short of the mark
Here's one I use. You can set 255 Ohms to 64,000 Ohms in 255 Ohm steps by flipping the switches in binary count. 2500 ohms would be SW 4 & SW 2 are off. That is, switch 4 is 2040 ohms and switch 2 is 510 ohms so 2040 + 510 = 2550 ohms ... really close to 2500 ohms and it 'actually reads' 2.563 KOhms on my DVM = 2563 ohms. When all the switches are "on", all of the resistors are shorted across and the switches that are "off" are the resistors that have been placed in series. All switches "on" 0 ohms and all switches "off" 65,000 ohms. I used a DIP10 because I had it. The array is only 8 resistors long (far right and far left not used).
But I think it's best to do this on a little piece of circuit board or on a PCB Socket and plug your DIP into that, because the soldering can damage the switch ... I had to make 2 to get this good one. Others I've made are on PC board. As I said a variation of this can work for Capacitors too.
It means if do not waste, time, materials, food, etc., then you will not want or need them (so much or so soon) because you will still have 'some left' from NOT wasting it in the first place (whatever IT is).
The "mark" or the target, or the best one can expect, the intended goal, best quality ... in this case ... 'the best toroid that can be made' or really ... "how bad are commercial toroids for our research ... or will they even work?'
Originally posted by cikljamas
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But I think it's best to do this on a little piece of circuit board or on a PCB Socket and plug your DIP into that, because the soldering can damage the switch ... I had to make 2 to get this good one. Others I've made are on PC board. As I said a variation of this can work for Capacitors too.
Thanks Greg for your teaching, but thanks even more for making me laugh,
i must put this smilie
, that is how i looked like when i have read for
the first time above paragraph because i thought i was going to understand
nothing again...Maybe the best reason for this thought was this :
"waste not want not"what a heck does it mean again
i must put this smilie

the first time above paragraph because i thought i was going to understand
nothing again...Maybe the best reason for this thought was this :
"waste not want not"what a heck does it mean again

But the main part of making me laugh is this : You spend a lot of words to
explain me the verb or phrase or what ever it is how far do toroids fall
but even harder part of that sentence you did not explain to me, and that
is syntagma short of the mark which was the main reason of my
I remember how one american-english writer once said something like this :
English is the one of the easiest language to speak it bad , but in the same
time english is one of the hardest language to speak it well/good...Is that
right ? And when we add culture-part too to whole this language stuff where
we are ? Probably where all this misunderstandigs began in the first place :
Tower of Babel...Fortunately we do not have to communicate in french
explain me the verb or phrase or what ever it is how far do toroids fall
but even harder part of that sentence you did not explain to me, and that
is syntagma short of the mark which was the main reason of my

I remember how one american-english writer once said something like this :
English is the one of the easiest language to speak it bad , but in the same
time english is one of the hardest language to speak it well/good...Is that
right ? And when we add culture-part too to whole this language stuff where
we are ? Probably where all this misunderstandigs began in the first place :
Tower of Babel...Fortunately we do not have to communicate in french
