Originally posted by cikljamas
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I would say if the 200 to 500 uH inductor has about 80 turns 2 layers then 1000 uH could be about 160 turns three or four layers. Well thats probably what I would do.
How much power does your circuit use with the coil or the mosfet removed ?
You whipped that up very quickly, good job.
I am fairly sure a good compressed iron powder core will improve the efficiency of any field collapse circuit. Especially at higher frequencies.
Without you knowing what your operating frequency is it would be hard to tune at all. Does the coil get warm or ring high pitched at higher power levels ?
To all,
Here is a picture from the Tesla high frequency document, it shows Tesla's toroid wired so he is using one pair of secondaries in series and the other pair in parallel, that is very usefull from a utility point of view. He used four primaries and four secondaries. Very cool setup.

I would like to make me a low frequency one like that about 400 mm in diameter from insulated flat iron rings like he describes, and drive it with a generator just like the picture, but with a custom made wind generator.
Maybe next year.

Cheers all