Guys, this is exactly how they get UFO's to levitate....its sickening that this technology hasnt been put to the use for all of humanity...its up to all of us to make that happen. THANK YOU for the information. If anyone can summarize any additional information and put it inside a PDF, that would benefit our species. I have a feeling this thread will disappear soon, for "National Security" reasons.
No announcement yet.
The ultimate secret of free energy: Split the postive AND the negative
Originally posted by adamo21 View PostGuys, this is exactly how they get UFO's to levitate....its sickening that his technology hasnt been put to the use for all of humanity...its up to all of us to make that happen. THANK YOU for the information. If anyone can summarize any additional information and put it inside a PDF, that would benefit our species. I have a feeling this thread will disappear soon, for "National Security" reasons.
Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki
That way, you can "print to pdf" anytime you feel like it. This would be the most efficient way to do this.
So, if anyone feels like helping a hand, that would be most appreciated. Even if you don't really understand the stuff, just copying and pasting the info from here to there (linking it back here) and structuring it would be marvelous! To be honest, I'm really not too good in doing that, so again: any help is most appreciated.
And as for the fear this thread will dissappear: don't worry. My computer maintains a mirror of this site, which is updated every night. And I am am member of the members board of the Dutch Pirate Party and have been a candidate for the Dutch Parliament as well ( Piratenpartij Nederland ), which of course has a direct line to Piratpartiet | integritet - kultur - kunskap , which happens to host WikiLeaks, for example:
Swedish Pirate Party to Host New WikiLeaks Servers | Piratpartiet
So, I'd like to point anyone what may feel like closing this site down for "National Security" reasons to the following:
Streisand effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And just in case: it couldn't hurt if anyone that reads this thread makes a copy on his/her personal computer. Then, if "they" are really stupid enough to make this dissappear after all, well, simply go to PPInternational , find the nearest Pirate Party and email them the stuff. I don think it will be necessary though, but just in case it may be needed: make sure to use the word "censored".
And of course I declared everything I posted here to be part of the public domain, and the stuff over at PesWiki is under the GPL. This basically means you are free to copy all this stuff to your own website and make a backup. Should you feel like doing that, I think it would be best to add a section "mirrors" to the article at peswiki, so the information is always available somewhere on the net.
To make a long story short:
WE are not going to accept the dissapearance of this information.
Just one more thing. The above is really why I dare to investigate and publish this information. You see, "they" may have killed Stanley Meyer and Marvin Cole, the real inventor of Gray's stuff. I don't know wether or not "they" did, but I certainly do not rule out the possibility. Whatever may be, I am not afraid of "them". I happen to believe in reincarnation, so really, I ain't fraid of noone. And apart from that, now that the information is out there, what on earth would spread this quicker than the occasion that I would get an "accident"? You see, that would only make things worse for "them". And that's why this information is here the way it is. I want the truth to be out there and this is the way to do just that.Last edited by lamare; 08-28-2010, 10:17 AM.
Originally posted by lamare View PostUpdate:
Just one more thing. The above is really why I dare to investigate and publish this information. You see, "they" may have killed Stanley Meyer and Marvin Cole, the real inventor of Gray's stuff. I don't know wether or not "they" did, but I certainly do not rule out the possibility. Whatever may be, I am not afraid of "them". I happen to believe in reincarnation, so really, I ain't fraid of noone. And apart from that, now that the information is out there, what on earth would spread this quicker than the occasion that I would get an "accident"? You see, that would only make things worse for "them". And that's why this information is here the way it is. I want the truth to be out there and this is the way to do just that.
We're in the same way
Well, It could be an excellent idea trying to make an article (like yours) in collaboration with more people. In I said that I would make a mini ebook, with all the information I've collected in different articles.
But the best solution it seems to do an article, and apport the information we know.
I mean, to make a synergy. Each one puts what we know, and then, that information is free for the use. You add more information to my information, someone adds more... and we can collect a make an excellent condensation of information, because as you say, there is tons of information but that information is in short fragments in different places, so it's difficult to learn about this, reading only 1 book or article.
Maybe another idea would be performing extremely simple experiments with electricity, and redefine the basic terms.
Don't worry about the delete of the website. Just make a copy each day.
I stayed in the home of a man that built some different free energy devices and I tested them. The man appeared in the newspapers in the 1960's and the government knows about his inventions. He also invented a cancer cure machine which I tested.
The man is living in a farm and he has a really big free energy device in his farm (It can produce 300 KWatt of power). Anyone that goes with his automobile can see his big generator.
The germans and other people have been in his farm and nothing had happened to him.
He only was jailed once because the electric company thought that he was stealing power from the lines. After, he had some problems with the telephone company because he invented a wireless telephone in the 1960's also (maybe a mobile phone?). I asked him about that invention but he didn't want to explain me how that telephone worked.
It could be possible that his phone connected without wires to the line, but some kind of electric phenomena, because in those years, the mobile antennas doesn't exist.
The automobile company, Ford, called him and he traveled to USA to talk with the engineers. He also built a fuelless car, but he was prohibited to run it because he traveled in the village with that car.
So, don't worry about NSA.
Great Thread!!
Great thread Lamare. You are always coming up with some great stuff. Keep up the good work.
Best Regards,
Originally posted by lamare View PostHi all,
Yesterday, I re-analysed Gray's system:
As you can see in the reduced schematic ( ) he feeds HF, HV sharp spikes trough two capacitors to the coil to energize. Because of the shape of the spike (fast rising edge, slow falling edge), the capacitor basically functions as a diode, beside coupling the energy trough to the load circuits.
Then I realized that you need to have two identical coils in series if you ever want to be able to induce a useable force in the coils, because otherwise the pulses will cancel each other out.
So far, so good.
Continueing in this line of thinking, the Avramenko plug used by Dr. Stiffler came to mind. If we add this all up, we finally get the ultimate secret to free (electric) energy:
Split the positive AND the negative
Given Bearden's "don't kill the dipole" as explained in my article (under construction) Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki it is clear that in terms of energy, you can manipulate the electric field for free. So, if you at some point in a circuit are able to pick up the electric field, without drawing current, you can do that for free.
That means if you design your load such that it is completely balanced, you can do what Gray dit much more elegantly. As Stiffler shows in some of his experiments, the AV (Avramenko) plug is a perfect method of "splitting the positive and the negative" in Gray's terms. So, then you basically get to use both edges of the powering signal, albeit that you have do direct them to separate loads.
Putting all this together, it is a matter of feeding a high frequency pulse train trough an AV plug, trough (small) couple capacitors to the oppozing terminals of 4 identical impedances, which can be coils, capacitors, basically anything, including WFC elements. See the attached schematic.
What happens is that the positive edge gets fed trough the capacitors to the positive terminals of Z1 and Z2 in sync and the negative edge gets fed trough the capacitors to the negative terminals of Z3 and Z4 in sync. Hence splitting the positive AND the negative.
If Zx are all power coils with a self resonance frequency of say 5 kHz and the frequency of the pulses is, say 1 MHz, and the voltage of the pulse train is, say 1 V, that means you get 1 kV of real power at the positive terminals of Z1 and Z2 within 1 millisecond, without drawing any current from the "power" line, because it takes relatively a considerable amount of time before the pulses can travel trough the coil, so we get a sort of "step charging" effect inside the coils.
So, if you want to experiment with this: BE CAREFUL. This is an expansion of the basic principle Gray used and he did add his "safety spark gaps" for a reason. If you feed 10 MHz, 10 V pulses to 4 identical coils this way, you are looking at 100 kV worth of power within 1 miillesecond... In other words: this gives you an awesome amount of power!!!
Update: I think the principle can also be used at much lower frequencies if you connect the negative terminals of Z1 and Z2 and the positive terminals of Z3 and Z4 all to signal ground. After all, the net current going trough there is zero, as is the net current coming from the signal wire (which is why this works). Then you should be able to get results with relatively low frequencies, like several kHz for coils or even 10s of Hz for charging capacitors or batteries. What is important is that all impedances are the same. Use identical components for all of them.
Update 2: There's a couple of inconsistences in this post, but the basic principe is correct. Turns out that Z1 and Z2 cannot be capacitors. So, just read on, investigate the material, the links, etc. and you will not be disappointed.
Originally posted by lamare View Post
If Zx are all power coils with a self resonance frequency of say 5 kHz and the frequency of the pulses is, say 1 MHz, and the voltage of the pulse train is, say 1 V, that means you get 1 kV of real power at the positive terminals of Z1 and Z2 within 1 millisecond, without drawing any current from the "power" line, because it takes relatively a considerable amount of time before the pulses can travel trough the coil, so we get a sort of "step charging" effect inside the coils.
Your concept is interesting and worth to try, haven't you tried it yet?
Also just to remind that KW is the unit of power and KV is the unit of electric potential.
Originally posted by elias View PostHi Lamare
Your concept is interesting and worth to try, haven't you tried it yet?
Also just to remind that KW is the unit of power and KV is the unit of electric potential.
Gray, Meyer *and* Puharich did it all exactly the same, so I'm sure it works.
I'm really not much of a tinkerer myself..
And you are right about kW and kV, I know the difference. So, as I said, there are a number of rough edges here and there that need to be straightened out. I don't want to edit the thread, though, because this is sort of my sketchbook and I just like to keep that as is.
Originally posted by lamare View PostWhy should I?
Gray, Meyer *and* Puharich did it all exactly the same, so I'm sure it works.
I'm really not much of a tinkerer myself..
And you are right about kW and kV, I know the difference. So, as I said, there are a number of rough edges here and there that need to be straightened out. I don't want to edit the thread, though, because this is sort of my sketchbook and I just like to keep that as is.
Originally posted by Slovenia View PostI don't know how you were finally able to figure this out.
The last thing you try, always works.
You know, that's just like when you search for item you have lost. Think about it. It's always the last place you look where you find it.
-- Arend --
Very Well Done!!
You are to modest. Very well done Arend!!
Originally posted by lamare View PostJust continue to study and study and look at the stuff from every single angle you can think off. And then it's actually really simple:
The last thing you try, always works.
You know, that's just like when you search for item you have lost. Think about it. It's always the last place you look where you find it.
-- Arend --
Guys, you can put a high amount of current from the wall to a copper wire over an iron plate you can make the object levitate. Loyd Bushman a senior lockheed martin engineer talks about this, he mentions the problem is the heat from the current makes it unpractical.
But, if you could split the current with the force that is actually making the object levitate then you could make this practical...This information in the topic sounds like you could apply it to this theory, i bet you would have interesting resultsany takers?
Check out this video, it explains some of what i said a bit, it's an interview with boyd bushman.
David Sereda with Boyd Bushman - Anti-Gravity / UFO Disclosure
lamare, Much thanks for this thread and info. It is good to know about the Pirate party and that is a really important bit of info to help with spreading a final design if someone can come up with a complete set of instructions to build an FE device with available components.
I've only skimmed this thread so far but as I don't see too much in terms of details for building a device. Which brings me to say that there are so many theories out there claiming to generate FE that I think for this to advance people will need more detail for building this. I'm aware of Beardon's info as well as Aspden, Gray, Meyer, Dr. Stiffler and others referenced here. I also know there are a lot of people on this board much more knowledgeable than I am and do hope some will be able to put things together with this info. Perhaps knowing about the Pirate servers will decrease fear of getting the info out. Actually Wikileaks might be a good place to post a complete set of plans for an FE device when we get to that point as I think it would fit in with their agenda.
I've got some variations saved on Gray's designs I will look at again but for the most part I think I'm lost without a set of instructions to build something. I can build complex circuits and have even designed some in the past but they were all standard electronic circuits with nothing related to FE generation.
Lost in a sea of theories ....There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine
Originally posted by ewizard View PostI've only skimmed this thread so far but as I don't see too much in terms of details for building a device.
Basically do as Puharich did, only drive *two* identical loads and drive them in opposit phase. I really can't tell you much more, because I'm just not good at translating the theory into actual working stuff. So, that would be up to others to do. And from what I read from your post above, it sounds like you may be just the one that can pull this off. It really isn't that complicated or out of the ordinary in terms of electronics to use, but you'll see.
Update: there's one more detail to take care of. You have to sneek in a high pass filter. See:
Update 2: if you want to go straigt to the jackpot for an explanation how this works, go here: edited by lamare; 09-01-2010, 01:16 PM.