I built my first slayer exciter. It has 6 turns on the primary and 575 turns on the secondary. The output doesn't seem to be hugely impressive, but it is fun.
YouTube - Slayer exciter
YouTube - Slayer exciter scope shots
I tried driving it with the stingo, but the primary is too small, I don't think it has enough inductance or capacitance to produce the spike required to tickle the transistors. Or something. I wonder if adding a capacitor in series with the coil would help. I really hope someday to be able to understand the method by which the stingo operates so I can have more success oscillating a coil without it just happening by luck.
Perhaps instead of a capacitor in series I should use an iron core coil to run the oscillation and put the slayer primary across the radiant output part of the circuit. However this would defeat the purpose which is to somehow drive an air core coil with the stingo, to get the frequency up much higher, hopefully up in the megahertz.
YouTube - Slayer exciter
YouTube - Slayer exciter scope shots
I tried driving it with the stingo, but the primary is too small, I don't think it has enough inductance or capacitance to produce the spike required to tickle the transistors. Or something. I wonder if adding a capacitor in series with the coil would help. I really hope someday to be able to understand the method by which the stingo operates so I can have more success oscillating a coil without it just happening by luck.
Perhaps instead of a capacitor in series I should use an iron core coil to run the oscillation and put the slayer primary across the radiant output part of the circuit. However this would defeat the purpose which is to somehow drive an air core coil with the stingo, to get the frequency up much higher, hopefully up in the megahertz.