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Self Oscillating Magnet Coill Gain and Feedback.

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  • #31
    Source of magnets?

    Hi syncro, where are you getting your magnets? I have been looking and have only found very small tube magnets that were diametrically charged. By the way congratulations on a very interesting discovery or rediscovery whatever the case may be. Keep up the interesting work. I look forward to your new posts each time I get on.

    Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


    • #32


      This company ships fast. Very fine products. Thanks for the encouraging words.


      • #33

        Thanks, I'll check them out.

        Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


        • #34
          I too would like to second the notion on KJ magnetics.
          Not only do they have a good deal on random magnets good enough to play with in your pocket all day, but they can custom make any shape you desire.

          I am never far away from some KJ product. They help me combat magnetic deficiency syndrome.

          In my entire history of buying stuff online, these guys average a box on my front door in 2 days, compared to the usual week from anywhere else.

          @synchro - have you weighed your setup stationary and while its spinning? I would like to know if it gets lighter based on the RPM's.
          You rock


          • #35

            I'm overunity right now useing the Cook coil with 10, 3/4" neos core, pointed at a 1" bedini no bearing tube spinner like the muzzle of a gun. The output from the cook coil is unbelievable! The vibrations and pulseing in the Cook coil are very powerfull. I don't think there's any Lenz here. The charge battery and primary are both riseing in voltage along with a huge super cap on the cook coil.


            • #36
              Output coil.

              I wound my first Cook coil 8" long, one strand of 34 awg, and one coil of 12 gauge for the secondary, then stuffed the tube with 10 3/4" tube neo's. I started a 1" neo tube spinning over a bifilar Bedini, ran up to 15k r.p.m. and placed the Cook coil in adjacency. I got resonace and it produced power while seemingly not slowing the spinner down.

              I wound a seond coil on an old 3/4" I.D. Radio Shack spool 1&1/2" high, with 375 feet of 34 gauge, and placed two magnets in the core. This unit went into resonance about 4" from the spinner, and began to hum and generate plenty of power. I thought of wraping a 16 gauge secondary for more amperage.

              I think at this point I may have discovered a Lenzless output coil that seems to assist the spinner like an auxiliary pulse motor. The magnet coil chokes it's own magnetic force field when it generates current in the coil windings. I believe the mag coil is helping pay for it's own power as a dual purpose pulse motor flux generator. I say more about it on the one magnet no bearing Bedini circuit. Thanks to Suachyo for the essential lead!


              • #37
                In reference to the Cook patent.

                A couple years ago I was having a conversation with Erfinder and he pointed out that it is possible that this patent was altered in some way shape or form.

                On the first page with writing, second column, halfway down or so….

                ”the opposing initial secondary currents of the two helices B C being overpowered do not manifest themselves in the main circuit D of the battery,…”

                Now reference the drawings....where do you see a main circuit D???


                • #38
                  Missing material.


                  I don't doubt the patent was tampered with. The galvanic sector would prune a competitor like this off the starting blocks. The 34 @ 16 gauge make supreme sense for mating a high amperage seconday to the fine primary. This highly resonant match managed to sneak under the radar.
                  Last edited by synchro; 08-13-2010, 11:59 PM.


                  • #39
                    Flux alternator output coil.

                    I'm definitly overunity with the new magnet coil. I'm calling it a flux alternator output coil. The coil output without the magnet helps the motor run pretty even when looped back to source, but when the magnets are placed inside the core and repositioned to the sweet spot, the primary charge rises at noticable rate on the hundreds scale. The spinner is oscillating the magnet flux field inside the 34 gauge 400 turn coil with 2, 3/4" diametric neos in the 3/4" core of a 1 & 1/2" tall old style radio shack plastic magnet wire spool. This is with the battery in parallel with a schockty diode and a 4700 mf 35 volt super capacitor off the output leads. I believe I have found a way around Lenz drag with this colateral oscillation. I will try to self loop it with no battery tomorrow.
                    Last edited by synchro; 08-14-2010, 04:16 AM.


                    • #40
                      Danial McFarland Cook

                      I just had a groundbreaking realization. The Lorentz theory predicts that free electrons will follow the path of magnetic field flux lines. My Cook oscillator worked fantastic, charged my capacitor up like crazy, then dropped dead on me. I couldn't figure out why. Now I figured out why.

                      The magnetic field is independent of the magnets position along it's axial orientation. So moving the magnet around will do nothing to orient the field into Earth field alignment, where the field has to align to channel a charge into the capacitor. A field positioner magnet may be all one needs. I bet Daniel Cook's patent was tampered with to oclude this feature.

                      There must be an enourmous electrical current running from Earth's North to Earth's south pole. Like an electrical jet stream. When the more powerfull magnetic field of the Neo magnet is in alignment, the electrons are pulled in and captured. Fine 32 gauge copper wingings are excited by this and generate a current. A 16 gauge seconday will supply plenty of amperage, like Hans coler's Magnetstrumzueger. Only one portion of Coler's magnet Hexagon has to align for it to begin to act as a conduit, and channel the Lorentz electrons around the local field. I downloaded an animation of the power pulse that emenates from a toroid that transitions through domain reversal. I realized that as the field switches sides it must be rotating through the background field of Earth's magnetic flux. It occured to me that this is when the power appears in the circuit, like J.L. Naudin's 2S gen.

                      I think the "Erector Set Robot Kit" has the necessary components for a feedback servo unit, to keep the field on station with a positioner magnet. Earth's magnetic field is kind of on a 45 degree slope pointed up in the direction of the North pole. The field's in motion. Sun and Moon are very inflential. Once aligned the output should rise to meet the load like Coler's generator.
                      Last edited by synchro; 09-16-2010, 12:50 PM.


                      • #41
                        Test results.

                        I failed to get any positive results from my first tests. I don't know if my theory's faulty, or if my approach is ineffective. Anyone ever try anything like this or hear of any tests of this kind?


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by synchro View Post
                          There must be an enourmous electrical current running from Earth's North to Earth's south pole.

                          "Like an electrical jet stream." ?
                          That brings me to the Point, where i think it is the moving Direction from the Earth, what cause this Flow.
                          There is a Jet stream allready from West to South, actually it is a Wind, what cause a longer Flight from east to West.
                          It may would even make sense, to point a coil to a Pole, then you are 90° to the Magnetic Field.
                          I did play with a turning Magnet inside a Coil also, and found out,
                          that the Peak is, when the Poles point into the middle of the Coil,
                          not to the openings. So 90° is maybe not bad also.

                          And yes, tell some more about your Tests, i like to read about,
                          because i build some of this Coils too, but couldnt get out anything from it.
                          Just, at the Description of the Patent he mentions,
                          that the Current inside the Ciols will increase after a while, when you put a load on it,
                          and therefor you should use thick wire, that it can handle that.
                          I am just not still sure about, which wire he did use, he write something from
                          silk covered Wires, but not, which Material.
                          Even when the blame today Iron wires of the high Resistance, then i think it is,
                          because iron will be more Magnetic, and therefor get more Resistance,
                          but Ed leedscalnin mentioned, that he get more Inductance from Iron Wires as from Copper.
                          Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.

