Originally posted by Jbignes5
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1. The medium in which charges, matter, etc. occur can be described as a fluid/gas like medium trough which waves known as electromagnetic can travel. So, the corrected Maxwell equations (without the postulated charges that supposedly cause the waves) describe the properties of the medium.
2. Matter and therefore charges are nothing but localized electromagnetic waves in this medium. Since the electric component has to do with pressure-like waves trough the medium and the magnetic component has to do with rotation of the medium, matter and/or charges are nothing but rotating vortexes in the ether, as shown by Haramein:

Now that brings us to the question: what is the ether itself like? Are there charges / particles that small that we can't see them which make up the ether?
The answer to that question seems to be: Yes, since the whole thing seems to be a fractal, you can have charges/particles at any size you like. It only depends on the frequency of the waves at what scale these can occur.
And that is very strange. On the one hand we say that matter/charges are just waves propagating trough the ether, so there must be something these waves flow trough, so on the other hand we say the ether consists of very tiny pieces of matter/charges, which make up the medium, the ether.
So, when you talk about charges flowing into the core of the earth and such, which ones are you talking about? The ones we would know as matter like electrons and the like, or those much smaller ones we would call the ether?
I think you may be talking about both of them.
However, there are no attraction forces down at the lowest level. It all comes down to pressurewaves going trough the ether. Remember the cymatic stuff? It's these pressurewaves trough the ether we interpret as "attraction forces", while in reality they are standing electrostatic wave patterns. These look like attraction forces, but are nothing but pressure differences in the ether.
Given the cymatic exercises, I think the earth exists as a quiet region in a gigantic standing wave pattern, just like these:

And then the Lay-lines, pyramid locations as well as the hollow earth theory and all those "sacred geometries" makes a lot of sense.