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Don Smith A review...

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  • Originally posted by AetherScientist View Post
    Not exactly, but similar.
    Smith separates voltage and amperage throught resonance. Smith device is not easy to understand because it implies a lot of small details, and most of them I have not seen in other inventions. Smith device employs some mechanism that are unique in his device.

    Sometimes you see a device and you may have seen a similar technique employed in other invention. Smith is quite different. Even he wrote some papers and made some presentations, his explanations are easy to understand but hard to implement in all the mechanisms. Smith explains it very easy but there are tons of details that you need to know.

    I think that is the reason because it's not easy to replicate.

    L2 coil separates voltage from amperage and amplifies each one apart. He also uses some superconductivity inductions that are not usual.

    He also uses a non conventional way to charge capacitors.

    Smith device can be described in a very few words, in a Tesla coil the right length with the right diameter can produce high voltage and high current also ( smith said the same thing in another video ) , in the video i sent you he stated his device is an extended to what Nicola Tesla has reached... ( time = 5 min ) in the same video he say another thing very very important, he say : Maxwell solved most of electromagnetic problems except one !!! ( this is the meaning of his words )

    it's all about displacement current, the current that do not exist ... what happen inside a capacitor is electrostatic induction ( TESLA WORK ..) not the known electromagnetic induction, this is why until now we don't have a correct model describe how the electricity flow inside a capacitor.

    the famous Tesla Bi-filar coil is another device that combine both side of electricity in just one device :

    My present invention has for its object to avoid the employment of condensers which are expensive, cumbersome and difficult to maintain in perfect condition, and to so construct the coils themselves as to accomplish the same ultimate object.

    avoid the employment of condenser mean we have the possibility to achieve the capacitor without separated plates, Don smith understood this and he make the extension for this coil so we have the E-TBC? THIS GIVE the possibility to replicate the electricity with radio frequency speed, because you have L and C both together in the same device with a special electromagnetic feedback... the amazing ( intelligent field ) induced rotating electric field work against Lenz's law and charge the capacitor upon oscillation, so the coil work with electrons spin rotation mechanism because it's already a short circuited capacitor but able to be charged !!! upon capacitor charging there's a quantum electron condensation mechanism, it's known the electrons talk to each other and they know how the other side is spinning ! so they have to spin in reverse manner, if this side spin CW the other side is forced to spin CCW, this will happen automatically if we separate the electricity based on spin only.. so you have the currency but you just need to spin it, this mean both side of electricity must be implemented in the same device as a single entity ...


    • Thank you very much med.3012 for all the information you're describing.
      I'm writting here all questions about the posts you've wrote. I'm slowly reading your pdf and posts to ask you specific questions.


      • Originally posted by MorningStar View Post
        Referring to some the recent posts by AetherScientist, I believe we have a variation of a dipole tesla coil.

        See Dipole

        Following the discourse on this thread with great interest, thanks med.3012 and AetherScientist for your constructive ideas.
        Here you have one of the links I found about the antennas
        Harvard Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstrations

        Last edited by AetherScientist; 12-20-2015, 08:06 AM.


        • Originally posted by AetherScientist View Post
          Thank you very much med.3012 for all the information you're describing.
          I'm writting here all questions about the posts you've wrote. I'm slowly reading your pdf and posts to ask you specific questions.

          You are welcome AetherScientist, it's a good opportunity to learn from each other, maybe this is the only way this device will be for real when different people work as the same unique entity ..


          • Originally posted by med.3012 View Post
            You are welcome AetherScientist, it's a good opportunity to learn from each other, maybe this is the only way this device will be for real when different people work as the same unique entity ..
            It's very good to collaborate with people like you.
            In Smith's device there are a lot details and most of them are unconventional so I think it's not easy to read it in any book because there are just only a few books that explain it or there aren't any books that explain it.

            I think one of the best ways to start with is doing some simple circuits to probe or not, Smith's theories.


            • med.3012 I have a question for you.
              Do you know why Smith is using this spark gap or gas discharge tube in his device?


              • I have found this in another forum. It seems Smith is not the only one that it's using it. This picture is located in a forum about classic theory of electronics (not overunity).


                • Originally posted by AetherScientist View Post
                  med.3012 I have a question for you.
                  Do you know why Smith is using this spark gap or gas discharge tube in his device?

                  i think it's a voltage limitation mechanism, he stated this in 1996 video, the spark gap isn't anything you may know ... so his system don't need the spark gap as a source of power because it's already implemented in the one dimensional capacitor, the E-TBC for example make the needed symmetry between magnetism and electricity the two meet each other in the break point X location ( when CD is closed ), in the past i thought the spark gap in needed in this position because it provide a great opportunity to achieve a nice resonance but after that i understand i was totally wrong because we can't control the work of spark gap..., after doing some test in low voltage oscillating E-TBC ( this mean CD connection is closed and the device oscillate in full mode ..) i saw some kind of strange oscillation when putting a ferrite rod inside the E-TBC ( an increased oscillation), another test i did in HV when CD is closed in the E-TBC the scope graph show an increased oscillation also, the problem in low voltage oscillating E-TBC when cd closed is this point connected to the circuit because we need a kind of feedback to make the transistor oscillate, so it's affected and we are not able to understand its job perfectly--

                  at this moment i was working with another friend remotely and he told me about something i didn't notice in the E-TBC, it's serial resonance !!!! this happen when CD is opened so you have a kind of two coil but in the middle you have your normal capacitor... he did some test and this device oscillate even in this mode in twice the frequency ! ( other detail can be found in my thread )

                  this open another problem, how we could achieve power amplification and how we manage this device based on this little strange junction X point ( something look like the unknown ) fortunately i discovered the mixed E-TBC even it's more complicated but it show how the two side produce voltage and current at the same time only when they met each other, in other words only when you see the two together if we apply this to the single E-TBC we see it's a source of strange switch ! the X point is a quantum spark gap.

                  because the device combine electricity and magnetism it's a kind of electron spinning device! the electrons spin CW to give current at this moment voltage electron are condensed and frozen and wait the moment for the other half oscillation phase to be released and produce CCW spinning this mean voltage, current electrons ( magnetized ) are condensed also. the two meet each other in X position which can be seen as Resistance because it's there where we have useful work..

                  this is my point of view about why Don smith use the spark gap ?


                  • Originally posted by AetherScientist View Post
                    I have found this in another forum. It seems Smith is not the only one that it's using it. This picture is located in a forum about classic theory of electronics (not overunity).

                    1950's "Boys book of crystal radio" also described in Utility engines document explaining the hendershot device. Replace the headphones with a feedback circuit.
                    Attached Files


                    • Originally posted by dragon View Post
                      1950's "Boys book of crystal radio" also described in Utility engines document explaining the hendershot device. Replace the headphones with a feedback circuit.
                      Hello and thank you very much for the information. It seems like Smith device and I have one question. In the picture you shown there are 2 capacitors. Why Smith is using only one capacitor in L2 and why not 2 capacitors like in the picture you shown?


                      • Originally posted by med.3012 View Post
                        i think it's a voltage limitation mechanism, he stated this in 1996 video, the spark gap isn't anything you may know ... so his system don't need the spark gap as a source of power because it's already implemented in the one dimensional capacitor, the E-TBC for example make the needed symmetry between magnetism and electricity the two meet each other in the break point X location ( when CD is closed ), in the past i thought the spark gap in needed in this position because it provide a great opportunity to achieve a nice resonance but after that i understand i was totally wrong because we can't control the work of spark gap..., after doing some test in low voltage oscillating E-TBC ( this mean CD connection is closed and the device oscillate in full mode ..) i saw some kind of strange oscillation when putting a ferrite rod inside the E-TBC ( an increased oscillation), another test i did in HV when CD is closed in the E-TBC the scope graph show an increased oscillation also, the problem in low voltage oscillating E-TBC when cd closed is this point connected to the circuit because we need a kind of feedback to make the transistor oscillate, so it's affected and we are not able to understand its job perfectly--

                        at this moment i was working with another friend remotely and he told me about something i didn't notice in the E-TBC, it's serial resonance !!!! this happen when CD is opened so you have a kind of two coil but in the middle you have your normal capacitor... he did some test and this device oscillate even in this mode in twice the frequency ! ( other detail can be found in my thread )

                        this open another problem, how we could achieve power amplification and how we manage this device based on this little strange junction X point ( something look like the unknown ) fortunately i discovered the mixed E-TBC even it's more complicated but it show how the two side produce voltage and current at the same time only when they met each other, in other words only when you see the two together if we apply this to the single E-TBC we see it's a source of strange switch ! the X point is a quantum spark gap.

                        because the device combine electricity and magnetism it's a kind of electron spinning device! the electrons spin CW to give current at this moment voltage electron are condensed and frozen and wait the moment for the other half oscillation phase to be released and produce CCW spinning this mean voltage, current electrons ( magnetized ) are condensed also. the two meet each other in X position which can be seen as Resistance because it's there where we have useful work..

                        this is my point of view about why Don smith use the spark gap ?
                        Thank you very much
                        Sometimes it's difficult to follow your information because it's dense (that is good), but it takes time to understand all the things you say. But I prefer that way.


                        • Interesting coil like Smith, found in a patent (patent number not specified)


                          • This is the device Floyd Sweet started with. The author is Jensen and Sweet replicated and improved it to built his first SQM / VTA.

                            What this has in common with Smith? The bucking coil is present.


                            • Smith may have run one coil at it's natural frequency and tuned the second to a sub harmonic of the first.


                              • Originally posted by dragon View Post
                                Smith may have run one coil at it's natural frequency and tuned the second to a sub harmonic of the first.
                                Smith speaks about natural frequency. I would like to know how to calculate the natural frequency of the coil.

