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Don't Kill Dipole

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  • Is that patent basically a variable capacitor? I haven't had time to read through it to see what the plates are made of.

    I started looking at the van de graaff generators, for some reason when the name was mentioned I pictured a whimhurst machine. These look incredibly simple to make.

    I'm still searching for materials for my little motor but the pyramid is completed and I'll start doing some tests ( playing with it ) tonight. Below is a picture of the assembled pyramid... 12" base, about 8" tall
    Last edited by dragon; 07-20-2011, 03:05 AM.


    • ok a word about pyramids...

      It that to scale of the larger ones? Also what is it made of? From my studies on the Great Pyramids they were actually capacitors. More in the lines of a laden jar but the outside material was just dielectric. So I'm guessing that the air around the pyramid was the outside conductor at ambient charge level of the air. I believe all generation was inside of the pyramid due to the size of the structure. The amount of energy that could be squeezed out the tip would have been immense. So a less saturated interior chamber held generation coils. As for the capacitor that they used to make it mobile which they charged inside as well would have been the ark of the covenant. Try doing research on this artifact and you will find it was constructed just like a huge leyden jar and if you also agree that they had white powdered gold which should be a superconducting powder that would have made the ultimate storage battery of this energy if the interior of this capacitor had sand with white powdered gold mixture in it.

      It seems to me the elder races knew more about this fundamental energy then we assume we know about electricity. In fact I really trust the investigators that are researching the Pyramids that are saying they are much older then our "experts" assume. I believe Egyptians were just nomadic tribes that cam across this huge monolith and said it was a gift. They dressed it up in honor of the giver and as they got finished they reclaimed them under which ruler had control over that restoration. They were and are squatters. The ones that ruled were privy to the technology and the priests were their scientific team. Just like we are doing today but instead of rebuilding them and using that technology our leaders thought it was better to enslave us with their invented electricity. They could sell it then right?

      Out comes the soap box for one statement and I'll put it away. I abhor money. It is the reason they bind us so. We are so addicted to what it can buy us that we refuse to go back and look at what they buried about the past. We are so busy trying to earn our way through life that everything else matter little to us anymore. We are taught from birth that life is a struggle, that we have to fight to survive. What? Where has our decency gone in our governing part of society. Where has our individual decency gone that we can not look, learn and live to explore life without cost of the basic necessities of life. That should be a given. Food, water and power should be a staple in every part of the world not just one.

      We would rather earn a buck and not care one bit about our neighbors and thats what we face today. We don't go down new avenues, even when the signs are strongest. We push as a society that recycling our own humans when they stray from the good path is futile. We neglect our own kind in just about every way one could in the world of our business and government and don't think twice about it. We refuse to heal our damaged goods (people) under the same guise. It's just not worth it to the establishment.

      Someone takes my ideas and copy writes them, no biggie. How could someone copy write the idea of nature. That is a pure science and not something to be owned. We try to own everything as a society and that is plain wrong. This is a statement not an accusation aimed at anyone.

      Well it's late here and I guess I'll knock off for a bit...

      Take care everyone,


      • This one is made of steel because it was quick and easy to make, scaled down from the cheops pyramid as shown in the pdf on the Pyramid thread. I was thinking of making another one just slightly smaller and putting it inside then filling the gap with plastic. Maybe another time. I'll experiment with this one for a bit as is.
        bondage girl Webcams
        Last edited by dragon; 05-11-2011, 10:52 AM.


        • Originally posted by dragon View Post
          This one is made of steel because it was quick and easy to make, scaled down from the cheops pyramid as shown in the pdf on the Pyramid thread. I was thinking of making another one just slightly smaller and putting it inside then filling the gap with plastic. Maybe another time. I'll experiment with this one for a bit as is.
          The best dielectric that I know of is vegetable oil. If you could design plastic end caps for the edges that allowed you to fill the in between areas with oil that would be better.

          My experiences with trying to design a perfect passive system like the pyramid ended up with nothing but then I really didn't understand the dynamics of the structure and the materials they used in the construction. I don't think metal will do as good but you just might have something there. I studied metals to figure out the real properties of the substance and got quite surprised when I found out it has a crystaline structure that has been recorded in it when it was created. Much like water does as it freezes. Pictures of etched metal have very curious crystaline structures.

          My best option would be to use Ormus powder in a dielectric jar, much like the ark of the covenant is reputed to be. With enough space to allow the Ormus to expand as it does when it gains energy. It has been reported by the discoverer that as white powdered gold attains a certain energy level it expands into a gas like substance that appears to disappear in a flash of light. As the energy level drops it reconstitutes into a pile much like that was there before. Even if you try to disturb the place where the pile was after it disappeared it will always go back to the original shape as it condenses or looses energy while it transforms back into a solid. I also firmly believe that the form of the structure is based off of a fractal and this is why it seems to remember the form it was before transition happened. I believe that this is an accurate description of the event and that the discoverer was telling the truth. Although he didn't think about the substance going to a gaseous state instead he thought It goes to another dimension or something like that. I doubt that is the case and the explanation that I give is much more probable.

          If we start to understand that this white powdered gold in the powdered state is at ambient energy levels. This ambient energy level is well below it's transform state. You can think of it like this: when they are at rest they look like little pixie sticks, you know the game you played as a kid. They have very little mobility because they are charge depleted. These sticks are mere conductors of charges with only the smallest amount of charge(ambient) holding them together. When you add energy or charges to the pile the charges fill the spaces at the ends of the connectors or pixie sticks making elbow like connections. It can change through this transform state quite quickly and usually goes right to gas form. This structure it forms is very crystaline in nature and I suspect this form can contain great amounts of charges in this process. Since it is a very good superconductor it can contain any amount of charges by virtue of it's ability to super conduct and hold the charges via it's own potential via a multiple connected structure. So I think we have the ability to hold massive amounts of charges and keep them separated and uniform inside a dielectric. As long as we keep the source from shorting out we have a limitless force to use as an attractor of other charges to use in a cyclic manner for work.
          Last edited by Jbignes5; 10-14-2010, 02:24 PM.


          • Boguslaw Tesla Posts

            Boguslaw has some very interesting posts related to Tesla which might also be applicable to our quest. I am in the process of running some of them down again. I'm also doing some other things in the background.


            • Mystery

              I feel very sure that we have several chaps here who know the secrets to the mysteries we seek and yet for whatever reason they are not sharing this information. I'm not referring to anyone who has posted on this thread but other Energetic members. It's a very strong feeling within me.

              I wish you whoever you are would come forward with the details. You would be helping mankind immensely. Thank you very much.


              • Yes....

                Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
                Boguslaw has some very interesting posts related to Tesla which might also be applicable to our quest. I am in the process of running some of them down again. I'm also doing some other things in the background.

                Yup he is an old cohort of mine rofl.. He is well versed in Tesla tech... I wish he would drop by and chat...

                I just wanted to say again that there are two components of any electrical phenomina we can see. One is an initiator (Voltage) and the other is the answer or resultant push back from the environment. We supply one and the other comes from the environment. One has to realize this process for what it is. For ever action there is an equal but opposite reaction when dealing with the environment. When we initiate a potential to be exposed to the environment the environment reacts with an equal but different push back. This push back is with the opposite component of electricity. There are only two. Use a heavy current or charge heavy pulse and the results are magnetic but use a pure static potential and nature responds with all her mighty force. That force is the eternal charges that were created a long time ago. These charges can neither be created nor destroyed they are eternal. But you can change the amount of charge. That is the dynamic nature of these charges. The simple beauty is the simple fact that a charge is both static and dynamic at the same time. The static nature of the charge is in a unit but the dynamic nature of charges is in the masses that can collect and flow into the others. when we select a point on a charge group, say the central point, it has the value of any combination on the way to another given point. What I am finding out is that even if two charges are next to each other they stack like batteries creating the opposite polarity in between the two charges. That is a static law. This process binds the charges with a strong force. Holding them together like a glue. This is not an absolute binding though and can be disturbed.

                Please remember my talk about what charges are and how they travel and now you can see the whole process. This process does have a structure and that is the connections that would be considered an absence of charge or negative. The conductor can not contain charges on the same scale as a charge. There just isn't enough space in that particle. Only enough space to be able to hold itself together. The rest it passes as a potential to the charge it is connected to or lattice it is joined to.

                So when people say split the positive or don't kill the dipole they are saying the same thing. Use one part of the positive and do not let the response meet your supplied positive. If they meet it kills the dipole and reaches a balance. But if we redirect the response away from the source inertia carries it away. This is what we need to harness natures response and never have to pay to initiate the source as long as the source does not have a way to find a balance. No leaks and we have a perfect generator that will run for eons.


                • Your the Man Jbignes5

                  Hi Jbignes5,

                  I was out watering the yard and I got to thinking that my good friend Jbignes5 might take my post the wrong way and so I beat feet into the house to kill my post. Well, you had already seen it.

                  I meant no offense to you when I posted my last post. You are the first Tesla guy I know who really understands Tesla and Bearden who has been willing to share with me and the others. Many guys claim to know Tesla and Bearden but don't share anything useful. I have known a lot of those types for a long time. They all say they are under some non disclosure commitment or are getting ready to patent what they have found or something similar to this type of rationale for not sharing. Many of those guys I feel don't have a clue about Tesla but like the notoriety. I do feel that we have some fellows watching us here who know the secrets because they are part of the group who has kept the secrets from us for so long. They didn't figure out the stuff like maybe a few of you but were privy to it directly. So, I just wanted to say Jbignes5 that I appreciate you very much and all you have shared. I believe in you. I believe we are close to a solution to this thing. I was just praying for some other knowledge to be shared with us too from other persons in the know.

                  Best Regards,


                  • I didn't take it bad at all...

                    I knew what you were saying... No offense was taken at all...


                    • Thanks

                      Thank you very much Jbignes5.

                      Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
                      I knew what you were saying... No offense was taken at all...


                      • Tesla Guy

                        I stumbled across another Tesla guy this evening who appears to have some interesting ideas. Here is a link to his information on his take of the Tesla Pierce Arrow.


                        Anyway, his information seemed very fascinating to me. He might be able to help us here.


                        • Splitting the positive is like a tesla switch in his theory. Interesting read although difficult to follow, it doesn't create a good picture in my mind as to what he's doing overall. I don't have an understanding of the old tube type devices so he totally lost me there. Picture explanations are truly worth 1000 words as they say....
                          VAPORIZER GENIE REVIEWS
                          Last edited by dragon; 05-11-2011, 10:52 AM.


                          • Extremely interesting read Slovenia
                            thank you


                            • Bike Wheel Electrotatic generator ?

                              I'm trying to think of a way to make my bike wheel ssg an electrostatic generator aswell as what it already does, it has an alloy wheel and plastic fan blades , can anyone think of a way to use the wheel to generate static like a van de graff machine or something similar I don't mind running the SSG to make it work.

                              Any idea's, The output would be separate to the ssg output of course, with only 150 to 180 rpm it would it be too slow?



                              • Thanks

                                Dragon & Wwdotme

                                Thanks for your take on the Tesla guy at the other website. I shall invite him over to join us and see if he'll share any of his Tesla information and clarify his post.

                                Best Regards,

