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'Extraterrestrial hypothesis' is now public operative explanation for UFOs ...

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  • 'Extraterrestrial hypothesis' is now public operative explanation for UFOs ...

    I know, offtopic, but nonetheless this is a very interesting article IMHO, especially because of the sources quoted:

    'Extraterrestrial hypothesis' is now public operative explanation for UFOs in France, U.K. and China - Seattle exopolitics |

    A new French report released on May 31, 2010 concluded that UFOs are definitely real and possibly of extraterrestrial origin. The Progress Report of the Sigma/3AF Commission comes from a highly credible source, the Aeronautical & Astronomical Association of France, known as the 3AF, which established a Commission on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena back in May 2008.
    On August 23, 2010 in China, a planetary astronomer formally announced the extraterrestrial hypothesis as applicable to specific UFO encounters he had studied in notable sightings at the Purple Hills Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
    In a speech at a science forum held in the city of Guangzhou on August 23, a veteran Chinese astronomer with almost 40 years experience claimed that some UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft. Professor Wang Sichao is a planetary astronomer at the Purple Hills Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Based on scientific observations of UFOs over his 39-year career, he has concluded that some are powered by antigravity devices.
    This is how the People’s Daily Online summarized Wang’s reasoning: ‘Wang also found that in the terrestrial space between the height of 130 kilometers and 1,500 kilometers, UFOs have appeared many times. Their flying speed is … as slow as 0.29 kilometers per second [1000 km/hr] and they can fly in the 1,460 kilometers' height for more than 25 minutes. This means UFOs have the anti-gravity ability. Otherwise, they would fall soon.’”
    The Sigma/3AF experts go on to state that, ‘the above features suggest that in many cases the devices detected, far from being unidentified, are easily recognizable by the aerial defense agencies as part of a technology far ahead of ours.’

  • #2
    Hi lamare,
    some UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft
    but of course


    • #3
      They are setting up the world for the final trick up their sleeve. Too bad nobody is paying attention what the other hand is doing...
      Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


      • #4
        Originally posted by amigo View Post
        They are setting up the world for the final trick up their sleeve. Too bad nobody is paying attention what the other hand is doing...
        I don't think so. "They" are history, cause the truth about free energy is out there now:

        At your service!

        Power to the people! (pun intented)
        Last edited by lamare; 08-31-2010, 05:02 PM.

