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Solar Wind Hybrid - Annual Output of a 4Kw System ??

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  • Solar Wind Hybrid - Annual Output of a 4Kw System ??

    Im currently looking to start a business renting roofspace from householders to take advantage of the goverment in the UKs new Feed in Tariff .

    What I need to know is the calculation required to work out the annual output of a system that has the following

    3kW-48v Wind Turbine
    1kW PV Solar Panel
    4kW-48V Wind/PV Hybrid Controller
    9m guy wires tower
    4kVA-48v Full Sine Wave Inverter

    What is the average output annually I can use for my calculations to work out my income from the feed in tariff?

    Thanks in Advance

  • #2
    RE: Question.

    I would direct you to this site.

    The Gotwind Forum • Index page

    They are in the UK, and have many people there that could help answer your specific questions.

    See my experiments here...

    You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


    • #3
      If you know the average wind speed in the area your placing the wind turbines you can get a performance chart from the manufacture to determine the approximate output. From there you simply calculate the accumulated output. You could check your local weather service for a wind data chart as well as the internet.

      Solar panels will have similar performance values but the sun data will vary considerably from place to place.

      I doubt you'll ever predict the actual output of either perfectly but it should get you a reasonable ball park figure as long as the past data is accurate.
      Lovely Wendie99
      Last edited by dragon; 05-11-2011, 10:44 AM.


      • #4
        Hi Scott/ALL

        Dont forget Aaron and Peter made a book save on home energy which shows what to do in regards to maximizing your efficiency. Most people use energy wasting applications and need twice the solar they would need if they changed over to energy efficient lights, power savers , insulation etc etc.

        Peter's book is worth a look for this application, i would also consider running the SEC for your lights. If you use the Bedini charge method for solar you will have better efficiency also.


