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Non Switched DC Motor, Thane Heins

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  • Non Switched DC Motor, Thane Heins

    Here is a very interesting video Thane just posted.

    YouTube - TEST NO. 1 STRAIGHT DC - SELF PULSING DC MOTOR ("Pulseless and Brushless").mov

    In it he is using one of his "regenerative acceleration" coils to drive a motor. The crazy thing is that there is no switching at all and he is running it off straight dc. He definatly has a very interesting effect going on with those coils. And they are really not that complicated, just a coil with a very long winding length. If you have not seen Thanes work i highly suggest watching his previous videos. I know there are a lot of motorheads on the forum and i thought this would be some good phenomena to study.
    Last edited by cody; 07-26-2010, 04:18 AM.

  • #2
    Thanks Cody, great stuff!


    • #3
      Thanks Cody poor thane has to shout to scientist when he try to show them always ends up in a shouting match! Thane is tough tho..

