So far nobody has been able to make the device produce anything, besides shorting itself out by using Ac 110 volt wall current. The rest of the missing information is needed. Seams like the same old game.
No announcement yet.
So far nobody has been able to make the device produce anything, besides shorting itself out by using Ac 110 volt wall current. The rest of the missing information is needed. Makes me wonder if Anybody has been able to make this work, including the designer of the coils. No tested working model, only diagrams, again.
Originally posted by NickZ View PostSo far nobody has been able to make the device produce anything, besides shorting itself out by using Ac 110 volt wall current. The rest of the missing information is needed. Makes me wonder if Anybody has been able to make this work, including the designer of the coils. No tested working model, only diagrams, again.
I did check this guy website; as usual, DVD's, books, seminars, donations welcome, nothing solid, no replication etc. I'm opposite to skeptic but I've heard and read sooo many amazing theories and ideas before. I have a few of my ownYes, there are things he talks about which are correct and I can sort them out in my head but what about the rest of the story? wall:
It is possible to wind this coil with bare wire. Tubing will be tricky when getting close to the apexes without a tool allowing to bend on such small radius. Personally, I don't like the idea of insulated (common electrical) wire due to the insulating material. Enameled should be fine. This is nearly short circuit however, it represents capacitance and it will work as an antenna of some kind. I can't grasp the concept of energizing. Idea with using 110V seems ridiculous to me. Perhaps much smaller pulse or just DC but which points? For some reason I imagine those cones not connected.
Don't know. Sorry for rant, been frustrated for couple of days and need to vent
Vtech'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'
General D.Eisenhower
BC and All:
I share your frustration.
I think that a vortex spinning one way, and another spinning the opposite way are the key to Aether energy production, and many other things, like a creating a Merkaba, space travel, food, and water production, etz..
The inverse spiral shaped coils are also a vortex within a vortex, and can or do attract Aether and convert it to whatever is needed.
I think that there is no coinsidence in the similarity to the Pyramid vortex mind device, shown earlier, (also inspired by ETs), as both devices seam to require a pyramid for the opposite side of the polarity to function, and produce an output.
They (ETs) are helping us to resolve this energy production thing Ourselves, in baby steps, one step at a time. So, like with everything else, we'll think that it was us that actually invented the new device.
Originally posted by blackchisel97 View PostI'll try to sort this out and come up with something, if I can. I just tested one cone with small pulse. EMF under is much stronger than over the apex. I pulsed cone from pendulum (approx. 3V) and I can collect almost 3V pulses (bright LED) from the coil placed 2 inches under the cone.
Schauberger use water droppler voltage output as water / fuel energizer too.
Since kevin dropplet produce voltage, I think we may need water to convert pyramid energy to electricity.
About space time antenna, consider plus as the location with more potential and where the flow of energy goes:
- based from my ice experiment, I consider the plus side of this spiral coil is the one we see:
- based from my plant experiment, I consider the tip of pyramid to be the plus side.
From both consideration then my theory for this space time antenna interpretation:
- the normal cone winding is wrong, since the point create plus but the winding direction create minus.
- the inverted cone point create plus at its point at the bottom and create plus from its winding
1. I think space time antenna purposes is to collide queen's chamber with king's chamber to one another. This would create pulsation like a flip flop.
2. However if the normal winding is actually right, then it probably create polarity so one queen's chamber is more positive than other queen's chamber.
If 1 is right then just like electronic flip flop circuit, it can start oscillating if there is imbalance. We introduce imbalance by pulsating current to the top side and bottom side. From Joe cell charging perspective, three tap from 12V battery can replace AC zap. Maybe selenoid coil at certain frequency bridging the queen's chamber and king's chamber at the inside of both can also produce the same effect.Last edited by sucahyo; 04-04-2011, 03:39 AM.
Originally posted by sucahyo View PostThat is interesting. Would the LED is not as bright when the coil is placed elsewhere? I can only detect EMF at apex and under the base
Schauberger use water droppler voltage output as water / fuel energizer too.
Since kevin dropplet produce voltage, I think we may need water to convert pyramid energy to electricity. That's what I was thinking. Now, if we could allow the charge to get stronger? What we have is hv (I was getting 15 - 20kV every 30 sec) and a spark gap. What if we use water as a floating core of a cones as well as capacitor. Liquid capacitor.
About space time antenna, consider plus as the location with more potential and where the flow of energy goes:
- based from my ice experiment, I consider the plus side of this spiral coil is the one we see:
- based from my plant experiment, I consider the tip of pyramid to be the plus side. Based on my test I would consider a tip or an apex if you will as positive.
From both consideration then my theory for this space time antenna interpretation:
- the normal cone winding is wrong, since the point create plus but the winding direction create minus.
- the inverted cone point create plus at its point at the bottom and create plus from its winding
1. I think space time antenna purposes is to collide queen's chamber with king's chamber to one another. This would create pulsation like a flip flop.
2. However if the normal winding is actually right, then it probably create polarity so one queen's chamber is more positive than other queen's chamber.
If 1 is right then just like electronic flip flop circuit, it can start oscillating if there is imbalance. We introduce imbalance by pulsating current to the top side and bottom side. From Joe cell charging perspective, three tap from 12V battery can replace AC zap.
I'm reading some more of Schauberger and Russell. Just got another book.
V'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'
General D.Eisenhower
Russells concept
This is something we're talking about..'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'
General D.Eisenhower
Walter Russell had a diagram of an inverted vortex coil design on paper, but the points of the conic coils are touching each other in the center and going out each way, instead.
I was watching the Singing Tibetan Bowls videos and you can clearly hear that their produced sounds do resonate with one another, and due to this simpathetic resonance their tone(s) are amplified and kept re-ringing for a much longer duration before fading out. Thus adding many fold to the original tone, and can be kept ringing with just a slight additional effort.
The space antenna is like ringing the bell, a bell that doesn't stop ringing once it's started, or like playing the Tibetan Bowls. Once resonance sets in, it self resonates, until... who knows...
There is an new update on jump starting the space antenna coils with a battery now, but there is no more information out on that, yet. Connecting it to 120 volts wall outlet causes a direct short circuit, of course. So, that is not the way to go, in my opinion. But, I was wondering how a strong Jtc would do if connected to the space antenna coils, to jump start it. Just like I did with my 6 foot pyramid-Jt circuit test that I did the other day.
It certainly got me jumpin'
I think that I need to connect a salt water capacitor in with the pyramid -Jt circuit. As the salt water really adds to the capacitor effect to produce a much higher charging voltage , possibly similar to what spinning water does to help charge up faster.
Looks like it's pretty easy to start on the building of the space antenna coils with just some thick insulated copper wire. Worth a try, at least.
As you all know to generate an electrical current you need a MOVING magnetic field (relative to the coil). The earth’s magnetic field is for the most part static, but the suns and earth’s magnetic field are linked, and obviously in motion.
If you had a coil in an intersecting lay line where the earth’s magnetic field is at it’s strongest and your coil was large enough (or tall enough, say a pyramid) to skim the lower ionosphere the combined fields of the earth and sun rotating would give you some current. The shear mass of the earth and sun would negate Lenz law the same way the earth will not stop rotating from harvesting tidal power.
The scale of the experiments we are doing is far too small to gain a definitive result. We need to think bigger. But its easy criticize and not have any constructive contribution so I will suggest with no scientific basis (just a hunch) that I one half of the double coils was buried we MAY see some voltage due to the potential difference of the soil and the air, and if large enough the earth and the sun, the rotation of which would give us some current. If we build such a device out gold plated silver we might be able to power a whole LED lol.
I have deliberately left a lot out for two reasons, 1.) This is already a lengthy post and there is ALOT to cover but i'm sure you have all done your homework 2.) I don’t want to be labelled crazy just yet, but it looks like a few of you *cough* NickZ *cough*would probably agree with me anyway, and 3.) this is not a thread about aliens, although…
P.S. If you havent already read Magnetic Current by Ed Leedskalnin
Thanks for your ideas. However many times hunches may not work, as practically nobody's "ideas" have been able to produce any free electricity, other than solar, wind, and hydro. Most of which produce electricity by the same old method of passing magnets by coils, except for the solar cells. They are possibly the best example so far, of what can be achieved without any moving parts. But also have many drawbacks, such as requiring expensive battery banks, price, etz...
The Bashar space antenna sound very interesting to me. I'm hoping to see it progress into what may become the best free energy source, yet.
My apologies, I didn’t mean to imply that wha I suggested would work, more that the ground had something to do with it. Going back to the pyramids remember they have inderground chambers and were suposidly once along side the nile. The flooding of these chambers had something to do with the ionising of the mildly radioactive air. I originaly typed about that but cut the post down sum. I think it was this thread that I read the Wardenclyffe Tower had a grounding rod.
I had never heard of the space antenna, this is an interesting concept, thanks that will keep me occupied for some time. I will start being more scientific in later posts giving references and such, im just pressed for time. Although I can’t hold a candle to you guys that have actually started experimenting.
No apologies needed. If you would like to try and replicate the space-time antenna, as looks as if it is fairly easy to do. Here is a link to the Basher antenna coil video:
YouTube - Bashar - Free Energy Space-Time Antenna with Photos
Also a link to their Yahoo Groups that is experimenting with that design:
space-time-antenna : Free Energy Space-Time Antenna Research
That should keep you busy for a while. Just need to find some insulated copper wire, and to make some kind of support for the coil.