Welcome, my friend.
You are here because you chose to be here, by whatever reason. Good!
Apparantly, you are looking for some answers. So, here you gotta make a choice.
If you want to know the theoretic foundation to how this stuff works, go here:
Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki
If you want to get your hands dirty and get something working, then go straight to the jackpot, and find your way frome here:
But don't expect a complete schematic or working prototype made by me, or anything like that. You see, I'm just not good at doing that. But I did my homework and you can follow my tracks here and check everything yourself. So, as a qualified Electrical Engineer, I have analysed this stuff and I am fully convinced I found the working principle. So, that would be the secret of Gray, Meyer and Puharich, which originally came from none less than Nikola Tesla. Quite a gift, but it is not my invention or anything. Because of my background I was simply able to finally put the pieces of the puzzle together, so we now know how this stuff is supposed to work, in principle. It's up to humanity to make use of that and you can do that any way you like. No strings attached, no new patents. However, the now expired patents and other information left to us by these three inventors give you all the information you need to fill in the gaps.
So, if you're into the hardware and want to make Tesla's dream come true, the links on top is where you wanna go.
However, if you want to know why Einstein's General Relativity should go to the trash can, what gravity is, or want to know what the Universe really is like, you're welcome to join in for a very interesting ride. If you are in for an adventure, just scroll down, and join in on this thread together with the others that are here. There already are some nice easter eggs to discover, and just like you, I have no idea where this will eventually go. We will just have to wait and see what happens.
So, the choice is yours. And of course, you can also leave right away, if you like.
What I posted here, is really what I think is the truth. However, that is my truth the way I see/saw it at the moment of posting and as you will see, my "truth" changes along my way whenever I find something new to account for. And that's also my motivation for doing this. I just want to know the truth, which is like an oniun. There's always something new to discover, which maybe just what makes life worthwhile. So, take nothing for granted. I cannot decide for you what your truth is like. That's completely up to you to decide, because we have all been given the freedom of choice. So, just go ahead and see what you like and what not.
And most of all: make sure you have some fun on whatever road you choose to go!
If you're curious: this would be my idea of having some fun:
The hack reality howto
Have a nice day, and happy hunting for your truth!
-- Arend Lammertink -- September 1st, 2010.
Oh, one more thing. If you want to do something and have some time to spare, please do consider editing this page:
Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki
So, if you really want to follow my track, this is where/how things started to come in the right direction, but there were still quite some loose ends and mistakes:
Hi all,
Yesterday, I re-analysed Gray's system:
As you can see in the reduced schematic ( http://www.energeticforum.com/attach...ay_circuit.pdf ) he feeds HF, HV sharp spikes trough two capacitors to the coil to energize. Because of the shape of the spike (fast rising edge, slow falling edge), the capacitor basically functions as a diode, beside coupling the energy trough to the load circuits.
Then I realized that you need to have two identical coils in series if you ever want to be able to induce a useable force in the coils, because otherwise the pulses will cancel each other out.
So far, so good.
Continueing in this line of thinking, the Avramenko plug used by Dr. Stiffler came to mind. If we add this all up, we finally get the ultimate secret to free (electric) energy:
Given Bearden's "don't kill the dipole" as explained in my article (under construction) Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki it is clear that in terms of energy, you can manipulate the electric field for free. So, if you at some point in a circuit are able to pick up the electric field, without drawing current, you can do that for free.
That means if you design your load such that it is completely balanced, you can do what Gray dit much more elegantly. As Stiffler shows in some of his experiments, the AV (Avramenko) plug is a perfect method of "splitting the positive and the negative" in Gray's terms. So, then you basically get to use both edges of the powering signal, albeit that you have do direct them to separate loads.
Putting all this together, it is a matter of feeding a high frequency pulse train trough an AV plug, trough (small) couple capacitors to the oppozing terminals of 4 identical impedances, which can be coils, capacitors, basically anything, including WFC elements. See the attached schematic.
What happens is that the positive edge gets fed trough the capacitors to the positive terminals of Z1 and Z2 in sync and the negative edge gets fed trough the capacitors to the negative terminals of Z3 and Z4 in sync. Hence splitting the positive AND the negative.
If Zx are all power coils with a self resonance frequency of say 5 kHz and the frequency of the pulses is, say 1 MHz, and the voltage of the pulse train is, say 1 V, that means you get 1 kV of real power at the positive terminals of Z1 and Z2 within 1 millisecond, without drawing any current from the "power" line, because it takes relatively a considerable amount of time before the pulses can travel trough the coil, so we get a sort of "step charging" effect inside the coils.
So, if you want to experiment with this: BE CAREFUL. This is an expansion of the basic principle Gray used and he did add his "safety spark gaps" for a reason. If you feed 10 MHz, 10 V pulses to 4 identical coils this way, you are looking at 100 kV worth of power within 1 miillesecond... In other words: this gives you an awesome amount of power!!!

Update: I think the principle can also be used at much lower frequencies if you connect the negative terminals of Z1 and Z2 and the positive terminals of Z3 and Z4 all to signal ground. After all, the net current going trough there is zero, as is the net current coming from the signal wire (which is why this works). Then you should be able to get results with relatively low frequencies, like several kHz for coils or even 10s of Hz for charging capacitors or batteries. What is important is that all impedances are the same. Use identical components for all of them.
Update 2: There's a couple of inconsistences in this post, but the basic principe is correct. Turns out that Z1 and Z2 cannot be capacitors. So, just read on, investigate the material, the links, etc. and you will not be disappointed.
Update 3: Turns out there were quite a few loose ends in what I posted here. So, if you want to go straight to the jackpot, go here:
You are here because you chose to be here, by whatever reason. Good!

Apparantly, you are looking for some answers. So, here you gotta make a choice.
If you want to know the theoretic foundation to how this stuff works, go here:
Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki
If you want to get your hands dirty and get something working, then go straight to the jackpot, and find your way frome here:
But don't expect a complete schematic or working prototype made by me, or anything like that. You see, I'm just not good at doing that. But I did my homework and you can follow my tracks here and check everything yourself. So, as a qualified Electrical Engineer, I have analysed this stuff and I am fully convinced I found the working principle. So, that would be the secret of Gray, Meyer and Puharich, which originally came from none less than Nikola Tesla. Quite a gift, but it is not my invention or anything. Because of my background I was simply able to finally put the pieces of the puzzle together, so we now know how this stuff is supposed to work, in principle. It's up to humanity to make use of that and you can do that any way you like. No strings attached, no new patents. However, the now expired patents and other information left to us by these three inventors give you all the information you need to fill in the gaps.
So, if you're into the hardware and want to make Tesla's dream come true, the links on top is where you wanna go.
However, if you want to know why Einstein's General Relativity should go to the trash can, what gravity is, or want to know what the Universe really is like, you're welcome to join in for a very interesting ride. If you are in for an adventure, just scroll down, and join in on this thread together with the others that are here. There already are some nice easter eggs to discover, and just like you, I have no idea where this will eventually go. We will just have to wait and see what happens.
So, the choice is yours. And of course, you can also leave right away, if you like.
What I posted here, is really what I think is the truth. However, that is my truth the way I see/saw it at the moment of posting and as you will see, my "truth" changes along my way whenever I find something new to account for. And that's also my motivation for doing this. I just want to know the truth, which is like an oniun. There's always something new to discover, which maybe just what makes life worthwhile. So, take nothing for granted. I cannot decide for you what your truth is like. That's completely up to you to decide, because we have all been given the freedom of choice. So, just go ahead and see what you like and what not.
And most of all: make sure you have some fun on whatever road you choose to go!
If you're curious: this would be my idea of having some fun:
The hack reality howto
Have a nice day, and happy hunting for your truth!

-- Arend Lammertink -- September 1st, 2010.
Oh, one more thing. If you want to do something and have some time to spare, please do consider editing this page:
Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki
So, if you really want to follow my track, this is where/how things started to come in the right direction, but there were still quite some loose ends and mistakes:
--: August 26th, 2010 :--
Hi all,
Yesterday, I re-analysed Gray's system:
As you can see in the reduced schematic ( http://www.energeticforum.com/attach...ay_circuit.pdf ) he feeds HF, HV sharp spikes trough two capacitors to the coil to energize. Because of the shape of the spike (fast rising edge, slow falling edge), the capacitor basically functions as a diode, beside coupling the energy trough to the load circuits.
Then I realized that you need to have two identical coils in series if you ever want to be able to induce a useable force in the coils, because otherwise the pulses will cancel each other out.
So far, so good.
Continueing in this line of thinking, the Avramenko plug used by Dr. Stiffler came to mind. If we add this all up, we finally get the ultimate secret to free (electric) energy:
Split the positive AND the negative
Given Bearden's "don't kill the dipole" as explained in my article (under construction) Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki it is clear that in terms of energy, you can manipulate the electric field for free. So, if you at some point in a circuit are able to pick up the electric field, without drawing current, you can do that for free.
That means if you design your load such that it is completely balanced, you can do what Gray dit much more elegantly. As Stiffler shows in some of his experiments, the AV (Avramenko) plug is a perfect method of "splitting the positive and the negative" in Gray's terms. So, then you basically get to use both edges of the powering signal, albeit that you have do direct them to separate loads.
Putting all this together, it is a matter of feeding a high frequency pulse train trough an AV plug, trough (small) couple capacitors to the oppozing terminals of 4 identical impedances, which can be coils, capacitors, basically anything, including WFC elements. See the attached schematic.
What happens is that the positive edge gets fed trough the capacitors to the positive terminals of Z1 and Z2 in sync and the negative edge gets fed trough the capacitors to the negative terminals of Z3 and Z4 in sync. Hence splitting the positive AND the negative.
If Zx are all power coils with a self resonance frequency of say 5 kHz and the frequency of the pulses is, say 1 MHz, and the voltage of the pulse train is, say 1 V, that means you get 1 kV of real power at the positive terminals of Z1 and Z2 within 1 millisecond, without drawing any current from the "power" line, because it takes relatively a considerable amount of time before the pulses can travel trough the coil, so we get a sort of "step charging" effect inside the coils.
So, if you want to experiment with this: BE CAREFUL. This is an expansion of the basic principle Gray used and he did add his "safety spark gaps" for a reason. If you feed 10 MHz, 10 V pulses to 4 identical coils this way, you are looking at 100 kV worth of power within 1 miillesecond... In other words: this gives you an awesome amount of power!!!

Update: I think the principle can also be used at much lower frequencies if you connect the negative terminals of Z1 and Z2 and the positive terminals of Z3 and Z4 all to signal ground. After all, the net current going trough there is zero, as is the net current coming from the signal wire (which is why this works). Then you should be able to get results with relatively low frequencies, like several kHz for coils or even 10s of Hz for charging capacitors or batteries. What is important is that all impedances are the same. Use identical components for all of them.
Update 2: There's a couple of inconsistences in this post, but the basic principe is correct. Turns out that Z1 and Z2 cannot be capacitors. So, just read on, investigate the material, the links, etc. and you will not be disappointed.
Update 3: Turns out there were quite a few loose ends in what I posted here. So, if you want to go straight to the jackpot, go here: