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  • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
    If you connect your frame pyramid to a Tv antenna wire and then to the antenna input on a Tv, you'll find that it does work as an antenna to a degree. And it can be tuned in by turning it around.
    I was just reading on another forum that when a coil is pulsed with the right frequency, it will act as an antenna. Both transmitting and receiving signals at the same time. While transmitting at the same resonant frequency as the earths pulse, it will at the same time be caused to receive an additional input that will amplify the original wave sent out, while providing more power back than the original voltage sent or used.
    So, it looks like coils are antennas, also. And if pulsed with the right frequency, can act like an Tv antenna boaster, that will amplify the weak earths pulse and cause it to be amplified back much stronger. It is done by transmitting at the same resonant frequency that you want to receive.
    Pyramids may work as resonant Aether antennas.

    I don't know if that makes sense as I've put it, I've tried to explain it as best as I could. Although not my ideas, they make some sense to me.
    We'll see if it works...
    I does make sense. I don't have a TV for the past several years. I found scope screen more entertaining
    I highlighted your words to stress further their importance and link to what I have said earlier as well as your question about Aether.
    Most coils are spirals of different kind. Spirals are likely to resonate with Aether and guides, directing on certain path. To me Aether is superior, fluid like basic substrate of the Universe which can be interacted with. Those interaction will produce energy disturbance and propagation/flow. There are natural forms resonating, thus being in harmony with Aether. I believe that Pyramid(s) were built according to the same architect and same principle. We need to find a medium (coil-crystal or combination of such) arranged in shape which will allow to interact with Aether and cause to respond in controllable manner. Energy in general, magnetism, gravity, they're all related and interconnected with Aether. Resonance is the key.
    Some may disagree but that's the way I see it.

    Answering your question from previous post about detectable energy in my new pyramid shape; there is quite strong field near all four corners (outside) as well as apex area, outside as well. I was busy with couple other test/ preparations and didn't finish yet.

    'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

    General D.Eisenhower


    • Blackchisel:
      Glad that you see some usefulness with the coil resonance antenna idea.
      It seams something similar to a radio transmitter, but you are instead transmitting through a coil, or pyramid, at a certain frequency (current Earth Pulse) and are then receiving through the tuned circuit reamplification of the original pulses to a higher voltage and current through a resonant effect with the earth pulse frequency.
      You are tapping the Earths Pulse, and extracting power, by pulsing a tuned coil at that same exact same frequency, which causes it to resonate, yielding a higher output.
      I know it may have been tried before, but maybe not quite like this. Reminds me of a Tv antenna signal boaster, but for amplifying electric power instead.

      BTW very nice blue crystal.


      • For material property, wool (also used by Reichenbach) seems has the ability to absorb orgone and maybe trasfer it, but maybe less than silk (used by Keely and Tesla).

        For energy, I do believe big spiral coil has health effect. But I think as sensitive, Tesla surely now how to utilize it in a good way. He has insomnia, and later in his life he make himself sleeping aid with disrupter (mentioned by vassilatos)

        When I get low signal, I place my cellphone near my cemenite, seems to increase the signal.

        I see the pyramid more as focusing the EM wave so, there is side that has more EM wave and side that has less EM wave. People can see aura, I think strong aether device will have influence on EM wave too.


        • Insomnia may be a result of absorbing more energy than you can handle. You can't turn off all the the input your mind is receiving, like a video receiver 24/7, no off switch.


          • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
            Insomnia may be a result of absorbing more energy than you can handle. You can't turn off all the the input your mind is receiving, like a video receiver 24/7, no off switch.
            Yes, but it can also from our own body too. Our body generate energy too.

            Shielding external influence can help but I think creating monopole to absorb the excess energy help it better.


            • I am sorry for my abscense. I am very very depressed now.
              Things for me got worse. I might loose my housing due to neighbours reporting me to police and my landlord. I did some alchemy experiments 4 days ago. I do all sorts of things from time to time what are easy.
              Neighbours reported me. Police came and confiscated some things.
              Now might loose the housing as a result. Feeling soo bad.

              Another builder had left me. He cursed me and wished me to ''drop dead as soon as possible'' I guess he sent me some negative energys as well.

              He was supposed to do tests with cones. He did nothing.He made cones, yes. He claimed they affected electronic goods in his house.
              Then cursed me and wrote on his forum i am a delusional guy who must be banned.

              You can detect Aether Vortex with a compass. If you place a compass onto place where the vortex is most concentrated it would affect the magnetic needle - it would start to spin. The direction of the spin and it's speed would indicate you the direction of flow and how fast it is spinning.

              I be back with more in a few days.
              To blackchisel: Please come online. I haven't seen you online ever since we first spoke.


              • Originally posted by robur View Post
                I am sorry for my abscense. I am very very depressed now.
                Things for me got worse. I might loose my housing due to neighbours reporting me to police and my landlord. I did some alchemy experiments 4 days ago. I do all sorts of things from time to time what are easy.
                Neighbours reported me. Police came and confiscated some things.
                Now might loose the housing as a result. Feeling soo bad.

                Another builder had left me. He cursed me and wished me to ''drop dead as soon as possible'' I guess he sent me some negative energys as well.

                He was supposed to do tests with cones. He did nothing.He made cones, yes. He claimed they affected electronic goods in his house.
                Then cursed me and wrote on his forum i am a delusional guy who must be banned.

                You can detect Aether Vortex with a compass. If you place a compass onto place where the vortex is most concentrated it would affect the magnetic needle - it would start to spin. The direction of the spin and it's speed would indicate you the direction of flow and how fast it is spinning.

                I be back with more in a few days.
                To blackchisel: Please come online. I haven't seen you online ever since we first spoke.
                Neighbors can be a pain when you're trying to do something they cannot grasp. If you try to explain, they won't believe but at the same time may cause a problems. Reason I like not to have neighbors. Law enforcement officials can be worked with, depending where you live. There is nothing illegal in doing science experiments at home. Of course after 9/11 things changed. I was doing some reading and working on new pyramid. Also starting to wind cone coils. Still not entirely clear on their direction and wire thickness. Winding cones with thin wire isn't easy.
                I'll be online later. Need to get some work done.
                Don't let people mess with your life. You have the same rights as they do.

                I'll talk to you soon

                Thank you
                'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                General D.Eisenhower



                • Thanks for the compass info robur .

                  I hope you can find a way to solve your problem. My best wish for you.


                  • robur:
                    Good to see you back. Sorry to hear about the problem. I hope that things get better for you.
                    I'll try the compass on my pyramid and see what happens.

                    I have bought the cement and copper tubing materials for my beach sand - cement batteries, and soon will start on them.
                    Blackchisel- did you make the Big Bertha battery out of a plastic container? I have a one gallon jug (plastic) I was also thinking of using. To see if the bigger size has anything to do with increased voltage.
                    Is sanding the plastic coating off of the inside of the cans really necessary?


                    • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                      Is sanding the plastic coating off of the inside of the cans really necessary?
                      This surprise me. Do the inside of the can have a plastic? It seems mine don't have one, but I don't notice it. I just pour it full...


                      • Sucahyo:
                        Thanks for your answer about the plastic coating on the cans.
                        Were you affected by the events last night?
                        No problem here yet, but the wave is coming here at 4:40 this afternoon. It probably already hit your area, right?
                        The worst quake in Japans History.
                        Earth changes are something to prepare for. Those that do will fare better. Those that don't think they need to... well... I know that people will not believe it, until they see it. That is normal.
                        Those interested can read the -9 Mayan Profecies-, Mayans were the Time Keepers.
                        And knew more about this, than maybe anyone else.

                        I will make a couple of cement - beach sand batteries to test, as soon as I can. If I'm still here this afternoon.
                        There are worst things than dieing. Like living, with no means.
                        Back to waiting for the Tidal wave, for me.
                        If you don't hear back from me, you'll know I'm out of commision. I don't think that we'll be affected here, this time around. You never know.


                        • Thanks NickZ, my place is shielded by other Island from Japan. But there is another warning from psychic:
                          Topic: EMERGENCY - Tidal Wave and Tidal Surge - Orgonize Australia
                          Originally posted by Rayce
                          Please let this be people can be made safe.

                          20 March 2011 - A fracturing of the North Continental Shelf in the Indian Ocean, north of north Western Australia will create a north-north east bound tidal surge.

                          22 March 2011 - A simultaneous fracture will occur along the Java Trench, creating a northbound tidal surge.

                          23 March 2011 - The Tidal surge from the North Continental shelf will speed up into the Makassar Straits and become a Tidal Wave in the Celebes Sea.

                          20 March - North Continental Shelf fracture - approximately 800 kms


                          4 metre surge will go North, North East - affecting southern coastlines of Sunda Island group, and half of Timor.

                          Expected time 9 pm

                          22 March - the Java Trench fracture. 2 areas.

                          First fracture 500 kms in length

                          400 kms south of eastern end of Java, to Christmas Island

                          Second fracture 2,400 kms in length following the Java Trench.

                          200 kms north of Christmas Island to two thirds up Sumatra


                          Christmas Island may not recover. As it is 40 kms from the expected fracture point.

                          6 am 22 March. 30% Land mass displacement. (May appear as earthquake)

                          4 metre Tidal Surges northwards - for all north of Java Trench coastal areas.

                          10 am 22 March from Malang (Java) north west to 20 kms south Sibolga (Sumatra)

                          Including all islands.

                          And inland of mainlands approximately 3 kms will be affected.

                          23 March - Tidal Wave for South Philippines island Mindanao.

                          The North Continental Shelf surge will gather speed up the Makassar Straits and form a 10 metre tidal wave in the Celebes Sea.


                          It is expected to hit the coastline between (20 kms south of) Gan Santos and 40 kms east of Cotabato at 3 pm 23 March, and have an effect 7 kms inland of that area.
                          SO it predicted more will happen. Seems to coincide with Piers Corbyn warning too..

                          True or not, I think I should prepare.


                          • @ Sucahyo and All:
                            I think we should all prepare. I hope for your sake that he is very wrong, but I fear that he may know something that we don't. I am also near a big fault line, part of the Ring of Fire.
                            I had thought that nothing happened in my area, but I was wrong. In the norther part of the Costa Rican coastline at about midnight last night, a unexpected wave hit 7 hours or so later than expected tsunami wave. The midnight wave reached the shoreline taking out a peer and some boats with it. The tide was very, very low at that time. The wave was supposed to impact at 4:40 pm (High Tide), but hit the norther part of the country at midnight. Other strange things happened also. Like the tides going up and down every 10 minutes or so for a while.
                            Whether it is being caused by Solar Flares, Nibiru's approach, Haarp, or the over-amping of the whole univers, as we reach towards the predicted date in 2012, is a matter of discussion


                            • Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                              Thanks NickZ, my place is shielded by other Island from Japan. But there is another warning from psychic:
                              Topic: EMERGENCY - Tidal Wave and Tidal Surge - Orgonize Australia
                              SO it predicted more will happen. Seems to coincide with Piers Corbyn warning too..

                              True or not, I think I should prepare.
                              Oh boy. More predctions. One of my good friends is beleivinga religious group about north pole shift on march 15th. They are preching to committ suicide on the even of march 15th. He wants to to do and I cannot say anything tyo stop him from doing it tryed everything now.


                              • Originally posted by NickZ View Post
                                @ Sucahyo and All:
                                I think we should all prepare. I hope for your sake that he is very wrong, but I fear that he may know something that we don't. I am also near a big fault line, part of the Ring of Fire.
                                I had thought that nothing happened in my area, but I was wrong. In the norther part of the Costa Rican coastline at about midnight last night, a unexpected wave hit 7 hours or so later than expected tsunami wave. The midnight wave reached the shoreline taking out a peer and some boats with it. The tide was very, very low at that time. The wave was supposed to impact at 4:40 pm (High Tide), but hit the norther part of the country at midnight. Other strange things happened also. Like the tides going up and down every 10 minutes or so for a while.
                                Whether it is being caused by Solar Flares, Nibiru's approach, Haarp, or the over-amping of the whole univers, as we reach towards the predicted date in 2012, is a matter of discussion
                                And moredoom and gloom theorys. These preachings always were here. in 999 monks said we wioll all die when in 1000AD sky will fall.
                                On eve of 2000 another wave of predictions.
                                Since then here were hundreds and hundreds for every year. I read in 2003 Atlantis will rise and united kingdom sinks. This and that and when it doesn't happen what do preaches do? They say they have consulted with spirits more and they clarifyed a new date.

                                So what do you sudgest? We drop everything and go dig a grave?

