I thought I would try growing this here in florida just have 5 starts of it. Looking forward to see what happens.

In the largest field trial of its kind in the United States, researchers have determined that the giant perennial grass Miscanthus x giganteus outperforms current biofuels sources - by a lot. Using Miscanthus as a feedstock for ethanol production in the U.S. could significantly reduce the acreage dedicated to biofuels while meeting government biofuels production goals, the researchers report. Photos by Don Hamerman, L. Brian Stauffer, Andrew Leakey and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
YouTube - Miscanthus can meet U.S. biofuels goal using less land than corn or switchgrass
From Webpedia
Miscanthus giganteus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Comparison to corn ethanol
Compared to other ethanol inputs, giant Miscanthus grass produces more mass overall, as well as more ethanol. For example, a typical acre of corn yields around 7.6 tons of input per acre and 756 gallons of ethanol. Giant Miscanthus is capable of producing up to 20 tons of biomass and 3,250 gallons of ethanol fuel.

In the largest field trial of its kind in the United States, researchers have determined that the giant perennial grass Miscanthus x giganteus outperforms current biofuels sources - by a lot. Using Miscanthus as a feedstock for ethanol production in the U.S. could significantly reduce the acreage dedicated to biofuels while meeting government biofuels production goals, the researchers report. Photos by Don Hamerman, L. Brian Stauffer, Andrew Leakey and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
YouTube - Miscanthus can meet U.S. biofuels goal using less land than corn or switchgrass
From Webpedia
Miscanthus giganteus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Comparison to corn ethanol
Compared to other ethanol inputs, giant Miscanthus grass produces more mass overall, as well as more ethanol. For example, a typical acre of corn yields around 7.6 tons of input per acre and 756 gallons of ethanol. Giant Miscanthus is capable of producing up to 20 tons of biomass and 3,250 gallons of ethanol fuel.