Originally posted by AetherScientist
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Smith device can be described in a very few words, in a Tesla coil the right length with the right diameter can produce high voltage and high current also ( smith said the same thing in another video ) , in the video i sent you he stated his device is an extended to what Nicola Tesla has reached... ( time = 5 min ) in the same video he say another thing very very important, he say : Maxwell solved most of electromagnetic problems except one !!! ( this is the meaning of his words )
it's all about displacement current, the current that do not exist ... what happen inside a capacitor is electrostatic induction ( TESLA WORK ..) not the known electromagnetic induction, this is why until now we don't have a correct model describe how the electricity flow inside a capacitor.
the famous Tesla Bi-filar coil is another device that combine both side of electricity in just one device :
My present invention has for its object to avoid the employment of condensers which are expensive, cumbersome and difficult to maintain in perfect condition, and to so construct the coils themselves as to accomplish the same ultimate object.
avoid the employment of condenser mean we have the possibility to achieve the capacitor without separated plates, Don smith understood this and he make the extension for this coil so we have the E-TBC? THIS GIVE the possibility to replicate the electricity with radio frequency speed, because you have L and C both together in the same device with a special electromagnetic feedback... the amazing ( intelligent field ) induced rotating electric field work against Lenz's law and charge the capacitor upon oscillation, so the coil work with electrons spin rotation mechanism because it's already a short circuited capacitor but able to be charged !!! upon capacitor charging there's a quantum electron condensation mechanism, it's known the electrons talk to each other and they know how the other side is spinning ! so they have to spin in reverse manner, if this side spin CW the other side is forced to spin CCW, this will happen automatically if we separate the electricity based on spin only.. so you have the currency but you just need to spin it, this mean both side of electricity must be implemented in the same device as a single entity ...