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  • I studied W.Russell for many years and I was very confused about the pair of spirals going CW and CCW, mentioned in page 251 (THE SECRET OF LIGHT)
    At last I think about a possible mistake in the drawing.
    If a spiral never changes direction, and if the pair of spirals goes in opposite directions, the arrows in fig. 60 are wrong.
    (printing is not avoided of errors)
    I´ll try to make such a coil, but as someone noted here, if it is a device, may be it has to be activated before working ?
    Only experimentation will answer as Russell cannot help us now

    Attached Files
    Last edited by interdesign21; 05-05-2011, 11:49 AM. Reason: I succeed in attaching image


    • @ Interdesign:
      I had seen the same thing in Russel's drawings. It impossible to say what is right. I would follow the Bashar antenna coil design, as it is simpler and easier to follow. They probably both function is similar way.

      There is a new video out now (3rd of May) by Morpher on YouTube with a new coil antenna, full size 2 foot tall model. I still have not heard of any power coming off of it, yet. I think that the Bashar antenna design is similar to a Tv antenna, in that without the rest of the Tv circuit, just the antenna by itself may be useless. Hopefully the needed information will be soon forthcoming...
      Good luck with your antenna coils, please let us know how it goes, and thanks for reactivating this thread, I was missing it.


      • Originally posted by interdesign21 View Post
        I studied W.Russell for many years and I was very confused about the pair of spirals going CW and CCW, mentioned in page 251 (THE SECRET OF LIGHT)
        At last I think about a possible mistake in the drawing.
        If a spiral never changes direction, and if the pair of spirals goes in opposite directions, the arrows in fig. 60 are wrong.
        (printing is not avoided of errors)
        I´ll try to make such a coil, but as someone noted here, if it is a device, may be it has to be activated before working ?
        Only experimentation will answer as Russell cannot help us now

        Hi Alvaro, Yes, it is confusing and it almost looks like either Russell or someone else drew these arrows to hide a concept. I have no doubt that it was operational device if he tried to reach the president and got NORAD attention. To me Bashar antenna is only a half of the picture. Beside, I have a feeling that Bashar antenna alone is not "electrical device" (not meant to tap and convert energy into large amount of electricity. There may be potential appearing but it may not be a primary function. If I may use a similarity to ham antenna, stretched 20m above the ground; we can measure potential and quite a serious one during the storm but that's not the purpose of it. It is antenna designed to receive and/or transmit on certain band (freq).
        What if we're the receivers or transceiver in this case and Bashar device is an antenna per se, designed to make us sensitive to a certain "band"?
        I'm not trying to propagate ET communication here, just a thought.

        'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

        General D.Eisenhower


        • Thanks to all of you for the kind sharing
          I lived all the 90´s in the southern side of Venezuela, close to the Brazilian border, in "La Gran Sabana" (google it if curious) and while studying Russell among other, some friends and I, we made an aluminum frame antenna based on a cube with six spirals coming from its center to the sides, but its purpose was to enhance the sensibility in reception while meditating. Therefore ET nor IT comm. scares me. . . ha ha !
          All this is (or should be) about the relationship between geometry and the essence of this our Universe, as this thread is titled PYRAMID, and may be the electric or electronic aspect of it, is not so far of all our experiments.
          Anyway, I´m glad of knowing that a lot of clever people geographically so distant are so close
          PS. I´m still working with a small pyramid and will post here if any interesting results.


          • The reason that we are sometimes talking about things that don't relate directly with a pyramids, is because indirectly they do relate...
            Even the Bashar antenna coil is meant to be part of something that fits inside a 3 foot pyramid, or tetrahedron.
            I have a 6.5 foot pyramid, and I'm am waiting for the result of the Bashar antenna coil tests. As it costs over a hundred dollars just for the copper wire alone to build the minimum 2 foot size antenna coils. I would probably have to make my antenna about 3 foot tall or so, to fit inside my pyramid.


            • BC WHERE ARE YOU?

              I sent you several messages and you don't answer. Are you OK or God forbid something happened? I had depression for 3 weeks with my health it is normal and also PC BREAKING.
              Getting better now and back on the track.
              I am going to construct something related to JT Circuit if i find cores I need


              • Originally posted by interdesign21 View Post
                I studied W.Russell for many years and I was very confused about the pair of spirals going CW and CCW, mentioned in page 251 (THE SECRET OF LIGHT)
                At last I think about a possible mistake in the drawing.
                If a spiral never changes direction, and if the pair of spirals goes in opposite directions, the arrows in fig. 60 are wrong.
                (printing is not avoided of errors)
                I´ll try to make such a coil, but as someone noted here, if it is a device, may be it has to be activated before working ?
                Only experimentation will answer as Russell cannot help us now

                it is not winding direction its "energy" direction

                Or better to say in "rusell world" there is not opposite like negative or positive...

                "?" is NOT wrong for compression , it goes from center to edges

                but winding is the same direction, so your assumption is correct

                Also other coil , from outer to center, it compress, and compression is marked as arrow

                So if you want to compress "magnet field" in the center you use opposite direction of winding for coil that is pointed in center


                • Grili:
                  Thanks for posting on this thread, I have been missing it, as we discussed many things here.
                  I agree that the important point is the direction of the energy, from outside towards the center, and out the poles. That energy this energy is implosive and accumulative, but not destructive. The same force that is found acting inside a pyramid.
                  If you make a pyramid like a diamond, the energy pattern is complete. But in any case there is always an invisible reverse polarity energy pyramid under a regular pyramid, that completes and balances the circuit. Same with the Russel coils.
                  Who knows what is really under the Great Pyramid, but I'll bet that it is so important that we won't hear about it, for as long as possible. 2012,???


                  • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
                    Hi Alvaro, Yes, it is confusing and it almost looks like either Russell or someone else drew these arrows to hide a concept. I have no doubt that it was operational device if he tried to reach the president and got NORAD attention. To me Bashar antenna is only a half of the picture. Beside, I have a feeling that Bashar antenna alone is not "electrical device" (not meant to tap and convert energy into large amount of electricity. There may be potential appearing but it may not be a primary function. If I may use a similarity to ham antenna, stretched 20m above the ground; we can measure potential and quite a serious one during the storm but that's not the purpose of it. It is antenna designed to receive and/or transmit on certain band (freq).
                    What if we're the receivers or transceiver in this case and Bashar device is an antenna per se, designed to make us sensitive to a certain "band"?
                    I'm not trying to propagate ET communication here, just a thought.

                    I think the Walter Russell Coils are wound like this.

                    I cannot say for sure though, and i haven't worked out how they should be used yet. Any idea's ?

                    I think the coils go inside each other.

                    Since you guy's have such an awesome thread going on here I will link these pic's of Otis'. I like the experiments you guys are doing by the way.



                    And this was his Buggy.

                    We can see Otis supposidly used two cone's (base's joined) as a core and wound coils on it, it was suspended by its points and commutators were there at the points. The (dual cone shaped) spinning coils or gyro's passed through the feild of C shaped or horse shoe field magnets the field magnets were excited and produced thrust for rotation against the gyro's which were lensless in my opinion because they were rotating and the field magnets and stator were counter rotating, the energy generated in the gyro coils is stored in the capacitor plates and the central accumulator which excited the field magnets by commutators or through solid state switching. The central accumulator (battery) also started the process.

                    However the I think for flight the gyro's have a shere hollowed out in the center and are filled with mercury. That is not important to us, only the mechanism for the production of the excess energy is what I am interested in. But if i make one one day I will weigh it while it runs. If it stays on the bench that is.

                    Anyway I think there is definately something to these conical coil configurations, if you look at two cones with the bases joined from the side it looks like a square, but if you look at it from the top or bottom it looks like a circle, if you only look a one half from the side it looks like a triangle. It is a universal shape Otis said in a radio interview " It is the universal shape and it is the shape of the universe". Make's sense.

                    Last edited by Farmhand; 06-17-2011, 04:02 PM.


                    • The Unipolar generator shown by Nikola is very interesting in that, two counter rotating discs produce induced currents when properly orientated in a magnetic field. The current flows from the perifery to the center in one disc and from the center to the perifery in the other.

                      Maybe this could be applied to the thinking on the Russell coils, being wound couter wise to each other a similar thing might happen.

                      Page 465 in this document the Unipoar generator section starts, diagram page 466.
                      The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla, with special reference to his work in polyphase currents and high potential lighting : Martin, Thomas Commerford, 1856-1924 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

                      Also in the Otis Buggy there are twice as many field magnets as Gyro coils, and it looks to me as though the Field magnets are energised as the capacitor plates cut the field of the C shaped magnets also. I think this would induce currents in them.

                      I was looking for a one wire motor and found this so I share what I found.

                      Last edited by Farmhand; 06-18-2011, 02:49 AM.


                      • Blackchisel, I think the extra indicators going the other direction to the wind on the Russell coils is to indicate the direction of the opposite, either the opposite coil winding direction, or the Aether flow in the other direction.

                        Like in this diagram of Walters.

                        There are the dark vorticies drawn with arrows drawn to indicate a flow to the center, and there are the (dashed line) vorticies with arrows indicating a flow from the center.

                        Much like with electricity there is a flow in both directions, of course, there must be. The theory being in my opinion if we interact with one of the flows and remove energy say from the outgoing flow, this would cause an imbalance that could only be rebalanced by an increased flow inwards then out again to where the energy was imbalanced. And the inverse of that too I think maybe both flows can be tapped simultainously.

                        Anyway I don't actually think there will ever be a way to take any usable amount of energy from passive coils, in my opinion they need to be excited vigorously with an initial outlay from something a hand turned Van-Degraff machine maybe. High voltages would also be needed for lots of power.

                        I can't see how it would be possible to pull 200 watts out of just a pair of coils sitting there or even 10 watts to be honest. However if these coils were used in an electro-dynamo-magnetic machine things could be very interesting.

                        I have no idea what to do with them solid state wise.

                        Where do we connect the load ?



                        • pulling power

                          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                          Anyway I don't actually think there will ever be a way to take any usable amount of energy from passive coils, in my opinion they need to be excited vigorously with an initial outlay from something a hand turned Van-Degraff machine maybe. High voltages would also be needed for lots of power.
                          I can't see how it would be possible to pull 200 watts out of just a pair of coils sitting there or even 10 watts to be honest. However if these coils were used in an electro-dynamo-magnetic machine things could be very interesting.
                          I have to agree... but ...
                          It may be that we need to think out-side-the box a bit here.
                          I have been wondering about the demos that Hendershot performed,
                          with all his witnesses. If his device was a hoax, he would have had to hide
                          batteries or use something radioactive. His device was built by engineers w/o him touching anything ...and was made to work.
                          I doubt very much that he could have hoaxed his device.

                          One thing that interests me is that he was looking at improving the so called "induction compass" and stumbled upon a phenomenon
                          with Earth's magnetic field.

                          See the fluxgate magnetometers.
                          There is a primary coil and a secondary coil wrapped around
                          a ferromagnetic core. The primary is pulsed. The secondary
                          is used for measuring.
                          Imagine now using two coils, yes, but interpenetrating cones --
                          ala BASHAR -- and also having them be LARGE air coils instead.
                          The advantage to air coils is that B equals H .. and they
                          are very sensitive.

                          I'm wondering if the input power, if it was made to exactly
                          balance the earth's magnetic field in your location ... might that
                          not set up an interesting oscillation ... and be highly
                          sensitive to geomagnetic and solar events.
                          It is true that you can generate power directly from the earth's field,
                          if you have a spinning coil alone. Wouldn't it be interesting,
                          to design a device that doesn't need the coil to move?
                          You instead want to move the field near the coil.

                          Think "Zero Point". By exactly balancing your created field ...
                          with the Earth's field ... you create a situation like
                          artificially STILL WATER on a pond. The slightest
                          event creates LARGE ripples on the surface of the water.

                          Once an oscillation is establish and if it can be made to sustain,
                          pulling power is easy using the germanium AC to DC converter --
                          full wave rectification.

                          If it is magnetic fields you want to receive and utilize as power ...
                          you need to devise a way to do that giving you the most gain.

                          These field fluctuations are mechanical and LOW FREQUENCY,
                          so a "tuned" circuit would need large inductance.
                          Last edited by morpher44; 06-21-2011, 08:58 AM.


                          • Hi morpher, I think you might be onto something there, I'm actually in the process of winding this coil.


                            It is kind of like the Bashir Coils in that the primary is an upside down conical coil compared to the bottom part of the secondary. But the secondary will have a lot of turns, over 1000 turns I think. I hope to have it finished tonight.

                            Back to it.

                            Edit. Here it is. This should be good for a laugh. The secondary is an upside down garden light with 950 turns wrapped on it and the primary is 9 3/4 turns on toothpicks mounted on the bottom part of a Plant Pot.


                            Last edited by Farmhand; 06-21-2011, 07:27 PM. Reason: Added Picture's


                            • G. FANTUZZI

                              Energy Accumulator

                              The present invention relates to a device to collect, concentrate, bind and radiate wandering energy which is propagated on a electrical carrier wave, this device being made up by a surface in the shape of regular pyramid, octahedral, cone or surface of revolution, in particular a spherical surface, which are used as mean of collecting and concentration of the wandering or biological energy which is propagated on an electrical wave.

                              At the interior of the aforesaid surface in the pyramid which can be made out of an unspecified material, metallic or not, are mounted with an electrically insulting formed of copper rollings of helical whorls around axis parallels between them and with the axis of surface. The ends of said rollings exceed teh basic wall of the pyramid and end in feet of copper which join the diffusers.

                              The aforementioned energy or biological energy which is propagated on an electrical carrier wave, concentrated by the aforementioned surface, induced in excited rollings up by the terrestrial magnetic field and by an optional auxiliary variable magnetic field a flow of energy which radiates outside through the feet of copper in the form of a beam of electric and/or electromagnetic waves.

                              G. Fantuzzi -- Orgone Accumulator -- French Patent 2264406

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • TPP-Pyramide-Project
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