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Milkovic Pendulum motorized Hybrid

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
    Ya it has 1 inch core of 98% iron rods. The coil is 8 strand of 20 awg at 165 foot or about 450 turns. I use it to get started because I can make adjustments to the output voltage of the coil. You can take 2 strand of the 8 and wire them in series, that ups the voltage a bit. You don't want slam the charge battery with say 24 volt if its a 12 volt battery, you just raise the impedance of the battery quiker resulting in a lower charge amount overall.
    I have built Monopoles. They are another thing all together but kinda the same. See "Simple Motor" in my signature.

    Its 12 inchs to the center of the pendulum from the shaft. The pendulum is a 60 degree top down triangle.

    I fire the coil 10 degrees passed top dead center. This allow the incoming magnet to create a rise in voltage, then I fire it before the opposite voltage appears. Again see the simple motor in my signature.
    But this motor is a little different.....
    Its not a BEMF recovery I am after. The motor is basically a step up voltage converter that allows us to utilize the small voltage generated by the magnets on the wheel and the incoming power. The conversion in a solid state is real efficient about 93%. The generated voltage can recover the loss in the step up process, at minimum. When the motor is used at high speed it can produce extra energy while producing torque.

    Also I have on the bottom of the coil a large neo magnet. The core of the motor is saturated with a north field. We turn that of by turning the electomagnetic coil on slightly. The rotor magnet then pulls itself in, for the most part. The Emagnet turns off and allow the saturation to push the magnet on the wheel away.
    "Magnetic Neutralization" is a technique used by another fellow. I just started playing with it. ITs neat.

    I had a hard time explaining that in the video I think the heat was getting to me. Metal shop being an oven most of the day.

    Thanks Matt for the quick come back!

    That explains a lot. But some times leading to another question, lol

    Its 12 inchs to the center of the pendulum from the shaft.
    Do you mean to the very outside? If not what are you calling the center of the pendulum?

    Ah, a magnet on the bottom... missed that one, yes I have seen that site.
    But a very practical demonstration of it's use here... another kudo for you!

    Sorry i never checked out your simple motor before I started asking questions, but you know what people are like.

    Do you have good electronic skills also? I mean do you need help with FET switching? There are a couple of us on the board that can maybe help if not.

    Thanks again, love the accent

    Ron P



    • #17
      Here's a diagram of the pendulum

      No thanks, I can actually make this thing run on a FET if I wanted to but there is no need. I have run a transistor and it goes to fast. Limits the stroke.

      Thanks though
      Last edited by Matthew Jones; 09-06-2010, 01:09 AM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
        Ya it has 1 inch core of 98% iron rods.
        OK Matt, I think I'm getting to understand it better now. Knowing what to look for I can see the magnets at the bottom of the core.

        So what are you calling 98% iron...gas welding rods?

        I have seen your second video now also, looking good.

        Will you check now to see if I've got it right?

        The rotor magnets are N pole out. The core at the top is an N pole, they repel. As the N pole rotor magnet approaches to within effective range, the coil is energized, neutralizing the cores N pole. The rotor Neo is attracted in to the metal core. Just after TDC the coil is de-energized allowing the N pole to reappear and the two like poles repel. OK???

        I won't get into the polarities of the coil fields at this time but I am assuming that one diode is all that is needed to charge the second battery?




        • #19
          You got it..

          You can buy real common stick electrode for an arc welder like Lincoln 3011 or something like that in a 3 /32 inch diameter. Throw them in a bucket of water for the evening and strip the flux off the next day. 98% pure iron.
          You can coat them with stove paint if you want before assembling the core. I don't bother.



          • #20
            Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post

            You got it..



            Here is one of mine...

            YouTube - V.6 Pendulum Drive.wmv



            • #21
              Well that ain't no fair. You got a full up lab.




              • #22
                Scaling up...

                I was thinking of moving this up a bit.

                I am thinking a 8 by 8 beam of wood. Then use trailer axels for the pivot point so that it will be kept steady.

                This would be mounted in two oak trees in my front yard that have massive girdth I have seen other people have trouble with the foundation of the unit keeping it steady, but I believe this would do the trick.

                I was actually considering putting a swing on one side so I could have fun and do work at the same time

                But seriously another idea hit me what if instead of fighting to get the bedini coil just right why not use either an electric hub of a bicycle for the timing device to push the motion just at the right time. this way you could have the wiring mounted to the arm of the pendulum and not have to fight with the position of the coil on the ground ( I fought this for some time ).

                Just some idea I have had going on of how to simplify the push you need to give this thing to keep it going.

                See my experiments here...

                You do not have to prove something for it to be true. However, you do have to prove something for others to believe it true.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by theremart View Post
                  I was thinking of moving this up a bit.
                  I am thinking a 8 by 8 beam of wood. Then use trailer axels for the pivot point so that it will be kept steady.
                  This would be mounted in two oak trees in my front yard that have massive girdth I have seen other people have trouble with the foundation of the unit keeping it steady, but I believe this would do the trick.
                  I was actually considering putting a swing on one side so I could have fun and do work at the same time
                  But seriously another idea hit me what if instead of fighting to get the bedini coil just right why not use either an electric hub of a bicycle for the timing device to push the motion just at the right time. this way you could have the wiring mounted to the arm of the pendulum and not have to fight with the position of the coil on the ground ( I fought this for some time ).
                  Just some idea I have had going on of how to simplify the push you need to give this thing to keep it going.
                  You could just mount a flywheel at the shaft of the pendulum like I have done kinda. The just cover say 60 degrees of the wheel with magnets. Then mount the coil and circiut under it. If you use a monopole it won't swing much past about 90 deg. and it will drive it in both direction. You could easily adjust the magnet spacing or coverage to adjust the swing of the pendulum.

                  Just a simple idea.



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                    Well that ain't no fair. You got a full up lab.


                    Naahhhh, just a couple a toys, doesn't everybody have a 12 inch lathe?



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by theremart View Post
                      I was thinking of moving this up a bit.

                      I am thinking a 8 by 8 beam of wood. Then use trailer axels for the pivot point so that it will be kept steady.

                      This would be mounted in two oak trees in my front yard that have massive girdth I have seen other people have trouble with the foundation of the unit keeping it steady, but I believe this would do the trick.

                      I was actually considering putting a swing on one side so I could have fun and do work at the same time

                      But seriously another idea hit me what if instead of fighting to get the bedini coil just right why not use either an electric hub of a bicycle for the timing device to push the motion just at the right time. this way you could have the wiring mounted to the arm of the pendulum and not have to fight with the position of the coil on the ground ( I fought this for some time ).

                      Just some idea I have had going on of how to simplify the push you need to give this thing to keep it going.


                      Just a suggestion, but you should start a little smaller and learn how things work and interact before you build a monster.

                      The secret here is the monopole coil mounted in a Gap Power configuration.
                      Build this as a first effort with the two batteries. Then if you want a little more power go to six magnet stations and two coils at 90 degrees... will
                      double yur power and all at the same cost still.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                        Well that ain't no fair. You got a full up lab.


                        OK Matt, lab guy here... ready for the critique?

                        Lets talk about the second build. Veljko has shown many models that hammer
                        but in my experience if you let the secondary arm hammer it sends a shock back through the system and it tends to drop out of it's natural cycle.

                        Better to have the arm loaded. That is either with springs both ways, a shock absorber, like a 60/40 that you can dial in the resistance, or an electrical generator that has exactly the right load on it to control the motion.

                        Now in this ideal situation the springs should be adjustable so as when you load the generator you can back off the spring tension and so pass the work done from just being absorbed in the spring onto the generator.

                        I think you have the weighs in the wrong location also. With no spring attached the arm/platform should have weights out the other side of the hinge to balance the unit. Then the spring(s) should be applied to restrict the motion down to the design travel distance. For stops you could have rubber bumpers.

                        I have built a few of these but never a 360 pendy. I think you have hit on working formula here and am just amazed to see the results of your knowledge and skill, great work! I hope to copy your design, OK?

                        Last edited by i_ron; 09-06-2010, 02:54 PM.


                        • #27

                          couple more questions if you don't mind?

                          In this build how many strands are you using in the coil? like just singles or
                          do you some in series? Just the active strands on the recovery circuit?

                          How big is the magnet rotor?


                          Last edited by i_ron; 09-06-2010, 03:17 PM.


                          • #28
                            Ya I am still playing with it to find that good rhythm. I am actually trying to isolate the stroke with 2 springs, now. 1 spring on top and one spring on the bottom.
                            I am trying alot of things though to see what the effects are. You never know until you try...



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by i_ron View Post
                              couple more questions if you don't mind?
                              In this build how many strands are you using in the coil? like just singles or
                              do you some in series? Just the active strands on the recovery circuit?
                              How big is the magnet rotor?
                              I missed this one...

                              I use all 8 strands for now but I think once its done I'll adjusting it for speed.
                              All the strands are on the recovery.

                              The rotor is 6 inch diameter with 5 magnets.



                              • #30
                       builds there

