Nice progress everyone
BTW, David Lowrance share this:
On other occasion, David Lowrance mention that with a correct wave, we can get 5Mhz resonance fromt he coil, in the shape of sine wave. That really remind me of 7imix sinewave.
He also mentioned the importance of finding the correct wire length and diameter.
I post more if interested. T-Field refer to radiant.

BTW, David Lowrance share this:
I have been formulating a method to determine if generating a higher current is possible. Comparing the 90 degree phase shifts of normal copper medium and the three field effects. We know that someone has done it, but likely they do not even understand why it works.
The TPU, experiments I did in past times were always pointed at producing over voltages, and we ended up blowing up some copper in precise patterns of platonic vibration.
It hit me this is not the correct approach. There were two things I was never able to accomplish.
1 - to feel a vibration of rotation in the copper - rotating mass vibration
2 - to generate over currents rather then over voltages
If you cut say two wires of 1 - meter. Wind 1/2 meter into a small coil, there are now two different ways to pass one end through the center, or even make a few wraps through the center. It depends on which end of the coil you pass through the center, or which direction you turn the free end around the first coil.
It is confusing to consider all the theory, and probably faster to just try it.
1 - In the first case, I have had many copper coils begin to vibrate a winding in the audio range, where I could hear and even see a winding trying to move. If one has two coils at 90 degrees phased properly wired in series, it may be possible to have a wire loop try to go into a rotation type of vibration, rather then only a back and forth vibration. This experiment is aimed at creating a field that generates a physical force moving in a circle, either CW or CCW with respect to the EM field. However the criticle parameter for this to happen is not voltage or curent or waveform, it is wire ratio of diameter to length, as discovered with tube cutting.
2 - In the second case, where the goal is to release the countering force between electron and proton spin directions, to reduce or remove induction losses, and create the monster magnetic field bubble, the goal is more to cancel the voltage, rather then make it larger. We would have chosen the wrong loop direction for the 90 degree coils, not realizing the higher voltage does not represent more energy out.
When a voltage hits a piece of wire suddenly with fast rise time, there is a shock wave that travels the radius of the wire moving outwards from center. If the length of the wire is a perfect harmonic multiple, there will then be standing waves on the wire of T field that do not move at all. 2D waves at 90 degrees that couple energy. Just like with tube devices.
If this distance is shortened very slightly, wire trimmed, there will then be a T field stream moving one direction along the wire, at the same time it is a standing resonance on the radius of the wire. If this distance is lengthened slightly the T field waves will reverse direction and flow the other way.
Our mistake in this, was to make the waves stationary, and thus the energy blew outwards exploding the wires rather then shooting down the wires or spining along them to generate the vibrational rotational field of the TPU.
Now where one has figured out how to get the T field waves moving along the wires during EM pulsing, one direction [wire geometry], next is to see how this effects the voltages and currents with respect to polarity and EM frequency. Does the T field wave support the power output or does it reduce it?
There is only one frequency where the wire diameter will physically resonate, and on the wire I was using it was near 5 Mhz. At this frequency the wire went into a self supporting ringing wave function after a very short EM spike hit it. Square wave with low duty cycle, atround 5khz produces this 5Mhz ringing wave. The length of wire was then found by trimming, to make this voltage larger, rather then to make the waves go slightly off frequency and start to move along the wires in one direction. I was trimming for standing nodes, rather then moving nodes. My result was a platonic explosion of the wire outwards.
I have been formulating a method to determine if generating a higher current is possible. Comparing the 90 degree phase shifts of normal copper medium and the three field effects. We know that someone has done it, but likely they do not even understand why it works.
The TPU, experiments I did in past times were always pointed at producing over voltages, and we ended up blowing up some copper in precise patterns of platonic vibration.
It hit me this is not the correct approach. There were two things I was never able to accomplish.
1 - to feel a vibration of rotation in the copper - rotating mass vibration
2 - to generate over currents rather then over voltages
If you cut say two wires of 1 - meter. Wind 1/2 meter into a small coil, there are now two different ways to pass one end through the center, or even make a few wraps through the center. It depends on which end of the coil you pass through the center, or which direction you turn the free end around the first coil.
It is confusing to consider all the theory, and probably faster to just try it.
1 - In the first case, I have had many copper coils begin to vibrate a winding in the audio range, where I could hear and even see a winding trying to move. If one has two coils at 90 degrees phased properly wired in series, it may be possible to have a wire loop try to go into a rotation type of vibration, rather then only a back and forth vibration. This experiment is aimed at creating a field that generates a physical force moving in a circle, either CW or CCW with respect to the EM field. However the criticle parameter for this to happen is not voltage or curent or waveform, it is wire ratio of diameter to length, as discovered with tube cutting.
2 - In the second case, where the goal is to release the countering force between electron and proton spin directions, to reduce or remove induction losses, and create the monster magnetic field bubble, the goal is more to cancel the voltage, rather then make it larger. We would have chosen the wrong loop direction for the 90 degree coils, not realizing the higher voltage does not represent more energy out.
When a voltage hits a piece of wire suddenly with fast rise time, there is a shock wave that travels the radius of the wire moving outwards from center. If the length of the wire is a perfect harmonic multiple, there will then be standing waves on the wire of T field that do not move at all. 2D waves at 90 degrees that couple energy. Just like with tube devices.
If this distance is shortened very slightly, wire trimmed, there will then be a T field stream moving one direction along the wire, at the same time it is a standing resonance on the radius of the wire. If this distance is lengthened slightly the T field waves will reverse direction and flow the other way.
Our mistake in this, was to make the waves stationary, and thus the energy blew outwards exploding the wires rather then shooting down the wires or spining along them to generate the vibrational rotational field of the TPU.
Now where one has figured out how to get the T field waves moving along the wires during EM pulsing, one direction [wire geometry], next is to see how this effects the voltages and currents with respect to polarity and EM frequency. Does the T field wave support the power output or does it reduce it?
There is only one frequency where the wire diameter will physically resonate, and on the wire I was using it was near 5 Mhz. At this frequency the wire went into a self supporting ringing wave function after a very short EM spike hit it. Square wave with low duty cycle, atround 5khz produces this 5Mhz ringing wave. The length of wire was then found by trimming, to make this voltage larger, rather then to make the waves go slightly off frequency and start to move along the wires in one direction. I was trimming for standing nodes, rather then moving nodes. My result was a platonic explosion of the wire outwards.
If you wrap two coils on a rubber ball, like a transformer, send a square wave through into the first, and extract from the second, a sine wave comes out the second coil. This wave is following the current of the first coil, the magnetic field, and the current is a lagging delayed wave.
If you wrap a third coil on the ball at 90 degrees to the other two, now see what comes out of this coil, it may make more sense. You will see every fast transition with perfect clarity.
Now if you series, the two output coils you will get the same wave out as is going into the first coil, perfectly wave shapped any way you desire, with total frequency through put. This is if you get the two wired in series with proper phasing,
The 90 degree coil, responds to something other then lagging current in the primary coil, or magnetic field that rises from this current, but it happens with no phase delay.
Between the two 90 degree coils energy can pass much faster then on the ordinary aligned coils.
On this 90 degree coil is where we have the possibility of nearly infinite voltages appearing, but I believe as they appear, they are ordered into a platonic vibrational pattern, spaced equidistantly down the wire. This weird instant voltage, is being created from a T field, like in a joe Cells tubes, best guess.
In the TPU, the 90 degree coil system is connected to the large wire loops. This is no secret. What was never offered was how the two interact to frequency, and the significants of the large loop exploding on equal spaced nodal points, showing the direct evidence of a Vibratonal field present.
If you wrap a third coil on the ball at 90 degrees to the other two, now see what comes out of this coil, it may make more sense. You will see every fast transition with perfect clarity.
Now if you series, the two output coils you will get the same wave out as is going into the first coil, perfectly wave shapped any way you desire, with total frequency through put. This is if you get the two wired in series with proper phasing,
The 90 degree coil, responds to something other then lagging current in the primary coil, or magnetic field that rises from this current, but it happens with no phase delay.
Between the two 90 degree coils energy can pass much faster then on the ordinary aligned coils.
On this 90 degree coil is where we have the possibility of nearly infinite voltages appearing, but I believe as they appear, they are ordered into a platonic vibrational pattern, spaced equidistantly down the wire. This weird instant voltage, is being created from a T field, like in a joe Cells tubes, best guess.
In the TPU, the 90 degree coil system is connected to the large wire loops. This is no secret. What was never offered was how the two interact to frequency, and the significants of the large loop exploding on equal spaced nodal points, showing the direct evidence of a Vibratonal field present.
I post more if interested. T-Field refer to radiant.