @sebosfato, sory the offtopic once again but...

                solar and wind, will never bring us energy independence guys!! we will still have to be connected to the grid...

                and we will never be free with this kind of energy's, because they are in the hands of the rulling class and we can not build them on cheap way in our garage!

                like mark sayd, for 6000eur you can buy a solar panel that will give you 60w x 20 times (more power, using is words) = 1200W

                why will i invest 6000 eur, for a 1.2kw of energy? that will only work when we have sun? plus the batterys to store the energy so you can use it when the sun is gone! that 6000eur will be the cost of being 12 years paying to the electric company!

                @mark as i sayd, you believe in what you want, but you dont have the right to discourage people from ther believes and goals, and just because you dont suceed that dont means that FE does not exist or it is unlikely, or others will not found it!

                to finish, god will only give the answer to the ones that have pure intentions about this kind of tec, and im shore the concept is much simple that we can imagine at this time, and there's no need to be a super smart guy that know all the theory or need to have lots of money for research to figure it all out!

                bill gates made the first computer(operating system) in a garage, without almost any resources, and at his time, there were a lot of labs full of ultra smart people trying to do the same!

                wake up mark, open your mind!

                Last edited by TanTric; 07-21-2010, 06:11 PM.
                Light, I Am!

                You are Not a Body that has a Spirit, You are a Spirit that Has a Body! There is no Path to Peace, Peace is the Path!


                • #38

                  I have NOT discouraged anyone from there beliefs or goals. It IS possible to go off grid using solar and wind. We CAN be more energy dependent using solar and wind. By using energy efficient technology you do not need a huge solar array. An electric car can be charged with solar.

                  Solar and wind may not be as practical as just paying for electricity but it IS possible. Solar is getting cheaper and battery technology is improving. As of right now there are very few ways to be energy independent other than wind or solar.

                  The concept of free energy has been around for over 30 years and no devices are currently available to be purchased. When they are how much do you think they will cost to purchases Juju? A lot more than you'll have to purchase one I'm sure. And I doubt you have the skill or knowledge to ever produce one even if you had the patents. So good luck to you trying to build a free energy machine with your Lego set.

                  I really hope that someone does discover an easy method to produce free energy and everyone will have it but, I'm not going to hold my breath. If the grid goes down in the next couple of years are you prepared? If we knew for sure that the grid would be down in 2 years how would you prepare. I am betting my money on solar and wind and I AM getting prepaired. When something better comes along I'll be one of the first inline to upgrade.

                  If anyone needs to wake up its YOU Juju, your living in a dream world! I'm realistic your dreaming.



                  • #39

                    yes im just a dreamer, and i feel very good for that, because... (just a couple of quotes from some of the most wonderfull minds in human history)

                    All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow
                    vibration, we are all one counsciesness experiencing
                    itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death,
                    life is just a dream, and we are the imagination
                    of ourselfs!

                    We are perceivers, we are awarness, we are not
                    objects, we have no solidity. we are boundless...
                    we, or rather our reason, forget this and thus
                    we entrap the totality of ourselfs in a vicious
                    circle from which we rarely emerge in our lifetime.

                    if the doors of perception were cleaned, everything would
                    appear to man as it is, infinite"

                    you cannot solve problems, with the same level of coinciesness
                    that created them!

                    you must be the change you want to see in the world!

                    Cowardice asks the question - is it safe?
                    Expediency asks the question - is it politic?
                    vanity asks the question - is it right?
                    and there comes a time when one must take a position
                    that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular,
                    but one must take it because it is right!

                    mark, the signs are there to be seen, we just have to open our minds!

                    Last edited by TanTric; 07-22-2010, 12:49 AM.
                    Light, I Am!

                    You are Not a Body that has a Spirit, You are a Spirit that Has a Body! There is no Path to Peace, Peace is the Path!


                    • #40
                      Another great post Juju, more of your senseless, worthless bull crap.


                      • #41
                        Hi folks, Hi TanTric, great words and another quote from the great one.
                        “It's just a ride and we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money, a choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one.”
                        Bill Hicks
                        peace love light


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Mark View Post
                          Thats not much different than an SG. I've built and tested quite a few. No free lunch there. What have you done with it?
                          Rotate the batteries back and forth and eventually they both run down. Hook a generator to it and you get close to break even but no over unity. Or have you done it and haven't shown anyone? Lets see.....

                          Originally posted by Mark View Post
                          Look at Bits 10 coiler, TS set up. Bits is very knowledgeable and I have the highest reguards for him. But he has spent at least $6,000.00 on his set up and is only putting out 60 watts . And I'm not convinced that he is actually not loosing more than that in his power batteries. You can buy a pretty nice solar setup for that investment that is going to put out 20 or more times the power.
                          I don't want to pursuade anyone to stop experimenting. Dr Stiffler, Steorn and Geet have some viable technology that may indeed prove to be able to be used in consumer products. I believe Howard Johnson's magnet motor is real but where is it and how come its not being developed? I guess I'm just a realist, go figure.
                          Right I am building a small 18 coil version that drive larger magnets over the space of several coils. It produces 2 ft pound of torque at 2000 Rpms.
                          This version is also being built to couple with a small refrigeration unit that will mount on the back of a solar panel and extract heat from the panel itself. The heat will be ejected towards the top of the panel. If you can keep the panel at or about 72 degrees the efficiency of the panel will be around 95 percent. Lower the temperature and you can over the rated panel output. Usually on a 30 degree day my panels at 180 watt put out about 200. On a 100 degree day they can go as low as 120 watts.

                          Anyway the motor is driven by the potential off the panels. Most of the motors I have built output between 120 to 160 percent more out than in. This potential can then be delivered to capacitor which is in series on the string and is discharged into the inverter.

                          So you get mechanical work to cool the panel for FREE. The panel now outputs a considerable amount more the motor adds to the overall amount of energy.
                          I am not hiding anything, its just not something I am not totally interested in sharing. Unless of course someone else was working towards the same goal.

                          So no I don't just sit on the bench and run batteries down. I contribute that to a very active imagination and a good work ethic.

                          You gotta think about how the device is applicable and work towards that goal. Simple. Do you have use for the device?

                          Just like monopole once tuned and the batteries are conditioned you can do alot. But not with a little job. Bigger one built correctly and plugged to a solar panel would be great for developing the crystal structure of a battery. They format batteries real nice. You just gotta build one for that reason if you have a use for it.

                          Just keep trying you'll find what works for ya.

                          I'll get off the subject now.

                          Last edited by Matthew Jones; 07-21-2010, 09:42 PM.


                          • #43
                            /command ignore

                            Originally posted by Mark View Post
                            Another great post Juju, more of your senseless, worthless bull crap.
                            Light, I Am!

                            You are Not a Body that has a Spirit, You are a Spirit that Has a Body! There is no Path to Peace, Peace is the Path!


                            • #44

                              lovely quote, skywatcher i allready knew you feel the same way as i do!

                              hugs brother!

                              Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                              Hi folks, Hi TanTric, great words and another quote from the great one.

                              peace love light
                              Light, I Am!

                              You are Not a Body that has a Spirit, You are a Spirit that Has a Body! There is no Path to Peace, Peace is the Path!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by freeweaver View Post
                                LOL, thanks Harvey, on to the tried and tested i think- SSG as a place to start?

                                You may want to have a look at the Robert Brooks thread over on Heretical Builders he is not sure where the power is coming from but he calcs about a 40W gain. Like all of these pulsing systems the real gain is difficult to quantify, but I really like the way he isolated his pulse generator from power circuit.

                                "Amy Pond, there is something you need to understand, and someday your life may depend on it: I am definitely a madman with a box." ~The Doctor

