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  • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
    This Aether is focused towards the center in the pyramid, by the vortex and is therefore more concentrated or of a higher current force than what is normally found outside the pyramid.
    I think pyramid produce polarity. What being emitted from the tip maybe male.

    Originally posted by NickZ View Post
    But, I always wondered how all the underground temples and passage ways were lit.
    Radiant can be seen easier by human and can penetrate thick rock. This refer to Tesla attempt to shield the light / painfull blow from his interrupter.

    Originally posted by NickZ View Post
    Sucahyo: Your pictures of the negative effects from your pyramid are not very clear. The image looks like it is dark, or is that just a shadow? In any case I could not see it well. Can you duplicate that negative effect, again, or was that a one time deal. Would be interesting to know what was up with that.
    If it is the pyramid experiment, I currently limited by my web cam. But I am sure you can replicate it.

    Here is the video of the picture:
    YouTube - Ice of copper pyramid

    The foggy ice is only formed in the middle of the pyramid. I don't call it negative effect, I prefer to call it sign of polarization. I see clear ice as female and foggy ice as male. But I highly believe that overdose of male is the cause of headache. Either on pyramid use or on Bedini like circuit.

    Originally posted by NickZ View Post
    It is this higher concentration of Aether that is responsible for the different effects that are noticed in the pyramid, like when everything is glowing and visibly vibrating inside, and effects like plants growing faster, etz... But, I have not noticed that I am growing faster, or getting older quicker, so...
    If interested in seeing what I look like, check the attached picture.
    Greetings to all from Costa Rica,
    Thanks, hello . I highly believe that the correct use of pyramid power will make us look younger, while the wrong use of pyramid power will make us sick or degrade health.

    I don't see plants growing faster as the same effect of plants getting to look older quickly. It is the opposite, not just growing faster, it is also growing bigger and will live longer. Few months ago my neighboor mango which supposed to be no longer fruitable produce fruit. What is more interesting is it only produce fruit at the branch that reach my yards. So, no fruit fall on my neighboor yards, most of them fall to mine lol. He don't mind though .

    Bigger plants video, but from different device:
    YouTube - difference of plant size caused by orgone energy

    BTW, what a Costa Rican believe on aether? Is there ancient weather modification technique exist on Costa Rica?
    Last edited by sucahyo; 02-05-2011, 03:25 AM.


    • Sucahyo:
      Very interesting results from your tests with ice. I don't know what to say about that, as I have not experienced it. Can you explain a little more about the effects? Could that be used as part of an air conditioning system?
      Pyramid is like a geometric form antenna, one that is tuned to pick up and alter the natural Aether flow of the planet. The power of the pyramid comes from the Vortex effect that is created inside by its shape. Cones, and domes etz. also can manifest some of the same effects, also extending outside for a short distance, in proportion to there size.
      Aether exists everywhere, not just on this planet, and is the solvent of the material universe. Everything on our planet, and all others was created from this same source.
      I think that polarity is really just one force, like the wind, but like a dipole on a magnet we divided it into two, + and - , male and female, nevertheless it is One Force.
      What you are noticing may be what is called Scalar waves. And using that force can cool, or heat, depending on polarity. It all comes from the manipulation of Aether. We are already able to change and control our planets weather, to a degree, and soon control our planets temperature, make it rain, snow, cool, or warm it up.
      Once we really go into deep space and not just our local atmosphere, we will be surrounded by other beings of much more knowledge that can help us with our needs. They are already here, all around us, and they have always been here, and are only an instant away, as time does not exist for them. But we would probably just kill them, or shoot at them, if we saw them face to face. Nor are they all here to help us, either.
      Fear is our biggest enemy, and we are still a warring planet, more than ever. Maybe that is why new powerful technology is not made available to us, yet.
      Scalar waves are what are used to destroy UFOs and "enemy" air crafts, used by Haarp, and the many Tesla type of facilities that are still in use by the Russian. Russians have third generation devices, compared to what the US has, or at least that's what they say.
      Scalar devices can be used for a negative as well a a positive purpose. To build up, or destroy.

      The Great Pyramid- is the biggest and most powerful device ever built on the face of the Earth. Open ended, constantly taking in and giving off energy, even if somewhat more weakly than before. The original OU device.
      Could it be possible that any negative or positive energy that may be emited, is partly the cause of the current unrest in Cairo? As they are really close to it, and any addition energy input from the atmosphere might be Amping it up, and further activating it, as we approach 2012.


      • I don't believe it can be used as part of air conditioner. Because the energy do not change the actual temperature. Human will felt colder or hotter temperature than the thermometer indicate. In some cases, a tanned skin is possible without the thermometer able to detect the heat.

        The effect on weather can be indirect one. Starting from October last year 10km around my area had developed fog, not happen on other part of the city. This fog make the sun less painfull for the skin. This make the environment more pleasant. I think having healthy fog around is a positive indication of better environment.

        Healthy fog is fog that make you comfortable and felt nice. This is different from city pollution fog that can make you sick and feel very uncomfortable.

        I think everyone should try to draw healthy fog too.


        • Sucahyo and All:
          I had made a post a day or so ago, but somehow it did not make it.
          In anycase, I'm wondering (still) how to connect a Joule Thief to a pyramid???
          Generally for a given fixed voltage applied to a Jtc, the bigger the bifilar coil is, the larger the output voltage that is generated.
          Tuning a JTc to resonate a pyramid might be a whole different thing. But, I though that winding a bifilar coil all the way around the pyramid may have some effect, once connected to the Jtc. Any Ideas...


          • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
            Sucahyo and All:
            I had made a post a day or so ago, but somehow it did not make it.
            In anycase, I'm wondering (still) how to connect a Joule Thief to a pyramid???
            Generally for a given fixed voltage applied to a Jtc, the bigger the bifilar coil is, the larger the output voltage that is generated.
            Tuning a JTc to resonate a pyramid might be a whole different thing. But, I though that winding a bifilar coil all the way around the pyramid may have some effect, once connected to the Jtc. Any Ideas...
            I think it is more possible to collect the electricity first than to use it directly. How do we know it can force the transistor to oscillate?

            I think you should try diode and capacitor first.

            Maybe with Samuel Faile kind of capturing:

            It use scalar coil. If your pyramid gather scalar, the coil should capture it.
            Last edited by sucahyo; 02-09-2011, 06:18 AM.


            • Sucahyo and All:
              What comes to mind was to wind a bifilar coil around a small 6 inch copper tube pyramid frame, for now, just to test the idea.
              Connecting both ends of the bifilar coil just like a normal joule thief. The copper tube pyramid frame would then be acting as the core, with the bifilar wrapping all the way around the frame. Using one or two AA batteries would turn on the Jtc transistor such as a TIP3055, thus pulsing the pyramid shaped core. Output could be taken off the E and C of the transistor, or off a secondary wound on top of the primary bifilar coil.
              A simple test unit like that would not be hard to build.
              What do you think, worth trying? Yes, no?


              • All:
                I'm not good at drawing the pyramid coil idea. but I think that you'll get some idea from the sketch. The Jtc and battery could go in the middle.
                I'm still learning how to attach images and pictures on this forum, so, I hope that it made it ok.


                • Sorry, I can't attach the sketch. I've had to resize it a couple of times but it still won't let me attach it.


                  • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                    Sucahyo and All:
                    What comes to mind was to wind a bifilar coil around a small 6 inch copper tube pyramid frame, for now, just to test the idea.
                    Connecting both ends of the bifilar coil just like a normal joule thief. The copper tube pyramid frame would then be acting as the core, with the bifilar wrapping all the way around the frame. Using one or two AA batteries would turn on the Jtc transistor such as a TIP3055, thus pulsing the pyramid shaped core. Output could be taken off the E and C of the transistor, or off a secondary wound on top of the primary bifilar coil.
                    A simple test unit like that would not be hard to build.
                    What do you think, worth trying? Yes, no?
                    No. If there are voltage generation from the pyramid, I think it would be from the different polarization inside the pyramid space (1/3, 2/3 location, etc) or from the frame it self.

                    See if there are voltage differential on the frame, and use the bifilar gating different pyramid inside block.

                    See if pulsed coil produce different output on different pyramid inside space.

                    Try imageshack to upload image, use embed thumbnail for forum1.


                    • NickZ, have you ever read this:
                      Peter Markovich: Apparatus To Rectify Ether Energy (ATREE)

                      It is a device that said to convert aether to electricity. Now that I look it close, it seems the invento put it under a copper pyramid?


                      • Sucahyo and All:
                        Thank you for bringing up that idea. Until it is proven and replicated it is just another idea. The pattent office is full of such "working" ideas, that nobody can replicate. We don't know how much voltage or current it can produce, or if it even works as stated. It does look interesting, but why has it not been put to use?
                        It is still hard to compete with solar panels, as they also output a lot of Current. And are fairly cheap for the smaller size ones, and very available.
                        Current is also needed to properly light Leds, and run motors etz, not just fluffy voltage, although just voltage can be used sometimes, but not for any real work.
                        Voltage only devices are still impractical...

                        I still think that the SM type toroid devices or the WITTS Dome, do work as has been shown in their videos, and the small 10 inch Dome can even start a car motor. That is where I'm headed as soon as it becomes a replicable reality. Both devices are small and powerful. The secret form of operation is still undiscovered. Black Science?
                        The WITTS people mention that the trick is to separate the negative Electron from the Positron, and that their device does that. The Dome uses a toroid, a capacitor, or sometimes a battery to operate. Too bad they are also so materialistic, and won't really share their ideas, unless you pay to play their game. Even then, they also say that their devices were not ready for the market yet. That was mentioned years ago. The Dome looked like it had been sitting in a closet for at least 30 years, even back then. But, nobody has been able to replicate it yet, either, at least that we know about.


                        • NickZ, yes, it seems the guys at (in that page link) who try to replicate do not obtain significant voltage. It seems the way it work still not understood. It seems everyone giving up when they theory fail.


                          • Sucahyo:
                            I agree, but, there has to be a way to tap this radiant, or Aether energy directly. We just have not hit on it yet.
                            The 10 inch Dome device by MITTS is the closest thing (I've seen) to usable energy from a very small device, not just fluffly voltage. It is small and portable, and can even start a car motor if connected to the battery terminals. But again, nobody has been able to replicate it...
                            Or, have they????


                            • Guys:
                              For those of you that are not familiar with the Witts Dome device. Here are a couple of their videos:

                              YouTube - Hemisphere Quantum Fuelless Generator - Demo #1

                              YouTube - Hemisphere Generator Starts Jeep - Quantum Electric Demo

                              They mention that a pyramid shape could also be used, instead of the dome, and they have made several devices of various sizes, and voltages. 12v, 120v, 220 volts etz...
                              The videos were made in 1993, or so. A lot of time has past since then. We can only imagine what they might have improved on, by now.
                              They mention Harmonic and 1/3 wave Inharmonic frequencies are used to separate the Positron from the Electron, thus producing power. But again, they are not showing or telling any more... same old story. But, it's enough information shown, to gives us hope that such a thing is possible. What other portable device can start a car?


                              • Thanks for the link.
                                User esaruoho seems to had order from Witts, you may ask his experience:

                                The result from ATTREE replication it seems still bellow 1 volts in

                                Maybe you have to be a psychic like Marcell vogel to tune ATTREE to 36V output at >1 Amp.

