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radient energy - static electricty

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  • #16
    Originally posted by abb8279 View Post
    Is radient energy just another name for static electricty?
    No. Radiant energy in Tesla coil is not electric.

    Meter being said able to detect them are analog voltmeter without alumunium in it or seepage / leepage rate of an electroscope.


    • #17
      Originally posted by abb8279 View Post
      . . . All the discussion on radient energy has been confusing to me but if radient energy is just another name for static electricty then I think the fog will start to clear out."
      Radiant energy is exactly what the words say; no more, none less. It is energy that is radiated out and away from matter which is not the same as energy that is passing through a conductor. Most radiant energy is in the form of Electromagnetic waves; but there is a bit more to it than just the EM spectum.

      How exactly it works and more in depth understanding will only come by first understanding the Physics of the Atom and its sub-particles; then how atoms are 'charged' and kept in motion, the operation of polarity and the difference between light / photons.

      Though radiant energy is not the movement of electrons; it can result in setting electrons in motion. Not only electrons but also positrons and in fact the whole sub-atomic structure.

      The sun is the best example as source of radiant energy; also the earth and even yourself is radiating Radiant Energy.

      I believe that the meaning of 'Static electricity' as Tesla was referring to is not meant as only that which you get when walking on a wool carpet and touch another person. I believe his reference was rather in the direction of Potential or stored electricity which needs to build up and wait for release; meaning Static as in 'not moving'. Same as in capacitor or battery. In that lecture Tesla was referring to the Energy from the environmnet, energy that is freely available in such quantities that we do not need to have 'static' storage devices. In other words; devices that will run directly from the Radiant energy.

      Strangely; if you really think about that, we do have many such devices in use today. This is exaclty the kind of thing Tesla was talking about - for instance the Probes we are sending all over into outer space.
      Last edited by Aromaz; 08-07-2010, 01:15 AM.
      Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


      • #18
        Capturing Radiant Energy


        Interesting discussion, recently I was to a big supermarket.
        I was pushing the supermarket trolly, and once in a while, when I touched the metal body of it, it could produce a shock. In other words, it was generating energy, while moving on the floor. (Or capturing radiant energy)

        It was nevertheless an interesting observation, I wanted to share.

        Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


        • #19
          Radiant energy is electrical energy radiated around in spherical manner from source or transmitter. Energy is throw away in the form of longitudinal wave and may occur as "electrified sound or pressure waves in air" if its frequency is slow enough to be felt by ions in air.


          • #20
            Voltage is statistical measurement of radiant energy amplitude in time between two points.In fact EMF force is radiant energy flowing in one direction around wave guide like wire. It is the same as rate of change of magnetic flux in time and that change of magnetic flux is longitudinal wave .Someone could say it's scalar wave because it is spherical wave from the transmitting source like pumping balloon (though it is not strict because it may flow around metalic surface and thus shape may be different).


            • #21
              Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
              Voltage is statistical measurement of radiant energy amplitude in time between two points.
              I don't agree. Some mention gold electroscope leakage and seepage measurement as the only realiable way to measure Tesla radiant energy.

              Voltage meter supposed to measure only the electric charge part of the circuit.

              I mention Tesla radiant energy because conventional science use radiant on everything that radiate which is not always Tesla radiant energy.


              • #22
                Solved magnificance of 369

                all numbers 8+8=16=7
                but you see
                123456790 no 8
                probly will help some of you


                • #23
                  While that's fascinating what meaning does it have? Those are all arbitrary numbers that you've made up.
                  Scribd account;


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Cheif prince of me-she-ch View Post
                    probly will help some of you
                    I am also interested in how we can utilize that. Wire length? spool height/length? impedance? capacitance? inductance?


                    • #25
                      Forget all you've learnt in school

                      I haven't built the most simple electrical circuit, I have to say that. But I have read some different papers about this interesting field.

                      The concept I have see in common in all those papers was very contradictory with classical electromagnetic theory. Radiant energy doesn't involves the flow of electrons in a conductor. There are sub-electronic (smaller than electron) electrical particles.
                      Radiant energy I think it's basically ampere-free electrical energy, potential gradients, or pure potential, similar to static electricity but not the same thing.

                      Electrical energy is, of course, present in all the universe. But I think it's erroneus to think that energy is ElectroMagnetic. If it would be electromagnetic, we could measure high amounts of amperage in the air, and we could be electrocuted instantly. The unlimited energy could be similar like electrostatic. Big amounts of pure voltage and ampere-free electrical energy.
                      You can ask... Ampere-free? And I could answer you, yes. If we are able to think that there is a smaller electrical particle, then we can hypothesize that
                      ampere = electron flow
                      voltage = sub-electronic flow

                      The pseudo-scientific theory explains that ampere is the energy losses in form of light and heat, and it doesn't involve an "electron flow".

                      Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                      I am also interested in how we can utilize that. Wire length? spool height/length? impedance? capacitance? inductance?
                      Why do you say that?
                      You've obtained Radiant Energy while replicating the Correa Converter. Not?

                      Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                      Voltage is statistical measurement of radiant energy amplitude in time between two points.In fact EMF force is radiant energy flowing in one direction around wave guide like wire. It is the same as rate of change of magnetic flux in time and that change of magnetic flux is longitudinal wave .Someone could say it's scalar wave because it is spherical wave from the transmitting source like pumping balloon (though it is not strict because it may flow around metalic surface and thus shape may be different).
                      Maybe voltage is the measurement of the dissipation of the potential gradient. Energy is a coherent order of the virtual particles of the ether.
                      A coherent order of the aetheric particles = potential gradient = any kind of energy (electrical, kinetic, gravitational...). Electricity is a property of the aether. Basically it's a differentiation process of the random quantum particles. When you interact with them, you can create observable physical effects.
                      Unidirectional EMF force, I think it could be radiant energy, of course. In a classic electrical circuit, you have 2 EMF flowing at the same time. Forward and Backward EMF.
                      Probably, the universe is an immense reservoir of Magneto-static energy. It's not like static energy, but it's a mixture between magnetic and static energy. When you perform physical effects, then you can destabilize that magneto-static energy and then translate that destabilization to electrical energy.
                      Last edited by MrMagAmp; 08-14-2010, 08:40 PM.


                      • #26

                        you have an interesitng input and view.
                        To get to the point of defining; we first need to understand;
                        To define electricity; we need to understand Polarity;
                        To define polarity; we need to understand gravity;
                        To define gravity; we need to understand Sub-Atomic;

                        The root, secret and building blocks of all electricity lies in understanding the PHOTON. It has now been two years and still going on for me; to learn all aspects of the sub-atomic - Photon.
                        Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Aromaz View Post

                          you have an interesitng input and view.
                          To get to the point of defining; we first need to understand;
                          To define electricity; we need to understand Polarity;
                          To define polarity; we need to understand gravity;
                          To define gravity; we need to understand Sub-Atomic;

                          The root, secret and building blocks of all electricity lies in understanding the PHOTON. It has now been two years and still going on for me; to learn all aspects of the sub-atomic - Photon.
                          Thanks Aromaz,
                          I think that the universe, all the space-time, is made of homogeneous neutral particles. I mean, quiet particles in equilibrium. In that state, we cannot observe them because they're virtual (massless). They're semi-materialized chemical compounds, like a plasma or something similar.
                          After we interact with that virtual flow of electrical particles of the ether, they manifest as observable and measurable effects. All is about geometry. When they are out of them equilibrium state, they are shaped into electricity, magnetism, gravity, etc... Each energy has an specific shape. And the vortex has a lot to do with them.
                          All present in the space-time is a specific LC configuration. R is not valid because scalar waves have not resistance in the ether.

                          Long time ago, I purchased an excellent book in Italian (that book has been the only one sold in the net) where an aerospace engineer made an unified theory of universe and matter. In that book the man described the origin of photon. I didn't understand it very well but it's very interesting. The Vatican used that book in the 50's to build the Chronovisor.
                          Google Traductor


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by MrMagAmp View Post
                            . . . In that book the man described the origin of photon.
                            First time in my life I wished I could read Italian; unfortunatley I choose Greek and Hebrew; which I also dropped in my final selection of subjects!

                            I Googled much of what I could see as keywords; but fail to find anything.

                            Since Photon is my main target I would really love to see this explanation of the Origin of Photon.

                            Originally posted by MrMagAmp View Post
                            . . .where an aerospace engineer made an unified theory of universe and matter. . .
                            Could you give me the name of this engineer? Maybe I can find more of his writings or even translations?

                            Anybody else that can help on this? Maybe translate or sumarize that section?
                            Last edited by Aromaz; 08-15-2010, 12:22 PM.
                            Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.


                            • #29
                              The name of the engineer is Cesare Colangeli.
                              Don't try to find that book in the net because it's impossible. I have just said that I have the only copy sold in the internet.

                              I haven't the book here right now, but I can translate something tomorrow when I come back to the other home, where the book is. The book is called

                              Materia e Radiazione - Origine e struttura. Teoria unitaria dell'universo fisico. Ulrico Hoepli Editore - Milano 1950
                              Matter and Radiation - Origin and structure- Unified theory of physical universe.
                              Ed: Ulrico Hoepli - Milan 1950 (84 pages)


                              • #30
                                @MrMagAmp; Thanks, got a few leads running, not much about the book at all, nor Author or concepts at all. Lots of references though mostly in medical work.

                                Are (were) you "Magnethos" in

                                The bit I could find quickly like All matter consist of Energy, and such energy is basically Photons fits perfectly with my model. Thus - quite interesting.
                                Therefore we need to find NEW ways, NEW experiments and NEW lines of thoughts.

