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Milkovic Pendulum motorized Hybrid

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  • Originally posted by Burnit0017 View Post

    The pulse motor needs improvement.
    Round about 0.48, it seems to be accelerating a bit out of control. I wonder if you should have some type of energy generator or prony brake to slow it down to keep a stable balance. (Obviously, that energy would need to be measured).


    • Hi, the goal is to drive a permanent magnet alternator. Trying to determine if a small current at 12 volts will operate the pulse motor and shift the weight for a mechanical advantage that will drive the transmission to generate a higher current at 12 volts using a MPPT circuit at the output of the PMA. Similar action to a auto jack lifting a car. This is not a attempt at over unity because the true input force is from the mechanical advantage. The springs are dangerous and I plan to add a central mass at the bob location. This is my first attempt at fabricating a pulse motor and I am working on improving the electromagnet. I am hoping for better results. thanks for showing interest and suggestions are always welcome.

      500 turns of 22 AWG at this time time on the electromagnet. I am increasing the number of turns. I may have to increase the size of the magnets for better results.

      The other problem is the power supply being used is limited to 3 amps. I can use a 12 volt deep cell which will increase the supply current.


      • Originally posted by Burnit0017 View Post
        500 turns of 22 AWG at this time time on the electromagnet. I am increasing the number of turns.
        What is the load and what is the resistance of it?


        • Hi, I have to configure the pulse motor to spin about a 2.5 pound weight. The resistance of the electromagnet at this time is about 4.8 ohms. I ordered 2" by 3/8 Neo's for the rotor and more magnet wire.


          • Originally posted by Burnit0017 View Post
            Hi, I have to configure the pulse motor to spin about a 2.5 pound weight. The resistance of the electromagnet at this time is about 4.8 ohms. I ordered 2" by 3/8 Neo's for the rotor and more magnet wire.
            I'm not sure i understand your rig. Do you have "power out" terminals in order to provide electrical power? If so, what are you attaching to these terminals, and what is its resistance?

            (By controlling the resistance, you should be able to control the power out and the load on the system - i.e. its speed and stability. This facility can be adjustable).


            • Hi, the goal is to drive a permanent magnet alternator. I will use a MPPT circuit at the output.

              link to MPPT test

              Do it yourself alternative energy

              I hope this helps.

              I will do another video to explain the rig. I should have time in a few weeks.

