crackahcrackah your spot as far as I can tell, have you noticed how water can flow around a pipe and along it when a jet or spay of water is directed at it, the higher the pressure of the water source the further it will go before dripping off, try it wth a horozontal piece of pipe and a hose.
The power of a concentrated directed steam of swirling water is awesome for example ( steel cut by water cutter ) Water jet cutter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lots of insight to be gleaned from water, the swirly vortexy thingy when you pull the plug from the sink is very interesting.
Something else I found today slightly related to our studies kinda , Scientists claim breakthrough in Big Bang
That is hilarious, thats like saying, today I picked a "Anti Pumpkin" it dissapeared really quick, but I got a fuzzy photo of it.
Well it would be funny if it didn't cost a couple of sqillion dollars.
Cheers all
The power of a concentrated directed steam of swirling water is awesome for example ( steel cut by water cutter ) Water jet cutter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lots of insight to be gleaned from water, the swirly vortexy thingy when you pull the plug from the sink is very interesting.

Something else I found today slightly related to our studies kinda , Scientists claim breakthrough in Big Bang
That is hilarious, thats like saying, today I picked a "Anti Pumpkin" it dissapeared really quick, but I got a fuzzy photo of it.

Well it would be funny if it didn't cost a couple of sqillion dollars.

Cheers all