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The Vibreedo Coil

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  • #16
    The output spikes in waves could be converted with some circuitry for lighting, it seems that your arrangement would be excelent for experimenting with, being so simple. I am a simple man with simple needs, most of my understanding and realisations come while i'm actually building things.

    I'll place an order for the required reeds and magnets. And read your posts again I must have missed somthing else.


    • #17
      Originally posted by gmeast View Post
      Now this is simple too ... but I'm not so sure you would want to take away the power flow through the spark gap at the reed switch. I think the spark gap is very important. I think Tesla would agree with the 'special' effects of a spark gap. Wouldn't it be interesting to see if Tesla's innovations would have taken a different path if solid state devices existed in his time ?

      I vote to keep the spark gap.
      Tesla switch is simply state of the art that may even beat the best solid state today.

      The problem with spark gap are it waste power and limit the current. Spark is waste, a good switch do not produce spark. spark also reduce signal sharpness because spark still let the current to flow.

      Curent have to be limited to prevent melted contact point. Melted contact reduce reliability.

      Tesla use a switch that do not produce spark, reach 1 MHz and can run with high current.

      Transistor will allow the coil to use more current and hope fully still retain some of mechanical switching sharpness. I think transistor driven by mechanical produce much better spike than by solid state.

      If we need 350mA output, then we may need 6 vibreedo coil. With the help of transistor, we may just need one.

      Originally posted by Ecoman11 View Post
      For charging batteries the negative of the charging battery must go to the negative of the power source which mixes the conventional energy with the radiant spikes. The input and output is equal at 12V. I also noticed a more robust sound out of the coil get a sense that there is less load on the reed switch which will make it even more efficient.
      I prefer cap isolated FWBR to do that. It mix radiant and conventional too and I achieve similar COP to your higher output. 1 Amp input to produce 500mA output at charged battery.

      On your approach, there is possibility that the battery receive more conventional than radiant, or the other way. The battery only receive radiant plus conventional every some milisecond and then receive full DC charging the rest of the time. By using cap oscillated FWBR, conventional being pulsed at the same rate as radiant.
      Last edited by sucahyo; 11-02-2010, 06:55 AM.


      • #18
        vibreedo energy

        A while back I thought up the following method by which a
        coil motor, in this case one by Joseph Newman, might be
        rapidly pulsed in order to achieve a greater return than
        one might get otherwise. It was posted to the All About
        Circuits forum on a different website and the discussion
        was immediately closed by a moderator.

        I now see that having it wired as so would perhaps not
        be so good, returning the bEMF into the same battery that
        is powering the load. A modified version would no doubt
        perform better with the addition of a storage battery.


        • #19
          Won't work

          Hi geotron,

          I'm sorry but that circuit won't work the way you think it will. I don't know what the purpose is to add pulses to the motor drive power, but your charging circuit will only charge the cap with no way for the cap to discharge into the supply battery or even another battery. You have a blocking diode on one side of the cap and a zener on the other side. How did you think the cap could do anything? There is no way for the cap to discharge back into anything else. I think you need to do a little more study until you understand how circuits work.

          Good luck, Carroll
          Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


          • #20
            Here is a scope shot of the coil resonating. The probe is across connections 1 & 2. If you're experienced with waveforms please drop a comment with your analysis.

            YouTube - Negative Impulses 2



            • #21
              Hi Ecoman11, I'm not experienced with waveforms, I wanted to ask though does your scope tell you the frequency and voltage of those spikes ? Hopefully someone with some better insight than me will answer you. It looks to be fairly high. I would use it for a while to repededly charge a battery and see how it goes. It may well produce some effects not immediately noticable.

              I was also wondering is there nothing else to do the switching except for a reed switch ? I am currently unable to think of another way but there must be one.



              • #22
                re: won't work

                Hi citfta,

                The idea of using that configuration is not my own. While
                studying the operation of the N-Pole Motor, nievesoliveras
                had this to say.

                It would follow that the same thing would work as well for one
                as the other. Harvesting the bEMF current by pooling it into the
                capacitor, then once at the breakdown voltage it should be
                substantial enough to overcome the potential of the battery.

                The diagram of the N-Pole Motor by John Bedini includes a
                secondary recovery mechanism with bridge rectifier and capacitor,
                viewable here. Perhaps there is some way to integrate his
                method into this new Vibreedo device.


                • #23
                  Still won't work

                  Hi Geotron,

                  I'm sorry but the other person doesn't understand capacitors either. Let me try to explain it better. The diode on the right side will allow the spikes to charge up the capacitor if the spikes are high enough to overcome the breakdown voltage of the zener diode on the left side. When the cap gets charged the right side of the cap will be positively charged and the left side of the cap will be negatively charged. In order for the cap to discharge the neg side and pos. sides have to be connected somehow through the circuit. The diode on the right allowed the cap to be charged but it will now prevent the cap from discharging. What is going to happen is the cap will eventually charge to the highest voltage of the spikes and just sit there unless you come up with a way for it to discharge. There is also another problem with your circuit. The transistor should be on the low side of the coil not on the high side. I hope this helps you understand better.


                  PS I just looked at the circuit again and realized the zener is connected in the forward direction so it really isn't going to have much effect at all except to help keep the cap from discharging which it can't do anyway as explained above.
                  Last edited by citfta; 11-05-2010, 12:21 PM.
                  Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                  • #24
                    Vibreedo Coil Load Test #1

                    Here's a video of some load tests I did tonight. This setup is with 1 primary coil and a small vibreedo coil. The primary coil I designed (spiral core wound with around 13,000 turns) produces some interesting results. There are two types of pulsing happening; one is the vibreedo coil (spray or noise sound) and the other is a .25-1sec interval pause which is caused by the primary spiral coil. I believe that the smaller wound cores (spring wire) wrapped around the main steel core are canceling each other out or the smaller cores are slicing the field lines in the main core. This could be an explanation as to why Bedini gets better results from his twisted wire coils. There's something happening here.

                    YouTube - Vibreedo Coil Load Test #1

                    Last edited by Ecoman11; 11-07-2010, 04:28 AM.


                    • #25
                      For Geotron

                      Hi again Geotron,

                      I finally got a little time to work on a circuit that should do what you want to do if I understand what you are trying to do. I think you want to add some extra pulses to a Newman motor in order to increase the amount of back charging to the supply battery. The following circuit should do that if you drive the transistor with a frequency generator or a 555 timer circuit. You will need to adjust the frequency for best recovery charge and also the size of the capacitor. The diode on the right side of the cap will allow the cap to charge and when the cap voltage equals the battery voltage plus the zener voltage then the zener will conduct and dump the cap charge to the battery. You will want the zener to be at least a couple of volts and probably 5 watts or larger. If your cap is too large it will blow the zener when the zener starts conducting so start out small on the cap, maybe 100 uf or so. Let me know if you have any problems getting this to work. You had a good idea, you just didn't have a circuit that would do what you wanted it to do.

                      Good luck, Carroll
                      Last edited by citfta; 10-06-2015, 09:14 PM.
                      Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                      • #26
                        Vibreedo Coil/Bedini Add-On

                        Here is the configuration for using a Vibreedo coil with a Bedini SSG. This will add more radiant output utilizing the power generated from the trigger coil. It will light 110V neons brightly with only a 10-20mAh draw increase.



                        • #27
                          with absolutely no offense intended...
                          "Wouldn't it be interesting to see if Tesla's innovations would have taken a different path if solid state devices existed in his time ?"

                          wouldn't it be interesting if we could play with some of these circuits with some of the antiquated electronics Tesla and others' had/used?

                          Some of the precious metals they used could buy a roomful of transistors at today's prices and some of the large encapsulments and heavy casings provided ever randomly thermal changing characteristics (and not just overheating) that our new tiny circuits possibly cannot replicate.

                          Just a thought
                          Alberta is under attack...

                          Has anyone seen my Bedini Ceiling Fan that pushes the warm air down, and charges batteries as an added bonus? Me neither. 'Bout time I made one!!!!! :P

