Now I understand. Thank you for the explanation. I will try it tonight, and let you know.
Very interesting results on your tests with the bucket of water verses the outside ground. There must be a good reason for that. I would have never imagined it. Great idea!
What I had originally thought of doing was to make a small pyramid out of cooper tubing or thick copper wire, and make that the core, then wind a joule thief bifilar coil onto the frame, all the way around the small 4 or 6 inch pyramid. Then pulce that...and get the Bemf. I think that the bigger the bifilar coil is the stronger the bemf kick is going to be. I am also thinking that I would use 12v to pulse the small pyramid, from a solar panel, or for now just a 12 wall adapter to see how it works. Any output can be taken off the top or by a secondary wound onto the frame.
Anyways, i still don't have a clear picture of it in my head yet.
I'll get the water in the bucket charged up now.
And do your test tonight.
Now I understand. Thank you for the explanation. I will try it tonight, and let you know.
Very interesting results on your tests with the bucket of water verses the outside ground. There must be a good reason for that. I would have never imagined it. Great idea!
What I had originally thought of doing was to make a small pyramid out of cooper tubing or thick copper wire, and make that the core, then wind a joule thief bifilar coil onto the frame, all the way around the small 4 or 6 inch pyramid. Then pulce that...and get the Bemf. I think that the bigger the bifilar coil is the stronger the bemf kick is going to be. I am also thinking that I would use 12v to pulse the small pyramid, from a solar panel, or for now just a 12 wall adapter to see how it works. Any output can be taken off the top or by a secondary wound onto the frame.
Anyways, i still don't have a clear picture of it in my head yet.
I'll get the water in the bucket charged up now.
And do your test tonight.