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Otis T. Carr

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  • #16
    Yes they have a well built setup for sure, I'm curious to know if the Utrons are
    made from steel or aluminium I asked on the video comments. They should be
    steel and wound with coils as well from what I can tell. They have a shaft going
    through the central accumulator So they appear to plan on counter rotation.
    Do they have a theory of how it will function as a unit/machine ? If so they
    should share it. If the thing works and they don't have automated shut down
    or have it bolted down they could lose it into space. Carr said he lost one
    or two models because of circuit breaker failure.

    I'm not sure that a shaft should traverse/go right through the central
    accumulator. We should remember he made drawings to apply for a patent for
    a "carnival device/ride" and it was just a mock up. I think reportedly after he
    was shut down he tried to make some money that way, by manufacturing a
    carnival ride/machine. Which added to the belief he never had a real machine.
    He also sold plans for small model kits which were also mock ups.

    The picture linked below shows the carnival device center shaft and bearings, that
    looks like normal carnival ride engineering. It looks like a strong central
    fabricated support for a carnival ride.

    The actual device I think would have an enclosed "core" Accumulator I think
    which would be supported top and bottom like the other smaller ones maybe.

    Picture of what I believe is the central support of the carnival ride.

    From what I can recall the carnival device was mounted on a central shaft/hydraulic ram
    and the thing spins and goes up and down a bit, or did/was meant to.

    Last edited by Farmhand; 07-23-2012, 06:55 AM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Dingus View Post
      Did you reply to yourself? Are you using multiple accounts & forget to switch or something?
      Dingus, Vickers obviously made a post, had a think and then made another post,
      perfectly normal behavior in my opinion. And those posts were made almost
      2 years ago. Please don't come to my threads asking if a person from two
      years ago had dual accounts, there is absolutely nothing to suggest that in
      my opinion.

      Please apologize or please discontinue posting in this thread. Vickers posts are
      normal behavior. Or are you suggesting I was Vickers ? If so you are wrong,
      ask Aaron to confirm it if you don't believe me. I have one account here.
      Period ! I am Farmhand ! And I have no reason to believe Vickers is anyone but Vickers.

      Start your own thread and make some insinuations, allegations or whatever
      you want but don't do it in threads I start. Unless you have some supporting
      evidence. And if so you should probably report it to the moderators, I believe
      it is against forum rules. The moderators can tell who is where, pretty much.



      • #18
        Madhatter, I may have misunderstood you, It is not meant to fly no,
        so it is a model yes, but a fully functioning one in my opinion.

        I am sorry if I misunderstood.

        I'll try go through the radio interviews tonight.



        • #19
          The small outer Utrons may even require a spiral groove machined in them to
          take the wire of the coils. It's difficult to tell if they are actually meant to be
          wound with coils, I think it may be mentioned also in the radio interview. It's
          been a long while since I listened to them.

          I'm not convinced that a device just for tapping energy needs all the parts
          it would for flight, I don't like flying anyway.

          Dr Searles device would appear to be a permanent magnet version of the same
          principal, but Seales device is not engineered for flight what so ever, looking at
          the open devices I've seen.

          Back after the radio show.



          • #20
            Well, according to Ralph Ring the Utrons aren't grooved, the wire is just simply coiled around it. Then again he also once described it as having some kind of glowing crystal ball on it & said that the craft could turn invisible & teleport.
            Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
            Please apologize or please discontinue posting in this thread. Vickers posts are
            normal behavior. Or are you suggesting I was Vickers ? If so you are wrong,
            ask Aaron to confirm it if you don't believe me. I have one account here.
            Period ! I am Farmhand ! And I have no reason to believe Vickers is anyone but Vickers.
            You're acting awfully defensive Farmhand, or should I say... Vickers!


            • #21


              I don't know you or Vickers, but I have exchanged posts back and forth with Farmhand on this forum and another one for the past couple of years. I have always found him to be very clear about who he is and what he thinks. As a third party who may not know all the history I still have to say your posts don't really make a lot of sense.

              Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Dingus View Post
                Well, according to Ralph Ring the Utrons aren't grooved, the wire is just simply coiled around it. Then again he also once described it as having some kind of glowing crystal ball on it & said that the craft could turn invisible & teleport.
                You're acting awfully defensive Farmhand, or should I say... Vickers!
                Dingus, just recently, I have had all kinds of sick filth directed at me for no
                valid reason in my opinion. Up until I last time checked all the disgusting filth
                posted about me was still there for all to read. The moderators have not made
                any attempt to remove it or caution publicly the people who see fit to peddle
                abuse and filth on a public forum. So therefore I will need to moderate my
                threads myself. I will not do nothing while miscreants post offensive
                comments or comments suggestive of deceitful behavior or comments
                inferring, insinuating or otherwise suggesting wrongdoing, when there is no
                evidence for or reason to believe that. If you had been subjected to the same
                treatment you would probably be defensive as well. One person apologized
                after I asked if he would but he did nothing to remove the abusive and
                disgusting comments he made. The inaction of the moderators is curious but
                so be it, now I feel the need to show I am a not a whipping boy or a

                As I said it may be possible that Ralph Ring was a plant or has been bought,
                maybe not, I'm not saying he was, just we need to think for ourselves and
                have an idea of our own how the thing is made to work.

                If you wish to discuss the subject matter or any related tech or information
                you are most welcome, and I encourage that.

                Now Last request apologize to Vickers and now as well to me or discontinue
                posting in this thread. I will flag your posts as offensive and if the moderators
                do nothing, I will consider my position here, and my promises not to post in
                other threads will no longer be a standing promise so that I may request
                repeatedly for the removal of the abusive posts towards me in the threads
                they were made. This is not a threat or anything I just want the abuse and
                filth removed and the abusers cautioned and in some cases I think banning is

                I would much prefer to discuss the Technology, workings or
                performance/efficiency of devices/arrangements than to deal with abuse,
                evasions, insinuation ect.

                As I said if you want to discuss the tech or present alternative opinions your
                welcome. I can ignore posts that are not offensive which I don't agree with.



                • #23
                  Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                  As I said it may be possible that Ralph Ring was a plant or has been bought, maybe not, I'm not saying he was, just we need to think for ourselves and have an idea of our own how the thing is made to work.
                  I don't think Ralph has been bought, but it does seem that a lot of his claims are quite exaggerated compared to the claims made by Carr himself. Really entertaining stories to listen to, but still.

                  And you really need to learn to lighten up a bit.


                  • #24
                    Dimensions of Mystery

                    Have you read Otis T. Carr's little book, "Dimensions of Mystery"?
                    It's full of his poetry and verse. But apparently that all just a coverup for it's real purpose.
                    It say's in the pages that it contains a cipher, that if translated spells out plans for a "fourth dimensional gravity engine", capable of running dynamos and many other conventional devices of power.

                    Here is the SCRIBD link.
                    dimensions of mystery otis carr
                    You can get a copy many other places.

                    The paragraph where he talks about the cipher is on page 64....

                    I've studied and read it several times. It will not be easy to translate.
                    Another mystery dies with it's owner.
                    If you know someone who is an expert puzzle solver, I would love to collaborate.

                    I believe Otis T. Carr was the real deal.

                    Potential, is a terrible thing to waste.


                    • #25

                      Does anyone have the plans to turn a u-tron coil as not sure how to put one together ?


                      • #26
                        Hi Stephen, I did not even know that existed. Thank you very much, I'll have
                        to find something to upload and my password so I can download it. I'll get
                        back to you soon.

                        Ok Dingus, I'll lighten up, actually I haven't read or heard all that much of what
                        Ralph has claimed only one particular transcript of an interview I think and
                        some short video's. Ralph does make some far out claims but so does Otis,
                        and that Margret Storm lady I think the name is, there are some esoteric and mystical
                        aspects to it and she talks of a "set" Tesla built to talk to aliens. Maybe the
                        Utrons don't need to be grooved, that was just a comment because I was
                        thinking of how the coil could be held in place securely.

                        EDIT: ( I could be wrong about the central accumulator as well as other
                        things, I'm speculating at the moment. )

                        Anyway I listened to some of the interviews and took note of some key times
                        but I would like to check the notes and listen to the rest.

                        In this interview there is interesting information. Particularly from 16:00 mins or so onwards.

                        Last edited by Farmhand; 07-24-2012, 07:26 AM.


                        • #27
                          Here is a link other than Scribd.
                          Project Camelot | Ralph Ring and Otis Carr
                          Go down to Archived Material.
                          At the top of the box is a download link to Dimensions of Mystery.
                          Happy reading.
                          Potential, is a terrible thing to waste.


                          • #28
                            Thanks Stephen, Your right there is a cipher or code, very interesting. I'm no
                            expert but I think I understand his method. I think finding somewhere to start
                            will be the key, a key to a key if you know what I mean. I haven't found a start
                            yet. But I will be looking. I like poetry. It's a big read.

                            Thanks for this.


                            • #29

                              This may help you with the Cipher.


                              • #30
                                Aluminium Utrons

                                I'm not understanding why they are using aluminium for the Utrons.

                                Ralph Ring 'Pod' Update August 1, 2011 - YouTube

                                Pod Update FEB 23, 2012 - YouTube

                                If the field coils are pulsed then I don't see what they will attract or repulse if
                                the utrons are made from aluminium, I think they should be iron or steel. If
                                they are wound with coils they could work in some way, but my intuition tells
                                me with aluminium utrons ( basically rotor core's ) it won't work, I may be wrong.

                                And his quote for the machining of one Utron seems excessive $500.00 each.
                                If I had a lathe and milling machine I could make them for the cost of the
                                metal and electricity. Several in one day I think. $500.00 dollars for two
                                machined aluminium cones, I don't see how that is possible without being
                                ripped off. Although I haven't paid for machining so i'm not saying he's lying or
                                anything just that it seems way over priced. And at $500.00 a piece I would
                                be making certain I knew why I was having them made from aluminium and not
                                iron or silicon-steel. I wonder if they have a theory of how they think it will


