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  • #31
    Originally posted by gmeast View Post
    Ok, you've presented your lecture. Now I simply asked for some direction to some resources. I'm not going to read and absorb all of Tesla's work so I can dive into this ... that would take years. I already have a working knowledge of some of Tesla's basics. And by the way Bearden hasn't been successful at commercializing squat, and I'm certain Bedini still pays an electric bill.
    You're following up what I've said with logical non sequiturs. Where did I tell you that you need to read ALL of Tesla's work? I directed you to a subset of his work but apparently even that is more than you are willing to expend time and energy on. Commercialization of a thing is not proof that a thing can be done. Tesla didn't commercialize any of his high frequency work, does that mean his claims are false? Or do his demonstrations to multiple electrical societies suffice as evidence of his claim? In fact, there have been successful commercializations of things which don't do as claimed. Cigarettes were heavily marketed during a period, decades ago, when doctors were claiming they were good for you.

    Originally posted by gmeast View Post
    You said:

    "Really, there's no other conclusion that can be drawn other than that people want a fully working circuit handed to them. While some of us may have that in mind, we may not have the means to get there ..."
    Well I do. So stop your preaching and be helpful why don't you ? As usual there is some silver tongued, articulate jerk that wants to scold everyone just so they can read their own posts. You accomplish NOTHING.
    Of course you do, that's why you're intentionally distorting what I said you should look at regarding Tesla's work. As far as directing you to what literature is relevant to this topic, in order for you to learn, and help the group effort, perhaps I have failed. But for every lazy, petulant individual who wants a final product handed to them, there's a few who will read what I've posted, and they will take the time to go read specifically what was recommended as they put forth the effort to replicate Tesla's work.

    Originally posted by gmeast View Post
    On second thought I'll talk to Aaron about starting a new, moderated discussion for this topic. That way I don't have to listen to any more lectures by someone that admittedly "...may not have the means to get there ...". I have no damned time for armchair experts, and it sounds like you're one of them. People like you talk and preach but contribute NOTHING to these efforts. Go write a book.

    This was fun ... short and not so sweet.

    Later ...
    Then go talk to him. What's the function of telling the forum your plans, other than to continue engaging in a frustration response? And again, you misconstrue my comment. I've actually built a device replicating the effect. So I am not merely running my yap. I even cited N. Zaev's paper on the phenomenon (it's a single paper), which would permit you to have a better idea of what Tesla was doing. When I mentioned that some may not have the means, I specifically meant that some, will not have the intellectual capacity to comprehend what needs to be done, and some may not be able to physically do what needs to be done. I'm physically disabled, so I don't get to do much work on these projects, at least not as much as I would like. But I have taken the time to study the issues, so when I do get to work, I know what I need to do, and I work towards those ends.

    If you merely want to sit back and wait for some one else to hand you a working device, that produces the effects Tesla wrote extensively about, then why torture yourself by coming to a forum where people are working through the process?

    Why not just wait for it to be commercialized and handed to you as you indicated you would desire?


    • #32
      Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
      Maybe i am stupid, maybe i just do not understand english so well,
      but whatever it is i would be greatfull if someone explain me what
      do these words means ???
      Some people are lazy and demanding, while others stay busy and are giving.

      Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
      Does this mean that Bob is got killed by people in black because he
      provided everyone with every thing ? If it doesnt, then i do not understand
      these words too...
      Bob has not been killed but he has suffered due to being too open initially with his work. There are degrees of harassment that one can be subjected to.

      Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
      Well, i am not lazy to spend time reading about what Tesla did, but it
      would be very,VERY nice if you was so kind and give us just a little bit
      of your cake that you already made, because Tesla died long time ago
      and you are still live, if you know what i mean...
      Tesla describes in his high frequency patents the effect seen in the battery charging videos. 1) Take a source of current that generally flows in one direction. 2) pass it through an inductor. 3) then pass it to the disruptive discharge portion of the circuit, which will make and break the circuit. 4) As the circuit is made and broken, massive spikes will be had from the inductor. 5) These spikes can be then utilized in a few various manners. Tesla passed these spikes through filtering capacitors, which resulted largely in isolated longitudinal waves. Tesla would pass them through a primary which agitated electrical currents in his secondaries. These waves could be used to perform a subset of the types of work possible. Bob's circuit is similar but he shunts the spike back to the battery with a diode. It's similar to what Bedini does.

      I haven't seen any of the modern circuits creating this phenomenon performing functions that Tesla demonstrated in front of multiple audiences, primarily lighting bulbs. I think for that level of results people must stick to Tesla's high frequency patents and lectures. That is, for those who intend on doing work , rather than impatiently demanding that others, who are in the experimental stages, hand them a full blown final "product".

      There's many MANY links on this site to Tesla's lectures on high frequency current. I have a book which is in pdf form titled: "The inventions, Researches, and writings of Nikola Tesla". It has 3 of his lectures on high frequency currents, and it has commentary upon these lectures. I recommend googling for it as I can't remember where I got it. If you can't locate it, PM me and I'll try to send you a copy when I get the chance.

      Yes, you forgot to say Read TEslas high frequency work [/QUOTE]


      • #33
        Hi all, The Practical Guide to Free Energy Devices, Chapter 5 Energy tapping systems Bobs Toroid, it shows how its wound and a box drawing of a system and other things, for those interested.

        I want to be clear I don't want to detract from watkykjy's work or his posting of the video's, it's very promising, we can do it. It is true we all must do our part. No one can do it alone nor should they have to.

        While i'm not able to do anything as high tech as in the vid myself, i'm sure others can and will.

        I won't be holding back, if I find Mr "OU" anywhere around my stuff i'll catch him and parade him in public for all to see, as unlikely as that is I still watch for him.

        I'm off to read Tesla's high frequency work.

        Cheers all


        • #34
          blah blalj blah

          Originally posted by crackahcrackah View Post
          .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .......................
          If you merely want to sit back and wait for some one else to hand you a working device, that produces the effects Tesla wrote extensively about, then why torture yourself by coming to a forum where people are working through the process?

          Why not just wait for it to be commercialized and handed to you as you indicated you would desire?

          Yep ... okie dokie ... that's it ... that's what I'm gonna do ... sit back and wait ... for Bedini, Bearden, Newman?, (the list goes on) and wait for Boyce to stop doing what EVERYONE OF THESE GUYS HAS DONE ... get everyone convinced that they HAVE IT but not REALLY tell the whole story or convey all of the details because of 'WHATEVER'.

          And here:
          "Unfortunately I cannot and will not say anything more on the subject due to previous suppression threats, so don't expect any more from me on this ..."

          Enough of this, I'm out of here !


          • #35
            Originally posted by gmeast View Post
            Yep ... okie dokie ... that's it ... that's what I'm gonna do ... sit back and wait ... for Bedini, Bearden, Newman?, (the list goes on) and wait for Boyce to stop doing what EVERYONE OF THESE GUYS HAS DONE ... get everyone convinced that they HAVE IT but not REALLY tell the whole story or convey all of the details because of 'WHATEVER'.

            And here:
            "Unfortunately I cannot and will not say anything more on the subject due to previous suppression threats, so don't expect any more from me on this ..."

            Enough of this, I'm out of here !
            It is frustrating to make devices (which are not bad at all), as i did a lot
            of them, and then find out that they just can not achieve what their authors
            claims that they can achieve...What is the point, what they try to accomplish
            by these lies ?...Just to attract our attention ? But lies dont last too long,
            and after that what remains ? Bitterness ! Why ?...It would be much easier
            if those guys just dont claimed such stupid affirmations, and just said : ok,
            here is what we offer to you, try to improve it, but we didnt achieve OU so far...But, on the other hand, what if lot of people could not replicate these
            stuffs so accurate and dont achieve OU just because of that reason ?...And
            it really could be to a some extent the reason for lot of misunderstandings
            but the main problem remanis, in my opinion, something that i just do not
            understand, and it got to be a mixture of lot of different things which are
            mostly connected with human nature (selfishness in the first place i think).
            Well, c est la vie, n est ce pas ?
            "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


            • #36
              Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
              It is frustrating to make devices (which are not bad at all), as i did a lot
              of them, and then find out that they just can not achieve what their authors
              claims that they can achieve...What is the point, what they try to accomplish
              by these lies ?...Just to attract our attention ?
              Often there are "flaws" in the devices or the plans.

              But even under the best of circumstances, making
              the device is perhaps only 10% of the effort.

              A far greater amount of time will need to be devoted
              to trying to understand what it does; then in "tweaking"
              it to make it do that. If it is possible.

              As "crackahcrackah" has aptly pointed out in his recent
              postings, we must do all that we can to acquire the
              "insights" which will ultimately lead to success.

              It would be very nice if it could be made easy. But,
              unfortunately, it cannot.


              • #37
                Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
                .................................................. ...........................................
                Well, c est la vie, n est ce pas ?
                So, I guess you're French?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by SeaMonkey View Post
                  .................................................. .................................................. ..............................................
                  As "crackahcrackah" has aptly pointed out in his recent
                  postings, we must do all that we can to acquire the
                  "insights" which will ultimately lead to success.
                  Fine, I'll go it alone without the lecture.


                  • #39
                    Hi all, I think this is the part of watkykjy's post that I am most interested in.

                    but if you take the time to REALLY study what bob is doing in his toroid, etc, then you will see that it can indeed go >100% effeciency, and that it's really worthwhile in terms of renewable energy.
                    I don't doubt it.
                    There's some more at the bottom of my first post in the thread below.

                    And again the video was impressive, the battery was raising it's own voltage and I believe it could have got to 13.8v and if it stayed there long enough it would be charged, not to mention the spikes would be very good for it.

                    What cikljamas says is true it is a strange thing this OU.

                    ...But on the other hand, if we are too sceptical it restrain
                    our minds instead of keep them opened and ready for things that i
                    believe already exists but for some reasons so difficulty comes to daylight.
                    Really strange matter...But i hope it is going to change very soon, to many
                    people are interested and work hard to that matter of concern,and what is
                    most important it is more and more obviously that OU devices are not just
                    achievable but already achieved...So...Our victory is coming for sure !


                    • #40
                      Some fuel on the fire!!

                      Child Rides EV Toy on Boyce Free Energy!
                      Bob Boyce Hex Controller
             child rides on free energy - Bing


                      • #41
                        Thanks Nvisser for these links !
                        Well, i got to quote something from first link :
                        Hi Sterling - you asked in today's free energy site about any healers who could help with Bob Boyce's aggressive cancer. I'm a healer, but I think this cancer needs tougher healing than I can provide.

                        But I am informed by my guides that this cancer is from a form of scalar weapon designed to knock out anyone who really challenges the status quo.[...]
                        And this too :
                        The exotic electrolysis community was shocked yesterday to learn that Bob Boyce has an aggressive terminal cancer. He may have acquired the cancer doing his research with this technology. [11/12 Correction: Bob says he doesn't think the cancer came from his research. There was something embedded in his skin that was transmitting at the site where the tumor first showed up. It was put there intentionally. He doesn't know how.]

                        Watkykjy1 told me "this exact same circuit can do much more than just charge batteries . . . it's dangerous."
                        What a heck it is all about, i am astonished, and confused...
                        There is obviously dilemma : cancer is consequence of his messing around
                        with this scalar raids or something like X FILES scenarios has happened
                        to him...What do you think ?
                        But whatever it is i am very, very sad knowing such a sad news !
                        God, help him !
                        "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


                        • #42
                          analog route

                          Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
                          Thanks Nvisser for these links !
                          Well, i got to quote something from first link :

                          And this too :

                          What a heck it is all about, i am astonished, and confused...
                          There is obviously dilemma : cancer is consequence of his messing around
                          with this scalar raids or something like X FILES scenarios has happened
                          to him...What do you think ?
                          But whatever it is i am very, very sad knowing such a sad news !
                          God, help him !
                          Well anything like this would make any compassionate person feel sad.

                          Anyway, I'm going the 'analog' route. This is why:

                          I'm an industrial automation programmer. I've written allot of RF-interfaced stuff. We use very simple OS's and compilers because there are few 'bells and whistles'. Though the hex circuit and its programing would not pose that much of a challenge, I do not want to learn a new piece of software, compiler, associated hardware nor the tricks needed to make it even run. Tesla never had Micros, solid state or anything else, but he was the high freq 'god' and knew everything about 'disruption' and 'cracking' the local field which he did that with the 'spark gap'.

                          According to info' Ive retrieved, the three frequencies have no specific phase or synch requirement or relationship to one another, so a breadboard of three Variable Frequency PWM circuits with their 'protection' or 'snubber' diodes bussed and fed back to the battery (minus) should be no more than 'Radio Shack Electronics'. At the same time, to synch all circuits to the lowest frequency or each to the successive lower frequency would be easy to do and interesting to observe ... plus this can be 'on the fly stuff', although code can be written to do this too, you would have to include some digitally controlled analog and digital switches. I'll post jpg's of what I do on my ftp. Check there now and then.

                          I just don't want to spend all of my time on the Micro and the code. It's very addicting stuff once you get started. As I'm sure many of you already know, getting sidetracked is easy to do.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by gmeast View Post

                            According to info' Ive retrieved, the three frequencies have no specific phase or synch requirement or relationship to one another, so a breadboard of three Variable Frequency PWM circuits with their 'protection' or 'snubber' diodes bussed and fed back to the battery (minus) should be no more than 'Radio Shack Electronics'. At the same time, to synch all circuits to the lowest frequency or each to the successive lower frequency would be easy to do and interesting to observe ... plus this can be 'on the fly stuff', although code can be written to do this too, you would have to include some digitally controlled analog and digital switches. I'll post jpg's of what I do on my ftp. Check there now and then.
                            It would be very nice if you elaborated this a little bit more or attach the
                            links or pdf which could be of great help to get closer sight to thing that
                            you are talking about with some precise and detailed practical info (how
                            to stuffs)...I ll be glad to see your jpgs too, of course !

                            Originally posted by gmeast View Post

                            I just don't want to spend all of my time on the Micro and the code. It's very addicting stuff once you get started. As I'm sure many of you already know, getting sidetracked is easy to do.
                            I believe you it is addicting, i bought few months ago book with cd about
                            pic hex programing but i still hesitate to read it because like other
                            programing it does not work like that, i mean if you want to read books
                            like that you have to start programing at the same time, and not just
                            that, you have to buy pic which price is about 150 $, etc...
                            Yes, getting sidetracked is easy, and i d like to stay on the road...
                            Well, if you like you can see my last try of staying on the analog road :
                            YouTube - one more step.avi
                            "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by gmeast View Post
                              Anyway, I'm going the 'analog' route. This is why:

                              I'm an industrial automation programmer. I've written allot of RF-interfaced stuff. We use very simple OS's and compilers because there are few 'bells and whistles'. Though the hex circuit and its programing would not pose that much of a challenge, I do not want to learn a new piece of software, compiler, associated hardware nor the tricks needed to make it even run. Tesla never had Micros, solid state or anything else, but he was the high freq 'god' and knew everything about 'disruption' and 'cracking' the local field which he did that with the 'spark gap'.

                              According to info' Ive retrieved, the three frequencies have no specific phase or synch requirement or relationship to one another, so a breadboard of three Variable Frequency PWM circuits with their 'protection' or 'snubber' diodes bussed and fed back to the battery (minus) should be no more than 'Radio Shack Electronics'. At the same time, to synch all circuits to the lowest frequency or each to the successive lower frequency would be easy to do and interesting to observe ... plus this can be 'on the fly stuff', although code can be written to do this too, you would have to include some digitally controlled analog and digital switches. I'll post jpg's of what I do on my ftp. Check there now and then.

                              I just don't want to spend all of my time on the Micro and the code. It's very addicting stuff once you get started. As I'm sure many of you already know, getting sidetracked is easy to do.

                              The analog route is the only route to go I've concluded. I didn't pour too much money into microcircuitry before being able to replicate the "radiant spikes", but it was clear that the approach I was using, a modified PWM to match the circuit characteristics of Tesla's HF inductive circuits, was restricted in spike size. You can only find switching devices that will handle so much HV before blowing out. So, it may be worth coming back to the microcircuits for refinement , etc, but the analog approach, imho, definitely seems the most appropriate for the experimental process.

                              Be sure to look over the Tesla hairpin well to understand how the transverse waves become isolated from the longitudinal waves, as that is a key safety factor.

                              I'm glad to hear there's one more person planning to look/work directly on this area. It's the most important area IMHO regarding energy research.


                              • #45
                                Hi Gmeast, Anyway, I'm going the 'analog' route. This is why:

                                I'm an industrial automation programmer. I've written allot of RF-interfaced stuff. We use very simple OS's and compilers because there are few 'bells and whistles'. Though the hex circuit and its programing would not pose that much of a challenge, I do not want to learn a new piece of software, compiler, associated hardware nor the tricks needed to make it even run. Tesla never had Micros, solid state or anything else, but he was the high freq 'god' and knew everything about 'disruption' and 'cracking' the local field which he did that with the 'spark gap'.

                                According to info' Ive retrieved, the three frequencies have no specific phase or synch requirement or relationship to one another, so a breadboard of three Variable Frequency PWM circuits with their 'protection' or 'snubber' diodes bussed and fed back to the battery (minus) should be no more than 'Radio Shack Electronics'. At the same time, to synch all circuits to the lowest frequency or each to the successive lower frequency would be easy to do and interesting to observe ... plus this can be 'on the fly stuff', although code can be written to do this too, you would have to include some digitally controlled analog and digital switches. I'll post jpg's of what I do on my ftp. Check there now and then.

                                I just don't want to spend all of my time on the Micro and the code. It's very addicting stuff once you get started. As I'm sure many of you already know, getting sidetracked is easy to do.
                                I knew we could count on you to cut through the @%>$ and come back with renewed vigor. I would hope by you guys taking a less complicated approach to begin with, it may be easier for others to understand whats actually happenning. And some of us may learn from what you are doing, something we can use in other ways as well.

                                cikljamas I have a capacitor almost exactly like yours in the video, did you get it from a washing machine? Was it made in Australia? I don't have anything to offer at the moment. That would be frustrating watching a battery pushing against itself, somehow you need to pulse the charge in, in between the ouput draw periods, I imagine.


