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  • Oh well I see, isn't that an uncanny co-incedence.

    I watched a video from a post in the first link you gave sucahyo, that is kinda what I thought would happen with the drawing i see in the Nicola Tesla document. It seems it could get wild, hang on to your hats guys. If its done different it could work differt to that too. I think. Hmmm what to say, I don't quite understand what theory they put forward for the result they get, I havn't had time to read about that yet.

    Thanks sucahyo, you seem to know everything. Thats good info.


    • Umm what does TPU stand for or mean ? I can't work that out.

      Toroidal Power Unit, Yes I suppose that would be one way to describe it.

      I'm not sure if I want to pre influence my thoughts by reading any more about that. I think I can see what would happen well enough, I would rather understand it the hard way.

      They've done very well. By the looks of it.
      Last edited by Farmhand; 11-11-2010, 06:01 AM.


      • Originally posted by gmeast View Post
        Are you referring to electrolysis in the paragraph above or what we're doing here? I'm still not sure if we don't want to pulse a single coil wound on a toroid.
        The quote is from Bob Boyce. image is from electrolysis application.

        Wound on different angle seems prefered for better control.

        Originally posted by gmeast View Post
        Well, you know what? I would die with a smile on my face knowing that the local or near field can REALLY be tapped.
        well, some people willling to get sick only to find they fail to achieve OU. I hope we don't have to risk our live to achieve it.


        • Well I don't know what to say is there a theory behind the operating principal of this TPU? Do they know how it works ? They should be able to explain how it works and what it does if it's been used for a while.

          I can't find a theory of operating principal.

          Seems to me it would be hard to know what is dangerous if you don't know for sure how it works or what it does.
          Last edited by Farmhand; 11-11-2010, 06:27 AM.


          • Originally posted by gmeast View Post
            YES ... "Ahh chapter 23" ! !

            So, its REALLY the "Tesla Toroid", NOT the 'Boyce Toroid' .... hummmmm

            Terminology: I think Tesla's secondary = Boyce primary as well as primary = secondary, etc. I also recognize the quadrature architecture in Tesla ... but the Boyce is the Tesla, effectively.

            Look at the description and it says the secondaries can be hooked up any which way depending on function:

            "The induced coils are connected together in any desired manner":
            ... found chapter XXIII on page p 128 of the pdf.

            Oh well
            The set up and the phenomenon are all part of what Tesla discovered and refined. Boyce claims to have inadvertently discovered the phenomenon, but for at least the past 2 years, when he was posting on some forums, I had through reading and studying alone, learned that what he was doing, and what Stan Meyers was doing, were all related DIRECTLY to this effect Tesla nailed down.

            Boyce has put a decent bit of info out there, but I honestly think some of it he had to admit to as I was heavily pushing people to understand that this was what Tesla was doing and that if they studied Tesla's work they didn't have to go begging for the "secrets" to what Boyce was doing. I'm some what undecided with regards to Boyce and openness. There's a distinct possibility that he figured it out from studying Stan Meyers. And Stan Meyers, I'm pretty darn sure, did independently discover this effect. In fact, I don't doubt that there's been a number who have discovered the effect, but the number who study it, and learn how to manipulate factors influencing it, are probably smaller.

            You have an accurate appraisal of the primary and secondaries one Boyce's toroid.

            Boyce has created a modification of the effect that Tesla found, at least the claim is there, but unfortunately it does require more complexity. I would honestly focus more on Tesla's work to see what he was doing first, then examine what can be found about Boyce's work that differs. I haven't had enough bench time myself, but I am interested in the differences between the air-coil, as Tesla tended to design things, vs the powdered core that Boyce uses.

            I haven't studied Stan Meyers work enough to comment on it, other than to say that the circuit itself is designed with the same basic components that Tesla used.

            I'm happy to see that you're checking this out and that you are obviously quite skilled with studying circuits.

            Sorry we got off on the wrong foot earlier, but I've been trying my damnedest to get people to home in on this aspect of Tesla's work.


            • Yes it appears there may have been some past miss-understandings in this area.

              No matter.
              crackahcrackah Thank you for posting that document link.
              Last edited by Farmhand; 11-11-2010, 07:02 AM.


              • I couldn't think of what else to do so I watch this,

                YouTube - OFFICIAL Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole

                And I listen to the words.


                • That song always makes me feel better. Very uplifting.

                  So anyone else check out the TPU looks like it works.


                  • Hi my brother in arms !
                    I will answer to your posts in a few hours, i just have to use my
                    last croatian autumn sunny hours to do some things...
                    In the meanwhile listen this beautiful song...It could be our anthem :
                    YouTube - Sarah Connor - The Impossible Dream
                    But, do not forget : our dream is possible !!!
                    Farmhand, i like your rainbow song too !
                    We ll reach that rainbow, i promise you !
                    "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


                    • pulses

                      Originally posted by crackahcrackah View Post
                      The set up and the phenomenon are all part of what Tesla discovered and refined. Boyce claims to have inadvertently discovered the phenomenon, but for at least the past 2 years, when he was posting on some forums, I had through reading and studying alone, learned that what he was doing, and what Stan Meyers was doing, were all related DIRECTLY to this effect Tesla nailed down.

                      .................................................. ...............................
                      .................................................. ...............................
                      I'm happy to see that you're checking this out and that you are obviously quite skilled with studying circuits.

                      Sorry we got off on the wrong foot earlier, but I've been trying my damnedest to get people to home in on this aspect of Tesla's work.
                      Hey, no problem man. I took an early interest in the TPU, but it seem clouded somehow. I've got only one video of him (Steve Marks) where his head/face is showing and plus, verifiable information is scarce to say nothing of PesWiki unflattering review of Marks by his associate (whatshisname).

                      Amazingly, I only recently took an interest in Tesla. In Ch XXIII, his toroidal (converter) and polyphase work shows the common thread running throughout many of his creations, I think I see, in Fig 94, are those nine (9) spark gaps (or are those symbols for something else ?) bottom-center and bottom-right ?

                      Anyway, there are many instances where he shows multiple spark gaps ... sometimes in series and sometimes in parallel. The beauty of the spark gap is that IT is ITS OWN pulsing circuit that can ALSO CARRY POWER. So when there are multiple (freely running) spark gaps, then each must have a slight phase variance with its neighbor. On occasion there must be huge resonances that must add and smack hard the near, local, zero-point, (whatever) field(s).

                      Based on this, should we be pulsing multiple windings on a (choice) toroid using UNsynchronized free-running oscillators ? ... this is easier to do than 'synching' several circuits to some cadence like 1-2-3, 3-1-2, 2-3-1, 1-2-1, etc... and should we have a primary (secondary-teminology), (other winding) to 'potentially' do something with and should that be providing 'gain' and if so, how much?

                      Though I admit that my interest in Tesla is mostly recent, I did take note, early on (years ago), of the presence and use of 'his' spark gap. So on occasion I have endeavored to come up with some sort of 'unoffensive' Spark Gap as a research tool. Now, that quest seem to have some legitimacy. However, it seems that there is actually no such thing as an 'unoffensive' spark gap and in fact it appears that you must 'offend the gods' somewhat in order to coax the near field into giving up some of its energy.


                      • Originally posted by gmeast View Post
                        Though I admit that my interest in Tesla is mostly recent, I did take note, early on (years ago), of the presence and use of 'his' spark gap. So on occasion I have endeavored to come up with some sort of 'unoffensive' Spark Gap as a research tool. Now, that quest seem to have some legitimacy. However, it seems that there is actually no such thing as an 'unoffensive' spark gap and in fact it appears that you must 'offend the gods' somewhat in order to coax the near field into giving up some of its energy.
                        What do you mean by unoffensive spark gap? A gap that does not produce light and sound as waste byproducts? There is such a thing as an unoffensive spark gap if this is what you mean -- vacuum tubes. There are tubes which were made specifically to be spark gaps, and a small fluorescent bulb will also work, as well as a dead lightbulb. Each of these can allow a spark gap with less sound and light as a byproduct. They aren't, however, adjustable.

                        For an adjustable spark gap, a multiple spark gap will probably help. Here's an example of a multiple spark gap I built.


                        • Well, i came back here to relax my minds from people that should be in
                          mental institution and not walk free among others (and majority of
                          those others should be also in mental institution)...Or maybe the only
                          one that shoul be in mental institution is ME ?...Could be !
                          Hm, One flew over the cuckoos nest is not by accident one of my the most loveable films of all times...The end...
                          Ok, let see what we have to say about electronics stuffs :
                          Gmeast, thank you for your answers
                          Maybe you could only suggest me some transistors and mosfets by tips:::
                          Farmhand, yes, i tried toroids with stingo, what exactly do you want to
                          know about that ?
                          Now, i am going to attach one Sucahyos circuit that Sucahyo said (if i
                          understood him well) that could be effective same as this one with
                          What do you think about ?
                          But whatever you think this night i am going to dedicate to this stuff...
                          And one more thing...I made accurate measuring on my stingo and
                          now i have precise result : on the imput 23 mA
                          on the output 20 mA
                          NOw, what do you think, can i jump across this difference of 3 mA
                          by the help of 100 uF and 80 V on the output comparing 12 V on the
                          imput in order to achieve OU ?
                          "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


                          • Circuit

                            Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
                            Forgot to attach...
                            Hi cikljamas what does this circuit do self runner?


                            • I must say I am very honored to be in the presence of so many open minded people who still possess that fundamental trait of learning "curiosity".

                              I decided I would read no more of the TPU yesterday, and attended to other more domestic matters. I don't know how much longer my modem will hold out. After making my last post yesterday in this thread I had trouble with my computer interfacing the net. Not sure why. Maybe some problems from my provider. Seems ok now. I'm going to take it easy on my modem today to see how it goes.

                              It does appear as though we could be on a winner, I feel certain that if we work together. WE can solve this riddle. It's very hard to know whats disinfo and what is not. There has been a lot of time to blur and smudge things. I hope that by doing the hard yards to understand we can make the best of Nikola's gifts to us all.

                              Anyway I don't like to feel angry but anger has it's roots in injustice more than anywhere else I believe. C'est la vie. I'll be very busy today but will try to find the time for more research, after attending the chore's that i've neglected of late. I will be smiling. And dreaming.


