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Don't Kill Dipole

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  • Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
    No static potential? Care to explain the leyden jar then?
    I think what lamare saying is that even static potential like inside the leyden jar resides smaller particles that vibrates.

    Guys, what if I tell you the ultimate truth doesn't contain logic? All this aether, free energy, science, thoughts don't mean anything.
    That's the highest state of truth I've realized. Of course it's pointless for our existance but it is the greatest tool for constructive discussions. Everyone will eventually realized this state as the Buddha, Jesus, Tesla, Eistein, and many other high scientists and spiritual masters.

    Anyway, you two and I having the exact thoughts on this matter and I can see it very well.


    • Speaking of asymmetric capacitor and weight loss, take a look at a this experiment. Capacitor is filled with distilled water, then charged and discharged.
      YouTube - liquidcap2.wmv



      • Originally posted by Rebus57 View Post
        Why do you need to charge a battery ? With 1000a @ 120v available from a briefcase size device I don't see the need.
        Would it be safe to use for electronics directly?

        Thanks for better picture .


        • Rebus57, Is there a specific size copper mesh we should be looking for? I was looking at the available sizes on this site... Copper wire mesh data,prices,helpful information . Quite a bit to choose from...
          Last edited by dragon; 05-11-2011, 10:56 AM.


          • Did not intend to be rude

            I must apologize for that statment I sometimes speak without thinking I am sorry. The short answer is no. the explanition for this can be found in my theory post (#166) the 3rd note at the bottom. I believe Tesla's device was also high voltage output but the motor windings were HV insulation to take the suspected 2000v. I believe Westinghouse was still building things for Tesla and built the motor to Tesla's specs. the HV also explains the reported thick wires, HV insulation. My plan was to use a isolation transformer designed like one the light company uses on the pole by our houses here,(USA), they have a single primary and two secondaries wound on core in opposite directions to achieve the polyphase effect, these coils are wound on an "E" core with primary in center and secondaries on each end. Energize primary with a pair of output tubes and you will get only 110/220v 50 or 60cy,(depending on firing speed of output tubes, the trigger cir must be very stable), from secondaries. This is how I see a stationary setup. The best thing would be newer devices be built to take it, can't play my 8-tracks any more. Your welcome on the better pics thanks for the tip sorry for the huge waste of time with the others I will be more careful in the future. Thanks for your time, Rebus57.
            Last edited by Rebus57; 10-20-2010, 04:53 AM.


            • Copper Wire cloth

              Give me a few minutes I will dig them out their pretty deep in the pile but accessable. Ok I purchased a variety of sizes 16x16 .018; 14x14 .020; 24x24 .014; 80x80 .0055. I used copper wire cloth to try and reduce the capacitive effect of a solid plate. Try not to use too tight of a weave or cloth will act as a solid but use large enough size to handle designed output current. My choice was 24x24 .014 for my output tubes and the 80x80 .0055 for CC Tube. hope this help's. Rebus
              Last edited by Rebus57; 10-20-2010, 05:28 AM.


              • Ferrite's and Coil form's

       Ferrite rod supplier. Also for coil forms check with Precision Fiberglass Products Torrance, California, sorry can't find their web address, lost in the infernal machine.
                Last edited by Rebus57; 10-20-2010, 06:21 AM.


                • I do realize what he is saying but...

                  Originally posted by quantumuppercut View Post
                  I think what lamare saying is that even static potential like inside the leyden jar resides smaller particles that vibrates.

                  Guys, what if I tell you the ultimate truth doesn't contain logic? All this aether, free energy, science, thoughts don't mean anything.
                  That's the highest state of truth I've realized. Of course it's pointless for our existance but it is the greatest tool for constructive discussions. Everyone will eventually realized this state as the Buddha, Jesus, Tesla, Eistein, and many other high scientists and spiritual masters.

                  Anyway, you two and I having the exact thoughts on this matter and I can see it very well.
                  All static means is that it is not mobile in the sense that it moves from a to b without a touch or a reason to move.

                  I realize what he was saying but it sounded like to me that he had an issue with the words static potential. It is the results of the sea being divided. When the sea of these much finer particles get divided by larger particles thats when the potential is formed. I do think there are two versions of the particles as I have mentioned before with the Sierpinski triangle. One being hollow(carrier) like and the other being more solid(conductor) form.

                  Also I highly doubt that there would be no logic to how everything works. If there was no logic then why do we have rules now to define the areas that govern energy. In fact phi would not even be around or associated with the natural process if that was the case. Oh there is logic to it. In fact it is such a simple logic that only a few factors gives our entire spectrum of results that we see. Check out the new Helium ion microscopic pictures and you will see the rules that govern the scale at which we can see today. Static cling is very prevalent at that scale. Geometry is a startling common. Geometric shapes even more common. As we go further into the scale reduction we will see clearer and clearer signs that it gets simpler in design. I doubt we will ever see at the scale that we are talking about with these particles that make up the dielectric sea but I tell you it wont be long before we get to see very close to that. Our surprise will probably come from the fact that we see other worlds at that level and we do see that with even the microscopic life that is there now. Worlds nestled into other worlds based on the scale of what you are viewing.

                  I agree we have an understanding of this process. They are very close to being the same and I, by no means, am entirely correct. Even though I talk like it is a fact they are but observations of what I can see. With a little kicked in from other sources who dared to stray from the fold of the establishment.


                  • Originally posted by Jbignes5 View Post
                    If there was no logic then why do we have rules now to define the areas that govern energy.
                    Only you capable of answering that.


                    • Originally posted by Rebus57 View Post
                      The short answer is no. the explanition for this can be found in my theory post (#166) the 3rd note at the bottom. I believe Tesla's device was also high voltage output but the motor windings were HV insulation to take the suspected 2000v. I believe Westinghouse was still building things for Tesla and built the motor to Tesla's specs. the HV also explains the reported thick wires, HV insulation. My plan was to use a isolation transformer designed like one the light company uses on the pole by our houses here,(USA), they have a single primary and two secondaries wound on core in opposite directions to achieve the polyphase effect, these coils are wound on an "E" core with primary in center and secondaries on each end. Energize primary with a pair of output tubes and you will get only 110/220v 50 or 60cy,(depending on firing speed of output tubes, the trigger cir must be very stable), from secondaries. This is how I see a stationary setup.
                      I see. Thanks for the explanation .

                      Can we us it to run a motor? maybe a special kind of motor? Since I think letting the circuit to run a generator with big flywheel would produce more stable output. The direct output voltage should fluctuate very great isn't it? producing unstable output voltage.


                      • Originally posted by lamare View Post
                        So, the trick is to take that blowing wind from your power source, your voltage source, and divert the part you're not using to do useful work somewhere else. So, you want to use your voltage source to cause charge carriers to move such that they don't end up in your voltage source.

                        The TROS circuit posted here appears to be just about one of the simplest ways to do just that:

                        YouTube - TROS - "bemf"

                        You create a current trough your load that cannot reach your battery. You use the "wind" created by your battery to move charge carriers around that do not reach your battery...

                        This circuit has some interesting similarities with what Meyer, Puharich and Gray were doing: get a coil into resonance such that you don't have to pay for the current that goes trough the load. This circuit drives the coil into resonance using a different technique, but you still have the load current going *outside* of your driving circuitry!!!!!

                        And while it looks at first sight that it may be less efficient in terms of COP, as long as the COP is well above 1, who cares???

                        I found a very interesting circuit over here:
                        Canary, electronic Doorbell, Singing Canary

                        This actually comes very close to the schematic schown in the above YT video. Just remove C1 and you have the same circuit in principle, except for the secondary where the loudspeaker is connected to and the loads.

                        The oscillation is determined by the transformer as well as C4, where C3 is just the feedback loop to steer your transistor with. The interesting detail with this circuit is that the power supply is attached to the central connection of the transformer. Since the upper and lower half of the primary is one coil, the current going trough the coil is equal in the upper and the lower half of the primary. So, virtually all current going trough the coil has only one place to go: C4 and thus cannot reach the power supply and therefore no killing of the dipole.

                        So, IMHO this is a very interesting circuit to play with. If you leave C1 out, you should be able to grab more power out of the secondary then you need to put in in order to keep the oscillation going. If the theories collected in my article are correct, of course.


                        • Don't agree

                          Hi Lamare, I am sorry but I have to respectfully disagree with your analysis of this circuit. I don't know of any law or rule of electronics that says the current through the top half of the transformer winding has to equal the current through the bottom half of the winding. When Q1 turns on current will flow back to the source through Q1. The top half of that winding is no different than a separate winding that has one end tied to the end of the bottom winding. The current through the top half will be determined by the load on that half just the same as any other transformer winding.

                          Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                          • Originally posted by citfta View Post
                            Hi Lamare, I am sorry but I have to respectfully disagree with your analysis of this circuit. I don't know of any law or rule of electronics that says the current through the top half of the transformer winding has to equal the current through the bottom half of the winding. When Q1 turns on current will flow back to the source through Q1. The top half of that winding is no different than a separate winding that has one end tied to the end of the bottom winding. The current through the top half will be determined by the load on that half just the same as any other transformer winding.

                            Well, one thing is sure: you're absolutely right about this in the case of low frequencies and DC. I mixed things up

                            Still, the coils are inductively coupled, so the magnetic flux inside is more or less equal. So, under certain conditions the currents going trough the coils are also equal and therefore it should be possible to make use of this. However, I have to give this more thought, that's for sure. With the canary circuit, you also get a problem with the DC component cause by the bias of the transistor.

                            So, I still think this is an interesting circuit to play with, together with this TROS circuit. And there are more interesting similar circuits to check out and study:


                            Points to this video also:
                            YouTube - Free Energy - Power Generator
                            Last edited by lamare; 10-21-2010, 07:56 PM.


                            • Gents
                              More for the library!
                              This could actually be a "monster"!
                              post 1445

                              Last edited by RAMSET; 10-21-2010, 09:02 PM.
                              If you want to Change the world
                              BE that change !!


                              • ran across this searching coils. They where talking about ether waves.
                                and with the coils and tubes looked different. The box with the tubes sticking out
                                and coils made me think Tesla.
                                Construction of Keppinger Design Vacuum Tube Style Theremin.


