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Wesley Gary Magnetic Motor revisited

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  • Wesley Gary Magnetic Motor revisited

    I freely admit I was beaten by my own mechanical ineptitude and lack of machine tools in this attempt at a variation on a machine I thought probably worked, The machine I refer to is Garys Magnetic motor Wesley Gary's Magnetic Motor It is the first simple motor the one that is purely magnetic and mechanical I refer to. After all there really isnt too much to focus on and with the combined efforts and thoughts of this forum this could be easily be the one to topple.Oh by the way please try and attempt the little practical bits It will help me and Gary to explain and really only needs a couple of magnets and perhaps a coin .
    We have a lot more useful materials available to us today than Wesley would have had in the 1870s. Most notably plastic and SS, And as for the rare earth magnets we have available Wesley could only have dreamt about them and drooled. Like Tesla he would have had to do it with wood and brass, soft Iron and a phenomenal amount of patience, Patience that we can only wonder about in our fast paced modern world. We are the ones who have no time to stand and stare! (Never mind think)
    Intentionally I am not going to restudy the text or try to find the original articles I was reading 10 years ago a/They are there not there anymore b/ I may lose the plot
    Initially I thought well how hard can this be? Two horse shoe magnets and a hinge. Very difficult I promise you, just take a piece of shim (or your coin) and try to stand it up between any two magnets you may have laying about, this is effectively what Wesley calls The neutral zone It can be done but you must admit Its very difficult. Wesley had to accomplish this remarkable effect when the magnet and the shim are both moving and with perfect timing whilst at the same time devising a cloak to hide his method in order to protect his invention. Well done Wesley Its worked for 130 odd years but I trust youll forgive if I try to uncover your secret now!
    Both Wesley and Tesla had this in common They were very ill at one time. From Teslas autobiography you will find that his sensory perception was so advanced after the illness it tortured him. He could hear a watch ticking three rooms away, could hear a fire miles away, could not walk under bridges because of the pressure I concluded that perhaps Wesley was likewise affected, although I havent checked the dates to see if the time this virus was floating about would concur with both of them. Neither do I know how quickly it would transfer from Europe to the USA (or visa versa)
    With This Phenomenal perception it was not a quantum leap for me to envisage both men being able to see or sense magnetic waves just as some can detect Dave lampbrights waves In his gravity thread and some can't.
    After all Howard Johnson had the benefit of a machine to see magnetic waves (after a fashion) very soon after that came the magnetic gate and the famous motor followed.
    For this reason I suspect to make the machine in the manor Wesley has constructed it would be akin to trying to thread a needle and make a tapestry with a blind fold on.
    However its a simple concept which will clearly unfold after all there really isnt very much room for poor Wesley to hide anything is there? although he tried very hard,Bless him.
    Theres only two main moving parts after all. In one of the write ups the Neutral bar. Is described as being covered in thin copper plate in order to hide the nature of his invention. I bet Wesley didnt feel like hugging that reporter much at the time! It captured and riveted my attention immediately.
    Anyone old broke and decrepit like me remember the song Green door? Well I couldnt help but wonder whats hiding behind the copper door? Of course you have to remember that Wesleys machine ran in opposition North Pole facing North Pole and South Pole facing South Pole. I never intended these ropey pictures of 10 years ago for public consumption but here I am mucking about with a couple of magnets at the time In order to prove a point to myself. In this first picture the bottom magnet is wedged into the tube, the top magnet is floating and held apart by the repulsion.

    I promise you these are the same two magnets

    There is a round piece of steel between both North faces (Its actually a penny) and I am gradually sanding it down until there is no magnetic effect, If the pennies to thick the magnets are attracted to it. If the steel is to thin the magnets obviously repel each other through the steel itself. Neutral is what we want just as Wesley did all those years ago. Im just going at it a different way.
    However I also wanted some clearance hence I have some card Inserted. If you stop right now and think of what you have just seen the contents of the copper door will become reasonably apparent, at least in one plane,
    You can Im sure start to visualize how Wesley effectively turned off his magnet at the critical time. Alas practically It not quite that simple and theres a bit of head scratching to do yet! You didnt really think that something that remained hidden for 130 years or more would give up its secrets that easily did you?
    We are expecting these two magnets in opposition to drop away from each other in a reasonably linear fashion them wont! TRY THIS... Take your two magnets hang one from a string pendulum fashion, Place another underneath with its pole in opposition, what must happen? To satisfy most in a pub argument you could put this situation forward as perpetual motion, (ish) Still It is the natural pattern that is produced by the swing that must go on infinitum we must interest ourselves in. for It is the counter to this natural Chaos and how well we can apply it that determines how effective our machine will be! And so in practice you will find it almost as difficult to separate your two magnets side ways as with a straight pull. A Bloch wall by any other name. And so Wesleys Neutral bar would have been made mostly of copper it would have had steel inserts not only of the right thickness (because thats only one plane) but also shaped.
    He was considerably aided by the fact that he was using a horse shoe magnets not only because he obviously had twice the magnetic force available at the coal face (which is why they were originally developed) but also and far more importantly the chaotic nature of magnetic force in the axial plane is perfectly counter balanced.
    After all we well know from Ed Leedskalnin that magnets are absolutely nothing to do with the magnet itself which is really only a conduit. (Glad Im writing in this forum that last sentence would probably get me certified else where) And so we know Magnets flow is identical at both ends and of course can counter balance each other perfectly. At the time Wesleys machine was described a small power perhaps suitable for driving hair clippers, with the rare earth magnets we have available now. I suspect a modern re-incarnation of this machine could blow your socks off!
    I did quite a bit more work on this machine before I was forced to sell my lathe (cruel cruel world) and of course In this day and age you would never construct as Wesley did 130years ago. anyway I seem to be rambling and so Ill post and see what Interest (if any)

    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.

  • #2
    Don Smith used Wesley Gary concept and build a device with assumed output power level around 50kW (hard to believe,yes!)

    read here :


    • #3
      Thanks for those links boguslaw Id already read a bit of Don L Smiths work. I am a Radio ham also and so thought I might get a practical grip of resonant Methods somewhere along the line. I didnt! Still nice to know he indicates that Wesleys machine worked!
      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


      • #4
        this might help

        Hi Duncan,

        I think this might be of interest

        I believe AC has replicated this device. Perhaps you could ask him for some guidence?

        I will be joining you in a replication attempt very soon.

        Good luck!



        • #5
          This invention is still awaiting development (as well you know Duncan) -
          Attached Files
          Last edited by GSM; 12-30-2013, 04:11 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Duncan View Post
            Wesley Gary's Magnetic Motor

            After all we well know from Ed Leedskalnin that magnets are absolutely nothing to do with the magnet itself which is really only a conduit.
            Hi Duncan.

            We could equally say that a magnet keeper is only a conduit, though of course a 'permanent' magnet is different from a keeper due to the 'permanent' axial alignment of its atomic/molecular electron orbits in a manner which a keeper normally cannot maintain.

            In figure 5 of your reference is the drawing of Wesley's magnetic motor/generator.

            That overwound armature 'C' in his design is yet another conduit, though it never touches the magnet 'B'. This again is a field conduit via the internal alignment of atomic/molecular electron orbits.

            When the armature is close to the magnet, then the field polarity of the armature becomes parallel with that of the magnet, exactly as it would be when attracted into contact with the magnet as its keeper.
            When the armature is slightly further away from the magnet (past the neutral line explained by Wesley) the armature field suddenly becomes reversed as if it is in series with the field of the magnet.

            From an armature field point of view, this is as like rotating the magnet through 180 degrees with respect to the armature, yet the only physical motion required is but a fractional closer-farther movement of the armature with respect to the horseshoe poles.

            Now powerful horseshoe magnets are really quite expensive, and yet they may be so cheaply and easily substituted by a length of iron/steel bar with a neodi at each end clipped on at 90 degrees !

            Also the permanent force of magnetic attraction between the armature and magnet is easily countered using springs as Wesley did, or by a modern foam between pole faces and the armature or coil (coil - if with longer overwind and neodi magnets) -

            with the result that even the most extremely *gentle* and slow motional back-and-forth effort renders an overwound armature capable of brightly illuminating first one and then the other of a pair of opposite polarity connected LEDS.

            Wesley used reversing switches to provide a constant DC capable of empowering an electric motor, where maybe we could use low voltage diodes with a capacitor to empower equipment plus control electronics capable of automating the armature's magnetic field reversals within an entirely static equipment ?

            I wonder what happened to Wesley's designs all those years ago ?
            Did he sell them into obscurity, as did Hendershot his first invention ?

            Cheers ............ Graham.
            Last edited by GSM; 12-30-2013, 04:36 PM. Reason: grammar


            • #7
              Hi Duncan.

              I have just read your new thread -

              plus your Christmas card reference -

              I do not wish to take anyone down a path different to that which you wish within your new thread, and where clearly you have made so much effort, so I am replying within this thread because the main point relevent to your new one remains the same modus operandii employed by Wesley Gary way back in the 1870s, though of course with further development.

              Sudden series-parallel field direction reversals throughout a length of iron due to external field magnetisation via both *ends* of that length of iron, especially by a permanent magnet, may be induced in it *without* the source field of the induction being physically (mechanically) reversed.
              Also, that induced field reversal is similarly equally transducible (as is the case when a magnet or field is rotated within a conventional efficiency<100% generator) also without any mechanical movement.

              Having seen your new link I note it tries to take a reader straight into a final design (not unlike the 4 quadrant or flip-flop possibilities like Lester Hendershot's ring magnet related work?), but it does not directly cover the basic and *essential fundamental concepts* related to the field reversals plus the electrical overwind alternating current inductions possible in direct relationship to the Field-Current formula 3/4 down your own new page.

              The secret of magnetic motors - YouTube

              Imagine the iron armature in this video being overwound exactly as Wesley Gary did, or, it being but one of the quadrants in the magnetic circle as per the drawing in your latest Christmas Card link.

              Cheers ................. Graham
              Last edited by GSM; 01-01-2014, 10:26 AM.


              • #8
                Hi Graham I rather view these machines as having ' common source' that there is one source of energy that has remained undetected is an amazing thing, except it hasn't remained undetected has it ? Its been intentionally hidden and the whole education system slewed in order to keep it hidden .
                As soon as this is seen

                Attraction vs Repulsion in Magnetic Fields - YouTube

                Its obvious that Hatems machine works, and so does wesley's of course . But if one source of energy has been hidden what's the odds of two being hidden ? Astronomical squared? Ergo every machine works from the same source . all of the multitude of threads on every conceivable machine is simply pointless IMHO. I knew the Hatem machine worked because I built a small model one. So I also know Wesleys thing works (as you do) It is really the Maths and physics that we must reassemble. From what I have written you can easily see how the Clemente Figuera thing is supposed to work, In fact if you go back on that thread (you'll see I drew the concept long ago, it was just ignored I could not prevail). there are two components to consider as the radio wave is to electricity so the electrostatic wave is to magnetic current.
                You can of course mechanically use magnetic current directly as your doing but its difficult engineering isnt it? I found it so anyway. But its really a mental thing once that block is out of the way you can see much more clearly. The linear resonant electrostatic wave is obviously at the heart of the cancer cure machines as well. Rife ect There's been a disgusting deception played out on humanity and I really was looking for not a system that worked ..( I can see how most of them work now) unless I'm deluded and gone insane I was trying to find the cheapest easiest most effective example that I could explain reasonably easily to everybody else.As for going off topic you can't really there is only one subject All in all there needs to be a huge change, and IMHO energy is just a tiny bit of it.
                Last edited by Duncan; 01-01-2014, 12:29 PM.
                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                • #9
                  Hi Duncan, Thanks for all you share here. I'm hoping not to distract here but I came across this video showing a detailed step by step build of what appears to me as a Wesley Gary type motor working. Video - Видеоурок по сборке генератора Хендершота -
                  It's rather long at about 2hr 30min but I skipped thru it not knowing the language, there is some English translation in the back ground but my bad hearing did not allow me to hear well. Perhaps someone here could translate or at-least gain some knowledge or inspiration from it.

                  Wishing all here the best of luck with replications and a happy new year.

                  Regards, Gene


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by gene gene View Post
                    I came across this video showing a detailed step by step build of what appears to me as a Wesley Gary type motor working.
                    Regards, Gene
                    Hi Gene,
                    That is not the Wesley Gary design.
                    It is however purported to be the Hendershot generator; though really it is no more than a CON to take people's money.
                    (No sleeve cores are shown; no core-caps either; also the electrolytic values are totally different to what Lester used.)

                    Do not believe everything you find on the big WorldWideWeb, especially anyone supposedly selling 'Free-Energy' plans !!!!!

                    Plans for Free Energy can never be anything but *free*, so just keep reading the latest here on the

                    Cheers ........... Graham.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                      Hi Graham I rather view these machines as having 'common source' that there is one source of energy that has remained undetected is an amazing thing, except it hasn't remained undetected has it ? Its been intentionally hidden and the whole education system slewed in order to keep it hidden .
                      We could no doubt say more about other HIDDEN technologies too, but I just want to agree with your above comment.
                      Also to Thank You for your continuing effort ..

                      Cheers ........... Graham.


                      • #12
                        OK Graham, Thanks for the heads up. I'm not that sharp with electronics but I'm learning by reading here at energetic forum. I really like mechanical and magnets so will be watching this thread closely.

                        Thanks, Gene


                        • #13

                          Looking at the QEG, and thinking of using a tuning fork to stimulate a transformer case to generate a current:


                          made me think, could a tuning fork form the basis of a generator?

                          It so happens that this idea was patented and maybe the magnets in the Gary machine were not only magnets but tuned, vibrating legs - which would bring in another dimension to understand how it worked.

                          Patent US1909414 - Tuning fork generator - Google Patents



