Originally posted by Farmhand
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"trigger" the Thyristor (SCR) is as old as the device
itself and is not a "protected" concept. In fact,
virtually all schematic diagrams released for public
consumption are free to be used in whatever manner
you like. Only when a circuit is intended to be used
for "commercial" production or "monetary gain" would
there be any possible "conflict" with the circuit originator.
As shown, the SCR would be "triggered" when the
capacitor bank voltage rises to about 1.8 Volts greater
than the battery voltage.
In order to permit the capacitor bank voltage to
increase to a higher level before being "dumped"
into the battery you could simply add more diodes
in series from Anode to Gate for the SCR. Or a
low voltage Zener could be used there.
For purposes of battery rejuvenation or desulfating
of a lead acid battery (12 Volts) you'd want the
voltage to increase to about 20 Volts for best
It's about as simple a circuit as one could hope for
so you've done well.
The diode you've shown in series with the output of
the Solar Panel is adequate protection.