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radient energy - static electricty

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  • radient energy - static electricty

    Is radient energy just another name for static electricty? I recently read Peter Linemann's old article "Thermodynamics and Free Energy" where he dubbs it "ethertricity". I'm very open minded and found Peter's article very enlightening. All the discussion on radient energy has been confusing to me but if radient energy is just another name for static electricty then I think the fog will start to clear out.

    Sorry, bad spelling. I guess Its "Radiant Energy"
    Last edited by abb8279; 08-02-2010, 06:13 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by abb8279 View Post
    Is radient energy just another name for static electricty? I recently read Peter Linemann's old article "Thermodynamics and Free Energy" where he dubbs it "ethertricity". I'm very open minded and found Peter's article very enlightening. All the discussion on radient energy has been confusing to me but if radient energy is just another name for static electricty then I think the fog will start to clear out.

    Sorry, bad spelling. I guess Its "Radiant Energy"

    geez...isn't anybody going to respond? Can anybody at least tell me if static electricty can be measured with a multimeter same as current electricty?


    • #3
      Radiant energy is a broad term but it deals with energy from electromagnetic waves. What is Radiant Energy?

      There are meters that are made for static electricity.
      Detection of Static Electricity - Succeed in Understanding Physics: School for Champions


      • #4
        Dipole Antigravity

        Electrokinesis is the core of ZPE device function. I've seen many info about voltage (of Radiant Energy device) however I didn't found any current data or how current behave in energy gradient of circuit stages. I'd like to share info about that could be conveyed. If you are interested about serious research I recommend the following video
        The number one video have many interesting conversation between Dr Eugene Jeong and keen engineers YouTube - Physics of Free Energy Device Dr Jeong have a good theory deserves investigation, thus his page is Dipole (Anti)Gravity, Magnetic Gravity, true Gravitomagnetism
        Last edited by Freemen; 08-03-2010, 02:39 AM. Reason: I forgot to set the subscription type


        • #5
          Originally posted by Iotayodi View Post
          Radiant energy is a broad term but it deals with energy from electromagnetic waves. What is Radiant Energy?

          There are meters that are made for static electricity.
          Detection of Static Electricity - Succeed in Understanding Physics: School for Champions
          Thanks for the response. If there are special meters made for static electricty then that proves static electricy is different.

          In terms of Bedini technology and what Bearden refers to as "energy from the vacuum" these technologies work by simply extracting static electricy from the environment?

          If thats the case why don't they just say so? Is it becasue most people have been trained to believe that static electricty is the same as current electricty?


          • #6
            What Tesla refered to as radiant energy I believe to be the inductive current produced when a conductor is in the vicinity of a changing static field. Nikola Tesla spent a lot of his time researching the electrostatic phenomena while his contemparies did the same for electromagnetic phenomena. At least that's what conclusion I came to after carefully reading his lectures. I'm sure as time goes on and experiments come to light my understanding of this will all change however this is the groundwork for it and I am sure of that.

            Scribd account;


            • #7

              I think you have a good point here. I worked with bee venom extraction, and eventually I noticed that some people of Apishealth (New Zealand) co-opted a certain Nicolai Nicolaev (from Russia) and the men claim -and patented it- he developed a bee venom device which he call the technology as "electricity simulation". My best guest it is simple static electricity that are impregnated in the frames/plates of venom collection such in Tesla coils. In such case, the solution is use capacitors to produce static.
              Last edited by Freemen; 08-03-2010, 12:38 PM. Reason: I forgot a simple explanation to add


              • #8
                "energy from the vacuum" these technologies work by simply extracting static electricy from the environment?

                If thats the case why don't they just say so? Is it becasue most people have been trained to believe that static electricty is the same as current electricty?
                Well there is an 100v electrostatic potential in the air at about 6 ft and this doubles for every 6 ft vertically. I dont believe Sweets work with the vta used this electrostatic potential but it may have. Static electricity is basically just a charge build up on surfaces. Once its discharged its gone and charge has to be built back up again. There is very little current in everyday static electricity but it can have thousands of volts.


                • #9
                  I decided to have a look around Peter Lindemann's website and on the technologies page where he talks about radiant energy the last sentance says:

                  "Much of John Bedini's work also falls into the field of Radiant Energy. These developments are only the tip of the iceberg in our knowledge of what is mistakenly referred to as "static electricity" but is really something much more astonishing."

                  Free Energy | Technologies

                  Can someone expound on this?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Iotayodi View Post
                    Well there is an 100v electrostatic potential in the air at about 6 ft and this doubles for every 6 ft vertically. I dont believe Sweets work with the vta used this electrostatic potential but it may have. Static electricity is basically just a charge build up on surfaces. Once its discharged its gone and charge has to be built back up again. There is very little current in everyday static electricity but it can have thousands of volts.
                    Correct, Floyd Sweet's VTA worked off an oscillating magnetic field I believe. From what I remember the process invovled demagnetising the magnets to a large extent then impressing an alternating signal on them at some certain 'magnetic resonant' frequency.

                    Originally posted by abb8279 View Post
                    I decided to have a look around Peter Lindemann's website and on the technologies page where he talks about radiant energy the last sentance says:

                    "Much of John Bedini's work also falls into the field of Radiant Energy. These developments are only the tip of the iceberg in our knowledge of what is mistakenly referred to as "static electricity" but is really something much more astonishing."

                    Free Energy | Technologies

                    Can someone expound on this?
                    I think John Bedini's device works on no other principal than electrostatic attraction. If we potentialize the battery positive as to attract the electrons back to the positive leg using only electrostatic attraction (remember it sends a transient spike from a collapsing inductor which is basically all voltage and very little actual current. I believe this is how he describes it too if I'm not mistaken. Most researchers think of electrical energy as that generated by electromagnetic induction and not by electrostatic induction (or as Steinmetz & Dollard called it, more appropriately at that, dielectric induction). A simple static charge with a static field around it won't do anything and it's actions are described quite well by classical science, albeit not explained very well. So when Peter Lindemann refers to 'static electricity' in the sense he has I'd think of it as a dynamic static electricity (which is a contradiction, hence my preferred use of the word dielectric induction).

                    This is all of my thoughts, they could be right or wrong but a voice inside me is telling me that this is the path researchers need to follow.

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                    • #11
                      Classical science describes electricty (including static electricy), as simply electrons being pulled off of one atom and onto another.

                      In 1892 Sir Oliver Lodge published a book titled "Modern Views of Electrity" wherein he describes energy coming from the ether.

                      How do we reconcile these views? Is electricty really just electrons being shuffled about? If the ether is significant...what is its role, how does all this work?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Karl_Palsness
                        What is energy? Electromagnet energy is the debris left over from the destruction of Magnet Flow/Magnet Currents. That means that there must have been a Magnet Circuit operating! So that means that a greater “Magnetic Permeance” is what is important!!! Would not that be the energy we are looking for? Magnet Pressure is the amount of energy flowing through a magnet circuit. So in that case you would be able to make changing state of that circuit by using shunts to send the currents into different parts of your circuit at will. Since you don't have to pay for the magnet currents or its the Magnet Source, that would only lead to the free energy you are looking for. So Electromagnet energy is really not energy at all, but the debris of left over from the destruction of energy!!! Similar as the explosion of a fire cracker is not the energy but the result of the true energy been destroyed. You are paying to make Electromagnet energy how would you ever make a free energy machine using electromagnet energy? Electromagnet energy IS NOT magnetic current. They are totally different. Magnet potentials are not Magnet circuits aether . Think of how a transformer works. If the Magnet Current does not cut the wires of the secondary at 90 Deg's how would the secondary capture any energy? After all, all the flux in contained within the core! Therefore there is no magnet field moving past a wire or changing intensity and therefore you would get no current according to our present theory. When you understand how Magnetic currents work you will understand how a transformer works. The unloaded secondary wires stop the magnet streams just like a brick wall does a fire hose, that is why a unloaded secondary of a transformer does not draw a load from the primary, but a loaded Secondary does the opposite. The coils gates the magnet streams. The unloaded coil presents infinite voltage to the stream and therefore infinite resistance to that stream. The loaded secondary presents low resistance to the stream. So it comes down to the “maxwell”, “oersted” and the “gauss”. The next step is a free energy machine.


                        • #13
                          I'm going to have to think about that one for a long time Freeman. Part of the problem might be that I know nothing about transformers.


                          • #14

                            abb8279 I thought about the problem with transformers and I think worth a glance at YouTube - Turtur Zero Point Energy Rotor there have a comment of a member concerning the use of transformer by the Prof Turtur. Some text I read about radiant energy device (excerpts from Basic Radiant Energy Circuit) "once a certain voltage threshold is reached, oscillation occurs and the high voltage is stepped down to a lower high frequency current. High frequency is optime to work Light Bulbs, but must be lowered to operate heaters and motors. A submultiple generator was used to accomplish this, and its circuit fits Moray's description of how he lowered the high frequency generated using that device. The final stage outputted 6,000-cycle power or 6,000,000 cycles (6MHz)".
                            Last edited by Freemen; 08-04-2010, 12:22 PM. Reason: Logic Error


                            • #15
                              hi everyone...

                              just wanted to say i like this thread, and thanks EF.......david

