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Self Oscillating Magnet Coill Gain and Feedback.

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  • #16
    Joule Thief.

    Twinbeard suggests that I try a Joule Thief circuit to excite the ticklers. I'm moving ahead with this idea.


    I'll have more pictures posted by tomorrow afternoon.


    • #17
      Cosmicfarmer picture remind me of this:

      The inventor claim self oscillation.


      • #18


        Very, very, interesting. Two magnet core bifilar's cross wired in series with a few resistors would apparently reproduce the Oscillation. I wonder if Lidmotor and Jeana have seen this patent? Fascinating! Thanks a million. I can't wait to wake up and try this tomorrow.

        I see where you built and tested this Danial McFarland Cook's design. It was pointed out that his work's real hot with the VTA builders. Maybe my approach will help it work better! It's wired in "series parallel" conection, The bottem of the secondary to the bottem of the primary in the twin coil, and the top to the top. The same way across from the other coil. Cook indicates you have to charge the primary with a battery to raise the iron to full saturation and full magnatization to energize the oscillation. He also says you can use magnets. Magnets should work with no outside power. The transfer of charge BLOCKS the magnet charge in twin coil, followed by a back pulse. This may turn into an unexpected windfall!
        Last edited by synchro; 08-09-2010, 05:08 AM.


        • #19
          Good luck . I also have been wondering if that patent was used on Steven Mark TPU.


          • #20
            Hey You Are Gifted!

            KUNEL PATENT: (DE3024814) Will tell you why this worked for you and how to make it happen on command and be amplified too, XD work!


            • #21
              Coil wrap.

              I realized it would be simple to wrap a speaker wire coil bobbin Cook's way, with an aircore the correct diameter to pass the tube magnets into. First a green 28 gauge wire wrap, then a thick layer of tape, followed by an outer coil of red 26 gauge. Naudin's video showing the cancelation of magnetic field explains how the pulse attenuation force enables the oscillation. I don't think the bifilars will work, because both coils would flux block. It's not to hard to wrap a few coils Cook's way, to give his design a fair chance. Inductors have a capacative discharge effect when the field colapses. Pretty neat LL tank circuit because the coils are already self powering. All the coils have to do is generate enough power to replace what's lost to circuit resistence, and the oscillation should at least sustain itself. Cook says it heats up!


              Kunels patents are incredible! Have you taken a look at Art Porter's GAP technology? Kunel's designs use the same kind of "Magnetic Neutralization Coil" Art uses to power his pulse motor. Kunel's designs move magnetic flux through an output coil from an attached magnet with a finely spaced air gap between the magnet and stationary stator. They alternately neutralize and reinforce the flux. Kunel has reversing current coils placed in the air gap, that work just like Art Porters.
              Last edited by synchro; 08-09-2010, 05:14 PM.


              • #22
                Jim Randall.

                I want post a link to Jim Randall's web site:

                Daniel McFarland Cook's Electro-Magnetic Battery

                He's got two different wireing schematics, one for his model in series, and the other in series parallel. Also, he says he ran a.c. and pulsed d.c.current through the circuit when Cook clearly specifies the application of direct d.c. to saturate the iron cores and bring them up to maximum magnetic strength. The resistors are merely there to keep the iron magnatized from a battery constantly connected when not in use. With out this feature it might take weeks to electro-magnatize the iron to full saturation. Randall's approach was grossly incorrect, his craftmanship excellent.


                • #23

                  please find where parameters of your circuit may change in time with synchronization of oscillations inside
                  most self-oscillating ou is based on it because energy rise is higher then static resistance of circuit
                  vta,cook,tpu for example


                  • #24

                    Closer study of Cook's patent makes it very clear how the coils align and wire. They definitly go in the same direction and cross over in series, so the current runs in the same direction. I noticed Randall's mistake where he has the wraps in the primarys going in the the opposite direction from the secondaries. So it comes out the same, but it's backwards. A little confusing. I ordered 5, 3/4 " I.D. spools from Rick Fredrick's site 3 3/4" high. Enough room to stack 5 neo tubes in. Cook says differ the potential as much as possible with the thinest and thickest possible difference in wire size, and insulate for the best tension. The larger the coils, and the better the insulation, the more power. PVC adhesive electrical insulation tape should wrap it up nicely.

                    I plan to pack a 3/4" I.D. PVC electrical conduit, three feet long, with long welding rods to test that core, then exchange them for a stack of 3/4" Neo's, and teat them. Cook calls for only one wrap of primary wire on the core, so the longer the better. Maybe additional layers wired in series parallel would work too?
                    Last edited by synchro; 08-10-2010, 02:38 PM.


                    • #25

                      Here's a few pictures. I got power readings from placing the tube neo's in the core of the bifilar coil next to the stack in the photo. I uploaded the outboard coil picture by mistake and can't figure how to delete it.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by synchro; 08-11-2010, 02:16 PM.


                      • #26

                        Here's some parts for a three foot Cook magnet battery. Up top you see the stack of magnets and the bifilar 26 & 28 I generated the power with. Three foot sections of PVC, 500 feet of 34 gauge magnet wire for the primaries and 100 feet of 12 for the secondary.
                        Attached Files


                        • #27
                          Cook battery.

                          I wraped 8" of 3/4 insulating conduit with one wrap of 34 gauge magnet wire, then wraped it in teflon plumbers tape. I then wound a single wrap of 12 gauge magnet wire wraped that with vinal insulation tape. I located the ends, got it cross wired in series correctly, wired my 4700 mf 50 volt super cap in then loaded the core with 8 3/4 inch tubes. I waited for any movemnt charge to disipate, dischaged the and am now measuring an astonishing rate of charge!

                          This is only one side of the oscillator, but what a powerhouse this Cook magnetic battery has turned into already!


                          • #28
                            Thanks for the photos. Though I wish they were all in one place so I could see them together. I dont think youve ever shred your output readings with us. A "powerhouse" could be misleading. Could you please post some of your readings.


                            • #29


                              I'm charging a 4700 mf 35 volt super capacitor through a schottky diode. The charge reached .36 volts in a few hours, then stoped chargeing. I discharged the cap, and started over, and the rate ticked up around a millivolt every few seconds. This should be enough to power the oscillation. I ordered another 10, 3/4 diametric tube neo's for the twin. They'll be here in about a week. A third of a volt would need a Joule Thief to boost it's power to a range where it could even light an LED. This is cold power, no heat in it's generation. This is only one half of an oscillator, but producing plenty of power to fuel the LL tank circuirt. That's why I'm useing such exotic language. A lengthened version, a third of a volt per 10 magnets, forty magnets in a thirty two inch tube should output a volt and a half. Two six foot tubes, 6 volts. Four six foot tube coils would output a constant twelve volts, probably with some usefull amount of amperage. The oscillation should increase voltage to a worthwhile level.

                              I think this circuit acts as a high voltage generator, much like the Joule Thief. I doubt any extra amperage will magicly appear, but the current may be in the hundreds of volts. Which makes it more than just a battery. This should work like a Joule Thief without the battery or transister. The alternateing pole shifts will power a pulse rotor too, so it also doubles as a reed switch.

                              Let's wait another week untill the new order of magnets arrive to test for gain. I have high hopes for it at this point!
                              Last edited by synchro; 08-11-2010, 03:40 PM.


                              • #30

                                It appears that the output's diuranl at this point. Planetary alignment torsions the Earth's magnetic field. Output's off %80. Probably climb again towards dark. Coil just about droped dead. i noticed the same effect with the Joe Tate power module radio wave converter.

