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Solar Joule Thief Circuits

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  • #61
    Hi Nick, thanks for the reply and your thoughts. Though like I said, I've never had any luck running a JT circuit over 6 volts without the transistor overheating. Though the bedini style oscillator works great with barely any heat noticeable, probably because it's driving the base more appropriately. Guess I'll have to try the SSB=solid state bedini with 12 volts now and run a few strings. Though more wire will be needed for the primary collector to keep the peak amps within range of the transistor used. Though yes, it would be nice to have a self runner. I'll post a pic of the SSB to show the difference between the JT circuit.
    peace love light

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    Last edited by SkyWatcher; 10-17-2010, 10:53 AM. Reason: image broke


    • #62
      I should point out that circuit is not exactly like bedinis, so it is a variant of it.


      • #63
        new generator cop>9

        go here and check out the simplest overunity generator the "fleet"


        • #64
          SkyWatcher and All:
          I have noticed the transistor getting warm sometimes when using certain type of batteries.
          It gets so hot that you can't put your finger on it. There are some AA batteries like the Rayovac that when new I can not run two of them to together, because the 2n2222 transistors cooks, and the batteries get so hot they feel like they are going to blow. They act as if there is a short circuit, but there is no short. Once they get accostomed to the circuit they mellow out, but, even when fully charged with cold radient pulses, still two of them together are two much for the Jt, and it will not work with two them (brand new). I have to use only one of them along with another dead battery. It's also as if the Jt gets accostomed to radient pulses and will not work as it did before without them.
          I've had real good luck recharging the 3.7 volt cordless phone batteries using the Jt circuits. They are the best, and do recharge very strong. I use two of them, to recharge two more. Several interesting things happen when they are allowed to recharge themselves with their own radient energy. No heat... anywhere, super bright leds, And they really last, plus the Jtc likes and gets along with those batteries, without building up excesive heat.


          • #65
            Hi Nick, thanks for the reply and information. Are the two AA charge batteries in parallel or series. The reason I know the JTC circuit has trouble with heat in transistor when using voltages like 12 volt, is because I've run many tests at 12-13.8 volts and even though the transistor I used was within proper amp rating and voltage, the JTC has a problem i think properly biasing the transistor completely on and off, though at lower voltages, like 6 and under seems to work fine. That is why if thinking about using 12 volts, I'd use the bedini variant circuit i posted, though feel free to run the tests to see for yourself. The bedini variant circuit i posted, which is using a pnp tip42 and a 1/2" toroid with 24 gauge bifilar, is still in testing right now and has already exceeded 10 hours and still going, lighting up the 12 warm white leds in parallel to full brightness using 2 AA nimh in series for input. Though I think a good test for using 2 AA's on input would be then to charge 2 AA's in parallel after the leds to ground, that's why I'm curious if your 2 AA's your charging are in parallel or series.
            peace love light


            • #66
              SW and All:
              I run two batteries in series at 3 volts, but now that I just use rechargeable batteries, I've had no problem with heat, or waisting the charge on them like before when I used regular AAs. My Jt does not like 4.5 volts (3 AAs) and the leds will not light with that much voltage, but runs fine on 3 volt (2 AAs)
              I have been able to restore two different sets of old (non charging) 3.7 volt cordless phone batteries that are now taking a cool charge (or a regular charge) and are all working like new. Some of the magic in these Jt circuits.
              My best Jt coil is a 1 inch ferrite core that has 76 bifilar turns of 38 gauge magnet wire all the way around the toroid. I don't see any mark up in voltage at the C and E rails, like some people are getting. Mine is about the same as the battery voltage. This is on the same Jt that I have self charging and running 24/7. I do still have to put in an additional bump charge to make up for any loses, but only occasionally. Of course once the charge batteries run low the Jt is not really effective as a charge circuit, or putting out much light. Therefore there is a very big advantage in having a solar panel that maintains a steady voltage on the run battery.
              People have mentioned that the charging voltage needs to be 1.5 times higher than the normal battery voltage to be most effective, (and not fluffy).
              I do see alot more light comming from my 16 Led light bulb, when the Jtc voltage is up at 4.5v to 5 volts instead of 1- 3 volts. So, I can only imagine how much light a 12 volt Jtc would produce connected to a One Watt Led light bulb, or to several of them.


              • #67
                Hi folks, Hi Nick, thanks for the reply and information. I've been running some more tests with JTC and it seems I can get rid of the heat in the transistor when using 2 AA's if I use the flyback directly running leds and not using the typical through to ground emitter/collector setup. Though when using input of 3 AA's it does heat up, though at that point I think it's just because it's exceeding the transistor peak amperage rating and so a higher resistance primary would be needed or higher peak amperage transistor. The test I ran with the bedini variant circuit i posted with 2 AA's input ran for 13 hours using the emitter/collector position. For the fun off it and because I'm curious, I unwound a coil from a medium size standard wall transformer and I'm going to rewind it with a bifilar coil of probably 18 gauge wire and see how it performs, though I'm sure the frequency will be much lower, we'll see how it works. Here is a pic of the transformer before I wind it.
                peace love light

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                • #68
                  Solar Auto Slayer Light/ Switch off

                  [IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]Hi to all
                  Skywatcher and Lidmotor
                  Ive been helped by a friend Groundloop to make the auto light switch by Slayer
                  Maybe you can test this or improve my concept that I requested Groundloop
                  Unfortunately Im missing the part BD 140 so wiil try the equivalent
                  Heres the line up for experiment

                  From Kubikop solarcell from calculator parallel with cap to Dodoshlodo JT 06 to groundloop auto light switch and finally the basic Slayer circuit

                  Hope we can work to simplify the Standalone Lighting system
                  My gratitude to tech support also from my guru Groundloop

                  I would like to make something that would turn a Slayer Exciter into an automatic light. Lots of work to be done to get there.

                  Last edited by totoalas; 10-22-2010, 09:05 PM.


                  • #69
                    Hi folks, Hi totoalas, thanks for reply and circuit. Again this is funny coincidence if there is such a thing. Over the past few days I've been revisiting the slayer exciter, since I like the idea of air-core coils. By the way the wall transformer JT worked, just not good enough. So I don't have as much experiment time under my belt with the slayer exciter, though yesterday I fired another one up and it seems almost better than a joule thief for lighting leds, now i was just powering them in parallel off the collector/emitter and I see in most other setups, people are powering leds in series off the L1 large coil single wire with a diode plug. Will be doing that next. Also, from looking at the circuit you posted, I bet that can be simplified much more. Back to tests.
                    peace love light


                    • #70
                      @ SW:
                      I have been charging of the Jtc with two AAs in parallel instead of series, similar to Slayers last wireless circuit diagram. As I thought that charging two 1.5 volt AAs with 3 volts would provide for better charging with less fluff. But, when I connect the negatives of the two charge batteries to negative of the two run batteries (like in his ciircuit) , I get a short circuit and the transistor gets too hot to touch in no time. But, if I connect the two negatives of the charge batteries to the positive of the run batteries it works fine with no heat, like before when charging the batteries in series.
                      I just received a PM from Conradelectro, with alot of very usefull information about coil winding, tuning, and also some practical and usefull uses as well as disadvantages of the Jt circuit.
                      I suggested that he place the information on the Jt thread either here, or both here and in But if he doesn't then maybe I can PM it to you.
                      I am very interested in now making some more big air core Jt, as there seams to be No induction from the 1/2" to 1" ferrite Pc chokes that I've used to make all my Jtc with. The voltage on all the C and E rails is the same as the voltage on the run batteries. If you have any ideas, please pass them along. I had to change the IN4007 diode for another value, as it was not letting enough voltage through it. Possible my 1k resistor is also not adequate for my set up, and it has been suggested to put two in parallel to see what happens with 500 ohms instead of 1 k ohms.
                      Glad to see the Solar Jt thread is still going...
                      Keepin in touch,


                      • #71
                        @ SW:
                        I have been charging of the Jtc with two AAs in parallel instead of series, similar to Slayers last wireless circuit diagram. As I thought that charging two 1.5 volt AAs with 3 volts would provide for better charging with less fluff. But, when I connect the negatives of the two charge batteries to negative of the two run batteries (like in his ciircuit) , I get a short circuit and the transistor gets too hot to touch in no time. But, if I connect the two negatives of the charge batteries to the positive of the run batteries it works fine with no heat, like before when charging the batteries in series.
                        I just received a PM from Conradelectro, with alot of very usefull information about coil winding, tuning, and also some practical and usefull uses as well as disadvantages of the Jt circuit.
                        I suggested that he place the information on the Jt thread either here, or both here and in But if he doesn't then maybe I can PM it to you.
                        I am very interested in now making some more big air core Jt, as there seams to be No induction from the 1/2" to 1" ferrite Pc chokes that I've used to make all my Jtc with. The voltage on all the C and E rails is the same as the voltage on the run batteries. If you have any ideas, please pass them along. I had to change the IN4007 diode for another value, as it was not letting enough voltage through it. Possible my 1k resistor is also not adequate for my set up, and it has been suggested to put two in parallel to see what happens with 500 ohms instead of 1 k ohms.
                        Glad to see the Solar Jt thread is still going...
                        Keepin in touch,


                        • #72
                          Solar JT

                          hi Nickz
                          Im still collecting solar cells from calculators.....
                          Kubikop showed by adding caps can increase to 3 volts which is the minimum
                          for a Dodoshlodo JT 06 and it works for a 1 cm by 3 cm cell
                          the best thing i think is charge a 1.5 aa that powers a cellfone charger(output 5 volts) for fast charging and at the same time supply the Slayer

                          The problem with cellfone charger - too many parts and dependent on China
                          Our aim is less parts less input but higher output and less human intervention

                          Hope to work on this with you guys around
                          Below is some info from Groundloop on the circuit i posted,,,,,,
                          Any comments revision update is welcome as Skywatcher said.....

                          You can use any PNP transistor rated for the current you will be using.
                          The BD140 is rated for max. 1 ampere and will stay cool with a load
                          of approx. 200mA without any heat sink. So the PNP depends on how
                          much current you will be using.

                          Keep the info flowing so we can trim the circuit to dmax




                          • #73
                            Hi folks, thanks for the replies and information Nick and totoalas. I re-read the entire sec/exciter variant thread and I noticed lidmotor replied to me and he was even talking about making an automatic turn on/off exciter for solar or other use. I made an Xmas pop bottle exciter like johnnydavro and lidmotor made, still have to wrap it with a few turns of 18 gauge and test it out. Lidmotor made a video of his pop bottle coil exciter running 12 leds in series and I can't tell if he is powering those wireless or if he is using the one wire of L1 into a diode plug into leds, anyway i'll know soon enough. Here's a pic of my Xmas pop bottle coil with my other exciter behind it.
                            peace love light

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                            • #74
                              Hi folks, well I'm playing with the slayer exciter on the side for the moment. Though now I am running some charge tests with the 1/2" toroid 24gauge bedini variant circuit using 3AA's nimh in series for input and 3AA's nimh in parallel charging, with the charging AA's after the 14 leds in parallel in C/E position, similar to slayers recent setup. I'm getting very good charge return after 2 swap cycles so far, better than any other circuits I've tried in the past using this method. Will be running tests for a few days it seems, since they are holding the recharge so well and of course running 14 leds at the same time at what looks like about full brightness to me. Any thoughts welcome.
                              peace love light


                              • #75
                                Slayer/ Jonny Davro Pop bottle SEC

                                Hi to all
                                Using a pop bottle 23 awg and one 3 in dia 14 in high pipe
                                SEC run charge 4 set up
                                Wrapped in spiral 8 turns speaker wire fine stranded 4 mm plastic insulated wire around pop botlle as L1 ac output max 9 v ac wth 6 v dc input source

                                Just like a transformer the spiral coil ac to dc and to joule thief charging the input.......will try tomorrow niht

                                Hope you can try this also

