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The time remaining

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  • The time remaining

    I make no excuse for including this link to the PJ Kelly book if you don’t have a copy of this PDF book I urge you to download and save it because it contains a wealth of information. Patrick J. Kelly - Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices.pdf - - document sharing - download . Having downloaded the book I direct this thread to chapter 15 and particularly “astronomical events” and Nibiru.
    Those who have studied alternate energy for any length of time will be well aware of the quantity of web sites whose information has been corrupted or closed altogether.
    And also well aware of the “smoke and mirrors” tactics used (make a Disney film along the same lines, Invent a Nutter somewhere who “Invented it all”)
    What then is the consensus on Nibiru ? YouTube - NIBIRU & what the Governments are doing?!!
    Is this thing due? If it is, how accurate is the timing of 2012 prediction?
    What sort of energy device can be built that can operate when the infrastructure has collapsed?
    Does anyone feel like living under the jack boot of these sweet hearts after this calamity (if it happens) anyway?
    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.

  • #2
    Duncan, Im not sure about Nibiru, but I also keep an open mind so if it does show up I wouldn't be surprised.

    Here is something that really surprised me when I found out, to me, it tells me that there is a huge link to UFO's, ET's and the energy suppression that's going on.

    As I'm sure most of you are aware, John Bedini worked closely with Tom Bearden for about a decade, and Tom Bearden was involved in some black budget government projects. That's why In energy from the vacuum I think Tom Bearden isn't there with John Bedini when the device operates, I personally believe its against the law for him to disclose that top secret information in that manner, so he had john do it to get around the laws, ok, I can't prove that, thats just my opinion.

    But here is another surprise, I'm sure most of you agree that Tom Bearden is a reputable guy, he is well respected and tells the truth, his devices work. Well, do any of you know that Tom Bearden is friends with Richard Hoagland and Dr. Steven Greer? Richard Hoagland is the guy who calls out NASA on life on mars, ruins on Mars and the Moon, etc..

    And Dr. Steven Greer goes out into the desert at night for hours at a time meditating and makes contact with ET's!!

    I think Tom Bearden just added a huge lump of credibility to both Steven Greer and Richard Hoagland. And in my opinion, free energy is definitely linked with whats going on in the UFO/Space ship field.

    When you can take someones word, and replicate it in the shop, and they are backing other people who have sketchy backgrounds, it adds credibility to them, and makes you wonder, what the hell is really going on?

    Tom Bearden even states that Russia and other countries have nuclear devices in top cities in the U.S. ready to be detonated at any time.

    I suggest you guys watch this Project Camelot interview with Dr Brian O'Leary, he was an astronaut for NASA, and moved to Ecuador to get away from the dark government. In the interview at his house in Ecuador they mention John Bedini as well. Interesting how this all links up, huh?

    Project Camelot | Dr Brian O'Leary
    Last edited by adamo21; 09-08-2010, 11:03 AM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by adamo21 View Post
      Interesting how this all links up, huh?
      Definately, yes. However, "they" are going to have a damn hard time surpressing this:
      Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki

      This describes the working principle of Gray, Meyer and Puharich, based on Bearden's theory as well as Prof. Turtur's. Ye can direct any engineer, professor or whatever over there to see wether or not they can punch any holes in this.

      I say they can't, cause I have done my homework and as a qualified Electrical Engineer I am very confident that this is how they did it. So now everyone who wants to know how to pull this off can go right to my article and read all about it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Duncan View Post
        What sort of energy device can be built that can operate when the infrastructure has collapsed? .........

        Earth Batteries and a Joule thief or two to charge regular batteries. Simple and easy to build.



        • #5
          "Conventionally" speaking...

          I would think wind generators are probably the easiest and most obvious energy-producing tech for a collapsed society to build (or simply someone going off grid in a primitive situation). "DIY solar panels" still require the PV cells; but wind can use common off the shelf stuff... the biggest problem there i think will be getting ahold of the magnets to make the home-made PM alternator circuits, or for converting vehicle alternators over to PM rotors (pretty much required for use with wind as standard field-induced alternators won't work at low RPM's and are less efficient). Stripping the mags out of DC motors, maybe (or simply using the motor itself as an alternator/generator).

          Micro- and Pico-Hydroelectric has very good potential for some areas. If the stream / river is powerful enough (and 10 feet of fall through a 3" pipe can run one that produces "20kW"), AC induction motors coupled to shallow-well pumps, can be "run backwards".... running the water under pressure through the pump's normal outlet to spin the impeller so the AC motor generates power.... like these folks in rural Thailand did:

          Palang Thai -- Micro-hydro

          There's a PDF on exactly how they did it somewhere (posted here in the past), but cant find it atm.

          But when discussing "end times"... I would rather work for avoiding it in the first place than planning and waiting for it Nothing in the future is "written", nothing is "fated". We make our own fate every day.


          • #6

            If PJkelly’s book and the Nibiru scenario is correct TPTB have already worked out that the place to be is underground it would seem the burrows are already prepared. The conditions on the surface certainly would not bode well for the survival of a wind mill!
            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


            • #7
              Dead people don't need electricity

              Any surface condition that destroys a properly-feathered and locked-down windmill (i've seen them survive hurricanes), would destroy us too.

              If people want to believe we are all gonna die in 27 months except for some elites hiding underground, that's their business. However, it tends to stop people from becoming engaged and joining together with millions all over this planet who are working for a better world (who, "coincidentally", are trying to stop these elites from destroying the planet slowly)... if the idea is that it's all "fated" anyway, then why bother? May as well sit on the couch and watch movies; and eat a bag of Doritos.

              Gee, maybe that's the idea? Considering the History Channel and other TV outlets replay all these doomsday scenarios shows over and over... And that we know the corporations that own these outlets cannot be trusted to watch your dog while on vacation, let alone with our future....

              Then i would not worry about these doomsday theories too much

              Pys-ops: It's what's for Dinner (breakfast, lunch, and midnight snack too).


              • #8
                I'm not sure about Nibiru, but thats not the only thing to watch out for. NASA has already said that in 2011-2012 the sun is going to emitt a huge CME which will fry power grids and most electronics. So the entire infastructure will go down, people will be hungry, there will be riots and it will be every man for himself, no government help.

                So when this happens, the people with electricity in remote areas have the capability to grow food and will have there basic needs met if they are smart.

                What John Bedini's device does is pulse radiant energy using the flywheel as the pulser and no micro-controller. I think that would be the best device to use in that kind of situation considering the micro-controllers will be 0'd.


                • #9

                  In my opinion it is not certain that even if nibiru is real that the event of it's passing would kill us all, the elites will build trillions of dollars worth of deep underground bunkers just in case, besides if there is no complete wipe out but the infrastructure goes down nobody would be safe just living above ground.

                  With the population densities in the urban area's and with no power, no food in the supermarket or water in the tap (faucet) many people would revert back to a very animalistic predatory existance. ( my spelling is atrocious ) So I would not want to be the only one in town with a light on at night. The lowlife's would come like moths to a candle.

                  Having said that earth batteries, joule thief, the simple bedini solid state, wind generators, micro hydro electric, radiant energy receiver, would be what I would try, i'm on a few acre's so I would probably just light a fire most of the time, winter especially, oh and keep the rifle handy too.

                  In my opinion people should be more concerned of their safety than having a light or power, if society were to collapse and there is no effective law enforcement, I would treat everyone I don't know as a threat to my and my families lives, until I knew better. Lets hope it doesn't happen.



                  • #10
                    Guys i am in the southern Hemisphere and watch for it. There are a few interesting things that buzz around in the Aussie skies


                    • #11
                      Let’s hope the Southern Cross remains unmolested then Ash and hope this Nibiru thing (if it exists) slings its hook elsewhere
                      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                      • #12
                        Illl make sure we have an end of the world PARTY at 2012 tho Bro . On a serious note, Pat's info is certainly worth looking into, I remember Ravi writing a research paper on it also. NASA certainly wont give us a straight answer.

                        I guess that's what NASA stands for, Never A Straight Answer


                        • #13
                          I hate this guys user name, but this video freaked me out the first time I saw it.
                          YouTube - NumbNuts274's Channel
                          There is a ten minute version of this also. IF there is a Nibiru, we are in serious trouble. Nothing I can find tells a good story for us.
                          The fact that the governments of the world keep "spending" our money (but what do you see it going too?) and trying to take even more raises my eyebrow, and makes me wonder where it all goes. I guess underground bunkers, solar observatories, and the like are pretty expensive. Who knows maybe Hollywood has been subliminally warning us about this for a while know. maybe the govs are building "ARKS" to get the ruling and elites to "safety".
                          One thing that I used to joke about was : When Obama was in campaign mode he said he was going to have to cut NASA's budget immensely. Hardly 10 days after inauguration he gave them a huge lump of money not a cut, and hasnt really cut at all. Granted shuttle missions are about to end, but that is a pretty archaic system anyhow. What did they tell him to make him change his mind. I used to say ETs but now I fear it is this. He is also graying faster than any president I can remember. Cant be worried about policy, he gets his way on everything. Cant think of too many things he has to worry about that would do that to him. you tell me.

