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    I did run some tests with pyramid. Despite couple mistakes I was able to get some scope readings which look promising.
    First of all; My cones were done on multilayer paper form laminated with polyester resin. Coils were sealed the same way. Well, it was a mistake. What I did was a result of conventional thinking and sealing/insulating/securing wire but..I encapsulated entire coils in resin which will diminish any effect of Aether upon. They should be made with bare copper (or gold ) wire, close to 1mm thick. They will be easier to wind and easier to secure without gluing entire coil. Nylon fishing line can be used to separate turns from shorting. There should be a gap in between both apexes (assuming that we're working with "hour glass" setup - bases of cones outside) of about 2-1/4" -2-3/8". This is expected Aether concentration area. I did some tests on this gap last night/early morning by placing 6 magnets in a tube, just big enough for them to fit inside and #18 wire wrapped around. Tube was placed between apexes and scope connected. Environmental 50Hz disappeared and I noticed much higher freq. oscillations in range of 35mA.
    I also set another experiment for the night in attempt to see the effect on water. I have two cones, separated and sitting on their bases. Base wires are connected to a 6V battery. Apex wires not connected to anything (I did check them with a scope and there is a sin like wave of 5kHz with what appears to be harmonics going up in MHz range. There is no presence of environmental LF ). There is one shot glass sitting on the apex of one cone and other inside a second one. Both are filled with water. There should be an effect on the water. What I expect is that Aether will have an effect on matter and is capable of transforming it.

    I was working until 6:30am and had to get up couple hour later. I need a nap before doing any more work but I'll provide more info later.

    I couldn't resist checking: Water from the top (apex) of the cone has fluid shapes such as petals, balloons or something similar in shape to the little fan children attach to the handlebars of their bikes.
    Water from inside a cone has defined geometric shapes; triangles (nets of triangles/diamonds) hexagons. There is a blue color in aura. Also, while holding hand over there are pulsing effect in other parts of the body. I'm freezing samples in hope to see something trapped in ice and... I need a break lol

    Last edited by blackchisel97; 03-15-2011, 04:53 PM. Reason: add info
    'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

    General D.Eisenhower


    • Blackchisel:
      Normally Aether is not detectable. Only when it is converted into electricity by using capacitors to separate the polarities will you be able to see it's effects. Otherwise although it may be present, you will not be able to detect it, see it, or measure it, but you may be able to feel it, like feeling the wind. That is what I have found.
      The trick is to create a vortex, and then be able to tap it. Earth's vortex already exists.
      I tried something similar to what Les Brown did with his pyramid, when he got shocked. But I saw no results. Nor has anybody else been able to reproduce the effect.
      I think that the capacitor is our best friend, that is why I'm playing with the one gallon cement -beach sand battery, that is now an effective capacitor. At least it's good for something. Sometime I'll connect it to my pyramid to see what happens.
      Good luck with your tests...


      • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
        Lead acid type batteries are always going bad, I think that having an electrolyte is a poor system. I have a bunch of 12 volt Pc Back-up power supply batteries as well as many others batteries that are all bad. It is best not to have anything that will sulfate or corrode. The crystal batteries sounds interesting.
        Bedini said that alum prevent corrotion. I now fill gel battery with alum. It seems to hold voltage as good as new, but will kept using it to see if it really can be better. Maybe kept overchaging it too lol.

        I see that you have a good time with testing Vtech lol.

        I don't think sealing them with resin is a bad idea, that would make it more concentrated, kinda like orac where energy is absorbed by the resin or paper then being focused more inside the copper. It would strengthen it I think.

        Very nice result of creating energy bubble that make environment noise dissapear. Nice result for the water too. Those are awesome achievement .


        • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
          Normally Aether is not detectable. Only when it is converted into electricity by using capacitors to separate the polarities will you be able to see it's effects. Otherwise although it may be present, you will not be able to detect it, see it, or measure it, but you may be able to feel it, like feeling the wind. That is what I have found.
          The trick is to create a vortex, and then be able to tap it. Earth's vortex already exists.
          I tried something similar to what Les Brown did with his pyramid, when he got shocked. But I saw no results. Nor has anybody else been able to reproduce the effect.
          I think that the capacitor is our best friend, that is why I'm playing with the one gallon cement -beach sand battery, that is now an effective capacitor. At least it's good for something. Sometime I'll connect it to my pyramid to see what happens.
          Good luck with your tests...
          I tried to replicate LB experiment making sure I'll not hit anything sharp while flying. No luck. Of course I don't have and no intention to build such a big structure atm. but there is something missing from his experiment to make me believe it could happen just like that. Size matters, coil arrangement make sense, winding directions too. Piece of wool in between..fine but
          Beside, his pyramid was a shape only, no solid walls. How possibly such energy could concentrate is beyond my imagination and I do posses such.

          What I believe is that capacitor isn't the only device which can separate polarities. With such cones arrangement their apexes will become polarized.

          'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

          General D.Eisenhower


          • Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
            Bedini said that alum prevent corrotion. I now fill gel battery with alum. It seems to hold voltage as good as new, but will kept using it to see if it really can be better. Maybe kept overchaging it too lol.

            I see that you have a good time with testing Vtech lol.

            I don't think sealing them with resin is a bad idea, that would make it more concentrated, kinda like orac where energy is absorbed by the resin or paper then being focused more inside the copper. It would strengthen it I think.

            Very nice result of creating energy bubble that make environment noise dissapear. Nice result for the water too. Those are awesome achievement .
            If you sea them what you do is you prevent aether from entering. Aether cannot pass high K dialectrics exept if it is very very concentrated.

            @ - Nick. Perhaps capasitors can help, yes. But not till you osiliate Aether field with magnetic field


            • robur:
              My feeling is that the altenative way of pulseing coils has not really provided much up to now, as it takes Energy to Pulse them.
              And we have been pulsing coils, thousands of different types of coils, till the cows come home.

              To create a strong vortex (using no moving parts) and using that device to suck in Aether like a drain in the sink. Then convert That force to usable electric power. That is what I'm looking into. The question remains: how to tap an Aether vortex to extract electric power therefrom. My thoughts are on capacitors.
              Blackchisel thinks there are other ways to trap that elusive Aether flux. But not like Les Browns shocking pyramid test, as nobody has been able to get a similar result.
              Some have mentioned water to hold or store Aether. Others mention antenna coils, or vortex coils with resonant feed-back, and so on.
              I'm open to whatever works. My washed beach sand- cement batteries didn't work...
              but, "Lidmotors" (YouTube video) beach sand batteries did work.


              • Originally posted by robur View Post
                If you sea them what you do is you prevent aether from entering. Aether cannot pass high K dialectrics exept if it is very very concentrated.
                I read somewhere that aether only stop with plastic, but flow trough wood, wool, resin, or other organic material. Never read rubber relation with aether though.


                • When playing with magnets I notice that the magnetic current can pass through everything, and also can effect the normal polarity of what it passes through, to a degree. Plastic may be an exception, as far as polarity effect, but it will still pass right through it, too.
                  But magnetic energy is only a part of what is Aether, and whatever Pyramid Power is , the magnetic part is not what I'm seeing in the pyramid, there is something else. Maybe it is gravitational waves, longitudinal waves, who knows, but it's not magnetic, electric, light , sound, or color waves. I belief there is something other than electromagnetic spectrum waves, but whatever it is, it is still being made or produced by the power of the vortex. Non electromagnetic field theory, or something of the sort...


                  • There is possibility that there are more than one aether energy too.

                    It seems only one type that can convert to electricity. However, there is also possibility that the other type can convert to that one type too.


                    • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                      When playing with magnets I notice that the magnetic current can pass through everything, and also can effect the normal polarity of what it passes through, to a degree. Plastic may be an exception, as far as polarity effect, but it will still pass right through it, too.
                      But magnetic energy is only a part of what is Aether, and whatever Pyramid Power is , the magnetic part is not what I'm seeing in the pyramid, there is something else. Maybe it is gravitational waves, longitudinal waves, who knows, but it's not magnetic, electric, light , sound, or color waves. I belief there is something other than electromagnetic spectrum waves, but whatever it is, it is still being made or produced by the power of the vortex. Non electromagnetic field theory, or something of the sort...
                      Yes, I second that Nick.
                      Aether field in small scale pyramid is v. weak. Even a scope will not detect until is oscillated. Magnet will do that as I saw. Environmental 60Hz (primary wave) has been eliminated while secondary has increased in intensity. The following is a direct result of magnetic oscillation.
                      It is difficult to get proper measurements since you cannot have any static which isn't easy indoors at this time of a year here.
                      Copper and gold are the only 2 metals resonating with Aether and Orgone.
                      Epoxy, fiberglass, rubber are very high insulators. Aether doesn't pass them. Golod's pyramids in Russia were built of fiberglass boards, Giza are built of stone and cement but their immense size compensates for the property of material. Small things must be bare to accumulate. Be exposed otherwise same effect isn't gotten. This doesn't apply to pyramid grids made of paper and lesser insulators.
                      Insulators preserve Aether charge in if it was already deposited by other means.
                      Insulated cones such as ones I did have to be energized which isn't very ideal since you input power into it.
                      Aether field if oscillated reads as sine or square starting from 30Hz up.
                      On powered coil are 2 frequencies; 1 is resonating frequency of the coil and another frequency spins aether flow to generate a more complex vortex. This other frequency is the one responsible for power reading. The first is to control.
                      In a pyramid if you place 1 kind of power source into one of 3 power points ( apex, kings chamber or lower - underground chamber) the other one energizes to accelerate the flow.

                      There was a project replicated by JL Naudin - TEP. 14 x 14cm cone made of 3 insulated wires. Once added 5V DC it generates a vortex at it's base which disperses at the apex. However, there was some wrong calculations involved:
                      14 x 14 is not GOLDEN SECTION and 5V DC is not harmonious.
                      Main use of this technology is matter transmutation and transfer of this energy to the liquid capacitors to increase/super charge crops for increased harvest.
                      Energy generation is secondary function and only possible if fields are very intense.
                      Aether itself has no frequency. The coil does. The acceleration of vortex results in rise in frequency.
                      The higher the frequency of the coil itself the FASTER VORTEX SPINS.

                      'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                      General D.Eisenhower



                      • I am reading John de Salvo book now, and it is interesting that russian choose to build pyramid using fiberglass:
                        Notice that it has a sharper slope (greater acute angle) than the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Great Pyramid has a slope of about 52 degrees and these pyramids rise at about a 73-degree angle. The reason Alexander Golod chose this angle was based on experimental designs that also included the mathematical relationship called the Golden Section. In his prototype experiments, it was determined that no metal should be included in the structure of these pyramids, so fiberglass was chosen since it would be strong enough to also withstand the strong winds that occur in and near Moscow. When Alexander Golod was asked why he built these pyramids, he replied “I have children, I have a grandson, I do it for them. These pyramids are an instrument to make the world a better place to live and benefit mankind”.

                        The next largest pyramid is the 72-foot pyramid, which is located 15
                        km from lake Seliger (Ostashkov area of Tver region, Russia). It was
                        completed in June of 1997. Notice that it is exactly one half the size
                        of the largest pyramid (144 ft). As mentioned, the design of these
                        pyramids was based on the Golden Section, used by ancient architects
                        to design many structures. This would dictate that the pyramid sizes
                        must be built in ratios.

                        Shown below is the next (third) largest pyramid, which is 36 feet
                        high. Notice it is exactly one third the size of the largest pyramid. It
                        is located in Romenskoey, which is a suburb of Moscow. This is one
                        of the first pyramids built and where the first experiments began.

                        A design factor common to all the pyramids that Golod built is that
                        they must be hollow inside. This design element was determined in
                        experiments using prototype models before the building of the large
                        pyramids. Thus, two important conditions of construction were that
                        the pyramids must have no metal in them and they must be hollow.
                        Last edited by sucahyo; 03-17-2011, 08:19 AM.


                        • All:
                          Although the pyramids purpose was not to make electricity, nevertheless, if made in proportion to the golden section, it will create a vortex. It is not a weak field, we just can't measure it. The pyramid shape is 51 degrees, and is the same angle that big salt piles or sand piles will incline to, but no further or steeper.
                          Aether can be focused in a pyramid, to alter space-time. I think that the pyramid is the most important geometrical shape for us to use.
                          So, the question remains, how to tap a vortex? Magnetic disturbance may be just one way, but, I don't think that it works too well, as it takes Energy to do it. It's not free, and with little if anything in return, and has not really been shown to work.
                          I was hoping that it could be done by using magnets, but nobody has has any luck with that, either.
                          Joule thiefs are being proved to have no OU, and the same with most other coil set ups.

                          It may take a medium, or a psychic to communicate with someone in the other (etherical ) dimensions or invisible but existing worlds, that can answer our questions.
                          Most people will not want to think about that. But, That was how the Pyramid Kings and their best men were able to know so much more than a person can learn in one lifetime. By Direct pictographic cybernetics. If what I mention is unfounded, just wait a bit. Sometimes my visions and ideas overtake me, my imagination can go wild. Imagination or Inspiration is what we need, the rest will follow. We seam to be going in circles, like we're lost... or the Light is out. But, It's not...
                          The answer may come from observing nature,
                          or by communicating with our big older brothers from space. They have already sent us many messages, as well as warnings about what will become our future if we don't watch out. But it seams that we don't want to know, or understand them, yet. They will soon be not so easy to ignore. UFOs were just videoed flying over the flooded areas, in Japan, while the reactors are still frying...
                          Is that similar to how we destroyed ourselves before? Atlantis, etz... Misuse of crystal technology...
                          Are They here to help us out of this mess... I hope so... as this may be only the beginning, and we bit off more than we can chew with the reactors. What if all of Japans 35 or so reactors go up in smoke in a chain reaction, caused by a yet bigger earthquake? It's the most earthquake prone area on Earth. There is also a nuclear plant in L.A., very close to the fault line. We sure blew it there, close to populated centers. How smart is that?
                          In talking to an oceanographer friend here, he mentioned that the reason that the southern part of Costa Rica was also affected was due to in part to Resonance. He is still studying the resonance effects here caused by the waves last week, as there are still more effects on this coast, still being discovered.


                          • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                            It may take a medium, or a psychic to communicate with someone in the other (etherical ) dimensions or invisible but existing worlds, that can answer our questions.
                            Most people will not want to think about that. But, That was how the Pyramid Kings and their best men were able to know so much more than a person can learn in one lifetime.
                            That is may be the easiest way, but that may prevent replication of our way by others.

                            Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                            What if all of Japans 35 or so reactors go up in smoke in a chain reaction, caused by a yet bigger earthquake? It's the most earthquake prone area on Earth. There is also a nuclear plant in L.A., very close to the fault line. We sure blew it there, close to populated centers.
                            The 73 degree fiberglass russian pyramid said to reduce earth quake magnitude, this bellow seem referring 144 feet one :
                            - Russian Military radar (locator) spotted an energy column rising several miles high in the sky above the 22m Lake Seliger pyramid. Several months after this pyramid was built, the Ozone layer improved in the atmosphere in Russia.

                            -Areas near the pyramids seem to have diminished seIsmic activity. Instead of one large powerful earthquake occurring, there are hundreds of tiny ones. Also violent weather seems to decrease in the area of the pyramids.
                            Last edited by sucahyo; 03-18-2011, 02:10 AM.


                            • It could also be the many Tesla coil HV Haarp type of instalations that the Russians have.
                              I doubt that those places are all just sitting around doing nothing. They invested a lot of money on that.
                              YouTube - Giant Tesla Coils in Russia!!! Marx Generators for testing insulators

                              I'm still working on the cement battery- capacitor. Every once in a while it gives me such a good shock that it makes me wonder what is going on, but, it doesn't do it consistently enough to figure it out. I tried to put a charge on the big one gallon capacitor, although it conducts the current well, but it does not hold the charge any better than if it were just a wire.
                              I'm really interested in making an type of capacitor- battery that can be connected to the joule thief for further storage and increased power.
                              It's amazing the shock that I get from using even a small capacitor on the cement batteries-joule thief set up. Just touching the cap to the aluminum can and in half a second it can charge enough to put out a big jolt. But only if I turn the cap around and change the polarity. It charges in one direction, and discharges in the opposite polarity.
                              I think I will try the cement beach sand battery using baking power, and a coiled insulated copper wire inverted through itself, but using less cement in the mix.
                              It looks like every ones cement batteries are losing their power after a while.
                              Maybe the Leyden jar idea might work well when connected to Joule thiefs circuits. Or if I can get the pyramid to charge a Leyden jar, and hold that charge, that would be nice, also. As I don't think we'll ever see any electric power from a pyramid without using a capacitor in there.


                              • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                                It could also be the many Tesla coil HV Haarp type of instalations that the Russians have.
                                I doubt that those places are all just sitting around doing nothing. They invested a lot of money on that.
                                Well, the russian people who make advance weapon happen to be the people who also involved in the pyramid construction. Since they plan to make twice bigger one, the 144 feet one surely work. Maybe the pyramid is their protection against HAARP type of weapon.

                                Interesting experience you have with the cement battery, getting shock from reverse polarity of charge. I reverse charging my cement battery and observe higher charge too. Galvanize battery would have been depleted.

