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  • Originally posted by ilandtan View Post
    I'm still not clear where you are getting more power Med. If you keep a closed system oscillating, at a high voltage, it is doing so at the limits of the input power. I also am not familiar with the E-BTC, can you point me to its documentation?
    As Tesla said once, people usually think very deep with strange concepts. To understand all you need to think very lightly and to deeply understand the most basic concepts.

    It has been shown that you can get energy from the ambient. With a very simple circuit it's possible to do that (in small quantities). Then you have to use an exciter to shake strongly the ambient and get more energy. It's like the sea or like the wind.
    When do you get more energy? When the medium is moving faster and stronger.

    You can get wind energy in a room? of course, the particles in the air are constantly moving, but they are not strong enough to move the blades. Of course, if you produce artificial wind then you are overexciting the air molecules and you can produce wind. Wind can move blades so it's possible to generate energy from the wind.

    In DS system is exactly the same. You can get energy from the ambient, but very little because the ambient background is very quiet. When you overexcite the ambient background then you can get more energy.


    • Any doubts?


      • Barbosa Smith connection

        There is a simple experiment in which you can place a magnet near or inside the Barbosa style system (toroid core + thick multifilar wire around) and connect that configuration. You will see how the magnet starts to vibrate strongly while consuming zero watts the transformer.


        • Vibrating magnetic field around a transformer
          I have performed the same experiment with different transformers and you can get the effect even with 1 watt transformer. With 1 watt the effect is very soft but you can feel it.
          Last edited by AetherScientist; 01-27-2016, 10:36 PM.


          • Originally posted by AetherScientist View Post
            Vibrating magnetic field around a transformer
            I have performed the same experiment with different transformers and you can get the effect even with 1 watt transformer. With 1 watt the effect is very soft but you can feel it.
            I think if you increase the frequency and the voltage you can get a very strong effect.

            The main experiment is very easy to understand. You need a transformer, a watt meter (or power factor meter) and a magnet. Connect the transformer (output not connected to anything) and place a magnet near. You will see a power consumption = zero and the magnet moving.
            Last edited by AetherScientist; 01-27-2016, 10:45 PM.


            • The idea behind the E-TBC isn't strange, i was talking in my thread about electricity dimensions and how Tesla was aware about this... again .. using a conducting foils will just add the needed dimension to your system, the attracted ambient electrons will be just happy when it see this large surface ... is this strange ? again ... if you add this to the very high frequency you are using OE ( over energy ) will be produced in large quantity ... is this strange ?

              the problem with these dimensions is how to collect them together in just one system, the field lines is perpendicular to each other ( magnetic field + static electric field and finally the rotating electric field ) this was discussed also, so it's a multi dimensional transformer...

              before any conclusion it's better to understand the idea i am talking about...i just finished an experiment using just one extended E-TBC on a toroid arrangement like my previous post .., i made two turn on the toroid to extract the power, the voltage was limited in the capacitor to 80 v, the power increased dramatically far from any test i did until now ...

              honestly it's the time to do real experiment before any words, some people degrades Tesla value and see him as an old scientist ! other people talk about him without understanding the value of his work .. or understanding his work !

              Edit : it's the first time i feel some heat from the diode, i just used one diode!
              Last edited by med.3012; 01-27-2016, 11:27 PM.


              • Originally posted by med.3012 View Post
                The idea behind the E-TBC isn't strange, i was talking in my thread about electricity dimensions and how Tesla was aware about this... again .. using a conducting foils will just add the needed dimension to your system, the attracted ambient electrons will be just happy when it see this large surface ... is this strange ? again ... if you add this to the very high frequency you are using OE ( over energy ) will be produced in large quantity ... is this strange ?

                the problem with these dimensions is how to collect them together in just one system, the field lines is perpendicular to each other ( magnetic field + static electric field and finally the rotating electric field ) this was discussed also, so it's a multi dimensional transformer...

                before any conclusion it's better to understand the idea i am talking about...i just finished an experiment using just one extended E-TBC on a toroid arrangement like my previous post .., i made two turn on the toroid to extract the power, the voltage was limited in the capacitor to 80 v, the power increased dramatically far from any test i did until now ...

                honestly it's the time to do real experiment before any words, some people degrades Tesla value and see him as an old scientist ! other people talk about him without understanding the value of his work .. or understanding his work !

                Edit : it's the first time i feel some heat from the diode, i just used one diode!
                Can you post any detailed schematic?


                • No one has any question? All is understood good?


                  • Originally posted by AetherScientist View Post
                    Can you post any detailed schematic?

                    nothing special in the test i did, just changing the air core with a ferrite core, the relationship between the capacitor and inductor in the E-TBC is very complicated ... there's no closed circuit there, there's no current at least as we know it, as stated before a large turns number E-TBC show an increased oscillation, this mean the magnetic field strength has a big job since the device depend on the magnetic field in it's oscillation, this look like a coil oscillating alone but it has a hidden electric field, this is why the frequency is two time the normal parallel L/C equivalent
                    in this case the magnetic field need some help to maintain the oscillation.

                    now it's not easy in practice to build the E-TBC inside a ferrite core, this mean the whole turn have to be inside a ferromagnetic material, so the geometry have to be changed to fit the requirement, i used conducting foils along a ferrite core ( TV YOKE ) to form this special bifilar toroid, i was able to charge 700 uf / 450V capacitor much faster but the voltage was limited to 80V because i just tried 2 turn in the secondary, the primary was 8 turn.

                    still further test and improvement is needed.


                    • Thanks for the answer med.3012

                      I am performing some experiments to better understand different components of electricity. there is a lot of things that we don't know.


                      • Originally posted by AetherScientist View Post
                        Thanks for the answer med.3012

                        I am performing some experiments to better understand different components of electricity. there is a lot of things that we don't know.
                        you are welcome, the whole story is inside the magnetic resonance as ilandtan stated before, magnetic resonance mean you have a coil resonating with itself, so you have only the magnetic field as the principal player, the capacitive side inside the E-TBC will come after to maintain electrons spin separation mechanism, when the magnetic field oscillate you are sure there's a stored electric charges, this is why it's a must to use a conducting foils rather than using normal wire in L1 coil, because you have a coil oscillating alone another questions need answers : what's the optimal relationship between the capacitor and inductor inside this device ? what's the best type of ferromagnetic core ? finally what's the best start conditions of this special capacitor/coil so we could achieve an increased oscillation?

                        as you see the answer will come after doing some experiments, the following photo show the new arrangement :

                        i am just using the same idea behind the E-TBC on a TV Yoke, the geometry of the E-TBC will be affected in this case but the performance increased dramatically, i think we have to start from here !
                        Attached Files


                        • Originally posted by med.3012 View Post
                          you are welcome, the whole story is inside the magnetic resonance as ilandtan stated before, magnetic resonance mean you have a coil resonating with itself
                          A correct resonance is the critical thing to obtain a working DS machine or not. And in DS's system is very complex to understand all the concepts together.

                          After asking to some people, magnetic resonance seems to be the same as inductive resonance. There is capacitive resonance that uses capacitor plates and electric fields. Magnetic resonance uses coils and magnetic fields. It's resonance through magnetic fields, so magnetic resonance.

                          What about resonance? There are at least 3 resonant components in the circuit that must be tuned.


                          • Originally posted by AetherScientist View Post
                            A correct resonance is the critical thing to obtain a working DS machine or not. And in DS's system is very complex to understand all the concepts together.

                            After asking to some people, magnetic resonance seems to be the same as inductive resonance. There is capacitive resonance that uses capacitor plates and electric fields. Magnetic resonance uses coils and magnetic fields. It's resonance through magnetic fields, so magnetic resonance.

                            What about resonance? There are at least 3 resonant components in the circuit that must be tuned.

                            i am not talking here to prove my idea is correct..., i also have a long experience in electricity field, the word inductive is generally related with coupling, because the E-TBC oscillate faster than normal parallel L/C ( twice ) this mean it depend on the magnetic field only in its oscillation, i will make a video prove this, i hope i can find the time to do it , you will see this device form a new kind of parallel L/C where the capacitor is hidden ( it's already short circuited in X position ) now you have only a coil in your hand! but it's an open coil

                            try to see outside normal closed circuit, you said this : Magnetic resonance uses coils and magnetic fields the problem in using normal capacitor is you have to use the collapsing magnetic field to charge them, in the case of E-TBC we use the back EMF... because you don't have a visible capacitor, it's still hidden inside the coil ! the current as we know it don't exist because the electrons just change the spin direction.. when it do that the capacitor will be charged immediately, so you have twice the frequency, ( this is tested )

                            another unseen behavior is spin separation mechanism, when the electrons meet each other to reach each other in both plates a max magnetic field is produced ( max current ) the rotating electric field just charge the capacitor instantly, another scalar voltage will be produced, in reality you have another hidden E-TBC work for you in negative energy side, just in X position both voltage and current can be produced because the E-TBC must change it's virtual geometry ( the electrons changing spin help in this too much ... without the ability of electrons to change the spin it's impossible this device to work ! )

                            as you see you have just one moment for your device to produce active power, this is why the idea of mixed E-TBC came to my mind, just to make this phenomena to happen all the time of oscillation ... you have to take some time to understand this. i hope i replied your question


                            • Originally posted by AetherScientist View Post
                              No one has any question? All is understood good?
                              An interesting topic !

                              Shake the local aether even more and DS circuit works better ?


                              • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
                                An interesting topic !

                                Shake the local aether even more and DS circuit works better ?
                                Yes, the local quantum space (aether, ether, ambient background...) is shaking and you can get energy from it wihout exciting it. If you want more power, then you need to excite it. It's like a wind turbine. The particles in the air are moving, but very little (air pressure). If you want energy from the wind you need to produce it (speed and amount of air) to rotate the blades and produce energy from the wind. In normal conditions that air molecule movement is very slow and cannot move anything.

