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  • Sucahyo and All:
    As strange as it may sounds to us, psychic insight and psychic energy may be just what is needed to tune into and make some of these type of devices work. If that is how they were designed, in part by using the human energy field as a additional input source.
    It is what is called "Mind technologies" that may ultimately advance us into the next phase of inventions uniting the physical with the non physical worlds. Corporal with non corporal, or, Non- technological mind sciences.
    All in all it has to do with the not so popular Vortex Theory. What holds everything in place, is a vortex within a vortex, within a vortex etc... which we can see everywhere, and in everything made by nature, like Natures footprint.
    To use this vortex energy is to use the power of nature itself.
    Even if Keely and other don't recognize it as such, they are still using vortex geometries and frequencies, as that is all there is, and everything come from that same source.



    • Agree, at least able to detect them without tool can be a big help. Would love to get a reading of flow on my circuit .


      • Sucahyo and All:
        I am good at using divining rods, of Any kind, as in looking for underground water veins for drilling wells, etz... There are field energies that can be felt by using these rods, that otherwise you would never be able to detect or feel, especially by using multi-meters, or scopes. There is more than just electromagnetic energy. The pyramid is an example of a different kind of energy, that is not magnetic or electrical. Nothing can be detected by connecting our meters to a pyramid. Although it can contain both electric and magnetic force, and other forces as well, that we can't measure either. Crystaline frequencies are another example.
        By tapping magnetic flux lines, we can convert magnetic to electric currents, as magnetic and electric energy are two sides of the same coin. What you call polarity may be the separation of not just + or - current, but also one type of energy from another. The idea is to tap the dipole, without killing it, as a closed system will never be able to produce endlessly, no matter how hard we try. Like a dog barking up the wrong tree.


        • NickZ, what kind of reading can you get from a pyramid, compare to a battery for instance?

          Do you always get consistent reading from pyramid? or differ from time to time?


          • Sucahyo:
            Using a divining rod in relation to the pyramid, is not like using a volt meter. What I notice more than anything else is the direction of the flow and where it is located. It shows that the top and corners is where energy is flowing out. You can also feel that there is more force on the frame. But I have not spent much time on that, as I already know those things. If there is something that you'd like for me to try, just let me know.
            There days there is a huge solar flare activity. Bigger and stronger than in the last several years. Your side of the world may be more affected. At least there is some signs of the solar activity affecting China.
            As the pyramid is also somewhat like a cosmic antenna, it should respond to the increased plasma energy streams. I'll let you know if I can notice anything different in the readings these days. So far I have not noticed anything different here in relation to this current solar flare.


            • Thank you. Can you detect the energy type? Sensation of power or calmness? DO you detect change of type between 1/3 and 2/3?

              Thank you for the warning, I see some bad thing already happening in Australia. I hope I can do something to ease the effect. Or to know if it is not working.

              Isn't solar flare the best time to test energy of radiant circuit?


              • Sucahyo:
                I have not yet noticed any changes from the current solar flare activity here, other than the normal intense effects of the Feb. full moon. But, there have been many earthquakes, all over the world, and it may not be over yet, but just starting... Solar flares are very important to our uncertain future, as the whole solar system is Amping up. The overload in the Sun, is released in the form of solar flares, this last one is the size of Jupiter. But, it depends on which direction they go towards.

                Pyramid test: I can detect changes of the direction of energy flow, (or polarity), from the 1/3 to 2/3 from the top. I also can see the direction of the force of energy from the outside towards the inside, then from the inside center to the outside. As these things are invisible, the rods only tell me the direction, and strength of force or currents.
                I checked the polarity or direction of force...
                of the 1/3 King's chamber area, the direction of force is towards the north. That is, the rod stops and point to the north.
                The 2/3 area is south direction polarity flow, The rod stops and points to the south, 180 degree difference.
                So, it does look like there is kind of a polarity, or at least a difference in the direction of the flow of the energy, at different levels or areas inside the pyramid. This could be the cause some your different effects, yes...


                • Thanks NickZ.

                  Thanks for the explaining of how the rods works.

                  It is very interesting how the flow change 180 degree at after 1/3. If we consider the energy move in a spin, maybe what you detect is the outer flow of the spin. So when you detect the energy turning south it is possible that you are detecting counter clockwise spin, some consider as male polarity. Where directing north the energy is spin clockwise.

                  But this assume you measure from west of the pyramid.....Lol, I am prepared to be wrong ....

                  I think you will find quote bellow interesting:
                  The trees in the northern hemisphere that are not evergreens alter the spin direction and it's field diameters twice yearly.
                  On march 18( aprox)
                  and Sept 22nd( aprox)
                  During the winter the dominant above surface field spin direction is clockwise, on march the 18th this slowly stops and reverses totally, as does the field below surface, then the dominant field is focussed above the tree, the water FALLS to the top of the tree, on Sept 22nd they again reverse and all the water is then attracted back underground to a point below the tree.

                  I consider every branch and root as antennae, then i assume that the tree alters the shape of the resonant structure, thus reversing the field flows.

                  The positive flow nearest the earth has fallen by halve, the trees are electricly based and thus know that winter is arriving, they are altering the field spin direction about themselves and the water is falling back towards the earth under the normal what we call gravity domain, in summer the trees totally turn this around and the water falls to the top of the tree, because gravity is a consequence not a force, it is about attraction of one state of spin to the other.
                  This is why the trees suddenly all react and the leaves dry out fast, and it all happens on a measurable grid, as blake painted.
                  What I mean by detecting polarity is if you feel change of energy, not movement, but sensation from your hand or heart.

                  Let's hope all will goes well. I somehow hope my current female/male energy research can protect me from earthquake and typhoon.....
                  Last edited by sucahyo; 02-19-2011, 02:57 AM.


                  • Sucahyo:
                    I detect what you may call polarity like feeling what a round or egg shape magnet feels like when you have it in your hand, and are turning it over and over, by using another magnet that is nearby in the other hand but close to the first one. You can feel the poles change direction, repelling or attracting. In a like manner I feel the polarity by using a rod, or rods (two). I normally just use one, for most things, made of brass, so not affected by NORMAL magnetics, but there is something other than magnetism going on, especially in the pyramid. I can not identify the energy, other than to call it Aether.
                    I think that Aether can be manipulated, and compresed (like compressed air), also can be altered, by different effects, to produce different types of results or products, including for the purpose of food production, without the agro process. I know this may not be related, but, Food like "Mana" made from this Aether is possible, and we may have to count on that, soon enough.

                    I belief that you are also right about the field spin direction in the pyramid when the rod is raised from the 1/3 to the 2/3 position, it will turn in the opposite direction to get to 180 south orientation. In any case I'll test it again sometime soon.


                    • still alive (a pyramid)

                      @NickZ - thank you for contribution, you have very sound explanation and experience
                      I did a quick check on my pyramid tonight. She may not be oriented as accurate as before since I postponed any further tests and moved to the basement but she is alive. There is a strong radiating energy along the edges which feels like constant and in the center line, below the apex she is pulsing, approx 1-2Hz. I did remove large copper pancake coil from the base to use under one of the beds (It works great). Whenever I'll be ready to resume testing, I have a persistent idea to use my coil in the base but since it is a 3/8 copper pipe I was thinking to run a water through in open circuit, kind of like a W.Reich cloud-busting device, with well grounded drain. I can't tell you where this idea came from but I was thinking about maze tunnels flooded by Nile and W.Reich research at the same time and I guess my brain connected them together. There is a good chance that this doesn't make any sense but I decided to share and see what is your take on this.

                      'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                      General D.Eisenhower



                      • All:
                        I had also made a large flat spiral coil made from copper tubing, and placed it in the pyramid, but I could not detect anything unusual.
                        I think the trick to obtain any electric current from the pyramid may to use the difference in potential between the two "Polarities", but how...??? A vortex is created by two streams of energy. Above the ground level the pyramid vortex energy spins one way (generally), but below a ground (under it), energy spins the opposite way. It may even spin both ways, inside the device.
                        Current can flow in two directions in a wire at the same time, as well as more than one kind of frequency and direction in the wire at the same time. Example: Internet.
                        Electricity production may not be one of the best known purposes or strong points of pyramids. A couple of volts maybe, on the other hand, you never know... lightning is created out of thin air.


                        • Sucahyo:
                          Interesting comment about the trees changing spin direction around March 18th or so.
                          I have noticed that something does change around then, as the amount of water flowing in ground wells starts to increase, at about that time, even though there may be no rain at all.
                          kids are still taught in school that the moon is the cause of the tides, but, that is just not the case, as the moon faces are only a coinsidence of the tidal movements, but not the cause. As we can't really see the real cause. The Earths Vortex fluctuations is the true cause of the tidal changes. Magnetism is also not the correct term as there is something other than just magnetism going on there. As you can put the strongest magnet made next to water, and there is NO reaction therefrom. Science has given us a reason for the tidal movements, but not the correct reason. The true cause of our tidal movement is due to changes in field energies that are created and fluctuated by the Earth's Vortex.
                          As mentioned before, there is more to this than magnetism or electricity, and also in relation to how the pyramid works. Tidal movements are caused by a manipulation of Aether, that is caused to happen in our planet by the Vortexial fluctuations, altering the magnetic flux lines, etz..

                          There is also no light or heat coming to our planet from our Sun. As both light and heat are locally produced here by the Earths Vortex, and not existent beyond the planets vortex. Nasa knows this, so why are we still being taught in error? What's up with that?
                          I hope that I'm not boring you guys... but, it all seams related to knowing just how things work.


                          • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                            I had also made a large flat spiral coil made from copper tubing, and placed it in the pyramid, but I could not detect anything unusual.
                            I think the trick to obtain any electric current from the pyramid may to use the difference in potential between the two "Polarities", but how...??? A vortex is created by two streams of energy. Above the ground level the pyramid vortex energy spins one way (generally), but below a ground (under it), energy spins the opposite way. It may even spin both ways, inside the device.
                            Current can flow in two directions in a wire at the same time, as well as more than one kind of frequency and direction in the wire at the same time. Example: Internet.
                            Electricity production may not be one of the best known purposes or strong points of pyramids. A couple of volts maybe, on the other hand, you never know... lightning is created out of thin air.
                            @ Nick & ALL
                            What I was thinking and have intentions of trying is the pyramid with dielectric outer surface and conductive inner or dielectric sandwiched between two metal plates or...multilayer. While experimenting with J.B Earth Light I was thinking of applying crystalline layer to the metal to obtain similar effect. Also, there are minerals which have ability to receive and rectify the effect of solar flares and whatever is reaching the Earth. There maybe a combination of such rocks/crystals capable of transformation into something we can measure with multimeter or see on the scope. Resonance effect as amplifying factor may also be important. I have a feeling that pyramid may perform better outside and away from EMF polluted house, with good grounding. Just a feeling. Even couple of Volts obtained such way may give us more clues. Again, this may not be the main purpose but secondary effect. Who knows. I'm trying to think outside of any box and do not apply any rules or theories since I don't believe that such advanced technology can be explained by such.

                            Nick, you're not boring at all, please continue

                            'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                            General D.Eisenhower



                            • Blackchisel and All:
                              In order to have a current, there has to be a difference in potentials, so that the current is looking to neutralize itself, and reach equilibrium. It may not be totally necessary to have current to produce electricity, but just Voltage Potential. Although I think that just voltage devices are not practical, yet.
                              We can take advantage of that fact, in the pyramid by taking the positive polarity that is created by the pyramid shape, and combining that value with the negative polarity (and opposite spin direction) found under the pyramid. Possibly even both polarities may be found inside the pyramid as well, as Sucahyo thinks may be happening, and up to now may seam to be the case.
                              The Separation of Polarities + from the - is what Keely or the Witts people are thinking produces the strong currents that are found in their devices, like their Dome device, that can even start a car. That is a lot of current power from a small 10 inch device. Not just fluffy voltage. I can only imagine what results could be obtained with a bigger device. Witts in their videos mentioned that the sphere, the dome, and the pyramid are the best geomagnetic forms to use for that purpose.


                              • Thanks NickZ and Vtech.

                                The recent out of season mango fall from my neighboor tree do feel very sweet .

                                Do you ever made your own rod NickZ? Do you ever to find the most sensitive length of your rod?

                                Agree that the effect of tidal may not be gravity. Sun and moon are orgone source too.

                                Vtech, a friend mention that a tube ratio is 1:45. length is 45 times the diameter. Maybe can be applied for copper tube too.

                                If you want to flow in water, I think direction of rotation (inside the tube and the layout) is very important too.

