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  • [QUOTE=sucahyo;132490]Robur, what you share is very interesting. How do you know it?QUOTE]

    Does it really matter how I know it? As long as it works. I cannot accomplish most of this myself due to health problems.


    • Originally posted by robur View Post
      FIRST you need to preserve the energy - charge the water. Salty water is a conductor it conducts energy not preserves it. For the charge i recomend using DISTILLED water instead of salted. Distilled water is a dialectric it will absorb energy of pyramid and keep it. But charge will not stay forever. As soon as chaging had seased energy will begin to be lost slowly as soon as it out of charging field.

      Yes, I agree on that

      SECOND As you are using a liquid medium - water - it has billions trillions of moleculas. Naturally they move slowly. Very slowly. Your pyramid's energy is weak. Please don't ask me why I just know. In this this weak field charging will go on slowly. Hours days weeks. Your medium is motionless.
      However, if you are to move it charging will be greatly accelerated. By moving I mean spin water clock wise. When water moving the moleculas are flying from one place to another fast and as they go they pick up the charge on the way. The Aethric Field is a sphera created which is created in the 6th dimension of a pyramid at the pointwhere 5 dimensional vectors meet ( see my PDF for details ). Pyramid is a 6th dimensional structure geometrically designed to generate this energy.

      That's why I got an idea of creating a flow to collect a charge better. As you probably read from my earlier posts I was thinking of running water through bottom coil. Not sure if this is the best way of doing it.

      THIRD Aether energy follows strick geometrichal paths. Along the lines of vectors and then appearing at the point of intersection of those vectors if the point of intersecton is minimuim 3 or 6. In pyramid it is 6. In a cone it is 3
      Also in a cone the horizontal vectors are INFINITE. Cone is a better generator then pyramid because of it's rounded corners.

      Interesting. I was suspecting better generation in pyramid shape but infinite horizontal vector is appealing to me.

      FORTH Your spiral grid on the floor is correct. However, your wire from apex is NOT. This wire cannot be just like an extended spring. If you want higher effect it must be INVERSE COIL. INVERSE COIL is a spiral coil which comes down from apex to the grid below. So if you tyou got a pyramid with apex UP standing on floopw - you wire a roughtly indentical spiral coil smaller then the pyramid then you hang it by it's base fropm apex of pyramid so the apex of the coil is pointing DOWN. Thus you inverse energy field and it's power should increasse accourdingly.

      Yes. I agree again. I was away from home for the past 10 mths and not able to continue. I knew that I have to make a proper coil from the apex but didn't have suitable material and enough time. I did explain to my wife my thoughts and she made something about. One thing was puzzling me: how they should be connected and in which point. I visualized vectors and their crossing but I couldn't reason just connecting both coils in such point. I always thought that there is something in between both apexes. My other idea was to have 6 spiral/cone shaped coils meeting like vectors but again, I could not believe they should be just connected. Another unknown to me was their beginnings (bases). In case of apex and floor it is obvious but I was not sure if the should come from the walls or corners (edges).

      FITHS And final charter. Your testing plants are sitting on the side. The should be exactly at the centre. Some of you might not know it but here are 3 POWER POINTS on the pyramid, cone or structure like this. You only know of king's chamber. Here are 2 more each have it's own designation and effect. The materials from which it is made and how it is made play a big role in what you get. Ot is unfortunate people do not understand or want to understand.

      We moved them, several times around. Actually, I wasn't sure of benefits coming from King's Chamber but suspected that Queen's may work better.

      PM ME if you got questions.
      I have reached an understanding
      I have a bit more time right now since I left my job and I want to resume those test. I appreciate that you have joined this thread

      'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

      General D.Eisenhower


      • Thanks for trying and willing to risk it NickZ . Instead of leyden jar, how about Bedini Earth light? Crystal said to be able to convert the energy. We just need to use live crystal, which should be possible for you to know.

        Thanks for sharing your knowledge Robur .

        For water part, from Joe Cell group suggestion, we electrolized the water first with something equal to 1 Amp hour charging and then filter it. I think NickZ already doing this by 4 hours of joule thief, even with only one electrode from suggested normal electrolysis with two electrode. The water after that is charged and can hold charge better on Joe Cell.

        About rotating water, yes, I have read some comment about fast CW rotation produce peace / calm / sleep. But some use it CCW to blast pain too. And I think spinning the water fast may charge the water better than the pyramid that the pyramid may be influenced by the water instead. The pyramid act as magnifying glass instead. Some friends suggest rodin coil for focusing energy.

        About coil, I think link bellow may illustrate the point?
        Double Vortex by laozu


        • Robur: Welcome to this thread.
          If you have an idea of what you are talking about please make a diagram of it, or explain it to us.
          I am interested in anything that may help, but not with building insignificant devices, that may take "days or weeks" to do anything.
          These are only some preliminary polarity tests being done, and are not a final result.

          If you have to swirl the water to form a vortex by hand, then what is needed to make this work?

          As you say that we are going about this wrong, then what is the correct approach and how do you know? I am listening... and willing to do what your health won't allow you to do, if I can.
          Regards from Costa Rica,


          • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
            I have a bit more time right now since I left my job and I want to resume those test. I appreciate that you have joined this thread

            Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
            Thanks for trying and willing to risk it NickZ . Instead of leyden jar, how about Bedini Earth light? Crystal said to be able to convert the energy. We just need to use live crystal, which should be possible for you to know.

            Thanks for sharing your knowledge Robur .

            For water part, from Joe Cell group suggestion, we electrolized the water first with something equal to 1 Amp hour charging and then filter it. I think NickZ already doing this by 4 hours of joule thief, even with only one electrode from suggested normal electrolysis with two electrode. The water after that is charged and can hold charge better on Joe Cell.

            About rotating water, yes, I have read some comment about fast CW rotation produce peace / calm / sleep. But some use it CCW to blast pain too. And I think spinning the water fast may charge the water better than the pyramid that the pyramid may be influenced by the water instead. The pyramid act as magnifying glass instead. Some friends suggest rodin coil for focusing energy.

            About coil, I think link bellow may illustrate the point?
            Double Vortex by laozu

            For GOD'S SAKE CAREFULL WITH CRYSTALS!!!!!!!!!!!!
            If you mess with them in a wrong manner you can easyli kill yourself as crystal when in Aether field can amply any negative soughts or any negative energy thousands of times and then dump it on you.

            Rodin coil can convert Aether to electrichal energy, but again you got wrong pyramid for it.

            I can tell you how to combine pyramid Aether effect magnetism and water spin into 1 device, but I must warn you - i did not build it myself as of yet due to none stop on going health issues. I can tell you what you need to do, but if you go off these instructions the resultwill no longer be guoranteed or/and positive.

            Joe Cell is partly based on Orgone. If you play with Otgone you can create DOR - Deadly Orgone. If you create that you are i trouble as it will wreck your health. Unfortunally if you don't live in the middle of no where makng DOR is easy. Orgone as Aether have frequency. Aether itself has no frequency as power frequency. Power frequency I mean vibration in hertz. To this Aether is blank. Aether has harmonic vibrational frequency which you also might call geomertrichal frequency. MAeaning it apears in structures that ''VIBRATE'' geometrichally accourding to the geometrichal shape of it's natural flow
            Orgone on the other hand is very submissive to electronic frequencys. If you create Orhone near home devices like TV PS PC etc they all emmitte negative frequencys. Orgone will collect these frequencys absorb them then it starts to resonate them out from the source. And what will be resonating will be DOR.
            Aether is not submissive to negative frequencys of every day objects. Unless you reverse it's flow severly only then it will damage health. Raw aether as comes from pyramid is not dangerous.
            Aether and magnetism are 2 alike. Magnetism can osiliate aether flow to convert it directly to electrichal energy. Specially built coils with a harmonic voltage acceleration can generate much much more Aether and compact it into a tight zone. Location of the zone depends on the construction of the generator. In pyramid this is king's chamber where 5 lines of vector force ontercept and create 6th dimension where Aether naturally occurs. However this can be change and make Aether to occure in other parts of the generator by using electric/magnetic fields to control it's position and flow.

            Distilled water is a BATTERY to absorb the energy and keep it but only as long as it is moving. When moving stops charge will begin to be lost.
            At some point if water is super charged it is possible to make it glow with eeri green light which would be Aether energy saturation.


            • Sucahyo:
              The Bedini battery light only puts out 3/4 of a volt. So, solar panels are still a better bet. I think.
              The benefit of using crystals is still not very well known. There is some kind of connection between crystal frequencies and pyramids, but I'm still just learning about it. I have several big quarts crystals all around the pyramid. They can also focus energy like a magnifier lens, but not electricity, as far as I know.


              • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                Robur: Welcome to this thread.
                If you have an idea of what you are talking about please make a diagram of it, or explain it to us.
                I am interested in anything that may help, but not with building insignificant devices, that may take "days or weeks" to do anything.
                These are only some preliminary polarity tests being done, and are not a final result.

                If you have to swirl the water to form a vortex by hand, then what is needed to make this work?

                As you say that we are going about this wrong, then what is the correct approach and how do you know? I am listening... and willing to do what your health won't allow you to do, if I can.
                Regards from Costa Rica,
                You don't need to ''swirl'' it by hand. If you can find 12-15 V DC motor to do it for you it be fine. I willpost explonation tomorrow or can give you personally if you got any contacting details. This is a charger.
                And no you won't need weeks for it to do something.
                How fast do you expect a visible result?


                • Robur:
                  I am surrounded by many quarts crystals and have not seen any negative effects at all, to be careful about in relation to them. What negative effect should I be aware of? I have had many of them for years, some over for over 30 years.

                  As you have not built the device that you are mentioning, why do you think that it should work as expected, and what is it that it is expected to do, or produce?
                  Thank you for any information that you'd like to share.


                  • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                    The Bedini battery light only puts out 3/4 of a volt. So, solar panels are still a better bet. I think.
                    The benefit of using crystals is still not very well known. There is some kind of connection between crystal frequencies and pyramids, but I'm still just learning about it. I have several big quarts crystals all around the pyramid. They can also focus energy like a magnifier lens, but not electricity, as far as I know.

                    Will be interesting if solar panel can convert energy. I don't see 0.75V is a problem, we just to make a plenty of it, just like solar panel.

                    Originally posted by robur View Post
                    For GOD'S SAKE CAREFULL WITH CRYSTALS!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    If you mess with them in a wrong manner you can easyli kill yourself as crystal when in Aether field can amply any negative soughts or any negative energy thousands of times and then dump it on you.
                    Yes, I am aware of that. I also suggesting that to other people, although I got bad named by some people for suggesting them to be carefull with crystal. I got banned from suggesting crystal less orgonite.

                    I currently do an experiment with crystal and I always ask opinion from as many people as possible because I realize that crystal can be dangerous. Big gratitude for anyone who help me . Thank you Vtech .

                    My curiosity make me do experiment with crystal, but I try not to do it at home.

                    Water can be seen as crystal too. Swirling water can behave like crystal too.

                    Originally posted by robur View Post
                    Rodin coil can convert Aether to electrichal energy, but again you got wrong pyramid for it.
                    Friends use it with water swirler for health purposes and warn the importance of position relate to compass direction.

                    Originally posted by robur View Post
                    I can tell you how to combine pyramid Aether effect magnetism and water spin into 1 device, but I must warn you - i did not build it myself as of yet due to none stop on going health issues. I can tell you what you need to do, but if you go off these instructions the resultwill no longer be guoranteed or/and positive.
                    Yes, I agree that safety first and tiny difference can produce opposite results.

                    Originally posted by robur View Post
                    Joe Cell is partly based on Orgone. If you play with Otgone you can create DOR - Deadly Orgone. If you create that you are i trouble as it will wreck your health. Unfortunally if you don't live in the middle of no where makng DOR is easy. Orgone as Aether have frequency. Aether itself has no frequency as power frequency. Power frequency I mean vibration in hertz. To this Aether is blank. Aether has harmonic vibrational frequency which you also might call geomertrichal frequency. MAeaning it apears in structures that ''VIBRATE'' geometrichally accourding to the geometrichal shape of it's natural flow

                    Orgone on the other hand is very submissive to electronic frequencys. If you create Orhone near home devices like TV PS PC etc they all emmitte negative frequencys. Orgone will collect these frequencys absorb them then it starts to resonate them out from the source. And what will be resonating will be DOR.
                    Agree that Joe Cell can create DOR. I consider Joe Cell as bipolar device, so creating one polarity will induce the other.

                    Some people who build Joe Cell are energy sensitive. They mention that there are two type of Joe Cell operation, inflow and outflow. They also warn some health problem for wrong use or construction.

                    When the operation is inflow mode, the car cabin become completely EMF free and silence. Cellphone or GPS no longer work. In this mode gravity has less effect and thus car can accelerate, brake or turn defying normal equation.

                    I consider Joe Cell and pyramid with water inside use same kind of energy. Although the polarity pattern is different.

                    I have been using electronic device that I believe are utilizing orgone energy for health purposes. I highly believe that electricity can be made to produce DOR headache kind of energy or the opposite, calm energy. I highly believe this relate to signal sharpness. Example can be seen on people experiences in this forum, search "headache". Most of them are either using weak switching or Earth ground.

                    Originally posted by robur View Post
                    Aether is not submissive to negative frequencys of every day objects. Unless you reverse it's flow severly only then it will damage health. Raw aether as comes from pyramid is not dangerous.
                    Aether and magnetism are 2 alike. Magnetism can osiliate aether flow to convert it directly to electrichal energy. Specially built coils with a harmonic voltage acceleration can generate much much more Aether and compact it into a tight zone. Location of the zone depends on the construction of the generator. In pyramid this is king's chamber where 5 lines of vector force ontercept and create 6th dimension where Aether naturally occurs. However this can be change and make Aether to occure in other parts of the generator by using electric/magnetic fields to control it's position and flow.
                    Very interesting information . But not dangerous can be relative.

                    Originally posted by robur View Post
                    Distilled water is a BATTERY to absorb the energy and keep it but only as long as it is moving. When moving stops charge will begin to be lost.
                    At some point if water is super charged it is possible to make it glow with eeri green light which would be Aether energy saturation.
                    There is also possibility of saturated water, where the water eventually build up to many bad energy and start to emit bad energy too. The solution is to replace the water witht he fresh one.
                    Last edited by sucahyo; 03-01-2011, 06:33 AM.


                    • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                      I am surrounded by many quarts crystals and have not seen any negative effects at all, to be careful about in relation to them. What negative effect should I be aware of? I have had many of them for years, some over for over 30 years.
                      Do dowsing rod reacted strongly to the crystal or rods will point to whatever you choose it to be on top of them?


                      • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                        I am surrounded by many quarts crystals and have not seen any negative effects at all, to be careful about in relation to them. What negative effect should I be aware of? I have had many of them for years, some over for over 30 years.

                        As you have not built the device that you are mentioning, why do you think that it should work as expected, and what is it that it is expected to do, or produce?
                        Thank you for any information that you'd like to share.
                        If they just stand around that isn't a problem. But if quortz crystal comes in contact with Orgone/Aether or very high powered DC/AC field at wrong frequency and angle it can ''suck'' the life from you.

                        Here is is a render of how to use Clear Quortz crystal in a pyramid with maximum effect.
                        You can use this: PCB-fabriek | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
                        Double sided PCB Board. On both sides it is coated with copper and in the middle a layer of fibre glass.
                        Or use a solid Copper sheet.

                        I am NOT trying to destroy conversation with warnings. I am trying to advise you to best of my knowledge so it reaches a success
                        Attached Files


                        • Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                          Do dowsing rod reacted strongly to the crystal or rods will point to whatever you choose it to be on top of them?
                          Dowsing doesn't work with me. I am not sentitive to this energy.


                          • Originally posted by robur View Post
                            Dowsing doesn't work with me. I am not sentitive to this energy.
                            I mean NickZ, he can.

                            But you should really try it. Try with golden ring on top of 12V battery terminal. hold for a minute with two hand rest on something to avoid shake. See if you can observe opposite rotation between different pole.

                            If you succeed, measure other thing.


                            • @ Sucahyo and All:
                              The rods do react to crystals. Crystals can interact with mind energies, also. I use them mainly for healing purposes. I have not seen any negative effects from pyramids or crystals in all my years of being around them. That does not mean that there are no negative effects from them, but I personally have not experienced any negative effects. There are different opinions as to what is Negative, also. Energy is neither good nor bad. Is lightning bad because it can kill you?
                              or Sunlight bad because it can burn you?
                              The picture of the pyramid with the crystal capstone is very interesting. The real capstone was stolen off of the Great Pyramid, it may have been made from quarts also. But the Great Pyramids purpose was not the make electricity.
                              The trick is to tap the vortex, and get some power in return. But HOW???
                              My crystals are not just laying around collecting dust, they are pointed towards me... and are also in the direct Aether field of my 6 foot pyramid, redirecting the energy towards me, as I sleep under them nightly. I can tune in directly to them, as they seam to help in my visualizations. I wish that they would also help me figure out how the make electricity, but for some reason that information is not being made available to us. I feel that it is being BLOCKED.
                              There are people all over the world trying to figure out a way to produce electric power but so far, nothing... this is no coinsidense....
                              Adams -Bedini type of electric production, (passing magnets by coils), has been around for many, many, years.

                              Although I was just kidding, I would love to see the water in the pyramid glow green...

                              So, if water is swirled around by a motor to make a vortex in the water, how it this going to
                              help to produce electricity?


                              • Sucahyo:
                                I held a gold ring on top of a 12 volt battery terminals, with my left hand, and held the rod in the right hand. Although I do feel the rod reacts to the polarity between the + and - terminals, the rod will spin (strongly at times), in a complete circle counter clock wise, in the same direction on both terminals. I thought that it would show a difference in directions, but it did not show that this time. I'll try again later on, and with a different battery. As this particular 12v battery pack is made as a straight inline dipole, using 8 AAs, 18" long with terminals at the ends. I had made it to test the idea that batteries can also bounce back and self-recharge to a small degree, like a capacitor, when connected in this fashion to a captret- Jt. That may have something to do with the rod spinning ccw on both battery terminals on this setup.
                                I do feel that understanding polarity is very important, especially in trying to tap vortex energy in an open system. Seams like the separation of polarities can lead to some current output, and not just voltage (fluff). The key may be in this separation of polarities... and domes, and pyramids can help to reflect, or mirror the energy back that is then recycled, and kept ringing like the Joule Ringer, so it is not lost in space. Round is better, (spheres and domes) and is also more natural form. But the pyramid geometry may have its useful purposes.
                                Negative resistance and kicks in the devices may also be important. That is what "Otto" kept saying in another forums TPU thread. Tinned copper wire was another item to use in wiring the the devices, and in winding their coils.
                                Sucahyo- yes, I did leave the gallon of water on the tile floor, and it does dissipate any charge that is in the water, overnight. Maybe the air is also partly responsible for the loss.

                                @ robur: I apreciate your comments and warnings, I just wanted an explanation of the negative effects.
                                Are these also your own personal observations?

