Hello folks!
I made one so called fuelless engine this morning, and this spiral coil
gives me over 2000 V, i can not measure with my instruments over
2000 V, so i dont know indeed what is exact V on the stage, i power
this coil just with ordinary 12 V battery...NOw, how to use these voltage ?
Anyone made that stuff before me ? Any suggestions ? I dont have much
experience with HV, so i am in trouble, a feel like guy who found some
dangerous weapon and now dont know what to do with that
And there is one other dangerous thing : rotor is spinning like hell ...
I made one so called fuelless engine this morning, and this spiral coil
gives me over 2000 V, i can not measure with my instruments over
2000 V, so i dont know indeed what is exact V on the stage, i power
this coil just with ordinary 12 V battery...NOw, how to use these voltage ?
Anyone made that stuff before me ? Any suggestions ? I dont have much
experience with HV, so i am in trouble, a feel like guy who found some
dangerous weapon and now dont know what to do with that

And there is one other dangerous thing : rotor is spinning like hell ...