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Stingo Solid State Battery Charger

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  • Originally posted by Guruji View Post
    Hi Sucahyo regarding capacitors we're always talking 1uf 250v?
    I use that capacitor, but I think you can use any value. See if bigger or lower capacitance change efficiency. That require two amp meter at input and at output.

    Originally posted by Guruji View Post
    When testing if it's working what do you do a neon?or a meter? and where to the output?
    We can replace charged battery with neon or meter. Or put amp meter in series with charged battery. You can also hear the coil sing sometimes.

    Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
    Sucahyo, could we light the cfls with stingo somehow ?
    Yes, we can use secondary HV to lit CFL. Best result obtained with correct primary secondary ratio, but I am not sure what ratio. I get brighter CFL with 9V/240V transformer than car coil. I once get full brightness with 3 watt.


    • Originally posted by sucahyo View Post

      Yes, we can use secondary HV to lit CFL. Best result obtained with correct primary secondary ratio, but I am not sure what ratio. I get brighter CFL with 9V/240V transformer than car coil. I once get full brightness with 3 watt.
      You mean, you wind secondary over first stingo toroid layer or you use
      special toroid instead of stingo standard toroid, for example like i saw in JT
      thread 4 turns for L1, 4 turns for L2, and then 80 - 400 turns for L3 and all
      that on standar one inch toroid ?

      Go and see my new thread super charger "bingo" , i name it by
      stingo changing just first letter...I would like to see your opinion on that !

      Cheers !
      "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


      • Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
        You mean, you wind secondary over first stingo toroid layer or you use special toroid instead of stingo standard toroid, for example like i saw in JT thread 4 turns for L1, 4 turns for L2, and then 80 - 400 turns for L3 and all that on standar one inch toroid ?
        Yes, something like that .


        • Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
          Yes, something like that .
          Thanks !
          I suppose you mean yes for this other solution, L1,L2, and L3 ?
          Or you mean yes for both (including secondary over standard stingo)?
          I have to try this, but since cfls are not so cheep here i have to wait
          that one of my cfls that i am using for lightening my apartment fail,
          and then disassemble it...
          "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


          • Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
            Thanks !
            I suppose you mean yes for this other solution, L1,L2, and L3 ?
            Or you mean yes for both (including secondary over standard stingo)?
            I have to try this, but since cfls are not so cheep here i have to wait
            that one of my cfls that i am using for lightening my apartment fail,
            and then disassemble it...
            Yes for both solution. You need secondary that has more wound than the primary.

            The quality of CFL here is so bad that I have more broken one ....


            • Stingo Colloidal Gold Generator

              I’ve found yet another health use for the Stingo circuit. This is related to the following thread:

              Monatomic Gold (white powder of gold)

              Typical production of colloidal gold, an oral supplement which is a suspension of gold nano-particles in water, involves high voltage arcing under water.

              In these YouTube posts, for instance, RadeshNarine uses the high voltage output from running mains AC through a MOT to create an arc between two gold electrodes underwater:

              Colloidal Gold Generator Part1

              Colloidal Gold Generator Part2

              His apparatus generates serious, high current HV, which can kill someone who gets shocked by it.

              The same Stingo sparker setup with the car coil, which I’ve demoed previously in this thread also produces HV arcs without so much current being involved:

              Yes it can give one a powerful jolt if shocked, but it’s not likely to be lethal. Nevertheless, don’t try this at home unless you have knowledge and experience handling High Voltage.

              With a good pair of sneakers/trainers on and paying close attention to what’s insulated and where the path of highest potential is, I can avoid shock completely and manipulate two gold electrodes to get enough underwater arcing to happen to produce an adequate quantity of colloidal gold for personal use. Because the arcs aren’t very large, however, it’s almost inevitable that I do it manually, since it would be impossible to set up a close enough gap mechanically. I actually have to rub the two electrodes together to get the right arcing action.

              Here it is demoed with my very modest, at present, video capability:

              Stingo Colloidal Gold Electrolyzer 1

              Stingo Colloidal Gold Electrolyzer 2

              Don’t get too excited about the red glow in the second video…it was just the reflection of a camera light on the water, as my wife zoomed in for a close-up.

              What is not visible, but which I could clearly see during the procedure, are very small, inky dark clouds produced in the water during arcing. They dissipate so quickly, however, that I can’t tell what color they are.

              Even though this approach did not produce enough nano-particle gold to tint the water a particular color, I’m pretty sure that I got as concentrated a solution as I have purchased from commercial manufacturers, because of the common metallic aftertaste.

              I used medically pure gold wire for the electrodes and arced them under distilled water.

              As a further experiment, I added some hydrogen peroxide to ionize the water a bit, for one batch. But I found that this dissipates the potential which otherwise concentrates itself between the electrodes in the underwater arc. So I’m sticking with distilled water for now.

              For further consideration and investigation:

              I used the unrectified AC output. I will try further tests with output after the recovery diode.

              I got a headache from working with and near the car coil. For arcing, however, I haven’t encountered any other coil that can do it. Consuming the freshly produced colloidal gold water also gave me a headache. This effect went away after letting the product sit for 24 hours. It brings up the fact that a Stingo can also be used to positively energize water, but a toroid coil is better suited for such a purpose.

              - Godfrey
              Last edited by Godfrey; 12-06-2010, 09:56 AM.


              • Stingo

                Hi Sucahyo thanks for help another thing regarding resistors both 2watts?
                Today I managed to try it and heard the coil singing too
                Ok I will do more tests on this circuit.


                • 'Radiant Spikes'

                  Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
                  Could you explain this a little bit more ?
                  Cikljamas, my hard working friend, wanted to catch up with you on this question of yours at my first opportunity.

                  Regarding 'radiant spikes', I have been tuning my Stingos with the use not only of things like neons cfls, and meters but also while looking at a scope, like 7imix demos in his videos.

                  With 3V setups, like the sleeper, the output pulses can be viewed on my scope, like this previously posted the wave form:

                  On this scale, each graph segment represents 10V, and I have moved the 0 baseline down to the bottom to show as much of the spike as I can but the scope still cuts off the top. As you can see, then, it is a very sharp, almost completely positive (taking into account the back emf polarity reverse) and climbs to 92V. I try tuning the potentiometers to optimize the voltage of these spikes.

                  As for my use of the word 'radiant', that is a bit subjective. It is my personal opinion, based on my experience, that something other than increased voltage is being generated. I experience it as a radiant energy which helps me rest better in the case of the sleeper.

                  I still need to catch up on the latest tech talk about input vs. output measurements, so forgive me if I say anything repetitive. In my humble opinion, we can only give a certain amount of credence to what our instruments tell us about what's being generated, including the scope measurements of voltage. At least in the case of the scope, one sees that there isn't steady current being generated and that the static meter measurements are at best some kind of average, and at worst being expressed by meters that don't have adequate sampling rates. And do watts, a measurement of heat, truly represent the power being generated?

                  Stingo output generates high voltage pulses with short duty cycles. If you graph the actual area of total voltage over time, I think the true calculations of current, and total power being generated, would be very different.

                  We further have the issue of the asymmetrical nature of the power being generated...and the pattern changes with the tuning. It's not really DC, even when rectified. Then start factoring in capacitance reactance and impedance…the phase angle between voltage and current will not be a piece of cake to calculate.

                  We have issues with how the medium of the batteries react to these pulses.

                  When I'm satisfied with my battery charger setup, I'm going to try and capture output with a capacitor, using it like a measuring cup to volumize total power. If the cap fills up fast, then I'll oscillate it and measure the frequency of it filling and dumping. That should help get an accurate measurement of input power vs. electrically exploitable output power. Then and only then will I potentially be able to jump up and down and holler eureka, OU!

                  The nature of the energy we are attempting to harness defies current measurement instruments, IMO. I’ve found it to be volatile. I'm also considering it might be amenable to conscious direction.

                  - Godfrey
                  Last edited by Godfrey; 12-07-2010, 07:03 AM.


                  • Eventually...

                    You might want to put a Peltier system to extract voltage from the heat.

                    I am watching with interest on this one.


                    • Consider the singing coil phenomenon observed when using stingo at certain frequencies. As the energy expands into a magnetic field around the primary and collapses into the capacitance of the secondary, sound waves are sent out spherically in all directions.

                      These are the longitudinal waves that are being generated by the coil. As the frequency rises above the audible range, the waves are still being generated, but they are too high for us to hear. These are the radiant sound waves that we are trying to capture. As Tesla was transmitting electricity wirelessly, he used two separate plates, one at an area of high potential, and another at an area of low potential. A wire connected between these two plates could drive a load.

                      It may also be possible to tap the energy without figuring out the wireless receiver. If the stingo drove another coil at it's quarter wave resonant frequency, the stationary wave would be set up in the coil instead of in the medium. We could then use high-voltage diodes at the place of highest potential in the coil and lowest potential in the coil to charge a cap and drive a load.

                      However, it will be difficult to get the stingo to oscillate at the resonant frequency of another coil. The coil will either have to have miles of wire, or the stingo will need to oscillate in the megahertz range.


                      • Hi Godfrey, thanks for such comprehensive answer !
                        And thanks that you note my hard work too !

                        Originally posted by Godfrey View Post

                        Regarding 'radiant spikes', I have been tuning my Stingos with the use not only of things like neons cfls, and meters but also while looking at a scope, like 7imix demos in his videos.
                        REgarding cfls, could you say how you wind stingo toroid for that purpose ?

                        Originally posted by Godfrey View Post
                        And do watts, a measurement of heat, truly represent the power being generated?
                        Interesting question !

                        Originally posted by Godfrey View Post

                        As for my use of the word 'radiant', that is a bit subjective. It is my personal opinion, based on my experience, that something other than increased voltage is being generated.
                        Maybe orgon, whatever it is ?

                        Originally posted by Godfrey View Post

                        At least in the case of the scope, one sees that there isn't steady current being generated and that the static meter measurements are at best some kind of average, and at worst being expressed by meters that don't have adequate sampling rates...

                        ...Stingo output generates high voltage pulses with short duty cycles. If you graph the actual area of total voltage over time, I think the true calculations of current, and total power being generated, would be very different.
                        In what way different IYHO ?

                        Originally posted by Godfrey View Post

                        We further have the issue of the asymmetrical nature of the power being generated...and the pattern changes with the tuning. It's not really DC, even when rectified...

                        We have issues with how the medium of the batteries react to these pulses.
                        This DC & AC stuff is also interesting, but i do not understand much about
                        it too in context of radiant energy...
                        And batteries reactions are also under question, but as far as i am concern
                        it seems to a certain extent that we can measure these input / output energies and that OU achievement is so close but also so far, so far !
                        What i am trying to say is, i am concern with achieving OU, and i do not care too much how it really works in theoretical physics level, cause i know how
                        physicists knows how little they know about electrons and their behavior for instance, but we still use these electrons every day, dont we ?

                        Originally posted by Godfrey View Post
                        m of the batteries react to these pulses.

                        When I'm satisfied with my battery charger setup, I'm going to try and capture output with a capacitor, using it like a measuring cup to volumize total power. If the cap fills up fast, then I'll oscillate it and measure the frequency of it filling and dumping. That should help get an accurate measurement of input power vs. electrically exploitable output power. Then and only then will I potentially be able to jump up and down and holler eureka, OU!
                        I would like to know how exactly perform these capacitors measurements !


                        Originally posted by 7imix View Post
                        As Tesla was transmitting electricity wirelessly, he used two separate plates, one at an area of high potential, and another at an area of low potential. A wire connected between these two plates could drive a load.

                        It may also be possible to tap the energy without figuring out the wireless receiver. I

                        What do you think about this "free energy device" ?
                        cap 1, and cap 2 are 0,2 microF.
                        cap 3, and cap 4 are 100 microF.
                        diodes are 1n34 (germanium)
                        antena is thin wire...

                        I tried to replicate this yesterday using germanium diodes AA 133,
                        but it doesnt work at all...Are these guys that put this diagram pathetic
                        or i failed somehow with my replication (which i doubt very much) ???
                        But it is interesting concept however !!!
                        Here is that diagram :
                        Last edited by cikljamas; 01-15-2011, 02:33 AM.
                        "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


                        • Originally posted by Godfrey View Post
                          Typical production of colloidal gold, an oral supplement which is a suspension of gold nano-particles in water, involves high voltage arcing under water.
                          Great .

                          But, do I heard you correctly about spark under water with stingo? It would be great if you can provide side view video.

                          Originally posted by Godfrey View Post
                          What is not visible, but which I could clearly see during the procedure, are very small, inky dark clouds produced in the water during arcing. They dissipate so quickly, however, that I can’t tell what color they are.
                          Can't you use laser?

                          Originally posted by Godfrey View Post
                          Even though this approach did not produce enough nano-particle gold to tint the water a particular color, I’m pretty sure that I got as concentrated a solution as I have purchased from commercial manufacturers, because of the common metallic aftertaste.
                          That remind me when I submerge my head on positive radiant water...

                          Originally posted by Godfrey View Post
                          I used the unrectified AC output. I will try further tests with output after the recovery diode.
                          You intend to compare car coil HV output with toroid output?

                          Originally posted by Godfrey View Post
                          I got a headache from working with and near the car coil. For arcing, however, I haven’t encountered any other coil that can do it. Consuming the freshly produced colloidal gold water also gave me a headache. This effect went away after letting the product sit for 24 hours. It brings up the fact that a Stingo can also be used to positively energize water, but a toroid coil is better suited for such a purpose.
                          Try to use radiant sleeping aid functionality to the water too in that case.

                          Originally posted by Guruji View Post
                          Hi Sucahyo thanks for help another thing regarding resistors both 2watts?
                          Today I managed to try it and heard the coil singing too
                          Ok I will do more tests on this circuit.
                          , only 100 ohm need to be 2 watt.

                          Originally posted by Godfrey View Post
                          When I'm satisfied with my battery charger setup, I'm going to try and capture output with a capacitor, using it like a measuring cup to volumize total power. If the cap fills up fast, then I'll oscillate it and measure the frequency of it filling and dumping. That should help get an accurate measurement of input power vs. electrically exploitable output power. Then and only then will I potentially be able to jump up and down and holler eureka, OU!
                          Great idea . Do that method rely on the capacitance value printed in the cap? Because I read that the tolerance value of capacitor is rather high. 200uF is not really 200uF.

                          Also there is possibility that we can only observe OU with lead acid only.

                          Originally posted by 7imix View Post
                          Consider the singing coil phenomenon observed when using stingo at certain frequencies. As the energy expands into a magnetic field around the primary and collapses into the capacitance of the secondary, sound waves are sent out spherically in all directions.
                          As interesting phenomena, when I use stingo as zapper (before diode) when the coil was singing, then the skin in contact with the electrode (or was it the electrode?) will also sing.

                          Sometimes when charging a battery, I locate the singing not coming from the coil but from the battery instead.

                          Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
                          What do you think about this "free energy device" ?
                          I never heard promising result. Some close one are by sparking to charge a battery, other by using caduceus coil. Look for Samuel Faile.


                          • Circuit

                            Hi Cikljamas I tried that circuit to capture electricity from air but it did not work for me neither. So as you was saying Sucahyo this stingo circuit emits certain orgone energy too when in operation?. I think I saw this info somewhere not sure if I'm mixing threads now .


                            • stingo cfl

                              Hi guys! I just lighted my first stingo-cfl(9W) using 12/220 transformer,
                              and it lits bright (see picture) drawing 220 mAmps from 12 V battery...
                              Last edited by cikljamas; 01-15-2011, 02:33 AM.
                              "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


                              • Originally posted by Guruji View Post
                                Hi Cikljamas I tried that circuit to capture electricity from air but it did not work for me neither. So as you was saying Sucahyo this stingo circuit emits certain orgone energy too when in operation?. I think I saw this info somewhere not sure if I'm mixing threads now .
                                I think any electrical polarity produce orgone, but higher with coil swiching technique. But that do not means we can convert the produced orgone polarity to electricity. That may need something else to add.

                                Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
                                Hi guys! I just lighted my first stingo-cfl(9W) using 12/220 transformer, and it lits bright (see picture) drawing 220 mAmps from 12 V battery...
                                Congratulation . How much current needed to be as bright as it normally do?

                                Try it with bingo too .

