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Don't Kill Dipole

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  • #16
    Thanks for your post

    Great to hear from you AC.


    • #17
      HI, Slovenia, best regards from neighborhood (yes, i noticed you live in USA,
      but there must be reason for your nick, am i right ?)...I deeply support and
      admire our common efforts towards that goal : dont kill the dipol...Lamare
      is great guy, and your try to keep up with this thread is worth of our
      appreciative and acknowledgement !
      "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


      • #18

        Hi Cikljamas,

        Thanks for your post. Yes, two really good friends of mine are from Slovenia, so I changed my nick name to Slovenia. Anyway, I appreciate your help very much!!

        Best Regards,

        Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
        HI, Slovenia, best regards from neighborhood (yes, i noticed you live in USA,
        but there must be reason for your nick, am i right ?)...I deeply support and
        admire our common efforts towards that goal : dont kill the dipol...Lamare
        is great guy, and your try to keep up with this thread is worth of our
        appreciative and acknowledgement !
        Last edited by Slovenia; 10-07-2010, 10:41 AM. Reason: TMI


        • #19
          Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
          That link ---"Simplification - Tom Bearden And 'Free Energy" was interesting, recently I read an article on "the future grid" in Discovery magazine and Edison's name was mentioned no less than 20 or more times, they say he had the first power grid. However where was the name of Nikola Tesla? the man who gave us AC power,AC motors,AC generators and the modern power grid we have today? His name was not mentioned even once, not one god damn time. I wrote Discovery a letter giving them a piece of my mind and then I told them I wanted my subscription cancelled immediately as it was trash jounalism.
          I would agree with that article that the scientific community and many of the "supposed" textbook experts that haunt these forums are biased in their views. I think the truth will come out and as Tesla said--"The present is theirs, the future is mine."
          This is similar case of one other great guy :

          explanation for third picture :

          His atomic theory, given as a clear, precisely-formulated system utilizing principles of Newtonian mechanics inspired Michael Faraday to develop field theory for electromagnetic interaction. Other nineteenth century physicists, such as William Rowan Hamilton, Lord Kelvin, and the elasticity theorist Saint Vernant stressed the theoretical advantages of the Boškovićian atom over rigid atoms[8][9]. Some even claim that Boscovichian atomism was a basis for Albert Einstein's attempts for a unified field theory[4] and that he was the first to envisage, seek, and propose a mathematical theory of all the forces of Nature; the first scientific theory of everything.[10]

          The scientist Nikola Tesla, a critic of Einstein, claimed in an unpublished interview that Einstein's theory of Relativity was the creation of Bošković:
          “ ...the relativity theory, by the way, is much older than its present proponents. It was advanced over 200 years ago by my illustrious countryman Ruđer Bošković, the great philosopher, who, not withstanding other and multifold obligations, wrote a thousand volumes of excellent literature on a vast variety of subjects. Bošković dealt with relativity, including the so-called time-space continuum ...'.[11] ”

          For his contributions to astronomy, the lunar crater Boscovich was named after him.

          The largest multidisciplinary research center in Croatia was named the "Ruđer Bošković Institute" in his honour.
          Attached Thumbnails
          bedini-ssg-test-going-.jpg bedini-ssg-4-coil.jpg bedini-ssg-puzzle.jpg

          You cant find the name Ruđer Bošković in french "le petit larousse" which
          is kind of french encyclopaedia and he was even french citizen, here what
          say wikipedia :

          Deprived of his post by the intrigues of his associates, he was about to retire to Dubrovnik when in 1773 the news of the suppression of his order in Italy reached him. Uncertainty led him to accept an invitation from the King of France to come to Paris where he was appointed director of optics for the navy, with a pension of 8,000 livres and a position was created for him.

          He naturalized in France and stayed ten years, but his position became irksome, and at length intolerable. He, however, continued to work in the pursuit of science knowledge, and published many remarkable works. Among them was an elegant solution of the problem to determine the orbit of a comet from three observations and works on micrometer and achromatic telescopes.

          But that is destiny of most greatest men, to be forgotten and underestimated...Fortunately, there are people who knows the truth
          and these people are those on who humankind can only count on...
          "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


          • #20
            Dipole Definition (from Hawkins 1910 Electrical Dictionary)

            I thought it might be good to give a definition of dipole, so I went to my 1910 Hawkins Electrical Dictionary. Well, they don't list dipole as a word but they do list dipolar.

            Taken from Hawins Electrical Dictionary (1910 Version):
            Dipolar.-- Having two magnetic poles; bipolar.

            Tom Bearden tells us not to kill the dipole. All electrical energy is being extracted from the vacuum and when you kill the dipole, you stop that free flow of energy. We have been taught in modern electricity that we need to kill the dipole. We need to ascertain how to redesign our motors, circuits, and whatever to run with the dipole intact.

            We are trying to determine how to run our electrical devices without killing the dipole. This will make them so much more efficient and in some cases we'll be able to appreciate almost free electricity except for the startup cost which will be minimal.

            Feel free to jump in here and help. I am not an electrical guy.


            • #21
              Dipole Generators

              Don Smith had some dipole generators.


              • #22
                Slovenia your doing a great service here I can't keep up with the info your pumping in here, it is a very important principal to understand I believe. I think I understand it and can apply it in part at least, i'm not an electrical guy either, still learning. I think that the whole point to the Tesla Switch is to prove this point, though I can't say I understand how it would work exactly.

                I have put a current meter on the negative line of various setups and i see current going back to the source dipole (the battery), this would of course destroy the dipole as it is in effect a controlled short circuit, it doesn't make any sense to do that. Wouldn't it be better if the current went to ground at least ?

                Best regards


                • #23
                  Broken symetry and the number three

                  I was thinking about what the number three could have to do with all this as I beleive Nicola Tesla liked the number three,Here's what I think.

                  For broken symetry the would need to be three charges. To float a charge there are three phases "charge" "float" and "discharge". And to do that you would need three parts to the circuit The "dipole" the "intermediary" and the "load". That would stop the dipole from being killed.
                  And that makes three things with three parts.

                  I think the number three is very important in our universe and we should design our circuits to incorperate or use these principals where possible.

                  Just a pondering thats all.



                  • #24
                    Thank You

                    Hi Farmland,

                    Thanks for sharing with us. You have some very great ideas and I am going to focus on them immediately. Very good insights indeed!! It's great to have you helping me here.

                    Best Regards,

                    Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                    I was thinking about what the number three could have to do with all this as I beleive Nicola Tesla liked the number three,Here's what I think.

                    For broken symetry the would need to be three charges. To float a charge there are three phases "charge" "float" and "discharge". And to do that you would need three parts to the circuit The "dipole" the "intermediary" and the "load". That would stop the dipole from being killed.
                    And that makes three things with three parts.

                    I think the number three is very important in our universe and we should design our circuits to incorperate or use these principals where possible.

                    Just a pondering thats all.



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
                      I thought it might be good to give a definition of dipole, so I went to my 1910 Hawkins Electrical Dictionary. Well, they don't list dipole as a word but they do list dipolar.

                      Taken from Hawins Electrical Dictionary (1910 Version):
                      Dipolar.-- Having two magnetic poles; bipolar.

                      Tom Bearden tells us not to kill the dipole. All electrical energy is being extracted from the vacuum and when you kill the dipole, you stop that free flow of energy. We have been taught in modern electricity that we need to kill the dipole. We need to ascertain how to redesign our motors, circuits, and whatever to run with the dipole intact.

                      We are trying to determine how to run our electrical devices without killing the dipole. This will make them so much more efficient and in some cases we'll be able to appreciate almost free electricity except for the startup cost which will be minimal.

                      Feel free to jump in here and help. I am not an electrical guy.
                      To be quite honest, I think I'm spinning my wheels here, but I'll repeat myself anyway.

                      If one studies the Tesla high frequency current patents, and his lectures on the matter, then this issue doesn't need to be a mystery. The symmetrical capacitors around the break on those circuits, permitted a filtration of the transverse waves from the longitudinal waves. The brief shorting of the circuit prevents the transverse waves from completing their track around the circuit (destroying the dipole), whereas the longitudinal waves (from the ambient environment-pulled in via inductor during signal collapse-NOT BEMF, look at Aaron's thread on the issue.) do complete their journey. We use the longitudinal waves to do work in a novel manner.

                      Read the Tesla high frequency patents. Bearden's stuff will make a lot more sense. And it helps to reread, and relisten to Bearden audio's/video's. I pick out new things almost each time I listen/read.

                      In one audio Bearden describes the longitudinal waves as "displacement current". Google that. There's a wiki(don't trust wiki much, even the science sections are politically edited) page on the topic.


                      • #26
                        yeah I hear you.

                        There is a lot of confusion on the subject and I have not the clue as to why.

                        A lot of people think it can not be that easy that there is some sort of trick that nature uses to get it's movement. It's really simple. We have to unthink what our supposed teachers have taught us and trust in the ones who have gone the road before us. Tesla, once you have read his complete journey from beginning to end you will see his revelations and how they focused as he went. We must not take any one patent or lecture out of place and follow his journey into the unknown.

                        We must relearn the way from example and then stick to the simple ways of coaxing this energy into our systems. I believe Tesla figured out two ways to bring it into the system. One an active suction of the ambient charges in a field like manner and another of between three focused antennas. These antennas are two inputs and one excess output to recycle the collected charges back into the system. Where charges are involved the ins are small surface area antennas but they also send out the potential we want to form a stream in between the Larger output antenna. There are two input antennas for the simple fact that they share the flow dynamically between the larger antenna. This allows all you want for the load and the rest gets bypassed through the system to be recycled for a another round.

                        Two half weight input antennas and 1 full weight output antennas. Now if I haven't confused you enough then I will try to clarify this simple process.

                        The input antennas are smaller in surface area then the larger output antenna. This has a focusing or multiplying effect on the smaller surface area antenna, when you look at the beam that is created between the two (small and large antenna) it will look like a triangle or close to that. When you compress water what do you get? Higher pressure right? Now you are getting it.

                        Ok that tells you about the antennas. Now lets look at the action that works the beam itself. When two bodies in space are energized with a very high potential it allows the space in between the antennas to organize into a sheet of fluid like motion of the potential carriers only. They flow from input to output antennas. The charges or free ambient electrons flow against the potential in the opposite direction twords the input antenna's. This is a cause and effect process. Voltage causes the charges to move into motion twords the source of that potential. Very simple right?

                        Now how do we provide a potential in one direction and divert the charges into our load that are feeding back into the input antenna. As to the exact method I am amiss to figure this out but I do know it was tubes that allowed Tesla to interact with such high voltages and be able to shuttle the energy that came into the unit to be available for the load to utilize. I also know he used static shielding in this method as well since that would be akin to piping for the pressurized charges to flow into seeing that higher frequencies flow outside of the wires this lends credibility to this method.

                        Maybe someone with a good amount of experience with tubes could help me out with a suitable arrangement of the tubes to test with the above system?

                        Nikola Tesla wrote a Scientific American article, "Possibilities of Electro-Static Generators" in 1934 concerning the Van de Graaff generator (pp. 132-134 and 163-165). Tesla stated, "I believe that when new types [of Van de Graaff generators] are developed and sufficiently improved a great future will be assured to them". From the man himself written about the time he did the Pierce arrow experiment.


                        METHOD OF AND APPARATUS FOR ELEC - Google Patent Search
                        MINIATURE PRINTED CIRCUIT ... - Google Patent Search
                        Last edited by Jbignes5; 10-07-2010, 09:17 PM. Reason: Wow revelations abound....


                        • #27
                          For the first step, I think a circuit that can capture scalar / or utilizing scalar potential need to be worked. If we have that, obtaining eletricity from a battery without ever using its current can be done.

                          We already have circuit that can produce scalar.


                          • #28
                            Scalar Circuit

                            Hi Sucahyo,

                            Good to hear from you. You have a very intriguing post there. Would you post the circuit that can produce scalar? Also, what ideas do you have about capturing the scalar?

                            Thanks for your post!!

                            Best Regards,

                            Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                            For the first step, I think a circuit that can capture scalar / or utilizing scalar potential need to be worked. If we have that, obtaining eletricity from a battery without ever using its current can be done.

                            We already have circuit that can produce scalar.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
                              Would you post the circuit that can produce scalar?
                              Any radiant circuit can produce scalar. Some believe that self cancelling induction coil produce scalar the most.

                              Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
                              Also, what ideas do you have about capturing the scalar?
                              Maybe Orac based like mentioned on Paulo Correa patents or caudaceus coil based like Prof. Seike or Dr. Samuel P. Faile.


                              • #30

                                Hi Sucahyo,

                                Thanks for sharing. Interesting information.

                                Best Regards,
                                David Fine

                                Originally posted by sucahyo View Post
                                Any radiant circuit can produce scalar. Some believe that self cancelling induction coil produce scalar the most.

                                Maybe Orac based like mentioned on Paulo Correa patents or caudaceus coil based like Prof. Seike or Dr. Samuel P. Faile.

